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HAZMAT Practice tests questions with complete solutions A /chemical /with / a /vapor /density /greater /than /one /will /tend /to /collect /in /low /and /below /grade /places /- /correct /answer-True The /chemicals /listed /int /highlighted /type /in /the /ERG /were /selected /because /- /correct /answer- They /present /a /toxic /Inhalation /hazard To /obtain /hazard /and /response /information /a /firefighter /can /contact /the /manufacturer /using: /- /correct /answer- CAMEO One /of /the /symptoms /of /poisonous /gases /such /as /chlorine /and /anhydrous /ammonia /is /severe /irritation /to /the /_____ /system /- /correct /answer- Respiratory A /placard /with /5.1, /a /yellow /back /an /open /circle /with /flames /is /a(n) /- /correct /answer-Oxidizer Which /of /the /following /is /NOT /a /characteristic /of /AFF /- /correct /answer-It /should /be /plunged /in /fuels Backup /personnel /should /be /advised /of /the /incident /action /plan /and /position /in /the /____ /zone /- /correct /answer-Cold Substances /or /materials /in /quantities /or /forms /that /may /pose /an /unreasonable /risk /to /health, /safety, /or /property /when /transported, /stored, /or /used /in /commerce /is /the /definition /of /a /- /correct /answer- Hazardous /material A /product /that /is /heavier /than /water /and /sinks /when /placed /in /water /is /an /example /of /- /correct /answer- Specific /gravity The /UN /hazard /class /6 /includes /all /of /the /following /except /- /correct /answer-Infectious /substances If / a /container /is /unable /to /adapt /to /applied /stress, /it /will /breach. /An /opening /commonly /associated /with /a /BLEVE /is /called: /- /correct /answer- Runaway /cracking Diversion /diving /and /retention /are /all /techniques /used /in: /- /correct /answer-Confinement In /level /1 /incidents, /the /response /team /should /be /able /to /deal /with /- /correct /answer- A /natural /gas /leak /in /a /building All /of /the /following /statements /about /emergency /decontamination /are /true /except: /- /correct /answer- It /removes /the /treat /of /secondary /contamination Self /contained /breathing /apparatus /and /supplied /air /respirators /are /2 /types /of: /- /correct /answer- Atmosphere /supplied /devices Which /of /the /following /is /not /a /required /signal /word /on /a /pesticide /label? /- /correct /answer-Toxic Local /emergency /response /personnel /can /avoid /considerable /confusion /if /the /____ /is /utilized /in /preincident /planning /- /correct /answer- MSDS The /tactical /response /to / a /hazardous /materials /incident /is /usually /divided /into /management /functions /referred /to /as: /- /correct /answer- Sectors/groups Who /is /responsible /for /requesting /additional /resources /at /a /hazardous /materials /incident? /- /correct /answer- Logistics If / a /hazardous /material /incident /involves / a /leaking /flammable /substance, /the /first /responders /should /immediately /remove /all /- /correct /answer- Ignition /sources The /primary /hazard /of /an /oxidizer /is /its /ability /to /- /correct /answer-Accelerate /combustion The /type /of /hazardous /material /identification /method /for /shipping /some /products /over /1001 /pounds /is /the: /- /correct /answer-DOT /system On /cargo /tanks, /emergency /remote /shut /of /devices /are /usually /located /- /correct /answer-At /the /front /of /the /truck /on /the /driver's /side A /tractor /trailer /hauling /a /tanker /containing /gasoline /should /display /a /placard /with /the /UN /designation /of /- /correct /answer-1203 /flammable Whenever /situations /are /encountered /that /have /caused /or /immediately /could /cause /injuries /to /emergency /response /personnel, /the /term /____ /should /precede /the /radio /transmission /- /correct /answer- Emergency /traffic Under /fire /conditions, /indicators /preceding /a /rupture /of /a /compressed /gas /tank /may /include /any //all /of /the /following /EXCEPT: /- /correct /answer-Leakage /of /the /hazardous /material A /carboy /may /be /used /for /containing /- /correct /answer-Corrosives Which /of /the /following /is /NOT /an /example /of /a /pressure /facility /tank? /- /correct /answer- Underground /storage The /concentration /that /should /NEVER /be /exceeded /is /called: /- /correct /answer-TLV-C When /an /operations /section /has /not /been /staffed, /staging /reports /to: /- /correct /answer-Command "people /inside /a /build /should /remain /inside /until /the /danger /passes" /is /describing: /- /correct /answer- In-place /protection Respiratory /protective /equipment /should /be /cleaned /and /inspected: /- /correct /answer-After /each /use Federal /agencies /may /be /contacted /and /authorized /for /assistance /at /a /terrorist /activity /by: /- /correct /answer- Claiming /a /presidential /declaration Responders /can /contact /the /shipper /directly /from /the /emergency /contact /number /on /the: /- /correct /answer- Shipping /papers Which /of /the /following /is /a /characteristic /of /protein /foams? /- /correct /answer- They /are /designed /for /hydrocarbon /fires /only ____ /is /placed /on /highway /transport /vehicles /to /identify /the /contents /- /correct /answer-Placard Cryogenic /liquids /are /those /which /exist /at: /- /correct /answer-—150F Exposure /to /____ /materials /may /cause /freeze /burns /and /frostbite /- /correct /answer-Cryogenic In /the /UN/DOT /marking /system, /hazard /class /3 /includes: /- /correct /answer-Flammable /liquids If / a /rail The /general /routes /of /entry /for /human /exposure /to /hazardous /materials /are: /- /correct /answer- Inhalation, /ingestion, /absorption, /and /injection There /is /specific /information /given /on /pipeline /markers. /Of /the /information /given /which /is /not /required /on /a /pipeline /marker? /- /correct /answer-Destination /of /the /product A /common /hazard /with /cylinders /involved /with /fire /is /- /correct /answer-Explosions During /an /incident /involving /a /train /you /should /look /for /the /shipping /papers /in /any /of /the /following /except /- /correct /answer-Rail /cars /carrying /the /products The /DOT /placarding /system /requires / a /vehicle /carrying /over /1001 /pounds /of /corrosive /to /display /a /____ /placard /- /correct /answer- White /over /black The /NFPA /704 /system /indicates /a: /- /correct /answer-Relative /risk When /considering /personnel /protection /remember /that /the /most /common /route /of /exposure /for /an /emergency /responder /is: /- /correct /answer- Respiratory /system In /using /the /various /clues /for /detecting /the /presence /of /hazardous /materials, /the /use /of /___ /would /be /considered /the /MOST /dangerous /- /correct /answer-Sense /of /smell Each /individual /reporting /to /only /one /supervisor /defines /- /correct /answer-Unity /of /command Some /materials /can /become /explosive /as /they /age. /One /example /of /this /type /of /material /is: /- /correct /answer- Organic /peroxide Common /hazardous /materials /stored /in /non /bulk /packages /referred /to /as /bags /are: /- /correct /answer- Fertilizers The /NFPA /lists /____ /as /the /standard /for /identifying /fire /hazards /of /materials /at /fixed /facilities /- /correct /answer-704 In /the /NFPA /704 /system /of /identification, /the /diamond /shaped /placard /used /for /fire /hazard /is /always /colored /- /correct /answer- Red The /DOT /hazard /class /2 /includes /- /correct /answer-Non /flammable /gases When /utilizing /the /safety /showers /at /an /industrial /facility, /the /firefighter /should: /- /correct /answer- Verify /where /the /run /off /goes A /person /who /is /repeatedly /exposed /to /a /chemical /may /develop: /- /correct /answer- Acute /health /hazard The /highest /level /of /respiratory /protection /is /needed /but /lesser /chemical /protection /is /required /for /the /skin /best /defines /level___ /protection /- /correct /answer-Level /B The /individual /responsible /for /establishing /and /managing /the /overall /plan, /developing /an /organizational /structure, /and /allocating /reasources /best /describes /the: /- /correct /answer- Incident /commander The /most /effective /personal /protection /principle /for /responders /involved /with /B- NICE /materials /are /- /correct /answer-Time, /distance, /and /shielding In /the /NFPA /704 /system /reactivity /is /what /color /- /correct /answer-Yellow ____ /is /the /ratio /of /the /weight /of /a /volume /of /liquid /to /the /weight /of /an /equal /volume /of /water, /with /water /having /a /value /of /1.0 /- /correct /answer-Specific /gravity Emergency /centers /such /as /____ /are /principal /agencies /providing /immediate /technical /assistance /to /an /emergency /responder /- /correct /answer-CHEMTREC Which /of /the /following /substances /would /be /classified /as /a /chemical /asphyxiant /- /correct /answer- A /tank /trunk /that /carries /corrosive /liquids, /generally /acids, /and /has /a /narrow /diameter /with /external /ribbing, /as /illustrated /below /is /a /- /correct /answer- In /hazardous /materials, /one /of /the /three /time /frames /used /for /predicting /the /length /of /time /that /exposures /may /be /in /contact /with /a /hazardous /material /in /an /endangered /area /is /long /term. /LONG /TERM /means: /- /correct /answer- Symptoms /of /heat___ /include /little /or /no /sweating, /hot-dry-red- skin, /deep, /the /shallow /breathing /- /correct /answer- To /minimize /physical /limitations /of /PPE, /a /firefighter /should: /- /correct /answer- The /shipping /of /radioactive /materials /in /a /metals /drum /is /considered /a /type____ /packaging /- /correct /answer- Given /the /product /name, /you /can /find /the /4 /digit /UN/DOT /number /assigned /by /referencing /all /the /following /except: /- /correct /answer- Which /of /the /following /is /true /concerning /the /proper /procedure /for /dilution /of /a /spill? /- /correct /answer- Poisons /that /will /cause /a /person /to /have /seizures /is /called /a /- /correct /answer- Using /the /human /senses /of /smell /or /taste /to /determine /the /presence /of /a /hazardous /material /is: /- /correct /answer- ____ /materials /may /cause /sever /chemical /burns /and /extensive /tissue /damage /on /contact /- /correct /answer- A /substance /that /readily /yields /oxygen /to /support /combustion /of /fuels, /would /be /labeled /hazard /class___ /under /the /UN /labeling /system /- /correct /answer- A /tank /carrier /designed /to /carry /flammable /liquids, /combustible /liquids, /Class /B /poisons, /and /liquid /food /products, /with /vapor /pressures /up /to /3 /psi /is /an /- /correct /answer- When /trying /to /prevent / a /BLEVE /from /occurring, /the /most /commonly /accepted /minimum /flow /is /____ /gpm /- /correct /answer- The /primary /type /of /harm /associated /with /biological /terrorism /is: /- /correct /answer- ____ /rays /are /the /most /dangerous /type /of /radiation /- /correct /answer- The /line /that /exists /just /outside /the /hot/exclusion /zone /is /known /as /the: /- /correct /answer- Generally /the /most /informative /exposure /value /for /responders /at /a /hazardous /material /scene /are /the /- /correct /answer- If /the /safety /officer /notices /an /unsafe /activity /at /an /emergency, /the /safety /officer /should: /- /correct /answer- There /are /many /ways /that /personnel, /personal /protective /equipment, /apparatus, /and /tools /become /contaminated. /Of /the /following, /all /are /means /of /contamination /except /- /correct /answer- Normal /location /for /bill /fo /landing /is /the /- /correct /answer-