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HAZWOPER 40 Exam 1 (104 Questions) With Verified Answers 2023 – 2024, Exams of Law

HAZWOPER 40 Exam 1 (104 Questions) With Verified Answers 2023 – 2024 Which federal conservation act was passed in response to catastrophic environmental events like the Love Canal, and Times Beach Missouri incidents? RCRA What does RCRA stand for? - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act What does HSWA stand for? - Hazardous and Solid Waste Ammendments What does TSD stand for? - Treatment, storage, and disposal What does MSWLF stand for? - Municipal Solid Waste Landfill What does CERCLA stand for? - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act What does FRAL stand for? - First Responder Awareness Level What does FROL stand for? - First Responder Operations Level What does ISO stand for? - International Standards Organization What does API stand for? - American Petroleum Institute What does ClI stand for? - Chlorine Institute What does CMA stand for? - Chemical Manufactures Association What does ACGIH stand for? - American Coucil of Government Indu

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Download HAZWOPER 40 Exam 1 (104 Questions) With Verified Answers 2023 – 2024 and more Exams Law in PDF only on Docsity! HAZWOPER 40 Exam 1 (104 Questions) With Verified Answers 2023 – 2024 Which federal conservation act was passed in response to catastrophic environmental events like the Love Canal, and Times Beach Missouri incidents? RCRA What does RCRA stand for? - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act What does HSWA stand for? - Hazardous and Solid Waste Ammendments What does TSD stand for? - Treatment, storage, and disposal What does MSWLF stand for? - Municipal Solid Waste Landfill What does CERCLA stand for? - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act What does FRAL stand for? - First Responder Awareness Level What does FROL stand for? - First Responder Operations Level What does ISO stand for? - International Standards Organization What does API stand for? - American Petroleum Institute What does ClI stand for? - Chlorine Institute What does CMA stand for? - Chemical Manufactures Association What does ACGIH stand for? - American Coucil of Government Industrial Hygienists What does NTP stand for? - National Toxicology Program What does IARC stand for? - International Agency for Research on Cancer What does RTECS stand for? - Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances Which federal conservation program's regulations can be found at 40 CFR 240-282? - RCRA List the three major ammendments to RCRA. - HSWA Federal facilities compliance act Land disposal program flexibility act Which RCRA ammendment was inacted in response to citizen concern that the existing methods of hazardous waste disposal, particularly land disposal, were not safe? - Hazardous and Solid Waste Ammendments Which RCRA ammendment strengthed the EPAs authority to enforce RCRA regulations ad federal facilities? - Federal facilities compliance act Which RCRA ammendment was enacted to provide regulatory flexibility in the land disposal of certain wastes? - Land disposal program flexibility act List the three major programs that make up RCRA. - Hazardous Waste (Subtitle C) Solid Waste (Subtitle D) Underground Storage Tanks (Subtitle I) The _____ RCRA program was established to manage hazardous wastes from the _____ ___ ____ ____ ____ (a phrase) - Hazardous Waste, cradle to grave and beyond Which RCRA subtitle contains regulations for the generation, transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous wastes? - Subtitle C Which RCRA subtitle contains regulations for the generation, transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal of solid wastes? - Subtitle D Which subtitle of RCRA would a TSD facility be most concerned with? - Subtitle C Household garbage is regulated under which RCRA subtitle? - Subtitle D Industrial nonhazardous waste is regulated under which RCRA subtite? - Subtitle D Which RCRA subtitle specifies the responsibilities of the state and local government? - Subtitle D RCRA subtitle I regulates USTs that contain ___ and other hazardous substances? - Petroleum Which subtitle of RCRA regulates USTs? - Subtitle I What defines a RCRA hazardous waste? - CERCLA Which federal conservation act was a result of RCRA and CERCLA? - HAZWOPER The HAZWOPER standard covers which three distint groups of people? - Employees at TSD facilities, People who clean up Superfund sites, and Emergency Responders Which federal conservation program's regulations are found in 29 CFR 1910.120? - HAZWOPER This type of OSHA reproductive toxin can prevent a male or female from having children. - Sterilants This type of OSHA reproductive toxin can cause birth defects in children but does not have any noticable harmful effects on the parent. - Mutagen This type of OSHA reproductive toxin can have harmful effects on a fetus during its early development stage. - Teratogen List the 8 types of OSHA physical hazards. (Environmental Professionals Will Only Obtain Fecal Coliform Cautiously) - Combustible Flammable Explosive Pyrophoric Oxidizer Water Reactive Organic Peroxide Compressed gas This type of OSHA physical hazard is defined as a chemical with a flashpoint above 100*. - Combustible This type of OSHA physical hazard is defined as a chemical with a flashpoint below 100* - Flammable This type of OSHA physical hazard is defined as a chemical with a high rate of combustion. - Explosive This type of OSHA physical hazard is defined as a chemical that will self ignite when exposed to air - Pyrophoric This type of OSHA physical hazard is defined as a chemical that will intensify combustion reactions. - Oxidizer This type of OSHA physical hazard is defined as a chemical that is highly reactive with Dihydrogen Oxide - Water Reactive This type of OSHA physical hazard is considered to be the most dangerous type of because it is used to describe a chemical that is both a fuel and oxidizer, meaning that it can self ignite. - Organic Peroxide This type of OSHA physical hazard is used to describe a type of gas compound that is highly pressurized. - Compressed gas Which federal agency enforces the HAZWOPER standard? - OSHA Which federal agency enforces the HazCom Standard? - OSHA Which federal conservation program's regulation are found in 29 CFR 1910.1200? - Hazard Communications (HazCom) Which standard defines a hazardous chemical as "any chemical which is a physical or health hazard?" - HazCom Which federal agency enforces CERCLA regulations? - EPA Which federal agency enforces RCRA regulations? - EPA Which federal agency enforces CWA regulations? - EPA Which federal agency enforces CAA regulations? - EPA Which federal agency enforces TSCA regulations? - EPA The OSHA definition of a hazardous substance can be found under _____ and _____. - Section 101(14) of CERCLA and 49 CFR 172.101(DOT) The OSHA definition of a hazardous waste can be found under ____ and _____. - 40 CFR 261.3 (RCRA) and 49 CFR 171.8 The EPA definition of a hazardous substance can be found under (A) which will lead you to (B), (C), (D), (E), and (F) - (A) Section 101(14) of CERCLA (B) 40 CFR 261 (RCRA) (C) 40 CFR 110, 112-114 (CWA) (D) 40 CFR 116,117 (CWA) (E) 40 CFR 61 (CAA) (F) Section 7 of TSCA Where can the list of hazardous air pollutants be found? - Section 112 of the CAA Where can the list of toxic pollutants be found? - Section 307 of the CWA Where can the EPA's definition of a hazardous waste be found? - 40 CFR 261.3 (RCRA) Where can the DOT's definition of a hazardous material be found? Where does it lead you? - 49 CFR 171.8, 49 CFR 172.101-.102 and 49 CFR 171.173 Which federal agency uses RQ to define hazardous substances? - DOT Where can the DOT's RQ of a hazardous material be found? - 49 CFR 172.101 App A Where can the DOT's definition of a hazardous waste be found? - 40 CFR Part 262 What specifies RQs? - CERCLA What are the four DOT shipping requirements of all hazardous materials? - Shipping papers, mode of transportation, proper packaging, and proper labeling Which federal agency establishes TLVs? - ACGIH Which federal agency establishes PELs? - OSHA Which federal agency establishes RELs? - NIOSH Which regulation would you use to find the proper MSDS (SDS) format? - 29 CFR 1910.1200(g) Which sections of the MSDS are not enforced by OSHA? - 12-16, Ecological, Disposal, Transport, Regulatory, and Other