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A comprehensive set of questions and answers related to health and wellness, covering various aspects of health, wellness, and the nursing process. It includes key concepts, theories, and models relevant to the field, making it a valuable resource for students and professionals seeking to deepen their understanding of health and wellness.
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Body + Mind + Spirit Total functioning of a person's living experience State of complete physical, mental, and social well being Not just the absence of disease & infirmity within a developmental context - ANSWER>>Health
a person with chronic back pain is cared for by her primary care provider as well as receives acupuncture. Which model of health does this person likely favor? - ANSWER>>eudaemonistic model
A nurse discussing the care of a person on the surgical unit following gastric bypass surgery with a friend is in violation of - ANSWER>>HIPAA
a nurse weighs a person who has been diagnosed with a dysfunction in the nutritional-metabolic pattern. Which aspect of the nursing process is being performed? - ANSWER>>evaluation
a nurse is collecting data for a family assessment using Gordon's functional health patterns. The nurse learns that the family has no books in the home to read to the preschool-age children. To which of the following functional health patterns does this information pertain? - ANSWER>>cognitive-perceptual
What theory is an attempt to explain families as a set of interacting individuals with patterns of living that influence health decisions? - ANSWER>>systems theory
Which of the following emphasized that an individual's belief in being personally capable of performing the behavior is required to influence one's own health? - ANSWER>>social cognitive theory
primary prevention method for colon cancer - ANSWER>>high fiber diet
A health plan consisting of hospitals and contracted providers providing health care services to plan members (usually at discounted rates) in return for expedited claims payment? - ANSWER>>PPO
a nurse is asked to provide an expert opinion about the development of an education program for newly diagnosed diabetes. The nurse is acting as an? - ANSWER>>consultant
educating a person about the advantages of a heart healthy diet during a home visit - ANSWER>>taking action to promote health and prevent disease
Each member has a role to fulfill & rules to respect within system Illness affects the entire family members Family member's role may change Children typically affected by adult illness Changes in sleeping/eating pattern: signs of stress in family - ANSWER>>Systems Perspective/Theory
Adapting to role expectations of a partner Weave individual characteristics into "couple" Decisions on employment, social network, household tasks Need to negotiate conflict management - ANSWER>>couple family
Health Care, Finances Nutrition Interaction & Decision-making Genetic Disease, Child Spacing Child Development Extended Kin & Friends Bullies, Strangers, Drugs, ETOH, & Smoking
Home, Neighborhood, School, & Gun Safety - ANSWER>>childbearing family
Family's typical food/fluid consumption relative to metabolic needs Nutrient dietary patterns Shared meals Family attitude toward food - ANSWER>>nutritional-metabolic pattern (family)
Age-specific developmental assessment Toilet training Changes from usual pattern - ANSWER>>elimination pattern (family)
Family's characteristics of activity level Family creates setting for physical activity Attitudes/Beliefs about exercise - ANSWER>>activity-exercise pattern (family)
Family's perceived health, management, and preventative practices - ANSWER>>health perception/health management pattern (family)
Functional Dysfunctional: Actual vs. Potential Strengths & Weaknesses - ANSWER>>functional health patterns assessment
Any factors to increase: Chances to develop disease Likelihood of individual/family developing a disease and/or injury - ANSWER>>risk factor perspective
Process going through life-cycle stages: Family Stages Describe emotional & intellectual progression through family life - ANSWER>>Developmental Perspective
Interacting individuals related by blood, marriage, cohabitation, or adoption Primarily defined any individuals important to client Interdependently perform relevant functions through expected roles Central/Enduring influence for Individual and family development Attainment of health/health behaviors Behavior Understanding - ANSWER>>family
Assess patient's priorities Basis to set the priority for patient cares Assist in setting priorities with multiple patients Physiological needs: Most basic need - ANSWER>>Maslow's hierarchy
verbal description - ANSWER>>subjective
observable/test results - ANSWER>>objective
11 areas, person viewed as whole being and their behaviors are all interrelated. Health perception, nutrition metabolic, elimination, activity exercise, cognitive perceptual, sleep rest, self concept, role relationship, sexuality reproductive, coping stress, value belief - ANSWER>>Gordon's Functional Health Pattern
individual's perceived health and well being. Assess current and past health practices - ANSWER>>health perception-health management pattern
indicators of nutritional adequacy. 24 hour recall best way to assess dietary pattern ask about food and fluid intake for last 24 hours - ANSWER>>Nutritional- metabolic pattern
Describe the regulation, control, and removal of wastes in the body
Bowel movement and urination Normal pattern varies between individuals - ANSWER>>Elimination Pattern
Refers to a person's routine of exercise, activity, leisure, and recreation ADL requires energy expenditure Type, quality, and quantity of exercises/sports - ANSWER>>activity exercise pattern
Spiritual beliefs Important religious practice for individual Values and beliefs Determine basis for health-related decisions, actions, and goals - ANSWER>>values-belief pattern
General coping and ability to effectively manage stress - ANSWER>>coping-stress tolerance pattern
Individual's satisfaction/dissatisfaction with sexuality and reproduction - ANSWER>>sexuality-reproductive pattern
Roles make-up who you are in your life Relationships affect whole person May be affected by illness - ANSWER>>roles-relationships pattern
Individual's sense of personal identity, goals, emotional patterns, feelings about self, self-image, self-worth Developmental level affects/affected by pattern - ANSWER>>self-perception-self- concept pattern
Individual's ability to understand & follow directions, retain information, make decisions, solve problems, use language appropriately Perceptual/Sensory patterns: Pain - ANSWER>>cognitive-perceptual pattern
Adequacy of an individual's sleep and relaxation "Do you feel rested?" - ANSWER>>sleep-rest pattern
specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time based - ANSWER>>SMART goal
NANDA; Nurses made based on assessment data Review subjective & objective data to see the patterns & support each other: cluster and validate. Used to evaluate the response of the whole person to an actual or potential health problem Identify actual or potential (Risk) problems "What are you most worried about" Cluster assessment data/cue Actual Nursing Diagnosis: Actual problem Provide data supporting selected diagnosis Requires two statements Related to As Evidenced By (AEB): "Prove it" - ANSWER>>nursing diagnosis
physicians made based on diagnostic tests - ANSWER>>medical diagnosis
Interviewing patient: First step of assessment Collect/Gather relevant data Develop database Analyze data - ANSWER>>assessment
ADPIE - ANSWER>>assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, evaluation
problem solving method for developing an individualized plan of care - ANSWER>>nursing process
the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions - ANSWER>>health literacy
reading level, health status, language barriers. Sentence structure, culturally relevant/appropriate format/style, ability to apply simple numerical concepts - ANSWER>>Health literacy influencing factors
non-compliant with preventative literacy at risk for chronic conditions limited ability to manage chronic conditions increased preventable ER visits/hospitalization - ANSWER>>consequences of health literacy
effective strategy to improve health. Modifying lifestyle choices Making behavioral changes - ANSWER>>health promotion through education
Wanted to teach people to stay healthy. Encourage health professionals to provide each person a chance to select the best way for achieving specific health-related behavior changes or health. Self esteem, previous behavior or if they see benefit to changing - ANSWER>>Health Promotion Model: Pender
Individual health behavior changes occur as a process rather than as dichotomous event - ANSWER>>Transtheoretical Model of Change
Respect for autonomy: right to self-determination Each person has a right to refuse for health education or teaching Promotion of social justice: equal rights/opportunities Active promotion of good Avoidance of harm - ANSWER>>Ethical Principles
Various communication strategies based on mass media Primary Objectives To change behavior To implement new behavior -Strategies Social marketing commerical role-playing audio-visual materials face-to-face counseling - ANSWER>>Social Marketing and Health Education
principles: must tale person's life experiences into consideration identify barriers and facilitators to learning Right and wrong time to educate a person 4 processes: assessment outcomes/goal teaching plan: content/strategies implementation evaluation -achievement of learning outcome
age, developmental stage education level health beliefs current knowledge and skills - ANSWER>>assessment of learner characteristics
involves learning skills teach tasks or skills using step by step allow hands-on practice assess person's mastery of the skill by having return demonstration under supervision - ANSWER>>psychomotor domain
person's intellectual abilities use previous experiences, prior knowledge, and perceptions
-to give meaning to new information -to modify previous thinking learner may be able to explain the key points of teaching contents - ANSWER>>cognitive domain
consider own customs, habits, and beliefs - ANSWER>>Culture
Emphasizes influence of self-efficacy Each person must believe in own ability to change health-related behavior for own health status - ANSWER>>Social Cognitive Theory/Self-Efficacy Model
Family access/interpretation of information about health How decisions are made about health in family Types of care used including alternative/traditional care How accurate are information sources - ANSWER>>cognitive-perceptual pattern (family)
Communication of needs Demonstrate of love, commitment, care Decisions about choice of family planning, contraceptives Assessment of sexuality practices - ANSWER>>sexuality-reproductive pattern (family)
Assessed to know how the family is responding to event Provide appropriate education Offer most useful referrals - ANSWER>>Coping-stress tolerance pattern (family)
home, neighborhood, community factors - ANSWER>>environmental factors
Assist families to carry out functions that the members are unable to do themselves Intervention Types Increase knowledge and skills
Increase strengths Decrease exposure Decrease susceptibility: "likely" to be affected or influenced by a certain condition Provide education about principles of disease prevention - ANSWER>>family nursing interventions
Outcomes evaluated through measures of family functioning - ANSWER>>evaluation with the family
Cultural competence Family strengths: support, clear communication, respect, role flexibility, adaptability - ANSWER>>planning with the family
Helps family promote health and prevent disease Family process, Dysfunction Family process, Interrupted Family coping, ineffective - ANSWER>>identifying family nursing diagnoses
Family values, beliefs, goals, and practices Strongly influence family member's health-promotion behaviors: family environment in early life influences health practice in later life - ANSWER>>values-belief pattern (family)
Characteristics of family roles/relationships Structural: age, sex, education, role Functional: process of how family tasks achieved - ANSWER>>roles-relationships pattern (family)
Family's self-worth and feeling states Manifest through shared values, fears, expectations, successes - ANSWER>>self- perception-self concept pattern (family)
Psychological model
explain and predict health behaviors focus on the attitudes and beliefs of individual - ANSWER>>Health Belief Model
speak clearly and distinctly use an interpreter as needed be sensitive to age and cultural considerations consider methods to facilitate empowerment use photographs whenever possible - ANSWER>>strategies to promote health literacy
any combination of planned learning experiences based on sound theories that provide individuals, groups, and communities the opportunity to acquire the information and skills needed to make quality health decisions - ANSWER>>health education
person's attitudes, feelings, beliefs and opinions - ANSWER>>affective domain
arrange levels of learning according to type/complexity simple to complex start with the material the person is already known toward to lesser known or new materials - ANSWER>>content and levels of learning
a patient has just shown you a return demonstration on dressing his wound. Which domain of learning was this? - ANSWER>>psychomotor
Not focusing on illness/specific parts of the body Ancient approach to life and health Focus on whole person & interactions with environment Emphasize the connection of mind, body, and spirit - ANSWER>>Holistic Health
Ability to perform normal activities of daily living (ADL) Meet basic needs Fulfill ordinarily expected roles
Maintain health and well-being - ANSWER>>function
Identifiable medical condition associated with specific clinical manifestations - ANSWER>>Disease
Subjective negative feeling/experience of the manifestation of disease Sense of "not feeling well" without being medically diagnosed of specific disease Mismatched needs & resources available to meet needs - ANSWER>>Illness
Healthy = No physical signs & symptoms Seeking health care only when feels VERY sick - ANSWER>>Clinical Model of Health
Healthy = Able to fulfill expected social roles - ANSWER>>Role Performance Model of Health
Healthy = Able to adjust positively to social, mental, and physiological changes Illness = Failure in adapt or become maladaptive - ANSWER>>Adaptive Model of Health
Emphasizes interactions between physical, social, psychological, and spiritual aspects of life/environment Have desire to achieve self-fulfillment for goals set for life Maximize own potential for doing the best for achieving set goals: self- actualization Regularly seen attending physician Regularly scheduled exercise Well balanced diet Alternative medicine usage Illness = Condition that prevents self-actualization - ANSWER>>Eudaemonistic Model of Health
Any endeavor directed at enhancing the quality of health and well-being of individuals, families, communities, and groups - ANSWER>>health promotion
smoking, hypertension, alcohol and drug abuse, poor nutrition, decrease exercise
Women's healthcare Human rights Medically underserved Bioterrorism Health reform Environmental pollution Stress/Lifestyle Issues Increased Chronic Conditions - ANSWER>>other influencing factors of health promotion and disease prevention
began in 1948. Risk factors of CV disease - ANSWER>>Framingham Study
began in 1950 Study of 34,000 male British doctors Link between cigarette smoking and lung cancer/other cancers Led to US Surgeon General Warning in 1964: smoking and cancer - ANSWER>>Doll/Hill study
Attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death. Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups. Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all. Promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all life stages. - ANSWER>>Healthy People 2020
reduction of risk factors before occurrence of disease, condition, or injury - ANSWER>>Primary level of prevention
early detection of the potential for development of disease or condition, or the existence of a disease while asymptomatic - ANSWER>>Secondary level of prevention
Treatment of an existing symptomatic disease process to ameliorate its effects, or delay or prevent its progress - ANSWER>>Tertiary Level of prevention
representing patient for their best interests - ANSWER>>advocate
organize patient care for continuity of care - ANSWER>>case manager
EBP Quality of patient care Incorporate research findings into clinical practice Conduct research project to find evidence - ANSWER>>Researcher
Obligation/provides specific service to society Educated in institutions of higher learning Has a theoretical body of knowledge Continually enlarged through research - ANSWER>>Nursing profession
self-governed Members are relatively independent in decision-making and practice - ANSWER>>autonomy
Advances excellence in nursing education Prepares nurses to meet needs of diverse populations in changing healthcare environment - ANSWER>>NLN (National League for Nursing)
Improve standards of health and availability of care Foster high standards Promote professional development
Promote general and economic welfare of nurses - ANSWER>>ANA (American Nurses Association)
Statement about the relationship and expectations between nursing profession and the society - ANSWER>>Nursing Social Policy Statement
ANA defined the scope of practice for each nursing specialty based on American Nurse Practice Act - ANSWER>>Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice
Environmental Theory English nurse remembered for her work during the Crimean War (1820-1910) Focused on environment Reduced patient death rate to 2% - ANSWER>>Florence Nightingale
American Red Cross founder Assisted Soldiers in the Civil War - ANSWER>>Clara Barton
Public Health Nursing Henry Street Settlement - ANSWER>>Lillian Ward
explains, describes, predicts prescribes. 4 major concepts: person environment, health, nursing - ANSWER>>Nursing Theory
presents a relationship between 4 nursing concepts nursing, person, environment and health - ANSWER>>nursing paradigm
Transcultural Theory Emphasis on culturally competent care Must understand different cultures with respect to nursing & health-illness caring practices, beliefs, and values - ANSWER>>Madeleine Leininger
Need Theory - ANSWER>>Virginia Henderson
Self-Care theory Help patient to be able to live independently by providing self-care - ANSWER>>Dorothea Orem
Theory of human caring Caring: Essence of nursing - ANSWER>>Jean Watson
Adaptation Theory Focuses on the process of change - ANSWER>>Sister Callista Roy
Used by a group of elderly residents requiring an assistance with their ADLs in a partially protected environment. - ANSWER>>Assisted living
PPO, HMO - ANSWER>>Private insurance
Medicare/medicaid - ANSWER>>Public insurance/assistance