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HFT 2750 Event Industry Study Guide Questions with Correct Answers., Exams of Community Corrections

HFT 2750 Event Industry Study Guide Questions with Correct Answers. All of the following are professional associations within the event industry and have student chapters except____? Belonging to these organizations can make a difference in your career and joining a student chapter now may be beneficial for networking and educational purposes while you are in school. A. MPI (Meeting Professionals International) B. PCMA (Professional Convention Management Association) C. NACE (National Association for Catering and Events) D. FAM (Familiarization) - Correct Answer-D. FAM (familiarization trip; where event planners (and/or potential clients) are invited by a supplier to experience a hotel or an activity first hand.

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HFT 2750 Event Industry Study Guide

Questions with Correct Answers.

All of the following are professional associations within the event industry and have student chapters except____? Belonging to these organizations can make a difference in your career and joining a student chapter now may be beneficial for networking and educational purposes while you are in school. A. MPI (Meeting Professionals International) B. PCMA (Professional Convention Management Association) C. NACE (National Association for Catering and Events) D. FAM (Familiarization) - Correct Answer-D. FAM (familiarization trip; where event planners (and/or potential clients) are invited by a supplier to experience a hotel or an activity first hand. The ______ is a federation of 33 national and international member organizations that represent over 103,500 individuals and 19,500 firms and properties involved in the meetings, conventions, and exhibitions industry. Their mission is to strengthen the value and sustainability of their members, support the premier credential for the meeting professional, and provide a vibrant, collaborative platform to address critical issues to ensure a thriving events industry. A. APEX (Accepted Practices Exchange) B. CMP (Certified meeting professional) C. DMO (Destination Marketing Organization) D. EIC (Events Industry Council) - Correct Answer-D. EIC (Events Industry Council) A life-cycle event like a wedding, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, or anniversary party would fall under which category of meeting/event market segments?

A. Corpoate B. SMERF (Social, Military, Educational, Religious, Fraternal groups) C. Association D. BEO (Banquet Event Order) - Correct Answer-B. SMERF (Social, Military, Educational, Religious, Fraternal groups) The event industry is made up of planners and suppliers. An event planner would submit a ____ to potential suppliers which outlines their group needs often including program dates, space requirements, F&B requirements, A/V and Production needs, and more. A. APEX (Accepted Practices Exchange) B. RFP (Request for Proposal) C. MPI (Meeting Professionals International) D. DMC (Destination Management Company) - Correct Answer-B. RFP (request for proposal) Professional certifications are important and can often lead to higher salaries. The ___ program recognizes individuals that have achieved the industry's highest standards of professionalism within the MEEC Industry. A. RFP (Request for Proposal) B. CVB (Convention & Visitors Bureau) C. CMP (Certified meeting professional) D. APEX (Accepted Practices Exchange) - Correct Answer-C. CMP (Certified meeting professional) The ____ Initiative is an industry-wide task force that was formed to establish best practices and the codification of definitions and standard practices, policies, procedures, and terminology within the event industry.

A. RFP (Request for Proposal) B. DMO (Destination Marketing Organization) C. APEX (Accepted Practices Exchange) D. NACE (National Association for Catering & Events) - Correct Answer-C. APEX (Accepted Practices Exchange) A ____ is typically a not-for-profit organization that represents a specific destination and help the long term economic development of that destination. It's core job is to market and promote the destination to increase annual visitation and tourism revenue. A. DMO (Destination Marketing Organization) B. NACE (National Association for Catering & Events) C. DMC (Destination Management Company) D. CIC (Convention Industry Council) - Correct Answer-A. DMO ______ is the oldest and largest professional association that addresses all aspects of the catering industry and is focused on the development of catering executives within the event industry. A. DMO (Destination Marketing Organization) B. NACE C. PCMA D. DMC (Destination Marketing Committee) - Correct Answer-B. NACE (National Association for Catering & Events) There is no better way for an event planner to understand a supplier's product (destination, hotel property, catering company, etc.) than to experience it first hand. _____

tours are common in the event industry and allow event planners and potential clients to experience the goods and services of possible event suppliers. A. BEO (Banquet Event Order) B. CIC (Convention Industry Council) C. FAM (Familiarization) D. PCMA (Professional Convention Management Association) - Correct Answer-C. FAM (Familiarization) This document, most often used in hotels, provides details to internal staff regarding specific F&B functions or event room setup. A. RFP (Request for Proposal) B. FAM (Familiarization) C. NACE (National Association for Catering & Events) D. BEO (Banquet Event Order) - Correct Answer-D. BEO (Banquet Event Order) DMOs started as an organization that serviced leisure tourists since 1895. TRUE or FALSE - Correct Answer-False (in 1895, Milton Carmichael said businesses men should come together to promote Detroit as a convention destination) It. Was named Detroit Convention and Businessmen's League later Detroit Metro CVB, which is now labeled VisitDetroit. True/False DMOs only work with large convention groups. - Correct Answer-False Which of the following is NOT a true statement about MINT (Meetings Information Network)? A. It provides detailed meeting history information.

B. It is an organization that represents solely government entities. C. It is the premier convention and meetings database. D. It provides the Post-Convention Report. - Correct Answer-B. It is an organization that represents solely government entities. True/False DMOs are allowed to negotiate pricing policies on behalf of the meeting manager. - Correct Answer-False True/False Professionals working at a DMO serve as the sales representative for their destination. - Correct Answer-True True/False DMOs started as an organization that serviced leisure tourists since 1895. - Correct Answer-False True/False The majority of private funding for DMOs comes from its local government. - Correct Answer-False (private funding dues paying members; majority of the funding comes from government (Hotel Taxes) True/False. DMOs are allowed to negotiate pricing policies on behalf of the meeting manager. - Correct Answer-False (DMOs are there to get their client to the door) All of the following are general services that DMOs provide to meeting professionals except: A. Offering recommendations for the best hotel B. Providing hotel room counts and meeting space statistics C. Acting as a liaison between the planner and the community D. Providing a vast information database that functions as one-stop shopping - Correct Answer-A. Offering recommendations for the best hotel

DMOs give neutral recommendations, they can't give a person their suggestions. Which of the following is NOT a misconception about DMOs? A. They typically own and run convention centers. B. They charge planners a fee for their services. C. They arrange for site inspections/visits. D. They only work with large groups - Correct Answer-C. They arrange for site inspections/visits. True / False A DMO is an unbiased resource. - Correct Answer-True True/False The majority of private funding for DMOs comes from its local government. - Correct Answer-False (private funding comes from due-paying members) True / False : DMOs are usually membership organizations that bring businesses together that rely on tourism and meetings for revenue. - Correct Answer-True True / False DMO's operating income comes from public funding only, such as hotel tax revenue and the government. - Correct Answer-False (due paying members too) Which of the following refers to the process of the DMO sales manager circulating meeting specifications to facilities that can accommodate the requirements? A. Site review process B. Site inspection process C. Gathering process D. Leads process - Correct Answer-D. Leads process Which of the following is NOT a correct statement regarding marketing to attract potential trade show attendees? A. Use direct mail and ads in trade publications B. It is primarily the exhibition management company's responsibility

C. Use significant radio and TV advertising D. Provide interesting programs beyond the exhibit hall - Correct Answer-C. Use significant radio and TV advertising A standard booth size at a trade show is: A. 10'x10' B. 25'x25' C. 15'x15' - Correct Answer-A. 10'x10' Which of the following factors must a trade show organizer take into account when selecting the facility? A. All of the answers B. Availability of service contractors C. Preferences of attendees D. Size of the facility - Correct Answer-A. All of the answers Which of the following is NOT a reason given as to why companies participate in trade shows or exhibitions? A. New product rollout B. Opportunity to meet with potential and existing customers C. Brand their name in the industry D. Exhibit whenever your competitors do - Correct Answer-D. Exhibit whenever your competitors do All details an exhibitor needs in order to plan and implement an exhibit program can be found in: A. the Convention Lead Sheet B. the Complete Exhibit Package C. the Exhibitor Service Manual

D. the Lead Retrieval System - Correct Answer-C. the Exhibitor Service Manual True/False It is important for companies to continually evaluate and ensure the company is exhibiting at the right shows. - Correct Answer-True When companies calculate their return on investment (ROI) after exhibiting, they need to establish all _______ that are a part of the trade show, which include space rental, service contractor services, etc. A. Profits B. Attendance C. Expenses D. Locations - Correct Answer-C. Expenses Which of the following is a correct statement regarding exhibitions? A. The location of the exhibition does not have a big effect on attendance. B. Exhibition facilities usually take care of housing and transportation needs for attendees. C. Weather does not affect public show attendance. D. Show management should provide a variety of programs, such as special sections for first time exhibitors. - Correct Answer-D. Show management should provide a variety of programs, such as special sections for first time exhibitors. Which of the following is NOT a consideration when selecting exhibit space? A. Location of restrooms B. Location of industry leaders C. Traffic patterns in the exhibit hall D. Location of staff - Correct Answer-D. Location of staff

Which of the following is NOT related to advances in exhibition technology? A. RFID B. CD-ROMs C. Lead retrieval systems D. CEUs - Correct Answer-D. CEUs T/F The number one revenue source for hotels is meeting space rental. True False - Correct Answer-False The largest convention center in the U.S. is located in: A. Orlando B. Atlanta C. Chicago D. Las Vegas - Correct Answer-C. Chicago True/False Rosen Shingle Creek in Orlando has the largest column-free ballroom in the U.S. True False - Correct Answer-False Which of the following is NOT a true statement regarding pricing strategies at facilities? A. Convention centers use the pay-per-use pricing strategy. B. Cruise ships use the complete meeting package pricing. C. Conference centers use the complete meeting package pricing. D. Conference centers use the pay-per-use pricing strategy. - Correct Answer-D. Conference centers use the pay-per-use pricing strategy.

Which of the following facilities could have an issue with the availability and demographics of the staff when having a gathering? The primary business for these facilities is NOT meetings. A. Specific use facilities B. Cruise ships C. Conference centers D. Retreat facilities - Correct Answer-A. Specific use facilities True/False The greatest strength (which could also be a challenge) for retreat facilities or cruise ships is its isolation (isolated location). - Correct Answer-True Which of the following is NOT a true statement regarding hotel venues? A. Ballrooms tend to have a décor with a theme built-in to the space. B. Exhibit halls come unfurnished and give you the "cold" feel when empty. C. Rental fees for meeting space at a hotel are high. D. Typically a ballroom is the largest meeting space available at a hotel. - Correct Answer-C. Rental fees for meeting space at a hotel are high. Which of the following is a true statement about convention centers? A. They have sleeping rooms. B. They offer the complete meeting package pricing strategy. C. The largest expense is on covering utilities. D. They are usually owned by a major corporation. - Correct Answer-C. The largest expense is on covering utilities. Which of the following facilities can be residential or non-residential and are specifically designed to enhance classroom-style learning and teaching? A. Specific use facilities B. Conference centers C. Cruise ships D. Retreat facilities - Correct Answer-B. Conference centers

Which of the following is NOT correct regarding unusual venues? A. Everything needed for the event has to be brought in B. If the event is at a parking lot, there is no need to get any permits or licenses C. Examples include parking lots, nature preserves, and airplane hangars D. You should have a backup plan in case of bad weather - Correct Answer-B. If the event is at a parking lot, there is no need to get any permits or licenses True/False DMCs represent the marketplace to the customer. - Correct Answer-False True/False A DMC is a not-for-profit organization - Correct Answer-False; they are paid for every event they host True/ False DMCs spend valuable time and resources pursuing potential business opportunities. - Correct Answer-True DMCs represent the customer in the marketplace. True False - Correct Answer-True Which of the following is a correct statement regarding DMCs? A. Field staff that work for DMCs are usually temporary employees hired only for the term of the program. B. A DMC represents the destination/marketplace to the customer rather than representing the customer in the destination/marketplace. C. A DMC requires extensive capital investment to start up and operate its business, like hotels and restaurants. D. DMCs usually own transportation equipment (vehicles), props, and décor that they package and sell to their customer. - Correct Answer-A. Field staff that work for DMCs are usually temporary employees hired only for the term of the program. True/False Most meeting planners consider the DMC as a local extension of their own office in the destination.

True False - Correct Answer-True True/False The hospitality desk is an exclusive concierge desk for a group. - Correct Answer-True A 3rd party supplier company that handles all local travel and local support functions, including off-site events and ground transfers is called a: A. CVB (Convention & Visitors Bureau) B. CMP (Certified meeting professional) C. RFP (Request for Proposal) D. DMC (Destination Marketing Committee - Correct Answer-D. DMC True/False A DMO and a DMC are the same - Correct Answer-False Off property events are organized by a A. DMO B. DMC - Correct Answer-DMC True/False A service contractor only performs moving in and out the freight for exhibits. - Correct Answer-False Some services that are provided only by the official service contractor for a venue are called: A. exclusive services. B. individual services. C. speciality services. D. executive services. - Correct Answer-A. Exclusive services True/False One of the first actions that a show manager takes when developing a trade show event is to hire a general service contractor. - Correct Answer-True

Which of the following companies is a major general service contractor? Freeman Decorating Reed Exhibitions Hello Florida Horizon - Correct Answer-A. Freeman Decorating Anyone who provides a product or service for the exhibitor or show management before the show, during the actual show, and after the show is known as: A. a show manager. B. meeting planner. C. a service contractor. D. a conference manager. - Correct Answer-C. service contractor. True/False General service contractors provide products and services only to exhibitors. - Correct Answer-False Service contractors are also called "decorators". True False - Correct Answer-True General service contractors perform which of the following services? A. All of the answers B. Oversee storage of crates C. Keep standing contracts with unions and trades people D. Hire and manage labor - Correct Answer-A. All of the answers The delivery of exhibit materials to the assigned exhibit space is called: carting. baggage. drayage. rigging - Correct Answer-C. Drayage

In a "right-to-work" state, people working in the trades (e.g., electricians, plumbers) must belong to a union. True False - Correct Answer-False 90% of an event's carbon footprint comes from: Food waste Air travel Power consumption Air conditioning - Correct Answer-Air travel CSR stands for: A. Community Social Responsibility B. Corporate Social Responsibility C. Corporate Sustainability Reports D. Carbon Sustainability Reports - Correct Answer-Corporate Social Responsibility Examples of opportunities to reduce, reuse, and recycle include: Collecting name badges Adding recycle bins Using real china for meals All of the answers - Correct Answer-All of the answers The "Green Movement" first started in: the 1970s the 1960s the 1980s - Correct Answer-1960s What two organizations have developed the 9 standards for sustainable meetings and events?

A. FDA and GMIC B. FDA and APEX C. EPA and GMIC - Correct Answer-C. EPA (Event Planners Association) and GMIC (Green Meeting industry Council) The so-called "triple bottom line" of reasons to go green is called: People, planet, and profit Water, waste, and wishes Recycle, reuse, and restoration - Correct Answer-People, planet, and profit True/False CSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility. - Correct Answer-True True/False When something is preprinted on the contract or the proposal that is given to you by the other party, you should just accept it as is. - Correct Answer-False True/False Everything about a hotel (supplier) contract is negotiable. It doesn't mean that you can get everything your way but it is negotiable. - Correct Answer-True True/False When negotiating with a hotel do your research to understand the competitive marketplace in which the hotel operates (e.g., strengths, weaknesses, occupancy patterns, etc.). - Correct Answer-True Which of the following is the price negotiated and paid for the agreement? A. Attrition B. Consideration C. Parol evidence - Correct Answer-B. Consideration Which of the following is NOT an essential element of a contract? A. an offer B. the acceptance C. a third-party beneficiary D. the consideration - Correct Answer-C. a third-party beneficiary

True/False You can record/tape speakers at an event without their permission because they expect to be recorded when they present at a meeting. - Correct Answer-False In the attrition clause, damages triggered by the failure to meet a room block commitment should be based on the hotel's lost revenue, not its lost profit. True False - Correct Answer-False True/False Bandwidth is the amount of information that can pass through a communications line. The more bandwidth, the more information (number of emails, hits to a social networking site) can occur simultaneously. - Correct Answer-True When should information about the next year's meeting be ready to go live online? At most one month after the meeting At most six months after the meeting The day this year's meeting concludes - Correct Answer-The day this year's meeting concludes True/False For many years, trade shows and exhibits have used Lead Retrieval Systems to help capture customer information. - Correct Answer-True True/False. The largest issue for planners when establishing an online registration process for events is the integration of data. - Correct Answer-True True/False Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are the only social networks available for the planner. - Correct Answer-False A technology used at events to poll attendees is: None of the answers Attendees Registration System Audience Response System - Correct Answer-