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HIM 1103 FINAL EXAM-with 100% verified solutions-2024-2025.docx, Exams of Advanced Education

HIM 1103 FINAL EXAM-with 100% verified solutions-2024-2025.docx

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HIM 1103 FINAL EXAM-with 100% verified solutions-

2024-202 5

- Question 1 1 out of 1 points In the CPT code book, specific guidelines are presented at the beginning of each of the sections. Selected Answer: True Answers: True Fal s e - Question 2 In ICD 10 PCS, you can only choose right or left sides and there are no options for bilateral. Selected Answer: Fals e Answers: (^) True Fal s e - Question 3 In ICD 10 CM coding, General Coding Guidelines and Chapter Specific Guidelines are optional to use and only meant to give suggestions for highest degree of specificity in coding. Selected Answer: Fals e Answers: (^) True Fal s e - Question 4 1 out of 1 points 1 out of 1 points 1 out of 1 points In CPT coding, a chief complaint is the documentation a physician

uses as the reason for a procedure. Selected Answer: Fals e

Answers: (^) True Fal s e

- Question 5 1 out of 1 points The first character of a PCS code always indicates the section the code will be found in. Selected Answer: True Answers: True Fal s e - Question 6 1 out of 1 points In ICD 10 CM coding, if documentation indicates “acute on chronic” for the condition, this will require two codes with the “acute” code being sequenced first. Selected Answer: True Answers: True Fal s e - Question 7 1 out of 1 points In ICD 10 CM coding, the Chapter Specific guidelines given pertain only to hospital inpatient settings. Selected Answer: Fals e Answers: (^) True Fal s e - Question 8 1 out of 1 points The codes for Durable Medical Equipment are not included in the coding sections or categories of the CPT code book, and are found in a separate code book called HCPCS.


Answer: (^) True Answers: True Fal s e

- Question 9 1 out of 1 points If an ICD 10 PCS code is used, the 2 nd^ character will identify which system of the body the procedure was done on. Selected Answer: True Answers: True Fal s e - Question 10 1 out of 1 points A physician superbill along with physician documentation can be used for CPT coding. Selected Answer: True Answers: True Fal s e - Question 11 1 out of 1 points The ICD 10 PCS guidelines are found in the front of the code book and no additional instructions are given in the Tabular List. Selected Answer: Fals e Answers: (^) True Fal s e - Question 12 The modifier for a bilateral procedure is -50. S e l e c t e d

Answer: True 1 out of 1 points

Answer s: True Fal s e

- Question 13 In the ICD 10 PCS coding system, the first character of a code can only start with a number and never a letter. Selected Answer: Fals e Answers: (^) True Fal s e - Question 14 1 out of 1 points 1 out of 1 points In all three coding system code books, the guidelines are all found in the front of the book and the Alphabetic Indexes are found in the back of the book. Selected Answer: Fals e Answers: (^) True Fal s e - Question 15 There are seven columns in an ICD 10 PCS Code Table from which to 1 out of 1 points choose your last characters to finish building your code after finding your first three characters in the Alphabetic Index. Selected Answer: Fals e Answers: (^) True Fal s e

- Question 16 1 out of 1 points When finding the add on code (+) symbol by a CPT code, it means that you

will need to find an additional code from the Alphabetic Index Selected Answer: Fals e Answers: (^) True Fal s e

- Question 17 1 out of 1 points In ICD 10 CM, codes are to be chosen to their highest degree of characters available. Selected Answer: True Answers: True Fal s e - Question 18 Parenthesis, brackets, and colons in ICD 10 CM coding are classified as punctuation. Selected Answer: True Answers: 1 out of 1 points True Fal s e - Question 19 In CPT Coding, to be considered an established patient you must have 1 out of 1 points received any professional service from the physician or another physician in the group of the same specialty within the last six years. Selected Answer: Fals e Answers: (^) True

Fal s e

- Question 20 1 out of 1 points

One of the reasons a modifier might be used in CPT coding is to indicate that a procedure was provided more than once in the same day. Selected Answer: True Answers: True Fal s e

- Question 21 1 out of 1 points Italics are used in the ICD 10 CM code book to indicate exclusion notes and to identify manifestation codes that should not be reported as First Listed or Principal diagnosis. Selected Answer: True Answers: True Fal s e - Question 22 1 out of 1 points POA (Present on Admission) indicators are used in both Outpatient coding and Inpatient coding. Selected Answer: Fals e Answers: (^) True Fal s e - Question 23 1 out of 1 points The modifiers for CPT coding are found at the end of each section of the CPT code book. Selected Answer: Fals e Answers: (^) True

Fal s e

- Question 24

A placeholder letter in ICD 10 CM is optional for a code to be valid. Selected Answer: Fals e Answers: (^) True Fal s e

- Question 25 1 out of 1 points 1 out of 1 points In inpatient coding, the condition that caused admission to the hospital, not the chief complaint of the patient in the ER or at a physician’s office, is what is coded as the principal diagnosis. Selected Answer: True Answers: True Fal s e - Question 26 1 out of 1 points There are 41 possible Root Operations listed in the ICD 10 PCS Code Book to use for coding from the Medical and Surgical section of the code book. Selected Answer: Fals e Answers: (^) True Fal s e - Question 27 1 out of 1 points When coding “acute appendicitis with rupture”, rupture is the main term based on the definition of a main term in the ICD 10 CM code book and appendicitis is the sub term. Selected Answer: Fals

e Answers: Tru e Fal s


- Question 28 1 out of 1 points An electrolyte panel coded from the CPT code book will contain 7 codes for the 7 types of labs found in the Pathology and Laboratory section of the code book. Selected Answer: Fals e Answers: (^) True Fal s e - Question 29 1 out of 1 points The use of forceps during the delivery of the Products of Conception (POC) is coded from the Obstetrics Section of ICD 10 PCS. Selected Answer: Fals e Answers: (^) True Fal s e - Question 30 1 out of 1 points Repairs or wound closures in the Integumentary System are classified as simple, intermediate, and complex. Selected Answer: True Answers: True Fal s e - Question 31 The CPT coding system uses 7 characters only for a code. Selected Answer:


a l s e Answers: True

1 out of 1 points

Fal s e

- Question 32 Information regarding colors and symbols used in the Tabular List in the ICD 10 CM book are found at the bottom of the page. Selected Answer: True Answers: 1 out of 1 points True Fal s e - Question 33 The 7 th^ character in an ICD 10 PCS Code from the Medical and Surgical section describes the approach used in the procedure. Selected Answer: Fals e Answers: (^) True Fal s e - Question 34 1 out of 1 points 1 out of 1 points When coding outpatient services you can only code confirmed diagnosis. If there is no confirmed diagnosis then you can only code the signs and symptoms documented. Selected Answer: True Answers: True Fal s e - Question 35 1 out of 1 points In the General Coding Guidelines in ICD 10 CM coding, the definition of a sequela is a residual effect after the acute phase of an illness.

Selected Answer: True Answers:

True Fal s e

- Question 36 1 out of 1 points A placeholder in an ICD 10 CM code is indicated by the use of the letter Z. Selected Answer: Fals e Answers: (^) True Fal s e - Question 37 1 out of 1 points There are 7 alphanumeric characters in an ICD 10 PCS code and each code has a specific value that describes aspects of the whole procedure. Selected Answer: True Answers: True Fal s e - Question 38 1 out of 1 points In ICD 10 CM coding, it is not necessary to indicate the trimester when the mother is in labor. Selected Answer: Fals e Answers: (^) True Fal s e - Question 39 An external cause of morbidity code should never be sequenced as the First Listed or Principal Diagnosis. Selected Answer:


r u e Answers:

1 out of 1 points

True Fal s e

- Question 40 1 out of 1 points In ICD 10 CM, personal and family history codes are indicated by the first character as a Z. Selected Answer: True Answers: True Fal s e - Question 41 1 out of 1 points In ICD 10 CM coding, signs and symptoms should not be coded if there is a definitive diagnosis given. Selected Answer: True Answers: True Fal s e - Question 42 When coding a PCS code it is important to first determine the Root Operation before finding the most accurate code. Selected Answer: True Answers: 1 out of 1 points True Fal s e - Question 43 To unbundle a code means to take a combination code and divide it into 1 out of 1 points two separate codes so that you can increase your payment from the payer. Selected

Answer: True Answers: True

Fal s e

- Question 44 The PCS code for the procedure of a tubal ligation not done after the delivery of a Products of Conception (POC) is found in the Obstetrics Section of the PCS code book. Selected Answer: Fals e Answers: (^) True Fal s e - Question 45 1 out of 1 points 1 out of 1 points In CPT coding, there is a Table of Contents at the beginning of each section which contains code ranges for the different types of codes in that section. Selected Answer: True Answers: True Fal s e - Question 46 In the ICD 10 PCS Coding System, when building a code and the 6 th^ character identifies that a device was used, it is identifying that an instrument was used to conduct the procedure. Selected Answer: Fals e Answers: (^) True Fal s e - Question 47 1 out of 1 points 1 out of 1 points In an ICD 10 PCS code, the 5 th^ character is used to indicate the approach when coding an appendectomy from the Medical and

Surgical section. Selected Answer: True

Answer s: True Fal s e

- Question (^48) 1 out of 1 points A code range in CPT coding is defined as all possible codes for a general procedure and can be found in the Alphabetic Index when locating a code in the CPT code book. Selected Answer: True Answers: True Fal s e - Question 49 The occurrence of drug toxicity when a drug has been properly administered Poisoning. According to the ICD 10 CM Chapter Specific Guidelines. Selected Answer: Fals e Answers: (^) True Fal s e - Question 50 It is essential in ICD 10 CM to use both the Alphabetic Index and the Tabular List when locating and assigning an accurate code. Selected Answer: True Answers: 1 out of 1 points 1 out of 1 points True Fal s e - Question