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Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology Test Bank for Chapter 14 Blood, Exams of Anatomy

Chapter 14 Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 9th edition David Shier, Ricki Lewis, Jackie Butler,2024 Test Bank for Chapter 14 Blood Complete (multiple choice, true or false and case studies)

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Download Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology Test Bank for Chapter 14 Blood and more Exams Anatomy in PDF only on Docsity! Chapter 14 Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology 9th edition David Shier, Ricki Lewis, Jackie Butler,2024 Test Bank for Chapter 14 Blood Complete (multiple choice, true or false and case studies) Blood True/False Quiz Please answer all questions 1 Plasma is about 45% of the total blood volume. A )True B )False 2 Males have more red blood cells than females. A )True B )False 3 The color of feces is likely to be directly related to hemoglobin metabolism. A )True B )False 4 All white bloods retain their nucleus throughout the life of the cell. A)True B)False 5 Monocytes become macrophages as they leave the blood and enter the tissue spaces. A)True B)False 6 True or false. It is more likely to find the smaller red blood cells in a urine specimen than the larger leukocytes. A)True B)False 7 Patients with leukemia often suffer clotting abnormalities and internal bleeding. A)True B)False Multiple Choice Quiz Please answer all questions 1 Select the statement about red blood cells that is incorrect. A)Mature red blood cells lack nuclei. B)Red blood cells contain hemoglobin. C)Deoxyhemoglobin carries oxygen. D)Red blood cells lack mitochondria. 10 Which plasma proteins help transport lipids in the bloodstream? A)albumins B)alpha and beta globulins C)fibrinogen D)gamma globulins 11 Sedentary people with elevated triglyceride levels who continue to eat fatty foods are likely to have high levels of ____________ in their bloodstream. A)high-density lipoprotein (HDL) B)low-density lipoprotein (LDL) C)very-low density lipoprotein (VLDL) D)chylomicrons 12 Choose the correct order for the steps of hemostasis. A)blood coagulation, platelet plug formation, blood vessel spasm B)platelet plug formation, blood coagulation, blood vessel spasm C)blood vessel spasm, platelet plug formation, blood coagulation D)blood vessel spasm, blood coagulation, platelet plug formation 13 Which clotting factor is released from damaged tissue, and initiates a chain of clotting events? A)prothrombin B)thrombin C)fibrin D)tissue thromboplastin 14 A person with type AB blood would have ____________ antigens on red blood cells, and ___________ antibodies carried in the plasma. A)A and B; neither anti-A or anti-B B)Neither A nor B; both anti-A and anti-B C)B; anti-A D)A; anti-B 15 Erythroblastosis fetalis, also known as hemolytic disease of the newborn, most often occurs in ______________ mothers carrying ______________ fetuses. A)Rh+; Rh- B)Rh-; Rh+ C)Type A; type O D)Type B; Type A 16 Which blood cell can be described as being a biconcave disc? A)platelet B)neutrophil C)eosinophil D)erythrocyte 17 The liquid portion of blood is referred to as _____. A)whole blood B)hematocrit C)plasma D)serum 18 Which of the following does not belong with others? A)erythrocyte B)serum C)leukocyte D)platelet 19 Which of the following directly defines the transportation of oxygen? A)hemoglobin B)oxyhemoglobin C)reduced hemoglobin D)red cell count 20 Red blood cells survive around _____ days. A)120 B)240 C)10 D)360 21 What is the average white blood cell count? A)1 million per mm3 B)15,000 per cm3 C)10,000 per mm3 D)8,000 per mm3 5 A large reticulocyte count in the blood could indicate that there is a slow production of erythrocytes from the bone marrow. A)True B)False 6 A deficiency of the oxygen carrying capacity in the blood will cause the production of more red blood cells. A)True B)False 7 In pernicious anemia, the lack of vitamin cyanocobalamin causes the red blood cells to become enlarged. A)True B)False 8 Pregnancy requires the addition of supplements containing iron to support the increase in vasculature and oxygen demand. A)True B)False 9 It is possible to have anemia even when the erythrocyte count is above normal. A)True B)False 10 All leukocytes usually live from 7 to 21 days. A)True B)False 11 Lymphocytes contain lysosomes, which actively decompose bacteria they engulf. A)True B)False 12 The red color in inflammation is partially explained by the ability of erythrocytes to secrete histamines. A)True B)False 13 Pus contains living as well as dead leukocytes that were summoned to the area by positive chemotaxis. A)True B)False 14 Thrombocytopenia or an increased tendency to bleed is a common consequence of leukemia. A)True B)False 15 Leukemic cells can be found within the brain or lungs. A)True B)False 16 A drop in osmotic pressure with resulting edema can be caused by a poor diet or liver disease. A)True B)False 17 High density lipoproteins have relatively more lipids than proteins. A)True B)False 18 Familial hypercholesterolemia is a genetic condition which is characterized by high plasma LDL and increased risk of heart attack. A)True B)False 19 Excessive amounts of creatinine in the blood could result from muscle or kidney disorders. A)True B)False 20 Vessel spasm can be an effective method of hemostasis. A)True B)False 21 Damage to tissues initiates the intrinsic phase of clotting. A)True B)False 22 Bleeding as well as hemorrhaging are both symptoms of Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). A)True B)neutrophil C)erythrocyte D)lymphocyte 7 Which of these factors will increase the RBC or RCC? A)exercise B)dieting C)low body temperature D)decreased altitudes 8 Damaged or old red blood cells are removed by the liver and _____. A)kidney B)skeletal muscle C)bone marrow D)spleen 9 Which of the following does not belong with the others? A)heme B)globin C)bilirubin D)biliverdin 10 Iron is stored in the liver in the form of _____. A)hemoglobin B)transferrin C)ferritin D)bilirubin 11 Which of these is the earliest of this cell line? A)reticulocyte B)erythrocyte C)erythroblast D)hemocytoblast 12 Red blood cells live around _____ before they disintegrate. A)one month B)120 days C)21 days D)three months 13 Which organ has a primary role in stimulating blood cell formation? A)kidney B)liver C)bone marrow D)spleen 14 What is the main site of erythrocyte production in the fetus? A)bone marrow B)kidney C)liver D)spleen 15 Which of the following is a young platelet? A)progranulocyte B)basophilic band cell C)monoblast D)megakaryoblast 16 Which of these did not develop from a myeloblast? A)basophil B)monocyte C)eosinophil D)neutrophil 17 Which of the following is least essential for erythrocyte development? A)vitamin B12 B)vitamin B6 C)folic acid D)gastric intrinsic factor 18 Which of the following is an agranulocyte? A)neutrophil B)monocyte C)basophil D)eosinophil 27 Which of the following is a probable cause of leukocytosis? A)mumps B)chickenpox C)influenza D)appendicitis 28 The ability called _____ explains how a white blood cell could be found in the urine. A)phagocytosis B)diapedesis C)ameboid movement D)infection 29 The _____ cells are actively involved with allergies. A)eosinophil B)erythrocyte C)monocyte D)neutrophil 30 The _____ cells are the usual sources of heparin. A)eosinophil B)basophil C)lymphocyte D)monocyte 31 Which cells release antibodies into the circulation? A)monocytes B)neutrophils C)lymphocytes D)basophils 32 What is the most common cancerous condition in children? A)myeloid leukemia B)lymphoid leukemia C)acute lymphoid leukemia D)chronic lymphoid leukemia 33 Myeloid leukemia can be evidenced by an increase in _____. A)lymphocytes B)monocytes C)neutrophils D)platelets 34 Megakaryocytes will differentiate into _____. A)monocytes B)lymphocytes C)platelets D)eosinophils 35 What is a normal platelet count? A)1 million per cubic cc B)200,000 per cubic mm C)1 million per cubic mm D)10,000 per cubic mm 36 Which components of the hematocrit account for clotting? A)erythrocytes B)eosinophils C)platelets D)neutrophils 37 Which components are the source of serotonin which causes smooth muscle cells to contract? A)platelets B)lymphocytes C)monocytes D)basophils 38 What is the most common component in the plasma? A)sodium chloride B)water C)protein D)platelets 39 How much of the plasma is protein? A)10% B)7% 48 During protein catabolism, _____ is produced as an end product by the liver. A)urea B)uric acid C)creatine D)creatinine 49 Which factor promotes the appearance of the platelet plug? A)collagen B)serotonin C)fibrinogen D)vasodilation 50 Which mineral is essential for coagulation to occur? A)Mg++ B)Ca++ C)Na+ D)Fe++ 51 Which chemical initiates the extrinsic phase of clotting? A)fibrin B)fibrinogen C)thromboplastin D)prothrombin 52 Which of the following is not always present in the blood? A)prothrombin B)fibrinogen C)calcium D)thrombin 53 What converts fibrinogen to fibrin? A)prothrombin B)thrombin C)calcium D)thromboplastin 54 Which is the last molecule to appear in a clotting reaction? A)fibrinogen B)fibrin C)thrombin D)prothrombin 55 Which of these can dissolve a blood clot? A)heparin B)plasminogen C)plasmin D)PDGF 56 Which of these is a procoagulant? A)heparin B)antithrombin C)vitamin K D)prostacyclin 57 Which is the rarest ABO blood type? A)A B)B C)AB D)O 58 Who is at risk for developing a fatal Rh incompatibility? A)any Rh+ fetus B)second Rh- fetus of Rh+ mother C)second Rh+ fetus of Rh- mother D)Rh- mother