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A comprehensive list of questions and answers for the hosmerit nr507 advanced pathophysiology midterm exam, specifically designed for chamberlain college of nursing students. It covers a wide range of topics in pathophysiology, including plasma proteins, cancer, infectious processes, cardiovascular system, immune responses, and more. The answers are presented in a concise and informative manner, making it a valuable resource for students preparing for the exam.
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Albumin - ANSWER: Approximately 60% of total plasma protein at a concentration of about 4 g/dl, making it the most abundant class of plasma protein. Carcinoma in situ - ANSWER: Preinvasive epithelial malignant tumors of glandular or squamous cell origin that are localized to the epithelium and have notinvaded surrounding tissue. Gram-stain technique - ANSWER: Microscopic evaluation of Gram-stained slidesof clinical specimens to diagnose gonococcal urethritis in a symptomatic man. Papanicolaou (Pap) test - ANSWER: Screening test for cervical cancer by examining cervical epithelial scrapings for early oncogenic human papillomavirus(HPV) infection. Hyperkalemia causes - ANSWER: Investigated in the presence of renal disease,trauma, insulin deficiency, Addison disease, potassium salt substitutes use, or metabolic acidosis. Infectious process stages - ANSWER: Progress through colonization, invasion, multiplication, and spread. Coronary ostia - ANSWER: Openings in the aorta through which coronary arteriesreceive blood. Hepatitis B virus transmission - ANSWER: Known to be sexually transmitted. Gonococci infections treatment concern - ANSWER: Major concern is the development of antibiotic resistance in strains like penicillinase-producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae (PPNG) and others.
Parasympathetic fibers - ANSWER: Supply innervation to the bladder and internalurethral sphincter Alarm phase of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS) - ANSWER: Stimulatesthe hypothalamus and the sympathetic nervous system. Metastasis of prostate cancer - ANSWER: Most commonly to the bones, especially the lumbar spine area. Metastasis - ANSWER: Spread of cancer cells to other parts of the body GFR - ANSWER: Glomerular filtration rate directly related to perfusion pressurein glomerular capillaries Insufficient erythropoiesis in children - ANSWER: Most commonly caused byiron deficiency. Abnormalities in cytokines in children with cystic fibrosis - ANSWER: Deficit ofIL-10 and excess of IL-1, IL-8, and TNF-α. Capillary network - ANSWER: Extensive network in the heart, withapproximately 3300 capillaries per square millimeter. Type I hypersensitivity reaction - ANSWER: Mediated by antigen-specific IgEand mast cell products. Atrioventricular (AV) node depolarization rate - ANSWER: Approximately 40 to 60 spontaneous depolarizations per minute if the SA node fails. Plasma glucose threshold - ANSWER: Threshold for glucose is achieved whenplasma glucose reaches 180 mg/dl, as seen in uncontrolled diabetes mellitus.
Immune response - ANSWER: A response specific to the antigen that initiates itand provides long-term protection. Schilling test - ANSWER: Indirectly evaluates vitamin B12 absorption byadministering radioactive B12 and measuring its excretion in urine. Thinnest heart chamber walls - ANSWER: The right and left atria have thethinnest walls, serving as low-pressure chambers. Erythropoietin - ANSWER: Hormone synthesized and secreted by the kidneys, essential for erythropoiesis. Zinc deficiency - ANSWER: Deficiency that can profoundly depress T- and B-cellfunction. Mesangial cells - ANSWER: Cells that contract like smooth muscle cells and havephagocytic properties, influencing the glomerular filtration rate. Eosinophils in IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reaction - ANSWER: Leukocytesthat are activated during this type of reaction. Spirometry measurement purpose - ANSWER: Measures volume and flow rateduring forced expiration. Fetal hematopoiesis location - ANSWER: Occurs in the spleen, the site of fetalhematopoiesis. Thrombocytopenic purpura - ANSWER: Disorder with decreased erythrocytes andplatelets, clinical manifestations of pallor, fatigue, bleeding Congenital heart defects - ANSWER: Defects related to trisomy 13, trisomy 18,and Down syndrome include VSD and PDA.
Pernicious anemia - ANSWER: Most common type of megaloblastic anemia. Renal blood flow effects of exercise and body position - ANSWER: Activate renalsympathetic neurons and cause mild vasoconstriction. Hypersensitivity - ANSWER: An altered immunologic response to an antigenresulting in disease or host damage. Parasympathetic innervation of the lung - ANSWER: Innervated via the vagusnerve. QRS complex - ANSWER: Sum of all ventricular muscle cell depolarizations CRH - ANSWER: Corticotropin-releasing hormone production initiated by highlevels of IL- 1 and IL- 6 Childhood asthma - ANSWER: Associated with increased levels of immune and inflammatory mediators like IgE, leukotrienes, and nitric oxide. Decreased lung compliance - ANSWER: Characteristic of lungs or chest wallbeing abnormally stiff or difficult to inflate. Urodilatin - ANSWER: Inhibits sodium and water reabsorption from the medullary part of the collecting duct. Total body water loss - ANSWER: Infants susceptible due to immature kidneysand high body surface-to-size ratio Cancer staging - ANSWER: Stage 2 indicates cancer is locally invasive Compensatory hypertrophy - ANSWER: Allows the kidney to respond to anincrease in workload.
Foramen ovale - ANSWER: Allows right-to-left blood shunting in fetalcirculation. Asthma diagnosis in children - ANSWER: Confirmed by pulmonary functiontesting using spirometry after the age of 5 to 6 years. Left ventricular filling pressures disorder - ANSWER: Continuous increases leadto pulmonary edema due to fluid accumulation in lung tissues. Trigone - ANSWER: Smooth triangular area between ureters and urethra Platelet lifespan - ANSWER: Circulates for approximately 10 days before beingremoved by macrophages. Perceived stress response - ANSWER: Begins in the limbic system of the brain,responsible for emotions and cognition. Benign tumors - ANSWER: Well-differentiated with tissue resembling the tissuefrom which they arose. Collagen in clotting process - ANSWER: Provides a strong stimulus to activateplatelets. Natriuretic peptides during heart failure - ANSWER: Inhibit renin and aldosteronewhen the heart dilates. Erythrocyte lifespan - ANSWER: Limited to approximately 120 days due to the inability to undergo mitotic division. Th2 response - ANSWER: CD4 T-helper cells producing cytokines promotingallergic response in asthma Urethral infection - ANSWER: Primary site for uncomplicated local gonococciinfections in men
Renal sympathetic neurons - ANSWER: Neurons that cause mild vasoconstrictionwhen activated. Renal parasympathetic neurons - ANSWER: Neurons that cause mild vasodilationwhen activated. Exercise and change of body position - ANSWER: Factors that activate renalsympathetic neurons and cause mild vasoconstriction.