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HRCI APHR Employee Relations Exam Questions and Answers, Exams of Advanced Education

A comprehensive set of questions and answers related to the hrci aphr employee relations exam. It covers key concepts such as mission statements, critical incident reviews, performance management, employee recognition programs, and more. A valuable resource for individuals preparing for the hrci aphr employee relations exam.

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What is a mission statement - CORRECT ANSWERS-A mission statement, elaborates on an organization's vision statement. It provides more details about how the organization plans to achieve its vision for the future. A mission statement should differentiate an organization from its competitors. It should also provide insight into the long-term direction of the organization What is Critical incident review - CORRECT ANSWERS-involve a manager recording specific incidents in which an employee performed positively or negatively. The incidents then form the basis of a written narrative that is discussed with the employee during their performance appraisal. What is essay review - CORRECT ANSWERS-a manager writes a short essay describing an employee's performance throughout the review period. With this format, managers are more easily able to identify areas that are in need of improvement. What is field review - CORRECT ANSWERS-is conducted by someone who is not an employee's manager or supervisor. This is typically conducted by a human resource professional from the organization or department or someone from outside of the organization or department. This method is useful for managerial-level promotions. What is progressive discipline? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Steps that become progressively more severe to correct behavior What is a functional organization structure? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Functional structure refers to a department or division where people have similar specialties or skills, such as the accounting, or IT department in an organization What is a matrix organization? - CORRECT ANSWERS-A matrix organization is an organizational structure where

the reporting relationships are set up as a grid or matrix rather than in the traditional hierarchy. What is a cluster organization? - CORRECT ANSWERS-t's an organizational structure where employees are clustered in tightly knit groups or teams connected through communication and collaboration. Four Categories of HR Documents? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Employment records Payroll administration Performance management Employee separation Absentee rate - CORRECT ANSWERS-A measure of total days workers were absent in a month, divided by the average number of employees who were on the job in that month, multiplied by 100. Turnover rate - CORRECT ANSWERS-A measure of the number of workers leaving a department at a particular pay grade and performance level divided by the average number of workers employed at that grade and performance level. What is a vision statement - CORRECT ANSWERS-A vision statement should be a clear statement of what the organization is, who it serves, and where it is going. The statement should inspire everyone in the organization, from employees to shareholders, to customers and provide insight into the organization's future. What are value statements - CORRECT ANSWERS-An organization's values, or corporate values statement are issued by an organization's leadership. This statement indicates to employees how business should be conducted within your organization. The values should be general, such as integrity, respect, product and service excellence, and teamwork.

What is the graphic rating scale? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Rates employees based on statements or questions about components of an employees job performance. Strategic planning - CORRECT ANSWERS-The process of defining a company's direction for the future in 4 stages; analysis, development, implementation and evaluation. Employee recognition programs - CORRECT ANSWERS-A healthy work environment recognizes employees for excellent performance. When an employee does a good job, they should be recognized for their work. This recognition keeps them engaged and satisfied. Lack of employee recognition typically makes employees feel under-appreciated and can lead to turnover. Stay interviews - CORRECT ANSWERS-Stay interviews are interviews that help managers determine why employees continue to work for the organization and why employees might choose to leave their current positions. Stay interviews ideally indicate which actions are needed to retain valued employees and bring positive change to the organization. These interviews are a useful method for collecting feedback from an individual employee but can also identify trends among employees. Engagement surveys - CORRECT ANSWERS-Employee engagement is the amount of dedication, motivation, and enthusiasm that employees have toward helping an organization achieve its mission and goals. An engaged employee has meaningful connections with their manager and coworkers, feels valued as a member of the organization, and has an emotional commitment to the organization's success. Work life balance initiatives - CORRECT ANSWERS-Flexible scheduling, telecommuting, compressed work weeks, sabbatical. Alternate work arrangements - CORRECT ANSWERS-To support work-life balance, some employers offer flexibility in the hours and times worked. (longer breaks) What is an open door policy? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Organizations with open- door policies encourage employees to meet with their supervisors or managers whenever an issue arises, and without a formally scheduled meeting. What is management by walking around? - CORRECT ANSWERS-This communication strategy makes managers available by physically walking around the office. During these walks, a manager might answer questions,

check on how certain tasks are progressing, and handle problems. What are department meetings? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Department meetings typically occur at regularly scheduled intervals and include all staff within a department. These meetings are an opportunity to discuss relevant issues. Town hall meetings are formal meetings for all employees within an organization What is an employee satisfaction survey? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Employee satisfaction surveys assess the degree to which employees feel valued at an organization. The main purpose of these surveys is to indicate whIch factors currently drive and obstruct things like productivity, support, and other elements of satisfaction. What is a focus group? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Focus groups provide qualitative information about how employees feel or are responding to a particular aspect of their employment. Focus groups are sometimes used to complement surveys because they can provide more in-depth information. Focus groups are also especially valuable after a significant change or reorganization occurs within an organization What is a Intellectual Property Clauses - CORRECT ANSWERS-These clauses, sometimes known as Work for Hire clauses, verify the ownership of any processes, procedures, products, or inventions created by the employee during their employment as the employer's intellectual property. The clause may address the transfer of the property to the employer. What is a Conflict of Interest Policy? - CORRECT ANSWERS-This policy requires employees to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may arise during their employment. This ensures transparency and helps prevent situations where an employee's personal interests may interfere with their duties. What is a Non-Solicitation Agreement? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Non-solicitation agreements prohibit employees from attempting to take an organization's clients, customers, or other employees for a certain period after leaving the organization. Time periods for this cause should be reasonable. What is a Non-Compete Clause? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Non-competition clauses, restrict employees from working for or starting a competing business within a specified geographical area and time frame after their employment with an organization ends. Its details should be very specific. Non-compete clauses are often subject to state laws and must be reasonable in score and duration. Some jurisdictions may place limitations or restrictions

on how non-compete clauses may be enforced, or they may require specific conditions to be met for such clauses to be valid. What is an NDA? - CORRECT ANSWERS-sometimes known as a Confidentiality clause, prevents employees from disclosing confidential and proprietary information about the organization, its clients, or any other sensitive data they may come across during their employment. NDAs are typically enforceable after an employee leaves the organization in order to protect the organization's intellectual property and trade secrets. Each state has specific laws related to trade secrets and confidentiality, including what they consider a trade secret. What should be included in an employment contract and what is it? - CORRECT ANSWERS-The purpose of this contract is to outline important terms and conditions in the position. employment contracts should include the following information: the employer's name and involved parties; terms and conditions that include vacation pay, severance pay, work hours, benefits, and more; job responsibilities; compensation details such as employee pay, employee's exempt or non-exempt status, holiday pay, paid time off, etc.; and contract terms. What is the critical incident method? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Relies on instances of good or poor employee performance What is the BARS appraisal system? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Combination of the graphic rating scale and critical incident. It is expensive and time consuming. Vertical scale 1-9 from 9 most to least effective What is the management by objective rating system? - CORRECT ANSWERS- Based on the extent to which employees meet their personal performance goals Behavioral Appraisal Method - CORRECT ANSWERS-Behavioral methods judge an employee based on their behavior as it relates to the job. The most common behavioral method is the Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales, or BARS, method. Comparison Performance Method - CORRECT ANSWERS-The comparison method compares the performance of individual employees to other employees. The purpose of this method is to reduce or eliminate biases from managers who are too harsh or lenient in their performance appraisals.

Rating Performance Method - CORRECT ANSWERS-The rating method uses numerical ratings or rankings for performance appraisals. Rating scales attempt to differentiate levels of performance. These scales can either be numeric or descriptive. A numeric rating scale is a scale with numbers. For example, a scale from one to five. A descriptive scale uses phrases such as "always meets expectations," "sometimes meets expectations," or "never meets expectations." Narrative Performance Method (3) - CORRECT ANSWERS-The narrative method requires managers or HR representatives to write a review of each employee's performance. The three types of narrative reviews are: Critical incident review Essay review Field review