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Exam on Communication Skills, Exams of Nursing

An exam on communication skills, covering topics such as nonverbal communication, empathy, perception, and dialogue. The exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions, with a time limit of 2 hours. The questions are based on readings by various authors, including Stone, Patton, and Heen, Shafir, France and Weikel, and Stewart, Zediker, and Witteborn. The exam is designed to test the student's understanding of key concepts and theories related to communication skills.

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Tanisha Johnson Course 202020 Spring 2020 HSCO 508-B06 LUO Test Exam 1 Started 2/1/20 10:49 PM Submitted 2/1/20 11:49 PM Due Date 2/2/20 11:59 PM Status Completed Attempt Score 100 out of 100 points Time Elapsed 1 hour, 0 minute out of 2 hours Question 1 2 out of 2 points According to Stone, Patton, and Heen, failure to express oneself leads to Selected Answer: detached and damaged relationships. Question 2 2 out of 2 points Offering an analysis of a client’s situation is usually unhelpful because it Selected Answer: Question 3 2 out of 2 points articulates your own perspective instead of emphasizing the client’s interpretation and understanding.

Shafir defines as accurate receiving, retaining information, sustaining attention, attending to one’s own speech, and encouraging the person listened to. Selected Answer: mindfulness Question 4 2 out of 2 points In normal conversation, native English speakers tend to speak faster than they can think. Selected Answer: False Question 5 2 out of 2 points Stewart defined communication as a continuous, , and collaborative process of verbal and nonverbal meaning-making. Selected Answer: complex Question 6 2 out of 2 points Closed posture and little eye contact are indications of Selected Answer: coldness. Question 7 2 out of 2 points Which of the following is a mental guideline that helps us process an incoming cue? Selected Answer: Cognitive Schema Question 8 2 out of 2 points

Which of the following is not a subprocess of perception? Selected Answer: Interfering Question 9 2 out of 2 points In real dialogue, according to Herzig and Chasin, participants do all of the following, except: Selected Answer: Reflect back the views of the other Question 10 2 out of 2 points Which of the following is most like conversation as prayer, as described by Sacks? Selected Answer: Dialogue Question 11 2 out of 2 points Who of the following tends to maintain the most eye contact in a conversation? Selected Answer: A Caucasian-American woman Question 12 2 out of 2 points An avowed identity is one that others assign to you, while an ascribed identity is one that you assign yourself. Selected Answer: False Question 13 2 out of 2 points

Stewart’s statement that “there’s a direct link between the quality of your communication and the quality of your life” is similar to Selected Answer: Scott's statement "the conversation is the relationship." Question 14 2 out of 2 points means revealing to another person how you perceive and are reacting to the present situation and giving any information about yourself and your past that is relevant to an understanding of your perceptions and reactions to the present. Selected Answer: Self-disclosure Question 15 2 out of 2 points A belief in one’s ability to successfully execute a desired behavior is Selected Answer: self-efficacy. Question 16 2 out of 2 points seeks to communicate concern about the other’s difficulties, whereas seeks to calm the other down by making an assertion. Selected Answer: Sympathy/reassurance Question 17 2 out of 2 points Incomplete sentences and repetitive body movements suggest Selected Answer: anxiety.

Question 18 2 out of 2 points Which of the following is not true about nonverbal communication according to France and Weikel? Selected Answer: It is relatively easy to intentionally control nonverbal behavior. Question 19 2 out of 2 points According to Stewart, the most influential communication event is Selected Answer: conversation. Question 20 2 out of 2 points The term dialogue consists of two Greek words, “dia” and “logos”. “Logos” is meaning or understanding. “Dia” means Selected Answer: through. Question 21 2 out of 2 points The fundamental error is the mistaken tendency people have to atrribute others’ behaviors to internal, rather than external, causes. Selected Answer: attribution Question 22 2 out of 2 points Which of the following is not a feature of the personal?

Selected Answer: Measurable Question 23 2 out of 2 points are structures dealing with certain sequences of action and are a type of Cognitive Schemata. Selected Answer: Scripts Question 24 2 out of 2 points occurs through three basic sub-processes: selection, organization, and inference making. Selected Answer: Perception Question 25 2 out of 2 points To avoid causing a client to feel interrogated, what type of questions are recommended? Selected Answer: Open Question 26 2 out of 2 points Which of the following is not an important component of a good reflection according to France and Weikel? Selected Answer: Completeness Question 27 2 out of 2 points

is what makes the human world different from the spaces inhabited by other living beings. Selected Answer: Meaning Question 28 2 out of 2 points Stewart, Zediker, and Witteborn identified the main reflecting skill as Selected Answer: paraphrasing. Question 29 2 out of 2 points According to France and Weikel, a client who has successfully implemented a human services worker’s advice with a positive outcome has enhanced his/her Selected Answer: dependency. Question 30 2 out of 2 points is a theory or explanation about another person’s behavior that provides a way of making sense out of what is occurring. Selected Answer: Attribution Question 31 2 out of 2 points Which of the following is not a required skill set for empathic listening, according to Stewart, Zediker & Witteborn? Selected Answer: Mindfulness Question 32

2 out of 2 points Stewart, Zediker & Witteborn suggest that there are four steps in developing focusing skills. Which of the following is not one of these steps? Selected Answer: Remaining quiet Question 33 2 out of 2 points A difference between dialogue and debate, especially when viewed from a political perspective, is that in dialogue Selected Answer: participants express uncertainties as well as deeply held beliefs. Question 34 2 out of 2 points The person who starts a conversation is fully responsible for its outcome. Selected Answer: False Question 35 2 out of 2 points According to Stewart, it is easier to understand how identity construction works if you adopt what has historically been a/an perspective. Selected Answer: Eastern Question 36 2 out of 2 points Effective self-disclosure focuses on the Selected Answer: present.

Question 37 2 out of 2 points Sacks suggests that religion can be a source of conflict because we fail to realize that though there are many faiths, God has given us only one world in which to live together. Selected Answer: True Question 38 2 out of 2 points Doing something helpful next, responding fruitfully to what’s just happened, taking an additional step in the communication process is referred to by Stewart as Selected Answer: nexting. Question 39 2 out of 2 points What type of reflection should generally be avoided, according to France and Weikel? Selected Answer: Underlying feelings Question 40 2 out of 2 points Silence is considered a(n) cue. Selected Answer: mixed Question 41 2 out of 2 points

When a client feels supported to explore options and to make his/her own decisions regarding changes, he/she is experiencing Selected Answer: autonomy. Question 42 2 out of 2 points The primary tension of dialogue is between Selected Answer: letting the other happen to me and holding my own ground. Question 43 2 out of 2 points The fact that all communication involves choices suggests that humans are inherently Selected Answer: ethical. Question 44 2 out of 2 points Which of the following is not associated with self-efficacy? Selected Answer: Expert advice Question 45 2 out of 2 points help us go into an almost automatic mode so that we don't have to make decisions every single moment. Selected Answer: Scripts Question 46 2 out of 2 points

Normal thinking speed is words per minute. Selected Answer: 500 Question 47 2 out of 2 points According to Stewart, the most important single communication skill is Selected Answer: nexting. Question 48 2 out of 2 points The central theme of Scott's essay on fierce conversation is Selected Answer: the conversation is the relationship. Question 49 2 out of 2 points The O = SAT formula is used to describe Selected Answer: openness. Question 50 2 out of 2 points The following is true of the process of identity construction except Selected Answer: identity construction happens mostly in Western cultures. Saturday, February 1, 2020 11:50:14 PM EST OK