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A comprehensive set of multiple-choice questions and answers covering various aspects of group dynamics and leadership. It is designed to help students prepare for their final exam in hsco 511, a course likely focused on group counseling or related topics. The questions cover key concepts such as group development stages, leadership styles, group norms, and ethical considerations in group work.
Typology: Exams
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- Question 1
A number of experts who study group development believe that
conflict is an unavoidable aspect of group interaction and necessary for achieving group cohesion.
- Question 2
Explaining how the group will be conducted and the role of the group leader will accomplish the following, EXCEPT
guarantee no member feels left out.
- Question 3
The most important concept of group leadership is having
clarity of purpose.
- Question 4
Donald decides that he wants to do more for the group. He starts helping other members by taking on some of their work and organizing fund raisers. Donald is providing support.
instrument al
- Question 5
Which one is task-focused rather than relationship-focused?
Offering a good solution to a problem the group faces
- Question 6
If the leader sees that a change of purpose is needed, he or she should
discuss with the group why the change might be helpful.
- Question 7
Which of the following is NOT associated with “second session let down?”
Disagreement about the group norms
- Question 8
Which of the following does NOT characterize an advantage of group work?
Making those reluctant to self-disclose doing so by applying group pressure
- Question 9
W h i ch o f th e fo ll o w i n g i s NO T on e o f J a c o b s e t a l .’s pe rsp e ct i v e s on th e re l a ti on sh i p between content and process in a group meeting?
Content refers to the dynamics and therapeutic forces in the group whereas process refers to the purpose and task of the group.
- Question 10
Sherif’s study of the autokinetic effect indicated that group norms
emerge as members reach a consensus through reciprocal influence.
- Question 11
Which exercise is NOT appropriate to use in the first session of a group?
Fantas y
- Question 12
Interdependence, a key quality of groups, requires
members’ outcomes depend, in part, on the actions of others in the group.
- Question 13
All of the following are appropriate ways to begin a session EXCEPT:
Conducting a 30 - 45 minute warm-up activity
- Question 14
W h i le o the r m o de l s t y p i ca ll y i n cl u de fou r o r m o re g rou p st a g e s, J a cob s et a l. p ro p o se three stages. In which stage do members benefit the most from being in the group?
Middle or Working
- Question 15
In a therapy group, members expect everyone to communicate and share their thoughts and feelings. All members agree on informal rules regarding who should talk and for how long. This group has high levels of compatibility.
interchan ge
- Question 16
In a social skills group for children, the leader uses exercises to help members learn skills to improve peer relationships. Which leadership style is being utilized?
Leader directed and interpersonal
- Question 17
Acco rd i n g to J a cob s e t a l ., w h i ch o f th e fo ll o w i n g ca n be a M I S TA K E wi th re g a rd to g rou p rules?
Making up the rules as a group decision activity
- Question 18
If there are group members who are not clear about the group’s purpose, the following is recommended, EXCEPT
asking those members to leave the group.
- Question 19
Audiences, bystanders and crowds are while coworkers, sports teams, and study groups are.
collectives; social groups
- Question 20
Most roles fit into one of two broad categories: roles and roles.
relationship; task
- Question 21
In the middle stage of a support group for step-parents, the members decided to focus on their individual concerns in a written exercise. Which leadership style is being utilized?
Group directed and intrapersonal
- Question 22
This theory assumes that how secure and comfortable you were with your primary caregiver influences your relationships, including group memberships, throughout your entire life.
Attachme nt
- Question 23
A multicomponent approach to cohesion assumes
there are many different factors that contribute to group cohesion.
- Question 24
When planning a session, the following is recommended, EXCEPT:
Spending very little time planning the sessions if the group is in the beginning stage
- Question 25
Acco rd i n g to J a cob s e t a l ., th e sin g l e m o st i m p o rta n t th e ra pe u ti c fo rce o f a g rou p i s th e
clarity of purpose.
- Question 26
Which of the following is FALSE about the purpose of a group?
When the leader is clear about the purpose, the members will also be
- Question 27
To set a positive tone in the first session of the group, the leader should NOT
start by reviewing group rules.
- Question 28
norms articulate what people typically do; norms articulate what people should avoid doing.
Descriptive; proscriptive
- Question 29
When a group is formally organized in a hierarchical structure,
some individuals in the group have more status than others.
- Question 30
Which of the following is TRUE about member screening?
It is best if the leader screens prospective group members himself/herself.
- Question 31
Which one is NOT an important group dynamic for a support group?
The group encountering diversity by including members with little in common
- Question 32
Which of the following distinguishes a group from a network?
Bounda ry
- Question 33
Liking for a group is cohesion, whereas goal-focused team work is cohesion.
social; task
- Question 34
To beco m e a n e ffe ct i v e g rou p le a de r, J a cob s e t a l. reco mm e n d
organizing sessions so that the intended topics are covered.
- Question 35
Which one is NOT a characteristic of norms?
They are flexible and change rapidly over time as new members join the group.
- Question 36
Which of the following is FALSE regarding ethical group practices? The leader should
make sure members continue with an exercise once it has been started.
- Question 37
These are common group planning mistakes, EXCEPT:
Considering the flow of the session and the sequencing of exercises
- Question 38
Group formation is influenced significantly by all these factors EXCEPT
the gender of those seeking group membership.
- Question 39
“Big picture” planning involves
thinking about all the topics to be covered in the group.
- Question 40
Which statement describes a group at the orientation, or forming, stage of development?
Members tend to be guarded while gathering information about the leader and other members.
- Question 1
Leadership is best defined as
guidance of others in their pursuits.
- Question 2
The control of a charismatic leader comes from what type of power?
refere nt
- Question 3
Improvement in task performance that occurs when people work in the presence of others is known as social
facilitatio n.
- Question 4
The tendency for individuals to become less productive as group size increases is known as
the Ringelmann effect.
- Question 5
Which of the following is NOT recommended when drawing out a member?
Being very directive with a quiet member
- Question 6
The leader should cut off a member for all of the following reasons EXCEPT if the member
is giving productive feedback to another member.
- Question 7
Acco rd i n g to J a cob s e t a l ., si le n ce fro m a m e m be r ma y i n d i ca te a ll o f th e fo ll o w i n g EXCEPT that the member
has great trust in the other group members.
- Question 8
Which is FALSE according to Forsyth?
Those with power tend to respond more compassionately to others’ problems.
- Question 9
In which of the following situations would it NOT be appropriate for the leader to use the technique of cutting off?
When a member is sharing information that could benefit other members
- Question 10
According to Forsyth, persistence, supplication, discussion, and instruction are all examples of
power tactics.
- Question 11
Which of the following should NOT be used to deepen the focus of a session?
Shifting the focus to a different topic
- Question 12
A leader who says, “In a word or phrase, how are you feeling about being in this group" is initiating a round.
word or phrase
- Question 13
Group polarization is the
tendency for the group’s decisions to be more extreme than individuals’ decisions.
- Question 14
Which is true?
Consensus is generally preferred when the group is grappling with sensitive issues.
- Question 15
Co-leaders who differ somewhat in their approach, and who are pulling the group in opposite directions may benefit most from using which model of co-leadership?
Alternate leading
- Question 16
From a group dynamics perspective, obedience was high in the Milgram experiment because of the
power of the experimenter in the situation.
- Question 17
Hersey and Blanchard’s life cycle theory suggests that effective leaders emphasize
task orientation and/or relationship orientation, depending on the developmental level of the group.
- Question 18
J a cob s e t a l. d o no t a d v i se sh ifti n g th e fo c u s
from an activity to an activity.
- Question 19
J a cob s e t a l. su gg est usin g su mma ri z i n g fo r a ll o f th e fo ll o w i n g re a so n s E XCE P T to
encourage a review of the last session.
- Question 20
If I think a good leader should be intelligent, responsible, competitive, and well- balanced, I probably take a(n) approach to leadership.
trai t
- Question 21
Clarifying rambling or confusing comments made by a member can be done using each of the following techniques EXCEPT
mini- lecturing.
- Question 22
A group member has been talking for some time. The leader asks members to pair up with a partner and discuss their thoughts and feelings about what the member has shared. In this instance, the leader
shifts the focus from a person to an activity.
- Question 23
Obedience rates in Milgram’s studies were lowest in the condition.
touch- proximity
- Question 24
The cohesiveness of a team is indicated by the following, EXCEPT:
Low external pressure
- Question 25
Near the end of a session, a member wants to share something deep and personal. The leader should
quickly cut the member off and ask them to share at the beginning of the next session.
- Question 26
An inexperienced leader who lacks cutting off or drawing out skills may spend too much time the focus.
Holdin g
- Question 27
What is the meaning of the phrase, the “romance of teams?”
Teams are thought to be effective and desirable, but their effectiveness may be overestimated.
- Question 28
All of the following are true with regard to dyads EXCEPT
At least 15 minutes should be devoted to a dyad activity to make sure both have time to talk.
- Question 29
Steiner found that group productivity depends mainly on
the type of task to be performed.
- Question 30
Which of the following is FALSE regarding dyads? The leader should
let people talk as much as they want to without a time limit.
- Question 31
Teams with members who vary in ability and skill
outperform homogeneous teams if the members of the homogenous team have low skill levels.
- Question 32
Teams are
made up of members who pursue performance goals through interdependent interaction.
- Question 33
An inspirational approach to leading others that involves elevating followers’ motivation, confidence, and satisfaction is leadership.
transformatio nal
- Question 34
The implicit leadership theory argues that
leadership emergence is influenced by members’ expectations and assumptions about leaders.
- Question 35
An essential leadership skill is monitoring nonverbal cues. Which of the following is NOT recommended when noticing several group members nodding their heads?
Cutting off
- Question 36
The leader may use his or her eyes to do each of the following EXCEPT
link members together.
- Question 37
When setting up a round, the leader needs to do each of the following EXCEPT
get it started as quickly as possible.
- Question 38
Studies suggest that social loafing can be avoided if
individuals’ contributions to the group product are identifiable.
- Question 39
The “I” in the ODDI decision process model stands for
implementi ng.
- Question 40
According to Rogelberg’s research, who is likely to most dislike meetings?
individuals who do not need to coordinate their activities with others
- TEST 3Question 1 2 out of 2 points During conflicts, people are most likely to misinterpret and misperceive behavior.
Selected Answer:
altruisti c
- Question 2 2 out of 2 points Balance theory predicts that hostility is greatest when group members who dislike each other also disagree with each other. Tension is greatest when group members
Selected Answer:
disagree with each other and like each other.
- Question 3 2 out of 2 points Feedback from one group member to another is most closely associated with which therapeutic factor?
Selected Answer:
interpersonal learning
- Question 4
Which of the following is NOT an important consideration when using touching
2 out of 2 points
Selected Answer:
Asking members to explain their objections
- Question 5 2 out of 2 points Which of the following is NOT true regarding the use of feedback during the closing stage of group?
Selected Answer:
Feedback should not be given during the closing stage, as it could be hurtful.
- Question 6 2 out of 2 points Individuals’ perceptions of their environment are usually based on two dimensions:
Selected Answer:
pleasant-unpleasant; stimulating- relaxing
- Question 7 2 out of 2 points Interpersonal psychotherapy groups stress dealing with issues that occur within the group itself, rather than reviewing what the members are experiencing outside of the group or what they experienced in the past. This focus is usually referred to as a(n) orientation.
Selected Answer:
“here and now”
- Question 8 2 out of 2 points Asking a member to leave a group might be done for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
Selected Answer:
the member is disagreeing with the leader or other members at times.
- Question 9 2 out of 2 points Which of the following is NOT recommended as a way to handle a member’s emotional reaction to an exercise?
Selected Answer:
Refer the member to another group that is less intense
- Question 10
Which of the following is true regarding apportioning time to members?
2 out of 2 points
Selected Answer:
It is okay to occasionally give more time to one member.
- Question 11
When a member begins crying during the session, the leader should
2 out of 2 points
Selected Answer:
attempt to determine whether he or she is in pain or trying to gain sympathy from others.
- Question 12 2 out of 2 points According to equilibrium theory, if a group discussion lacks intimacy, participants will probably
Selected Answer:
make little eye contact with one another.
- Question 13
Studies of the impact of noise on people indicate that
2 out of 2 points
Selected Answer:
people can cope with noise for short periods of time.
- Question 14
Which is NOT one of the basic causes of group conflict discussed by Forsyth?
2 out of 2 points
Selected Answer:
Hiding: Covert disagreements and secretive maneuvering
- Question 15
Feedback exercises are most valuable when
2 out of 2 points
Selected Answer:
a member wants to know what others think of him or her.
- Question 16
Spinning-off is appropriate for the following reasons, EXCEPT
2 out of 2 points
Selected Answer:
it gives the leader a break.
- Question 17 2 out of 2 points Asking members to position themselves somewhere between two walls in the room that represents their level of comfort in the group in an example of conducting a
Selected Answer:
Moveme nt
- Question 18 2 out of 2 points Which of the following is NOT a recommended leadership technique for handling a talkative member?
Selected Answer:
Maintaining eye contact and nodding when the member speaks
- Question 19
Which is FALSE about leading the middle stage of a group?
2 out of 2 points
Selected Answer:
It is okay for the leader to plan only one exercise or activity.
- Question 20
These are reasons for using exercises in a group, EXCEPT:
2 out of 2 points
Selected Answer:
Testing members’ boundaries
- Question 21
All of the following is true about distracting members EXCEPT
2 out of 2 points
Selected Answer:
they are always intentionally trying to distract the group
- Question 22 2 out of 2 points According to the authors, all of the following are important, but which is the MAIN focus of the closing stage of the group?
Selected Answer:
Assessing growth
- Question 23
A mixed-motive situation occurs when
2 out of 2 points
Selected Answer:
the group’s goal structures include elements of both cooperation and competition.
- Question 24
2 out of 2 points In the working phase, it is important for leaders to
Selected Answer:
deepen the focus to a level that is meaningful for most or all of the members.
- Question 25 2 out of 2 points A member who says to another “Don’t worry, everything will be ok, you just have to make the best of things” is a member.
Selected Answer:
rescuin g
- Question 26 2 out of 2 points If a member shares a deep personal concern in a non-therapy group, the leader should FIRST
Selected Answer:
decide if therapy is appropriate for handling the concern.
- Question 27 2 out of 2 points When a group member breaches confidentiality, the authors recommend that the leader do which of the following first?
Selected Answer:
Talk to the member who breached confidentiality
- Question 28
Which of the following is a good reason for leaders to participate in an exercise?
2 out of 2 points
Selected Answer:
To allow the members to get to know the leader better
- Question 29 2 out of 2 points Which of the following is NOT true regarding holding the focus when processing a group exercise?
Selected Answer:
It is a good idea to shift the focus to a another activity quickly
- Question 30
Which is NOT true about the closing phase of a session?
Selected (^) The amount of time for closing should be the same for
2 out of 2 points
Answer: (^) every group
- Question 31 2 out of 2 points Acco rd i n g to J a cob s e t a l ., w hi ch o f th e fo ll o w i n g i s FA L S E a b ou t th e fo cu s on p ro ce ss i n a therapy group?
Selected Answer:
It should be the main purpose of a therapy group
- Question 32 2 out of 2 points When introducing an exercise, leaders should clearly present the directions for all of the following reasons EXCEPT to
Selected Answer:
ensure that reluctant members participate.
- Question 33 2 out of 2 points Many 12-step programs build into their change program by requiring long-term members to assist newcomers.
Selected Answer:
altruis m
- Question 34 2 out of 2 points All of the following represent common mistakes made in middle sessions EXCEPT?
Selected Answer:
Moving group’s focus to deeper, more meaningful content
- Question 35
Personal space zones are smaller
0 out of 2 points
Selected Answer:
in the United States than in Latin American.
- Question 36 0 out of 2 points Although ALL of the following are important, the MOST important thing to attend to when leading an exercise is
Selected Answer:
introducing the exercise clearly.
- Question 37 2 out of 2 points
To deepe n th e fo cu s o f th e g rou p a n d th e le ve l of co mm i tm e n t o f m e m be rs, J a cob s e t a l. suggest all of the following EXCEPT
Selected Answer:
suggesting that the group take the topics and their participation more seriously.
- Question 38
Which is NOT one of the characteristics of most support groups?
2 out of 2 points
Selected Answer:
Members have little experience with the problem the group focuses on
- Question 39 2 out of 2 points According to the dual concern model, which conflict management strategy reflects low concern for both self and other?
Selected Answer:
Avoidin g
- Question 40 2 out of 2 points Which of the following is NOT a purpose or goal of the closing phase of a session?
Selected Answer:
To cover a planned topic that wasn’t previously discussed in the session Friday, October 25, 2019 2:07:23 PM EDT