Download HSP3U Exam Notes questions well answered and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! HSP3U Exam Notes Social Science - correct answer ✔✔Research and analysis to explain human behaviour. Behaviour - correct answer ✔✔Things that humans: -Say -Do -Think -Buy -Avoid -Support demonstrate Psychology - correct answer ✔✔The study of people's thoughts, feelings and behaviour. The key to understanding a person's personality (combined with experience and heredity). Sociology - correct answer ✔✔Study of human behaviour in groups (societies). Concerned mainly with how a group functions, develops and is structured. People can be looked at parts of a single organism. Anthropology - correct answer ✔✔The study of human species and human cultures around the world. There is interest in how it evolves overtime. Cultural anthropology - correct answer ✔✔Study of: -Ethnocentrism -Communication -Survival & economic patterns -Family patterns or kinship -Sex and marriage -Culture -Social control -Political organizations -Class -Ethnicity -Gender -Religion Physical anthropology - correct answer ✔✔Study of human biological and physiological characteristics and their development. Archaeology - correct answer ✔✔Study of the history of culture around the world. Involves many techniques for finding, excavating, dating, and analyzing materials of past cultures. Linguistic anthropology - correct answer ✔✔Studies the role of language to share information in communities and shape cross-cultural interactions. Ethnocentrism - correct answer ✔✔Thinking that your own culture is the best. Paleoanthropology - correct answer ✔✔Branch of anthropology concerned bone and stone remains of ancient ancestors. Primatology - correct answer ✔✔Study of primates. Human Variation - correct answer ✔✔Study of physical differences and similarities between human populations. Ethnology - correct answer ✔✔Immersing yourself in a culture for months or years and taking meticulous notes called ethnography. Ethnography covers marriage customs, kinship, politics, economics, religion, art, music and technology. Culture - correct answer ✔✔The total system of ideas, values, behaviours and attitudes shared by most members of society. Survival of the fittest - correct answer ✔✔Species who survive pass on their genes to their offspring. Bipedalism - correct answer ✔✔- Walk upright on 2 feet Humans vs Primates - correct answer ✔✔Humans: -More pronounced thumbs -Faster responding nerves from hand to brain -Walk upright for long distances easily -Largest brain -Needs more care to develop self-reliant/long lasting relationships -Arched foot -Big toe for balance -Wide flat pelvis -S shaped spine -Communication of complex ideas through language -Can cook -Curved dental arch Primates: -Ability to move arms in all directions -Also have nails -Toes on the side of foot -Rectangular dental arch Dian Fossey - correct answer ✔✔-Ethnographer, studied gorillas -Found they have simmilar emotions and behaviours -Primatologist Jane Goodall - correct answer ✔✔-Ethnographer, studied chimpanzees for 45 years -discovered toolmaking in chimps Franz Boas - correct answer ✔✔-German/Canadian anthropologist that studied the indigenous people in Canada -Challenged racial differences, was anti-ethnocentrism Margaret Mead - correct answer ✔✔-Studied Samoan adolescent girls to find out if stress was due to being an adolescent or societal pressure -Did participant observation, failed because she was white and culturally insensitive -3 people tried in total and failed, the third guy was a dude Charles Darwin - correct answer ✔✔-1832: 4 years on the HMS Beage in the Galapagos Islands -Came up with natural selection and survival of the fittest Raymond Dart - correct answer ✔✔-1924, South Africa -Found a skull more human than ape. Walked upright but had a small brain. Confirmed Darwin's idea of an African origin. Louis & Mary Leaky - correct answer ✔✔-"Dear Boy" -1959, Kenya -Radiometric dating of a skull 1.75 million years old Donald Johnson - correct answer ✔✔-"Lucy" -1974, Ethiopia -40% of Australopithecus Afarensis from 3.2 million years ago -Femure: Slanted, length and wear on pelvis -Small skull -3rd molars & wisdom teeth size of canine Zeresenay Alemseged - correct answer ✔✔-"Selam" -2006, Ethiopia - 3y/o girl - Lower body walked and upright body swung in trees -Hyoid bone for speech Rules - correct answer ✔✔A standard set of expectations for behaviour, often outlined and recorded. Norms - correct answer ✔✔Rules set out for a normal behaviour in a certain role, not recorded. Values - correct answer ✔✔Lating beliefs of a society, what they deem good/bad. Macrosociology - correct answer ✔✔Analysis of social structures/systems on a large scale. Microsociology - correct answer ✔✔Analysis of social structures/systems on a small scale. Structural functionalism - correct answer ✔✔-Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) -A society is stable when the social institutions meet the needs of the citizens -Politics, religion, family, education, economy Conflict theory - correct answer ✔✔-Competition between different groups for power, result of the constant struggle between the bourgeoisies and the proletariats -Economic or political struggle -Institutions are sent to further alienate the poor and make them feel powerless, can also apply to gender or race -Conflict and revolution are the only ways that society evolves Bourgeoisie vs proletariat - correct answer ✔✔Bourgeoisie= have Proletariat= have not Symbolic interactionism - correct answer ✔✔-Herbert Blumer (1900-1987) Overt vs systemic discrimination - correct answer ✔✔Overt: Intentional actions that are taken against an individual or group because of some distinguishing characteristics they possess. Systemic:Subtle and unintentional discrimination against a person or group where consequences or outcomes are not fully understood by those taking action. Emile Durkheim - correct answer ✔✔-pioneered modern statistical analysis -Contraversial book on suicide: concluded that suicide is a highly personal & individual choice, but the causes were rooted in society -Saw the industrial revolution and saw people being disconnected from their communities Karl Marx - correct answer ✔✔-Economic historian -Made the conflict theory -Witnessed to industrial revolution and saw rich factory owners exploiting the workers -Feudal society (granted farmlands) to capitalist society to communist society Robert Merton - correct answer ✔✔-American sociologist who studies what happens whem behaviour violates the standards of conduct or expectations of a group or society -Made to deviance typologu -Functionalist theorist Asch - correct answer ✔✔tested conformity with the line experiment. (which line is longer) Discoveries: -Most people will conform in social situations, even with strangers Zimbardo - correct answer ✔✔Stanford prison experiment, prison experiment. Tested if the brutality in the prison system was a result of the system itself or sadistic personalities. Discoveries: -People conform with roles quickly -Even if there are only a few people with sadistic personalities, most people will conform or comply with the leader Garfinkel - correct answer ✔✔-walking backwards upstairs -facing everyone in the elevator -standing while eating in a restaurant Milgrim - correct answer ✔✔Subway experiment, able bodied people asking for a seat. Their bodies conformed to the social norms and they actually became sick. Psychoanalytic theory- School of Thought - correct answer ✔✔Freud's theory that unconscious forces act as determinants of personality. Freud believed that people could be cured by making conscious their unconscious thoughts and motivations, thus gaining "insight". Behaviorism-School of thought - correct answer ✔✔Behaviourists believe that we can predict, control or modify human behaviour by manipulating factors and understanding what motivates human behaviour. Learning theory- School of thought - correct answer ✔✔Social learning theorists believe that a social element is also involved where people can learn new information and behaviour be observing others. Psychodynamic/Psychoanalysis - correct answer ✔✔-Founded by Sigmund Freud - Process designed to uncover patients unconscious thoughts by encouraging them to discuss their background, feelings and experiences with a trained psychologist. Unconscious vs conscious vs subconscious vs preconscious - correct answer ✔✔Unconcious:Freud's term for the part of our mind that we are not aware of. Conscious:Freud's term for what we are presently aware of. Subconscious: Preconscious: Information that is not conscious but is retrievable into conscious awareness Behavioural psychology/ behaviourism - correct answer ✔✔Studies how individuals react to the environment. Believed that all behavioural responses are the result of environmental stimuli. Developmental psychology - correct answer ✔✔A branch of psychology that studies physical, cognitive, and social change throughout the life span. Humanism Psychology - correct answer ✔✔-Believed humans are not influenced by the environment or their emotions, but rather they take control of their own lives independantly -Emphasizes individuals inherent drive towards self-actualization, the process of realizing and expressing one's full potential. Cognitive Psychology - correct answer ✔✔-The study of mental processes involved in memory, learning and thinking -Topics incude things such as decision making, problem solving, learning, etc Bystander effect - correct answer ✔✔The tendency to not offer help when needed if others are present who do not offer help. also the tendency to not offer help because you think other bysanders will help, transference of responsibility. Cerebrum - correct answer ✔✔The largest and most developed portion of the brain, which is responsible for controlling memory, understanding and logic (problem solving). Split into 2 parts, the hemispheres. Cerebral cortex - correct answer ✔✔Made of grey matter, covers the whole brain. Divided into the four lobes. Left vs right hemisphere - correct answer ✔✔Left hemisphere: Responsible for communication, language, logic and mathematical abilities. Controls the right side of the body. Right hemisphere: Responsible for facial recognition, spatial awareness and visual imagery. Recieves and analyzes information. Controls the left side of the body. Frontal lobe - correct answer ✔✔Involved in speaking, planning actions and decision making. Hippocampus - correct answer ✔✔Transfers information into short/long term memory. Also linked to the emotional system. Amaygdala - correct answer ✔✔2 almond shaped neural-clusters regulating how emotion can affect memory and creating flight or fight responses. Latency - correct answer ✔✔(6-puberty)- Plays mainly with same-gender friends, dormant sexual feelings Genital - correct answer ✔✔(Puberty onwards)- Directs sexual urges towards members of the opposite sex Feral children - correct answer ✔✔Unwanted child deserted at a young age and raised by animals. Isolates - correct answer ✔✔Child raised in near isolation within a human household. Classical conditioning - correct answer ✔✔Classical conditioning, involuntary/natural responses can be linked to a neutral sign. Unconditioned stimulus- stimulus used to produce a natural reflelx Unconditioned response- automatic response to UCS Conditioned stimulus- The neutral stimulus that doesn't get a response but with time it gets a response Conditioned response- learned response through conditioning Operant conditioning - correct answer ✔✔Is a type of learning where behavior is controlled by consequences. Key concepts in operant conditioning are positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment and negative punishment. Positive reinforcement :giving something pleasant after a behavior. Negative reinforcement: Taking away something negative Negative punishment: removing something pleasant after the behavior or introducing negative consequences Positive punishment: is used to decrease a behavior and is presenting something unpleasant after the behavior. Nature vs nurture - correct answer ✔✔Nature= biology, genetics Nurture= Socialization Heirarchy of needs - correct answer ✔✔1. Physiological needs (water, food) 2. Safety needs 3.Belongingness and love needs 4. Esteem needs: confidence, achievement, respect of/by others 5. Self-actualization: Achievement of one's full potential Sensory memory - correct answer ✔✔-Duration= quarter to half a second -Capacity= very brief (depends on sense) -Encoding= sense specific, different stores for different senses Short tern memory - correct answer ✔✔-Duration= 0 to 18 seconds -Capacity= 7 things, plus or minus 2 -Encoding= mainly auditory Long term memory - correct answer ✔✔-Duration= unlimitted -Capacity= unlimitted -Encoding= Mainly semantic, but can be auditory or visual Episodic memory - correct answer ✔✔Personal experience Semantic memory - correct answer ✔✔Not from personal ecperience. Includes: -Colours -Words -Capital cities Encoding - correct answer ✔✔The way thar information is changed so that it can be stored in the memory. 4 main ways: 1. Visual 2.Acoustic 3. Elaborative (meanings/links) 4. Semantic (chunking/mneumonic) Deese-Rodiger-McDermott Paradigm (serial position, primacy, recency) - correct answer ✔✔1. Recall= amount & length 2. Recognitition= meaning, understanding 3. Semantics= simmilar words 4. Visual= colour change, highlight 5. Acoustic= alliteration 6. Serial position: remember things at the beginning (primacy) and the end (recency) the most. DSM (mental ilness/disorders) - correct answer ✔✔Handbook that describes the symptoms and criteria for mental illnesses. Sigmund Freud - correct answer ✔✔Founder of psychoanalysis, the treatment of doctor and patient talking it out. Karen Horney - correct answer ✔✔-Development is a lifelong, not just in childhood -Repression is a rare force to trauma She believed that personality was not determined by unresolved sexual conflicts in childhood. She also argued that women were pushed towards men and status, and without a husband or children, they had little value in society. Also did great work in neurotic disorders. Carl Jung - correct answer ✔✔-Psychoynamic theorist -Student of Freud, disagreed with his sexual things though and the fact that the unconscious was too negative. Also did free association but did it with drawings/paintings. -Did the collective vs personal unconscious -7 dream archetypes -Introvert vs extrovert