Download Human Resource Management Concepts and Practices and more Exams Human Resource Management in PDF only on Docsity! IPMA-HR Public Sector Essentials Exam 2024. Questions and Correct, Verified Answers. Graded A+ 501 and 505 - ANSno discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities who work in the federal government acceptance rate - ANSpercentage of applicants hired divided by total number of applicants offered jobs ADA - ANSorganizations with 15 or more employees must make reasonable accommodations that allow a qualified job applicant with disability to complete the applicant process or carry out duties of the job, amended 2008 to expand protections and clarify ADEA - ANSprohibits an employer from refusing to hire, discharge, or otherwise discriminate against any individual because of age. The act covers compensation, terms, conditions, and other privileges (i.e. health benefits) adverse impact - ANSif the selection rate for any race, sex, or ethnic group is less than 80% for the group having the highest selection rate alternative work arrangements - ANSnontraditional schedules that provide flexibility to employees applicant pool - ANSall persons who are actually evaluated for selection impacted by representative of organization and industry, screening, job specifications, and info available through the ATS applicant population - ANSsubset of the labor force population that is available for selection using a particular recruiting approach attraction selection attrition theory - ANSjob candidates are attracted to, selected by firms where similar types of individuals are employed and individual who are different quit their jobs to work elsewhere balanced scorecard - ANSa framework used to report a diverse set of performance measures behavioral interview - ANSapplicants give specific examples of how they have performed a certain task or handled a problem in the past benchmarking - ANScomparing the business results to industry standards Broadbanding - ANSPractice of using few pay grades with much broader ranges than in traditional compensation systems Civil Rights Act - ANSprovides monetary damages in cases of international employee discrimination, authorizes compensatory and punitive damages, obtaining attorney fees and possibility of jury trials, directs EEOC to expand its tech assistance and outreach activities Civil Service Reform Act - ANSprohibits any employee who has authority to take certain personnel actions from discriminating for or against, Office of Personnel Management interpret prohibit discrimination based on conduct to include sexual orientation, prohibits reprisal for whistle-blowing, enforced by the Office of the Special Counsel and Merit System Protection Board cognitive ability tests - ANStests that measure an individuals thinking, memory, reasoning, verbal and mathematical abilities Competency Based Pay - ANSRewards individuals for the capabilities they demonstrate and acquire competency interview - ANSquestions are designed to provide interviewer with benchmark against which to measure an applicant's response compilational fit - ANSoccurs when several lower level factors (work group, personal lives, or work site teamwork) prompt increase in higher-level congruence compositional fit - ANSwhen people involved in creating fit are doing so at different levels of a firm concurrent validity - ANSmeasured when an employer tests current employees and correlates the scores with their performance ratings hr analytics - ANSevidence-based approach to making hr decision on the base of quantitative tools and models hr audit - ANSa formal research effort to assess the current state of hr practices hr generalist - ANSresponsibility for performing a variety of activities hr metrics - ANSspecific measures of hr performance indicators hr specialist - ANShas in-depth knowledge ad expertise in limited area of human resources human capital - ANSthe collective value of the capabilities, knowledge, skills, life experiences, and motivation of an organization workforce human capital ROI - ANSdirectly shows the operating profit derived from investments in human capital human capital value added - ANScalculated by subtracting all operating expense except for labor expenses from revenue and dividing by full-time head count human economic value added - ANSnet profit after taxes minus cost of capital divided by full time head count human resource management - ANSthe design of formal systems in an organization to a manage human talent for accomplishing organizational goals I-9 - ANSEmployment Authorization Document (AED) Immigration Reform and Control Act - ANSrequires employers to ensure employees are here legally are authorize to work in U.S. verification must be obtained from all employees Intergovernmnetal Personnel Act - ANSif receive grants then establish merit personnel systems for personnel in that program in some cases required by Federal grant or agency, Title II gives OPM authority to prescribe standard for Federal requirement merit personnel systems internal supply - ANScurrent staffing level - projected outflows + projected inflows Job Analysis - ANSSystematic way of gathering and analyzing information about the content, context and human responsibilities of jobs Job description - ANSIdentification of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of a job Job design - ANSOrganizing tasks, duties, responsibilities, and other elements into a productive unit of work Job Enlargement - ANSBroadening the scope of a job by expanding the number of different tasks to be performed. Job Enrichment - ANSIncreasing the depth of a job by adding responsibilities for planning, organizing, controlling, or evaluating the job. Job Evaluation - ANSFormal, systematic means to identify the relative worth of jobs within an organization job posting - ANSsystem in which the employer provides notices of job openings and employees respond by applying for specific openings Job redesign - ANS Job redesign - ANSTaking an existing jo and changing it to improve it Job rotation - ANSProcess of moving a person from job to job Job Specifications - ANSThe knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA) an individual needs to perform a job satisfactorily. KSA - ANSKnowledge, skills and abilities Labor Force participation rate - ANSThe percentage of the population working or seeking work. labor force population - ANSall individuals who are available for selection using a particular recruiting approach labor markets - ANSthe supply pool from which employers attract employees Market Banding - ANSGrouping jobs into pay grades based on similar market survey rates. multinational coroporation - ANSa corporation that has facilities and other assets in at least one other country than its home country negligent hiring - ANSoccurs when an employer fails to check an employee's background and the employee injures someone on the job negligent retention - ANSoccurs when employer becomes aware that an employee may be unfit for work but continues to employ the person and the person injures someone Non solicitation of current employees - ANSprevents former employees form contacting or encouraging coworkers at the former employer to join a different company, often a competitor non-directive interview - ANSinterview that uses questions developed from the answers to previous questions Nonpiracy agreements - ANSbars former employees from soliciting business from former customers and clients for a specified period of time. selection - ANSthe process of choosing individuals with correct qualifications needed to fill jobs in an organization selection criterion - ANScharacteristic that a person must posses to successfully perform work selection rate - ANSpercentage hired fro a given group of candidates severance - ANStemporary payments made to laid off employees to ease the financial burden on employees situational interview - ANSstructured interview that contains questions about how applicants might handle specific job situations spillover - ANSgood/bad fit spills over into beliefs about organization spiraling - ANSpositive/negative perceptions about fit impact feelings about a work place strategic - ANSentails providing input into organizational strategic planning and appropriate use of HR management practices to gain competitive advantage strategic planning - ANSprocess of defining organizations strategy and allocating resources towards its achievement strategy - ANSa plan an organization uses/follows for how to compete successfully, survive and grow/ a general framework that provides guidance for the action stress interview - ANSinterview designed to create anxiety and put pressure on applicants to see how they respond structured interview - ANSinterview that uses a set of prepared, job-related questions that are asked of all applicants, comparisons made easily succession planning - ANSidentifying replacements of key employees through orderly plan Task - ANSDistinct, identifiable work activity composed of motions team interview - ANSapplicants are interviewed by the team members with whom they will work third country national - ANScitizen of one country, working in second country, employed by organization in third country Title I - ANSparties can request jury trials and successful plaintiffs can recover, comp/punitive damages in intentional employment discrimination cases, expands protections of Title VII to include Congressional and high level political appointees, eliminate 2-3 year statue of limits for filing lawsuits under ADEA Title VII - ANSprohibits employment discrimination based upon and race, religion, sex, national origin and color, 1978 amendment to include pregnancy as protected class Uniform Guidelines - ANSissued by EEOC, help employers comply with Federal Law Variable pay - ANSCompensation linked directly to individual, team, or organization performance Workflow Analysis - ANSStudy of the way work (inputs, activities, and outputs) moves through an organization Workforce Planning - ANSThe strategic alignment of an organization's human capitol and its business direction yield ratios - ANScomparison of the number of applicants at one stage of the recruiting process with the number at the next stage