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Human Resource Management Processes and Practices, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive overview of various human resource management (hrm) processes and practices. It covers topics such as job analysis, job design, recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, workforce planning, and talent management. The document also discusses the impact of technology on hrm functions, including the use of electronic hrm (e-hrm) and business intelligence. Additionally, it covers important hr metrics and calculations, such as unit cost to fill a vacancy, calculating benchmark employee cost, and the cost of covering a vacant position. This document could be a valuable resource for students, hr professionals, and anyone interested in understanding the key aspects of modern hrm.

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Available from 09/25/2024




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Download Human Resource Management Processes and Practices and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! 1 APHR Certification Study Guide 2024/2025 Human Resource Management (HRM) - Answer-HRM consists of an organization's "people practices" - the policies, practices, and systems thatinflu nce employees' behavior, attitudes, and performance. Explain how HRM contributes to an organization's performance - Answer- Through itspractices or process, The HRM influences who works for the organization and howthose people work. These human resources, if well managed, have the potential to be as urce of sustainable competitive advantage, contributing to basic objectives such asquality, profits, nd customer satisfaction. HRM Process/ practices - Answer-1) Analysis and Design of work2) HR planning3) Recruitment4) Selection5) Tra ning and development6)Com ensa i on7)Performance Management8) Employ e Relations Human Capital - Answer-An Organization's employees, described in terms of theirraining, experience, judgement, intelligence, relationships, and insight. Human Resources qualities valuable to the success of organizations - Answer-1)Human Resources are VALUABLE- high-quality employees provide a needed serviceas th y p form many critical functions.2) Human Resources are RARE- a person with high levels of the needed skills andknowledge is not common3) Human Resources CANNOT BE IMITATED -4) Human Resources have NO GOOD SUBSTITUTES High Performance Work System - Answer-An organization in which technology,orga izational structure, people, and processes work seamlessly to give an organizationan dvantage in the competitive environment. Maintaining a High-Performance Work System may include: - Answer-- Development oftraining programs-Rec uitment of people with new skill sets- Establishment of rewards for such behaviors as team work, flexibility, and learning Ratio of HR employees to total employees - Answer-2 full time HR staff persons forevery 100 employees on payroll.In small organizations the ratio is much higher 1 2 Administrative role of HRM - Answer-Handling administrative tasks ( hiring employees,answering questions about benefits) efficiently and with a commitment to quality. Thisrequires expertise in the particular task Business Partner role of HRM - Answer-Developing effective HR systems that help theorg me t its goals attracting, keeping, and developing people with the skill it needs.For the systems to be effective, HR people must understand the business so it canunderstand wh t the business needs Strategic partner role - Answer-Contributing to the company's strategies through anunderstanding of its existing and needed HR and ways HR practices can give theompany a competitive advantage.For strategic ideas to be effective, HR people must understand the business, it'sindustry, and its competitors Job Analysis - Answer-The process of getting detailed information about jobs Work Flow Design - Answer-The process of analyzing the tasks necessary for the production of a product or service Job - Answer-A set of related duties Position - Answer-A set of duties performed by a particular person Job Description - Answer-A list of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities (TDRs) that a particular job entails Job Specification - Answer-A list if the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics that an individual must have to perform a particular job Job Design - Answer-The process of defining the way work will be performed and the tasks that a given job requires Industrial Engineering - Answer-The study of jobs to find the simplest way to structure work in order to maximize efficiency Job enlargement - Answer-Broadening the types of tasks performed in a job Job extension - Answer-Enlarging jobs by combining several relatively simple jobs to for a job with a wider range of tasks Job rotation - Answer-Enlarging jobs by moving employees among several different jobs Job enrichment - Answer-Empowering workers by adding more decision making authority to jobs 2 5 Options for avoiding a shortage - Answer-Overtime, temporary employees, outsourcing, retrained transfers, turnover reductions, new external hires, technological innovations Workforce Utilization Review - Answer-A comparison of the proportion of employees inprotect d groups with the proportion that each group represents in the relevant labormark et Talent Management - Answer-A systematic, planned effort to attract, retain, develop, and motivate highly skilled employees and managers Evidence-based HR - Answer-Collecting and using data to show that human resourcespractices have a positive influence on the company's bottom line or key stakeholders(employe s, customers, community, and shareholders) Sustainability - Answer-An organization's ability to profit without depleting its resources,including employees, natural resources, and the support of the surrounding community Stakeholders - Answer-The parties with an interest in the company's 'success ( shareholders, community, customers, and employees ) HRM professionals' skills - Answer-Successful Members of The Human Resource department must be able to share information, build elationships, and influe cepersons insid and outside the company. The HR department needs to bring together alarge pool of skills. These skills fall into six basic functions: 1-Credible activists, 2-cultural and change steward, 3-talent managers/ organizational designers, 4-strategicarchitects, 5-business allies, 6-operational executors . All of these competencies requireinter rsonal skills. HR responsibilities of supervisors - Answer-Supervisors typically have responsibilitieslated to all the HR functions.They help define jobs ( job analysis and design)Forecast HR needs( HR planning)Provide trainingInterview ( and select ) candidatesAppraise performanceR c mmend increases and promotionsCo municate policiesMotivate, with support from pay, benefits, and other rewards Ethics - Answer-The fundamental principles of right and wrong. Ethical behavior is behavior that is consistent with those principles. HR Ethics and Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) - Answer-Reduce the likelihood of illegal andunethical behaviors by :-- Having a written Code Of ethics and conduct standards--Providing ethical behavior training and advice 5 6 -- Establishing confidential reporting systems for ethical misconduct-- Provi ing whistle-blower protection--Supporting HR's role as "keeper and voice" of organization's ethics Employees Rights/ Kant's Human Rights - Answer-- Right of free consent- Right of Privacy- Right of freedom of conscience- Right of Freedom of speech- Right to due process Standards for ethical HR practices - Answer-1) HRM practices must result in thegreatest good for the largest number of people2) employment practices must respect basic human rights of privacy, due process,consent and free speech3) managers must treat employees and customers equitable and fairly Labor Force - Answer-Is a general way to refer to all the people willing and able to work Internal Labor Force - Answer-An organization's workers ( it's employees and the people who have contracts to work at the organization) External Labor Market - Answer-Individuals who are actively seeking employment High Performance Work Systems - Answer-Organizations that have the best possible fitbetween their social system ( people and how they interact) and technical system( quipment and processes ) Summarize Areas in which HRM can support the goal of creating a high performancework system - Answer-Reliance on knowledge workers, empowerment of employees to make decisions, and use of teamwork. Recruiting and selection decisions are especially important for organization's that rely on knowledge workers. Job design and appropriate systems for assessment and rewards have a central role in supporting employee empowerment and teamwork Knowledge workers - Answer-Employees whose main contribution to the organization is specialized knowledge, such as knowledge of customers, a process, or a profession Employee Empowerment - Answer-Giving employees responsibility and authority tomake decisions regarding all aspects of product development or customer sevice Employee Engagement - Answer-Full involvement in one's work and commitment toone's job a d company. Is associated with higher productivity, better customer service,and lower turnover Teamwork - Answer-The assignment of work to groups of employees with various skills who interact to assemble a product or provide a service 6 7 Business strategy: issues affecting HRM - Answer-Total Quality Managementergers and AcquisitionsReengineerin gInternational ExpansionDownsizi gOutsourcing Total Quality Management TQM - Answer-A company wide effort to continually improve the ways people, machines, and systems accomplish work Outsourcing - Answer-The practice of having another company ( a vendor, third-party provider, or consultant) provide services Human Resource Information System (HRIS) - Answer-A computer system used toacquire, store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve, and distribute information related to anorganization's human resources HRIS purpose - Answer-Large quantities of employee data ( including training records, skills, compensation rates, and benefits usage and costs) can easily be stored. Electronic Human Resource Management (e-HRM) - Answer-The processing andtransmission of digitized HR information, especially using computer networking and theIntern et how eHRM affects traditional HRM functions - Answer-Electronic HRM applications letemployees enroll in and participate in training programs online.Employees ca go online and select from items in a benefits package and enroll in thebenefits y choose.T ey can look up answers to HR related questions and read company's news, perhapsdo nloading it as a podcast.Employees in different geographic areas can work togetherCompanies can search for talent without geographic limitationsRecruiting can include online job postings, applications, and candidate screening fromthe company's website or the websites of companies that specialize in online recruiting . Employ es from different geographic locations can all receive the same training overhe company's computer network HRM applications for Social networking - Answer-Creative organizations are applyingsocial etworking tools to HRMFoe example:--Sites for capturing, sharing, storing knowledge are good for preserving knowledge thatotherwise could be lost when employees retire.--Online surveys to gather employees' opinions, increase employees' engagement withthe jobs and the organization 7 1 0 How long should employers keep documents related to employment decisions? -Answer-Employers must keep these records for at least 6 months or until a complaint isresolved, whichever is later. Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) - Answer-The agencyresponsible for enforcing the executive orders that cover companies doing businesswith the federal government Written affirmative-action plan Components - Answer-1- utilization analysis - acomparison of the race, sex, and ethnic composition of the employer's workforce withthat of the available labor supply. The percentage in the employer's workforce shouldn t be greatly lower than the percentages in the labor supply2- goals and timetables- The percentages of women and minorities the organizationseeks to employ in each job group, and the dates by which the percentages are to beattained. The only requirement is that the employer have goals and be seeking toachieve he goals3- Action steps- a plan for how the organization will meet its goals. Besides workingtoward its goals of hiring women and minorities, the company must take affirmativesteps to hiring Vietnam veterans and individuals with disabilities The government role in providing for Equal Employment Opportunity - Answer-EEOrequires that employers comply with EEO laws. To enforce those laws, the executivebranch of the federal government uses the Equal Employment Opportunity CommissionEEOC and the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs OFCCP EEO-1 Report - Answer-The EEOC also monitors organizations's hiring practices. Eachye r organization's that are government contractors or subcontractors or have 100 o r mor employees must file an Employer Information Report (EEO-1) with the EEOC. The-1 Report is an online questionnaire requesting the number of employees in eachjob category ( suc as managers, professionals, and laborers ) broken down by theirstatus as male or female, Hispanic or non-Hispanic, and members of various racialgroups Thirteenth Amendment - Answer-Abolished slavery, covers all individuals, enforced by the Court System Fourteenth Amendment - Answer-Provides equal protection for all citizens and requiresdue process in state action. Covers State actions ( e.g., decisions of governmentorganizations ) enforced by the court system Civil Rights Acts ( CRAs) of 1866 and 1871 (as amended) - Answer-Grant all citizensthe right to make, perform, modify, and terminate contracts and enjoy all benefits, termsand conditions of the contractual relationship. Covers all individuals. Enforced by thecourt system 10 1 1 Equal Pay Act of 1963 - Answer-Requires that men and women performing equal jobsreceive equal pay. Covers employers engaged in interstate commerce. Enforced by theEOC Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ( Title VII) - Answer-Forbids discrimination basedon race, col r, religion, sex, or national origin.Covers employers with 15 or more employees working 20 or more weeks per year;labor unions; nd employment agencies.EEOC enforced Executive Order 11246 - Answer-issued by Lindon Johnson, prohibits federalcont ctors and subcontractors from discriminating based on race, color, religion, sex,or national origin. In addition, employers whose contracts meet minimum sizerequire ents must engage in affirmative action to ensure against discrimination. Thosereceiving m re t an 10,000 from federal gov must take affirmative action and those withcontracts exceeding 50,000 must develop a written affirmative action plan for each oftheir establishmentsEnforced by OFCCP Executive Order 11478 - Answer-Issued by Richard Nixon, requires the federal gov tobas l its employment policies on merit and fitness. It's specifies that race, color, sex,religion, and national origin may not be considered. Covers the gov and contractors andsubcontractors doing at least 10,000 worth of business with the federal govThe US Office of Personnel Management enforced Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 ( ADEA) - Answer- Prohibitsdiscrimination in employment against individuals 40 years of age and older.Covers mployers with 15 or more employees working 20 or more weeks per year;labor unions; employment agencies; federal governmentEEOC enforced Rehabilitation Act of 1973 - Answer-Requires affirmative action in the employment ofindividuals with disabilities.Covers government agencies, federal contractors and subcontractors with contractsgreater th n $2500 annuallyOFCCP enforced Affirmative Action - Answer-An organization's active effort to find opportunities to hire or promote people in a particular group Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 - Answer-Treats discrimination based onpregnancy-related conditions as illegal sex discrimination.Covers all employees covered by Tittle VIIEEOC enforced 11 1 2 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) - Answer-Prohibits discrimination againstindiv duals with disabilities in all employments practices, such as job applicationprocedures, hiring, firing, promotions, compensation, and training. Other employmentactivities covered by the ADA are employment advertising, recruitment, tenure, layoff,l ave, and fringe benefitsThe ADA require that employers take steps to accommodate individuals covered underthe actCovers employers with more than 15 employeesEEOC Disability - Answer-The ADA defines disability as a physical or mental impairment thatsubstantially limits one or more mayor life activities, a record of having such animpairment,more being regarded as having such an impairment Executive Order 11246 - Answer-Requires affirmative action in hiring women andminoriti esCovers federal contractors and subcontractors with contracts greater than $10,000OFCCP Civil Rights Act of 1991(CRA 1991) - Answer-Same as Title VII, prohibits discriminationwith the ddition of compensatory and punitive damages to employment discriminationcase sEEOC Maximum punitive damages allowed under CRA 1991 - Answer-14 to 100 employees----- $50,000101 to 200 " ---- ———. $100,000201 to 500 —. $200,000More than 500 --------- 300,000 Business' Role in providing for EEO - Answer-Most companies recognize theimportance of complying with anti-discrimination laws. Expert HR professionals can helpin id ntifying how to comply and take steps to avoid discrimination and providereasonable accommodation Types of discrimination - Answer-Disparate Treatment, Disparate Impact or Adverse Effect Disparate Treatment - Answer-Treating one group different than other based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability status Bona Fide Occupational Qualification BFOQ - Answer-A necessary ( not merely preferred) qualification for performing a job 12 1 5 -Be promptly informed about exposure to hazards and be given Acces to accuraterecords regarding exposure- Have employer violations posted at the work site Employees Responsibilities - Answer-- employees have to follow OSHA's safety rulesand reg ations governing employee behavior.- mpl yees have a duty to report hazardous conditions Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( OSHA) - Answer-Labor Departmentagency r sponsible for inspecting employers, applying safety and health standards, andlevying fines for violations Right-to-Know Laws - Answer-State laws that require employers to provide employeeswith information about the health risks associated with exposure to substancescon idered hazardous Material Safety Data Sheets ( MSDSs) - Answer-Forms on which chemical manufacturers and importers identify the hazards of their chemicals Impact of the OSH Act - Answer-The OSH Act has unquestionable succeeded in raising the level of awareness of occupational safety Job Hazard Analysis Technique - Answer-Safety promotion technique that involvesbreaking down a job into basic elements, then rating each element for its potential forharm or injury Technique of Operations Review TOR - Answer-Method of promoting safety by determining which specific element of a job led to a past accident Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) - Answer-Federal law that increas d the spo sibility of pension plan trustees to protect r tirees , establishedcertain rights related to vesting ( earning a right to receive the pension ) and portability (being able to move retirement savings when changing employers) , and created thePension Benefit Guarantee Corporation Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation ( PBGC) - Answer-Federal agency that insuresretirement benefits and guarantees retirees a basic benefit if the employer experiencesfinancial difficulties Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Answer-In 2010, Congress passed PatientProtection and Affordable Care Act, a health care reform law that includes incentivesand penalties for employers providing health insurance as a benefit. Method to calculate turnover - Answer-The generally accepted method to calculateturnover is to divide the nunber of employees who left the organization in a given monthby the average number of individuals on payrool duringvthat minth 15 1 6 National Labor Relations Act ( NLRA) - Answer-Federal law that support collective bargaining and sets out the rights of employees to form unions Activities Protected By the NLRA - Answer-Under the National Labor Relations Act, most private sector employees have the right to:Organize a union to negotiate with employers concerning wages, hours, and othe r terms and conditions of employment.-Form, join or assist a union.- Bargain collectively through representatives of employees' own choosing for acontract setting wages, benefits, hours, and other working conditions.- Discuss terms and conditions of employment or union organizing with co- workers or aunio n.-Engage in protected concerted activities with one or more co-workers to improvewages, benefits and other working conditions.-Choose not to do any of these activities, including joining or remaining a member of aunion. Employees not covered by the NLRA - Answer-Most employees in the private sector arecovered by the NLRA. However, workers employed under the following conditions aren t covered:Employed as a supervisorEmployed by a parent or spouseEmployed as an independent contractorEmployed in the domestic service of any person or family in a homeEmployed as agriculture laborersEmployed by an employer subject to the Railway Labor ActEmployed by a federal, state, or local governmentEmployed by any other person who is not an employer as defined in the NLRA. Laws amending the NLRA - Answer-Originally, the NLRA did not list any unfair labor practices by unions. In later amendments to the NLRA- The Taf -Harley Act of 1947 andthe Landrum-Griffin Act of 1959- congress established some restrictions on Unionpractices deemed unfair to employers and union members Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 - Answer-Unions may not restrain employers though actionssuch as following:-Mass picketing in such numbers that nonstriking employees physically cannot enter theworkpla ce- Engaging in violent acts in connection with a strike- Th eatening employees with physical injury or job loss if they do not support Unionactiviti es Right-to-Work Laws - Answer-state laws that make Union shops, maintenance ofembership, and agency shops illegal ( because that restricts the employees' right tofreed m of association 16 1 7 The Landrum-Griffin Act - Answer-Regulates unions' actions with regard to theirmembers, including financial disclosure and the conduct of elections. This lawstablishes and protects rights of union members. These include the right to nominateca didates for Union office, participate in Union meetings and secret-ballot elections,and examine unions' financial records. National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) - Answer-Federal Government agency thatenfor es the NLRA by conducting and certifying representation elections andinvestigating unfair labor practicesIt does not initiate any of these actions but responds to requests for actions Handling of complains regarding unfair labor practices - Answer-It begins when someo e files a charge. The deadline for filing harge is 6 mon hs after the allegedunfair practice. All parties must be served with a copy of the charge. (Registered mail isrecommended ) The charge is investigated by a regional office Which document fulfills all requirements when completing an I-9 form? - Answer-U.S.Pa sport, (Form I-9 requires that an employer verify both a new hire's identity and legalright to work in the U.S. "Third Shift" - Answer-The hours between 12:00 midnight to 8:00 AM beacuse these are hours that the majority of people are at home sleeping, organizationsfrequentlyvoffer additional pay ( known as " shift diferential" ) to attract employees towork th se non-standard hours. Glass-ceiling effect - Answer-Refers to an invisible barrier which appears to limit the growth of women above a certain level within the organization "Glass ceiling Initiatives - Answer-Efforts to address the "glass ceiling effect" Elements included in The Metrics for assessing a program - Answer-1- Quantity (volum e)2- Quality ( error or success rate)3- Time (on time or the time to complete)4- Money ( cost or revenue generated)5- Satisfaction ( of the users) The three levels of metrics - Answer-Impact, effectiveness, efficiency Metrics you can collect and track - Answer-1-Output ( unites produced, items sold,for processed, productivity, tasks completed, new accounts generated)2- Cost ( unit costs, variable costs, project cost savings, sales expenses, accident costs,operating costs, )3- Time ( processing time, learning time, meeting schedules, hiring for a position, timeto project completion) 17 2 0 - Applicants are relatively knowledgeable about the organization's vacancies, whichminimiz unrealistic expectations about the job- Is generally cheaper and faster than looking outside of the organization- increases employee loyalty- boosts productivity and profitability External Sources - Answer-When organizations recruit externally. For entry levelpositions or specialized upper-level positions. The most used sources are : directpplicants and referrals, advertisements, employment agencies, schools and websites Direct Applicants - Answer-People who apply for a vacancy without prompting from the organization Referrals - Answer-People who apply for a vacancy because someone in the organization prompted them to do so Best sources of new hires - Answer-Referrals and Direct applicants Lower cost than formal recruiting efforts, "self-selection" process direct applicants are tosome ex ent already sold on the org, when current employees ( who are familiar withthe v cancy and the person they are referring) refer friends or relatives Referrals cons - Answer--Limit the likelihood of exposing the organization to freshviewpoints. Peopl tend to refer others who are like themselves- so etimes contribute to hiring practices that are or appear to be unfair, for examplenepotis m Nepotism - Answer-The practice of hiring relatives Electronic Recruiting - Answer-Posting career information at company websites toaddress people who are interested in the particular company ( this works best for big,w ll known companies)and osting paid advertisements at career services to attract people who are searchingfor jobs. job boards large sites like monster and Careerbuilder are widely used. AlsoSmall, m re tailored websites called " Niche Boards" focus on certain industries Advertising in Newspapers and Magazines - Answer-When the goal is to find people wkn w the local community, advertising in the local newspaper can reach that audience.Simil rly, wh n the goal is to find people in a specialized field, advertising in a trade p,professional, or industry publication can reach the right pool of job candidates. Public employment Agencies - Answer-The Social Security Act of 1935 requires that everyone receiving un mployment comp nsat on be registered with a local stateemploym nt office. These state unemployment offices work with the U.S. EmploymentService (USES) to try to ensure that unemployed individuals eventually get off state aidand get back on employer payrolls. To accomplish this, agencies collect informationfrom the u employed people about their skills and experience 20 2 1 Employers can register their job vacancies with their local state employment office . The agency refers candidates at no charge Private employment Agencies - Answer-Private agencies serve the white- collar labormarket .Private agencies charge the employers for providing referralsAre a more suitable source for certain kinds of applicants than public agenciesEx cutive Search Firm (ESF) or head hunters for managers or professionals Colleges and universities - Answer-Most colleges and universities have placement servic s tha seek to help their graduates btain employment.On-ca pus interviewing is the most important source of recruits for entry-levelprofessional and managerial vacancies.Org ization's tend to focus especially on colleges. That have strong reputation in areasfor which they h ve critical needs-One of the best ways to establish a stronger presence on a campus is with a collegeinternship program. These programs give an org early access to potential applicantsnd let the organization asses their capabilities directly. Internships also give applicantsfirsthand experience with the employer, so both parties can make well-informedd cisions about fit when it comes time to considere long term commitment-Another way of increasing employer's presence on campus is to participate inuniversiti s job fairs job Job Fairs - Answer-Events where many employers gather for a short time to meet largenumbers of potential job applicantsJob fairs are inexpensive means of generating an on-campus presence. Evaluating the quality of a source - Answer-It is wise for employers to monitor thequali y of all their recruitment sources. One way to do this is to develop and compare YIELD RATIOS for each source. By comparing the yield ratios of different recruitment sources, HR professionals can determine which source is the best or most efficient fir the type of vacancy. Another measure of recruitment success is the COST PER HIRE Yield Ratio - Answer-A ratio that expresses the percentage of applicants whosuccessfully move from one stage of the recruitment and selection process to the next.( # interviews divided by # of resumes= %of interviews generated by a source) Cost per Hire - Answer-The cost of using a particular recruitment source for a particulartype of vacancy divided by the number of people hired to fill that type of vacancy. A lostcost per hire means that the recruitment source is efficient, it delivers qualifiedcandidates at minimal costThe cost per hire is not simply related to the type of recruiting method. These costs alsotend to vary by industry and organization size. Small companies' cost is much higherthan big companies. One reason for that is that small companies have fewer recruitersin-house, so they are likelier to hire outside at a higher cost. 21 2 2 Comparing industries, manufacturers pay the highest cost per hire, because findingindividuals with knowledge of the relevant equipment of software is more difficult thanfinding employees with standard kinds of certification,. Recruiter Traits and Behaviors - Answer-The recruiter affects the nature of both the jobvacancy and the applicants generated. However since the recruiter often becomesinvolved late in the recruitment process, by the time a recruiter meets some applicants,they have already made up their minds about what they desire in a job, what the vacantjob has to offer, and their likelihood of receiving a job offer.Many applicants approach the recruiter with some skepticism knowing is the recruitersjob to sell them the vacancy.Whe candidates are already familiar with the company through knowing about itspr ducts, the recruiter's impact is especially weakFor these and other reasons , recruiters characteristics and behaviors seem to havelimited impact on applicants' job choices Characteristics of the Recruiter - Answer-Most organization's must choose whether theirrecruiters are specialists in HR or at particular jobs.According to ome studies, applicants perceive HR specialist as less credible and areless attracted to jobs when recruiters are HR specialists.This ndicated that HR specialists need to take extra steps to ensureThat applicants perceive them as knowledgeable and credible.In general, applicants respond positively to recruiters who are warm ( meaning that therecruiter seems to care about the applicant and to be enthusiastic about the applicantspotential to contribute to the org) and informative ( meaning the recruiter provides thekind of information the applicant is seeking.Th evidence of impact of other characteristics such as their age, race, and sex iscomplex and inconsistent Behavior of the Recruiter - Answer-Recruiters affect results not only by providing plentyof informatio , but by providing the right kind of information.I reality, for affecting whether people choose to take a jo, but even more so, whetherthey stick with a job, the recruiter seems less important than an organization's personnelpolicies that dir ctly affects the job's features ( pay, security, advancementopportunities,and so on )! Steps to increase the positive impact of recruiters on candidates - Answer-- Recruitersshould p ovide timely feedback-R cruiters should avoid offensive behavior- T e organization can recruit with teams rather than individual recruiters Realistic Job Preview - Answer-Background information about a job's positive and negative qualities Business goals impacted directly by Metrics - Answer-- Increase a manager's bonus - Increase the share price 22 2 5 Commentary: A result of 60 means that an average of 60 calendar days elapsed between the filing and the resolution of grievances. HR Metric: External Complaint Factor - Answer-HR Metric: External Complaint FactorDescription: The average number of complaints to external agencies recorded peremploye e.Commentary: External complaints are typically those filed with agencies such as, in theUnited States, OSHA or a state department of equal employment opportunity. Lawsuitsfiled by employees against the employer are also considered to be external complaints,as they are complaints requiring employer action toward an external party.Formula: (External Agency Complaints / Average Headcount) * 100 HR Analytics - Answer-Type of assessment of HR effectiveness that involves determining the impact of, or the financial cost and benefits of, a program or practice HRM Audit - Answer-A formal review of the outcomes of HRM functions, based on identifying key HRM functions and measures of business performance Cloud computing - Answer-The practice of using a network or remote service hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data HR Dashboard - Answer-A display of a series of HR measures , showing Human Resource goals and objectives and progress towards meeting them Steps in the selection process - Answer-1- Screening Applications and resumes- 2- Testing and reviewing work samples3- interviewing candidates4- Check references and background5- Making a selection Communicating the decision - Answer-When a a candidate has been selected, theorganization should communicate the offer to the candidate. The offer should include:- j b responsibilities- work schedule- rate of pay- starting date-other relevantvdetails E-verify - Answer-E-Verify is an Internet-based system that compares information froman e ployee's Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, to data from U.S.Department of Homeland Security and Social Security Administration records to confirmemployment eligibility. Form I-9 - Answer-Is a free, mandatory Employment Eligibility Verification. Employersare responsible for completing and retaining Form I-9Employers may be fined if the form is not complete 25 2 6 I-9 Form is made up of three sectionsIt is illegal to discriminate against any work-authorized individual in hiring, discharge,recruitm nt or referral for a fee, or in the employment eligibility verification ( Form I-9and E-Verify) process based on that individual's citizenship status, immigration status,or national origin.Employers CANNOT specIfy which docs they will accept from an employee.The refusal to hire an individual because the documentation presented has a futureexpiration date may also constitute illegal discrimination. Form I-9 Section 1 - Answer-Must be completed and signed by new hired employee nolater than the first day of employment.This section should never be completed before the employee has accepted a job offerProviding your social security number is voluntary. However if York employerparticipates in E-Verify, you must provide your social security number Form I-9 Section 2 - Answer-Before completing section2' employers must ensure thatsection 1 is completed and on timeE ployers must complete section 2 by examining evidence of identity and employmentauthorization within 3 business days of the employee first day of employment.However,Mir an employer hires an individual for less than 3 business days, section 2must b completed no later than the first day of employment. An employer maycomplete Form I-9 before the first day of employment if the employer has offered theindividual a job and the individual has accepted.Employers or their authorized representative must:1. Physically xamine each original document the employee presents to determine if itreasonable appears to be genuine and to relate to the person presenting it. Purpose - Answer-Form I-9 is used for verifying the identity and employment a th rization of individuals hired for employment in the Unite States. All U.S.l ers must ensure proper completion of Form I-9 for each individual they hire foremployment in the United States. This includes citizens and noncitizens. Bothemploy es and employers (or authorized representatives of the employer) mustcomplete the form. On the form, an employee must attest to his or her employmentauthorization. The employee must also present his or her employer with acceptabledo uments evidencing identity and employment authorization. The employer mustxamin the employment eligibility and identity document(s) an employee presents todetermine whether the document(s) reasonably appear to be genuine and to relate tohe employee and record the document information on the Form I-9. The list o f acceptable documents can be found on the last page of the form. Employers mustretain Fo m I-9 for a designated period and make it available for inspection byauthorized government officers. NOTE: State agencies may use Form I-9. Also, someagricultural recruiters and referrers for a fee may be required to use Form I-9. Where to file - Answer-Do not file Form I-9 with USCIS or U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Employers must ave a c mpleted Form I-9 on file foreach pers on their payroll who is required to complete the form. Form I-9 must be 26 2 7 retained and stored by the employer either for three years after the date of hire or forne y ar after employment is terminated, whichever is later. The form must be availablefor inspection by authorized U.S. Government officials from the Department ofHomeland Security, Department of Labor, or Department of Justice. HRIS and strategic decison making - Answer-An HRIS can support strategic decisionmaking, help the organization avoid lawsuits, provide data for evaluating programs orolicies, and support day to day decisions . HRIS and talent management - Answer-An HRIS can support Talent management byintegrating data on recruiting, performance management, and training. This means that, for example, that the HRIS user can sense how specific kinds of recruiting, hiring , and training decisions relate to performance success. This helps HR professionals identify how to develop the organization's talent and where to recruit new talent so that an ongoing supply of human resources is available to fill new positions or new openings in existing positions 27