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Human Resources Management: Challenges, Practices, and Strategies, Exams of Advanced Education

A comprehensive study guide for the course human resources 361, covering a wide range of topics related to human resources management. It delves into the role of hr, organizational culture, employee engagement, and the current challenges faced by hr professionals. The guide explores various hr functions, including hr generalists, hr specialists, and hr management systems. It also discusses high-performance work practices, hr effectiveness and efficiency, succession planning, and strategic hr. The document examines talent management strategies, offshoring, benchmarking, and legal considerations such as protected groups, disparate treatment, and the equal pay act. Additionally, it covers workforce diversity, types of workers, job analysis, and factors influencing employee retention. This study guide offers valuable insights for students and professionals interested in understanding the complexities and best practices in human resources management.

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Available from 09/29/2024

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What is HR - the department that designs management systems to make sure that the talent employees have is used to effectively and efficiently accomplish organizational goals. Organizational Culture - the shared values and beliefs in an organization Employee engagement - the amount that individuals feel linked to the organizational success and the organizations performs positively. Employee Advocate - helping to make sure workers receive fair treatment regardless of their background Current HR Challenges - Organizational costs pressures and reconstructing, Economics and job changes, globalization of organizations and HR, workforce demographics and diversity. Economics and job changes that affect HR - Shifting of jobs, workforce availability and quality concerns, talent managements and development and growth in contingent workers. HR challenges in small companies - Hard time finding qualified workers, increase cost of benefits, rising taxes, don't have an actual HR dept., and complying with gov. regulation. HR functions that can be outsourced - Administrative jobs; counseling, retirement planning, benefits admin., payroll services and outplacement services HR Generalist - a personal that has responsibility for a variety of HR activities HR Specialists - a person that has in depth knowledge and expertise in a limited area of HR. Ex: benefits, employment and recruitment, and compensation. HRMS-Human Resource Management System - an integrated system that provides info used by HR managers in decision making High Performance Work Practices - Incentive compensation, training, employee participation, selectivity, and flexible work arrangements. HR effectiveness - the ability to produce a specific desired effect or result that can be measured. The extent to which the company goals have been met.

HR Efficiency - How operations are done in an economical matter-a short term measure. Succession Planning - the process of forming a plan of attack to replace key employees who may be leaving soon. Strategic HR - the use of human resource management practices to gain or keep a competitive advantage Managing a Talent Surplus - Reduce working hours, attrition and hire freezes, voluntary separation programs and workforce downsizing. Managing a talent shortage - using overtime, outsourcing work, having alternative work arrangements, bringing back the recently retired, using contingent workers and reducing turnover. Offshoring - the relocation by a company of a business or operation from one country to another country. Benchmarking - comparing the business processes and outcomes to an industry standard or best practice. ("best in class") Protected Groups - Race, ethnic origin, color, sex/gender, age, disability, military experience, religion, martial status and sexual orientation. Disparate Treatment - When members of one group are treated differently than members of another group Disparate Impact - When members of a protected group are greatly underrepresented as a result of employee decisions that work to their disadvantage. BFOQ - Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications-characteristics that provide a legit reason as to why an employer can exclude people ,which would usually be illegal. Business Necessity - a practice that is necessary for safe and efficient organizational operations. Job Relatedness - as long as a company can show how a test or requirement is directly related to the job and tasks performed it is okay to administer those. Equal Pay Act - paying similar wages for similar work. Differences in pay are only allowed for seniority, performance differences, quality and quantity of production, skill, effort or working conditions. Glass Ceiling - discriminatory practices that have prevented women and other protected class members from advancing to executive level jobs

Quid Pro Quo - You do something for me and I will do something for you. employment outcomes that come from granting sexual favors Undue Hardship - a huge expense imposed on any employer trying to make an accommodation for an individual with a disability. ADEA - Prevents discrimination against individuals over 40 years old and working for employers that have 20 or more workers. OWPA - older workers benefit protection act-protects employees when they sign a waiver for age discrimination in exchange for severance packages. Workforce Diversity Training - Legal awareness, cultural awareness, and sensitivity training. Types of workers - Part timers, contingent, temporary, independent and full-time. Person-job fit - matching personal characteristics with the job characteristics Job sharing - when two employees perform the work of one full time job Special Purpose team - a team formed just to address certain issues Self Directed Team - individuals assigned a cluster of tasks to ultimately accomplish goals among themselves Job Analysis - a systematic way of gathering and analyzing info about the content, context and human requirements of jobs. Job Descriptions - tasks, duties and responsibilities of a job. Tells what, why, how, and where it is done. Vacancy Costs - temporary help that is given to the company until they can replace their place of need Organization Commitment - the amount that employees believe in and accept organizational goals and want to remain a part of that organization. Job Satisfaction influences this. Drivers of Retension - Organizational/Management factors, employee-supervisor relations, job/work life, rewards given/or not, training and development, employer practices and policies. Expatriate - A worker from one country, working in another country but working for someone in their original country

Host-country - A citizen from one country, working in that country, but working for someone in another country Third-county national - a person from one country, working in another country, and that is headquartered in a third country.