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This document covers various aspects of human resources management, including organizational life cycle stages, HR goals and strategies, the importance of effective HR practices, and legal compliance related to equal employment opportunity. It discusses the relationship between HR strategies, work design, and organizational performance, highlighting the role of autonomy, differentiation, and integration in different work contexts. The document also provides insights into critical HR activities and skills required at different stages of an organization's development, as well as the impact of HR practices on employee satisfaction, retention, and organizational success. Additionally, it covers key legal concepts and requirements related to equal employment opportunity.
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Interestingly, good human resource practices create more satisfied employees, however, there is no research supporting that satisfied employees work any harder or more effectively. - correct answer ✔✔False An organization strives to move from the formalization stage in the organizational life cycle to the elaboration stage. - correct answer ✔✔True The formalization stage in the organizational life cycle focuses on: - correct answer ✔✔establishing clear practices and procedures for carrying out work Employee turnover: - correct answer ✔✔can be reduced if an employer keeps employees satisfied with their jobs. Main human resource goals during the entrepreneurial stage of the organization life cycle are: - correct answer ✔✔to find and hire quality employees and develop basic plans for measuring performance and paying employees During the elaboration stage of an organization: - correct answer ✔✔change management is the most important skill that human resource personnel contribute. Which of the following is most likely to positively influence organizational profits? - correct answer ✔✔Motivating employees through effective performance management. During the communal stage in the organizational life cycle, it is important that the organization: - correct answer ✔✔continue to hire quality employees, provide training, and develop effective communications. The stakeholder perspective focuses on people who affect and are affected by an organization. - correct answer ✔✔True
Which of the following is most likely to reduce instances of unethical corporate behavior? - correct answer ✔✔Open channels of communication. The entrepreneurial stage, the communal stage, the formalization stage, and the elaboration stage are the four common stages in an organization life cycle. - correct answer ✔✔True As an organization grows, measures of organizational and human resource success change. - correct answer ✔✔True During the elaboration stage, the main goals of an organization are: - correct answer ✔✔to adapt and renew, redefine objectives and identify new opportunities. Low turnover is a sign that employee needs are being met. - correct answer ✔✔True During the communal stage of an organization expansion, innovation and cooperation are important. The most critical human resource activity is to find and hire employees. - correct answer ✔✔False Which of the following is not an outcome of effective human resource practices? - correct answer ✔✔Decreased costs in human resource operations. Employees, customers, and owners are the only stakeholders considered by successful organizations. - correct answer ✔✔False What are some of the reasons to develop human resource skills? - correct answer ✔✔Human resource skills will help you better understand how to hire, manage, and motivate employees more effectively. Employees satisfied with their jobs tend to have more satisfied customers. - correct answer ✔✔True It is critical that human resource practices, during the entrepreneurial stage of an organization's life cycle, focus on the development of compensation and benefits programs that increase employee retention. - correct answer ✔✔False
Strengths and weaknesses - correct answer ✔✔are areas of high and low capability. If a company is pursuing a low-cost strategy, it is important that employees only perform duties specified in their job description. - correct answer ✔✔False What steps are involved in the strategy formulation process? - correct answer ✔✔Gathering information, analysis, and decision making, and implementation. Which type of strategy focuses on how to serve the needs of company customers? - correct answer ✔✔Competitive business strategy Fortunately, all information is relevant for strategic planning. - correct answer ✔✔False Elements of the environment relevant for analyzing the external environment include all of the following except: - correct answer ✔✔organizational culture and employee satisfaction. The physical and social factors outside an organization's boundaries: - correct answer ✔✔are opportunities and threats. Information about threats and opportunities should be gathered early in the strategic planning process. - correct answer ✔✔True Information on new job creation is a critical feature of the external environment that is relevant to an organization's strategic planning. - correct answer ✔✔True A competitive human resource strategy is a strategy that focuses on different ways to provide goods and services that meet customer needs. - correct answer ✔✔False Which of the following is true about assessing the external environment? - correct answer ✔✔Opportunities are generally easier to control, but a clear understanding of opportunities and threats is critical for effective strategy formulation.
Which type of strategy focuses on choices and actions concerning the management of people? - correct answer ✔✔Human resource strategy. From a human resource management perspective the two types of strategy are: - correct answer ✔✔competitive business strategy and human resource strategy. To be true strengths, human resource practices must: - correct answer ✔✔also provide something that is difficult to imitate or substitute. An organization, for strategic planning purposes, should concentrate mainly on enhancing strengths so past success can be carried into the future. - correct answer ✔✔False Human resource management is critical: - correct answer ✔✔because high-quality employees are relatively rare. A clear strategy for being better than competitors and a highly motivated workforce are major keys for long term profitability. - correct answer ✔✔True During strategy formulation, organizations should focus on understanding only weaknesses so they have an understanding about areas in need of improvement. - correct answer ✔✔False The external environment for a company consists of physical and social factors outside the organization except government legislation at all levels. - correct answer ✔✔False Opportunities are generally easier to control than threats. - correct answer ✔✔True Interestingly, if a class-action suit deals with equal pay or gender discrimination, it cannot be filed against an employer. - correct answer ✔✔False Title VII requires equal opportunity for people regardless of their race, color, national origin, gender or religion. - correct answer ✔✔True
This is the federal agency in charge of administrative and judicial enforcement of federal civil rights laws:
Churches are not required to comply with any of the guidelines contained in Title VII. - correct answer ✔✔True The federal government cannot constrain state laws based upon the constitution; therefore, if a state law conflicts with a federal law, the state law rules. - correct answer ✔✔False Title VII offers protection from three distinct types of discrimination: - correct answer ✔✔disparate treatment, adverse impact, and harassment. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 provides protection to people based on five specific traits: race, color, national origin, religion, and sex. - correct answer ✔✔True Currently, employers with fewer than this number of employees are not covered by Title VII: - correct answer ✔✔less than 15 employees. Adverse impact treatment is more subtle than disparate treatment. - correct answer ✔✔True An employer asks all applicants, "As a part of this job, are you able to travel with an overnight stay at least once a week?" - correct answer ✔✔This question is not discriminatory as overnight travel is a performance requirement. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 provides protection for individuals based upon the following traits:
Reciprocal processes and high autonomy correspond with improved performance when work processes are complex and constantly changing. - correct answer ✔✔True Differentiation suggests that each worker should be assigned a set of similar tasks in order to specialize in doing certain things very well. - correct answer ✔✔True Strategic work design can benefit an organization by assigning and coordinating tasks in ways that increase productivity. - correct answer ✔✔True Autonomy is critical in an organization which has sequential processing in its operations. - correct answer ✔✔False Which of the following are elements of work design? - correct answer ✔✔Differentiation and integration. Workers with high autonomy are best at repetitive, clearly defined work. - correct answer ✔✔False Which of the following is not true of organizations using cost HR strategies? - correct answer ✔✔Employees have high levels of autonomy. In situations where work lacks prescribed plans or processes and team members must confer often to complete the work, reciprocal processing works best. - correct answer ✔✔True High autonomy will improve performance of the individual and the organization in a context with sequential processing in its operations. - correct answer ✔✔False Which of the following statements is not true about autonomy? - correct answer ✔✔High autonomy is desirable for all workers. Individuals and teams tend to benefit from sequential processes: - correct answer ✔✔when work activities can be broken into small tasks that do not change.
Reciprocal processing: - correct answer ✔✔Is work organized around teams such that workers constantly adjust to the task inputs of others. Organizations using cost HR strategies focus on efficiency so jobs are often standardized in these organizations. - correct answer ✔✔True Research finds that high autonomy is good for all workers, regardless of the work context. - correct answer ✔✔False Workers with high autonomy: - correct answer ✔✔can adapt to changing conditions and effectively meet the needs of customers. Employees with more autonomy are more likely to go beyond expectations without extra pay. - correct answer ✔✔True Which situation described below would benefit from high levels of autonomy? - correct answer ✔✔The cook at an eclectic and exclusive five-star restaurant.