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Human Resources Test 1: Key Concepts and Strategies, Exams of Advanced Education

A range of important human resources topics, including sustainable competitive advantage, professional associations for hr professionals, the roles of hr generalists and specialists, organizational culture, organizational structure, cost leadership strategy, return on investment (roi) from an hr perspective, employment laws and regulations (userra, ada, title vii, civil rights act of 1991), types of discrimination (disparate impact, disparate treatment, sexual harassment), job design and motivation, recruitment and selection, and the role of hr in supporting diversity. A comprehensive overview of critical hr concepts and practices that are essential for hr professionals and students to understand. By studying this document, one can gain a deeper understanding of the strategic and operational aspects of human resource management, which are crucial for organizations to maintain a competitive edge and effectively manage their workforce.

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Available from 09/29/2024

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sustainable competitive advantage - capability that creates value for customers that rivals can't copy quickly or easily and that allows the organization to differentiate its products or services from those of competitors professional associations for HR professionals - Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), and Professional in Human Resources (PHR) Human resource generalist - staffing and recruitment, employee training and development, compensation and benefits, personnel policies and procedures, employee relations, workplace safety and security human resource specialist - workforce planning and employment specialist, HR development specialist, total rewards specialist, employee and labor relations specialist, risk management specialist, metrics management specialist, Human resource information systems specialist, global human resource specialist organizational culture - values, beliefs, and assumptions about appropriate behavior that members of an organizational share. Primarily learned through observing people and events in the organization organization chart - Level 1 is behavior, level 2 is values and beliefs, and level 3 is assumptions centralization - third major component of organizational structure, it is the degree to which decision making is concentrated within the organization. has to do with dispersion of authority for decision making and delegation of authority cost leadership strategy - you are interested in minimizing all internal costs, including employee costs. concerned with maximum efficiency and effectivenes strategy - plan of action designed to achieve a particular set of objectives. it takes into account the external (industry and macro-) environment and the internal (organizational) environment in order to create strategic advantage ROI from an HR perspective - training, outsourcing, benefits, diversity, and many others. in each of these areas we can calculate the cost of the process- whether that process is training, diversity management, or anything else- and compare that to the returns we get from the process retaliation - situation where the organization takes an "adverse employment action" against an employee because the employee brought discrimination charges against the organization or supported someone who brought discrimination charges against the company

USERRA - it was passed to ensure the civilian reemployment rights of military members who were called away from their regular (nonmilitary) jobs by US government orders. NO minimum number of employees required for coverage by USERRA ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act, deals with age discrimination against disabled individuals was the 1973 Rehabilitation Act. it states that agencies of the federal government, federal contractors, and subcontractors with contracts exceeding $10, had to take affirminative action and could not discriminate on the basis of disabilities in any employment actions disparate impact - occurs when an officially neutral employment practice disproportionately excludes the members of a protected group; it is generally considered to be unintentional , but intent is irrelevant disparate treatment - exists when individuals in similar situations are intentionally treated differently and the different treatment is based on an individual's membership in a protected class sexual harassment - unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment. - EEOC quid pro quo - harassment that occurs when some type of benefit or punishment is made contigent upon the employee submitting to sexual advances. "if you do something for me, i'll do something for you BFOQ - bona fide occupational qualification, which is a qualification that is absolutely required in order for an individual to be able to successfully do a particular job. the qualification cannot just be a desirable quality within the job applicant, it must be mandatory. self-managed work teams - they are assigned a goal, and the team plans, organizes, leads, and controls to achieve the goal flextime - allows us to provide workers with a flexible set of work hours. we usually create a set of core hours where everyone is at work, bandwidth or work hours available, and then a set of flex hours when people can be at work or can take time off motivational job design - focuses on the job characteristics that affect the physiological meaning and motivational potential of the job, and it views attitudinal variables as the most important outcomes of job design

autonomy - degree to which the employee has discretion to make decisions in planning, organizing, and controlling the task performed abseentism - failure of an employee to report to the workplace as scheduled job description - identifies the major tasks, duties, and responsibilities that are components of a job, while the job satisfaction identifies the qualifications of a person who should be capable of doing the job tasks noted in the job description external factors influencing recruiting - labor market, competitors, social and legal enviornments open recruiting - advertising position openly within the organization targeted recruiting - managers privately nominating workers closed recruiting - hiring managers communicate need to fill a job to HR. HR searches files for individuals with requisite skills/qualifications and sends the list to the manager realistic job preview - review of all of the tasks and requirements of the job, both good and bad when is age discrimination an issue, ADEA - prohibits discrimination against employees age 40 or older in organizations that have 20 or more workers. equal employment opportunity (EEO) - term that deals with a series of laws and regulations put in place at the federal and state government level over the last 45 years. it is very specific and narrowly defined within federal and various state laws affirmative action - series of policies, programs, and initiatives that have been instituted by various entities within both government and the private sector that are designed to prefer hiring of individuals from protected groups in certain circumstances, in an attempt to mitigate past discrimination. However, affirmative action policies and programs do not generally have the same affect as EEO laws empowerment - requires very little direction or support to employees, and it is appropriate when interacting with outstanding employees work-flow analysis - the tool that we use to identify what has to be done within the organization to produce a product or service job analysis - process used to identify the work performed and the working conditions for each of the jobs within our organizations. job analysis results will include duties, responsibilities, skills, knowledge required, outcomes, conditions under which the worker must operate, and possibly other factors

Title VII (7) of 1964 - prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in all areas of the employment relationship Civil Right act of 1991 - strengthened civil rights by providing for possible compensatory and punitive damages for discrimination 4/5 th's rule - requires rear if we fall outside of its boundaries, we must investigate to ensure that we haven't used an illegal protected class characteristic to bias an unemployment outcome role of HR in supporting diversity - lower the costs of discrimination litigation, it also increases innovation throughout the organization and will increase solutions to difficult problems for the organization