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Human Services/Education/Child Development Questions and Answers, Exams of Nursing

A wide range of topics related to human services, education, and child development. It includes questions and correct answers on subjects such as fine motor skills, iq tests, jean piaget's stages of cognitive development, memory, play stages, parenting styles, family dynamics, nutrition, and more. The information provided can be useful for students studying fields like early childhood education, family and consumer sciences, psychology, and human development. Key concepts, theories, and practical knowledge relevant to understanding child growth and development, family relationships, and educational practices. It could serve as a valuable resource for university students, high school students, and lifelong learners interested in these areas.

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Download Human Services/Education/Child Development Questions and Answers and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! AAFCS 200* - Human Services/Education/Child Dev questions with correct answers fine motor skills CORRECT ANSWER physical skills that involve the small muscles and eye-hand coordination, like finger muscles IQ test CORRECT ANSWER a test designed to measure intellectual aptitude Mental age/Physical Age x 100 = IQ Jean Piaget CORRECT ANSWER Most influential on early childhood education, described how children's thinking is unique in each of the 4 stages. Schemas ( 1 of 3 components of Piagets theory) CORRECT ANSWER Building blocks of knowledge Adaptation Process (2 of 3 components of Piagets theory) CORRECT ANSWER The transition from one stage to another -Equilibrium -Assimilation -accommodation sensorimotor stage (Stage 1: 0-2 years) CORRECT ANSWER -Infant interacts with the world primarily through the senses and actions he or she can perform on objects. They don't have the ability yet to represent objects or people to themselves mentally. -world is based upon what the infant can see and act upon at the moment. circular reaction (1 of 3 stages of sensorimotor) CORRECT ANSWER an infant's repetition of a reflexive action that results in a pleasurable experience object permanence (2 of 3 stages of sensorimotor) CORRECT ANSWER Infants do not know that An object exist if they cannot, see, feel, hear, smell, or tasted. 3later as memory abilities improve infants begin to develop object permanence Symbolic thought and Language Development (3of 3 stages of sensorimotor) CORRECT ANSWER They can start separating reality and imagination, symbols, words to represent ideas Both a social and mental skill involves physical development. preoperational stage (Stage 2: 2-6 years) CORRECT ANSWER The child can now represent things to himself internally, but he is still focusing his attention on such external characteristics of objects or people as size shape, color and clothing. still uses these features to categorize in groups. Egocentric still can't think logically, memory is improving, identities and function. the ability to imagine the mental lives of others (sympathy) emerges concrete operational stage (Stage 3: 6-12 years) CORRECT ANSWER -Major step forward in the abstractness of thoughts -Conservation -think logically but still very concrete, What is the maximum percentage of income a family should spend on housing CORRECT ANSWER 25% to 30% Most arguments occur between spouses over CORRECT ANSWER infidelity and money Authoritarian Parenting CORRECT ANSWER - tend to be very demanding, but not responsive. -They don't express much warmth or nurturing. -utilize punishments with little or no explanation. -They don't give children choices or options -They have little to no patience for misbehavior. -don't trust their children to make good choices. -not willing to negotiate -They may shame their children to force them to behave. Indulgent/Permissive parents CORRECT ANSWER -low demands with high responsiveness -Have few rules or standards of behavior -When there are rules, they are often very inconsistent -Are usually very nurturing and loving towards their kids -Often seem more like a friend, rather than a parent -May use bribery such as toys, gifts and food as a means to get child to behave -Provide little in the way of a schedule or structure -Emphasize their children's freedom rather than responsibility -Ask their children's opinions on major decisions -Rarely enforce any type of consequences Neglectful/Uninvolved parents CORRECT ANSWER -a lack of responsiveness to a child's needs. Uninvolved parents make few to no demands of their children and they are often indifferent, dismissive, or even completely neglectful. -They're emotionally distant from their children -They offer little or no supervision -They show little warmth, love, and affection towards their children -They have few or no expectations or demands for behavior -They don't attend school events and parent-teacher conferences -They may intentionally avoid their children -They're often too overwhelmed by their own problems to deal with their children Authoritative parents CORRECT ANSWER -reasonable demands and high responsiveness. -They listen to their children. -They encourage independence. -They place limits, consequences, and expectations on their children's behavior. -They express warmth and nurturence -They allow their children to express opinions. -They encourage their children to discuss options. -They administer fair and consistent discipline. What is a dual-earning families biggest concern CORRECT ANSWER Time 10 month old and 12 month old will do what if placed in the same room? CORRECT ANSWER solitary Preschoolers do what type of play? CORRECT ANSWER Objective, solitary play, parallel Family Consumer Science professional believe that families exist in a system with many interrelated parts. This belief can be illustrated by "ALL" of the following EXCEPT. CORRECT ANSWER Respecting the child's privacy by not discussing problem with the family A toddler is crying uncontrollable, what should the grandparents do: CORRECT ANSWER Rock her and talk softly to her Least expensive medical insurance policy for a young healthy couple with no children CORRECT ANSWER General practitioners Which individual has the highest demand for protein? CORRECT ANSWER 13 months - 12 years What role does genes play in our development? CORRECT ANSWER Genes determine our traits What affect does food allergies have on children: CORRECT ANSWER Vomiting, Hives, Diarrhea, stomach cramps... Most powerful positive influence a family can have on the behavior of a young child is through CORRECT ANSWER Modeling desired behaviors. Echolalia CORRECT ANSWER An infant imitating adult speech Nuclear Family CORRECT ANSWER traditional mother, father, and their children live in same home Extended Family CORRECT ANSWER expansion of nuclear family that includes the mother, father, and their children as well as aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents Blended Family CORRECT ANSWER stepfamily; parent marries or remarries when they already have children of their own, and there is a parent, stepparent, and one or more children in the household Shift from nuclear to blended Murray Bowen's Family Systems Theory CORRECT ANSWER four basic family relationship patterns within what he called the Nuclear Family Emotional System; patterns dictate where problems develop when the family system is under tension 1) Marital conflict 2) Spousal dysfunction 3) child impairment 4) emotional distance Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs CORRECT ANSWER must satisfy levels below before reaching to next; can go up and down pyramid stages physiological needs safety love and belonging esteem self-actualization Nature CORRECT ANSWER any trait that an individual is born with or has acquired through genes Nurture CORRECT ANSWER any trait that learns from the environment; most traits result of both environment and genetic influences: height, weight, and skin color Pro's of USDA's MyPlate CORRECT ANSWER Improvement over the Food Pyramid Idea is to convey to public that half of plate should contain fruits and vegetables veggies and grains 30% each, fruits and proteins 20% each Cons of USDA's MyPlate CORRECT ANSWER Too much emphasis on protein Others argue that dairy recommendation should be removed altogether anorexia CORRECT ANSWER eating disorder in which an individ views his or her own body as being overweight, even though not, which causes to have extreme, unfounded fear of gaining additional weight bulimia nervosa CORRECT ANSWER individual views their body as being unattractive or overweight but lacks ability to control their eating; main difference is bulimics have no sense of control over eating habits Diabetes CORRECT ANSWER disease that prevents the body from producing or using insulin, which body needs to process sugar and use as energy for the cells of the body; sugar builds up in body leading to hyperglycemia; can lead to failure of the heart, kidneys , nerves, eyes, high blood pressure, blindness, poor healing of wounds Type 1 Diabetes CORRECT ANSWER individual's own immune system mistakes the beta cells of the pancreas, which are responsible for producing insulin, as being harmful and therefore attacks and destroys them; prevents from actually producing insulin; treated with diet and insulin injections Type 2 and Gestational Diabetes CORRECT ANSWER both treated through use of carefully monitored diet along with medication to help the body use insulin appropriately; difference between 2 and gestational is gestational occurs specifically due to hormones present during pregnancy At which of the following time periods in Erik Erikson's psychosocial stages is the primary psychological conflict that of identity versus role confusion? CORRECT ANSWER Adolescence