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HVAC Journeyman Exam 2024: 300 Actual Exam Questions and Answers with Rationales, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive set of 300 actual hvac journeyman exam questions and answers, along with detailed rationales for each correct answer. It covers a wide range of topics, including heat pumps, refrigeration systems, electrical circuits, safety regulations, and vent systems. This resource is valuable for individuals preparing for the hvac journeyman exam, offering a realistic assessment of the exam's content and format.

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Available from 01/08/2025

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Which of the following is used in a heat pump to change the indoor coil to the outdoor coil: A reversing valve solenoid A three way solenoid valve A two way solenoid valve A bypass solenoid A reversing valve solenoid. The adding of heat to a refrigerant that has reached its vapor saturation point is referred to as Superheating the refrigerant The specific heat of air is .24 BTU/Lb/F Enthalpy is: The measure of the heat content of a substance What is permitted be used to pressure check a refrigeration system Nitrogen Using ohms law what would R equal if E = 20 and I = 40 3 Hey circuit having a voltage of 120 V applied and is drawing 10 A would have a resistance of 12 ohms True or false: A step down transformer produces more voltage on secondary winding than the voltage applied to the primary. FALSE

The maximum horizontal length of a single-wall connector shall be ____ percent of the height of the chimney or vent. 75% Grease filters shall be installed at an angle of not less that ____ degrees from the horizontal and shall be equipped with a drip tray beneath the lower edge of the filters 45 A device that will automatically shut off the fuel supply to a main burner or group of burners when the means of ignition of such burners become inoperative, and when flame failure occurs on the burner or group of burners. Flame Safeguard Fire dampers shall not be installed in. Exhaust ducts. Metallic ducts not having an approved protective coating shall be completely encased in a minimum of ___ inches of concrete 2 inches An appliance that operates with a nonpositive vent static pressure and with a vent gas temperature that is capable of causing excessive condensate production in the vent. Category 2 Type L shall terminate not less than two feet above the highest point of the roof penetration and not less than ______ feet higher than any portion of a building 2 Feet Duct Linings shall be interrupted at the area of operation of a fire damper in at a minimum of 6 inches _____ of and 6 inches downstream of electric resistance and fuel burning heaters in a duct system

Upstream A container that is placed at a low point in a system of piping to collect condensate and from which the condensate is removable. Drip leg Infrared radiant heaters shall be _____ in a position independent of fuel and electric supply lines hangers and bracket shall be non-combustible material Fixed In the absence of MFG information openings covered with metal louvers shall be deemed to have a net free area of 75% of the area of the opening, and openings covered with ____ louvers shall be deemed to have a net free area of 25% of the area of the opening. Wood Opening sizes in Louver, grilles, and screens protecting outdoor exhaust and air intake openings you would use which table? Table 401. A hole not greater in diameter than ____ % of the stud depth is permitted to be bored in any wood stud. 40% Reclaimed refrigerants and used refrigerants shall not be reused in a different owner's equipment or appliances. Unless test and meets purity requirements of _____. ARI 700 where multiple air-handling systems share common supply or return air ducts or plenums with a combined design capacity greater than 2000 cfm, the return air systen shall be provided with. Smoke detector

The length of overlap for overlapping duct joints shall not exceed ___ inches. 2 inches A yellow insulated copper Tracer wire or other approved conductor shall be installed adjacent to underground non-metallic piping access shall be provided to the Tracer wire or the Tracer wire shall terminate above ground at each end of the nonmetallic piping the Tracer wire shall not be less than _____ AWG and the insulation type shall be suitable for the direct burial 18 AWG Excavations are ___ feet in depth and examination of the ground shows no indication of potential cave in. 5 feet An appliance that operates with a nonpositive vent static pressure and with a vent gas temperature that avoids excessive condensate production in the vent. Category 1 A safety valve designed to forestall the development of a dangerous condition by relieving either pressure, temperature. or vacuum in hot water supply system. Relief Valve All refrigerant containing parts and systems exceeding 100 horsepower Drive power except evaporators used for refrigeration or dehumidification; condensers used for heating control and pressure valves for either; and connecting piping, shall be located either. Outdoors or in a machinery room. Connector length. Flexible air connectors shall be limited in length to _____ feet. 14 feet

Where all combustion air and dilution air is provided by a mechanical forced air system the combustion air and dilution air shall be supplied at the minimum rate of 1 CFM per _____ BTU/h of combined input rating of all the fuel-burning appliances serve 1000 Commercial clothes dryers transition ducts used to connect the appliance to the exhaust duct system shall be limited to single lengths not to exceed ____ feet in length and shall be listed and labeled for the application. 8 feet With exposed flame and burners the lowest edge of a grease filter located above the cooking surface shall be not less than ___ ft from the cooking surface. 2 ______ air is provided to replace air being exhausted. Make up Appliances regulated by this code shall be listed and labeled for the application in which they are used funless otherwise approved in accordance with section 105. the approval of unlisted appliances in accordance with _______ shall be based upon approved engineering systems. section 105 The test medium gas piping shall be? _____, __________, ________, or an ________. Air, nitrogen carbon dioxide, or an inert gas. Where the appliance has more than one flue outlet and in the absence of the manufacturer's specific instructions the connector area shall not be less than the ____ area of the flue outlets for which it acts as a common connector. Combined

________ exhaust ducts systems shall extend directly to the exterior of the building and shall not extend into or through ducts and plenums. Hazardous The minimum unobstructed total area of the outdoor and return air ducts or openings to a heat pump shall be not less than ______ square inches per 1000 BTU/h our output rating or as indicated by the conditions of listed of the heat pump 6 square inches the leakage shall be located by means of an improved gas detector a noncorrosive Leak Detection fluid or other approved leak detection methods. Of the list below which may not be used. Matches candles Open Flames All of the above. all of the above. plastic to metal connections soldering on the metal portion of the system shall be performed at least ____ inches away from a plastic-to-metal adapter in the same water line. 18 inches Permanent ladders installed to provide the required actors shall comply with the following minimum design criteria; Ladders shall have rung spacing not to exceed ___ inches on center. 14 inches ducks that operate at temperatures exceeding _______ shall have sufficient thermal insulation to limit the exposed surface temperature to 120f 120 F

Each of the appliances served shall be _____ with the mechanical air supply system to prevent main burner operation when the mechanical air supply system is not in operation. interlocked Equipment and appliances having an ignition source shall be elevated such that the source of ignition is not less than _______ inches above the floor in hazardous locations and public garages private garages repair garages motor fuel dispensing facilities in parking garages 18 inches Copper and brass pipe shall not be used if the gas contains more than an average of ___ grains of hydrogen sulfide per 100 standard cubic feet of gas. . A vent connector shall be installed without dips or sags and shall slope upward toward the vent or chimney at least ____ inch per foot. 1/4 inch a vent listed and labeled for use with appliances with draft hoods and other category 1 appliances is a

Type B vent The remaining space surrounding a chimney liner, gas vent, special gas vent or plastic piping installed within a masonry chimney flue shall not be used to _____ another appliance, vent Minimum clearance to combustibles with and exhaust less than 100f is 1 INCH fusion joints, joints shall be of the ______ fusion or butt fusion type. joint surfaces shall be clean and free of moisture. joint surfaces shall be heated to melt temperatures and jointed.

Socket lapped flanges shall be used only above ground or in _____ locations accessible to inspection. exposed piping for other than dry gas conditions shall be sloped not less than 1/4 inch in ____ feet to prevent traps. 15 fan motors and belts. electric motors driving exhaust fans shall be placed ____ booths, ducts. or air stream. outside sauna heaters shall be equipped with a thermostat that will limit room temperatures to _______ F 194 F _____ fittings must be used on piping systems with dissimilar metals. dielectric mechanical ventilation systems for and close parking garages shall be permitted to operate intermittently where the system is arranged to operate automatically up on detection of vehicle operation or the presence of ______ by approved automatic detection devices. Occupants Condensate shall not discharge into a _____, ____ or other areas so as to cause a nuisance. Street, Alley Ducts shall be supported with approved hangers at intervals not exceeding ____ feet or by other approved duct support systems designed in accordance with the IBC. 10 Feet

chimneys for residential-type or low-heat appliances shall extend at least _____ feet above the highest point where they pass through a roof of a building. 3 Feet An appliance that operates with a non positive static pressure with a vent temperature that is capable of causing excessive condensate production in the vent. Category 4 Standard method. the minimum required volume shall be ___ cubic FT per 1000 btu/h of the appliance input rating. 75 Attics containing appliances the passageway shall not be less that ___ inches wide. 22 Shutoff valves shall be located in places so to provide _____ for operation and shall be installed so as to be protected from damage. Access Type 1 hoods shall be constructed of steel not less that _____ inch in thickness. . Duct Linings shall be interrupted at the area of operation of a fire damper and at a minimum of _______ square inches upstream of and 6 inches downstream of electric resistance and fuel-burning heaters in a duct system. 6 Public garages where Motor Vehicles exceed six feet in height and are capable of passing under an Appliance, appliances shall be installed a minimum of ____ feet higher above the floor than the height of the tallest vehicle

8 feet Gas vents shall extend through roof flashing, roof hack or roof thimble and ______ with a listed cap or listed room assembly. Terminate In concealed locations where piping other than black or galvanized steel is installed through holes or notches in wood stoves joist Rafters or similar members less than 1.5 inches from the nearest edge of the member, the pipe shall be protected by ______ plates. shield Guards shall be provided where appliances equipment fans or other components that require service in roof hatch openings are located within _____ feet or a roof edge. 10 Feet The guard shall extend not less than _____ inches and just be on each end of such appliances, equipment fans components, and roof hatch openings and the top of the Guard shall be located not less than 42 inches above the elevated surface adjacent to the guard 30 inches the use of gypsum boards to form plenum shall be limited to systems where they are temperatures do not exceed _____ F and the building and mechanical system design conditions are such that the gypsum board surface temperature will be maintained above the airstream dew-point temperature. 125 F Using table 402.2. Using SCH 40 pipe, 50' in length, .60 specific gravity, and a btuh of 215,000. what is the gas pipe size? 1'' underground piping systems shall be installed a minimum depth of _____ inches below grade. 12 inches

5 feet from the floor Heat that can be measured To provide proper oil return to the compressor The suction line must be pitched toward the compressor Specific heat is defined as The amount of heat required to raise 1 pound of a substance 1 F Latent heat is defined as Heat used to cause a change of state A BTU is The amount of heat required to raise 1 pound of water 1F 1 ton of refrigeration is 2000x144/ 12,000 BTU/hr 288,000Btu/24hrs All of these All of these A room thermostat should be mounted Five What if the purpose of the external equalizer on a txv To offset for the pressure drop across the evaporator What would be the minimum ending radius on 1" soft copper tubing? 5"

What is the heating value of natural gas? 1,000/btu cu ft The purpose of a fan control is to Start and stop the fan motor A limit control: de-energizes the gas firing circuit upon high bonnet temperatures What is the total free area of a 15" x24" combustion air opening used with a metal grille with an unknown free area? 270 sq in What is the purpose of the reversing valve on an air to air heat pump? It changes the flow of the refrigerant making the indoor coil the outdoor coil and the outdoor coil the indoor coil Which of the following is connected to the top port of a reversing valve? The discharge line of the compressor. The inlet line of the compressor. The top of the indoor coil. The top of the outdoor coil. The discharge Line of the compressor One horsepower is equal to 746 watts one watt equals 3,412 BTU

An open run winding will be indicated by which of the following using an ohmmeter Infinite ohms from run to start. Hey grounded condition found with an ohm meter on a compressor motor will be indicated by A zero reading from any terminal to the compressor housing. The heat anticipatory Is wired in series with the operating contacts. A cooling anticipator Is wired parallel with the operating contacts What is the propose of a solenoid valve? It controls the flow of a fluid.