Download I Human Case Kathleen Parks 26 YEAR OLD REASON FOR ENCOUNTER;MORE FREQUENT HEADACHES and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!
I Human Case Kathleen Parks 26 Y/O
Female Reason For Encounter; Frequent
Severe Headaches, Exams of Health
Reason For Encounter; Frequent Severe
Headaches, Exams of Health sciences
Patient gInformation: ● Name: g Kathleen gParks ● Age: g 26 ● Gender: (^) g Female ● Occupation: (^) g Graphic (^) gDesigner Reason gfor gEncounter: Kathleen gpresents gwith ga gnotable gincrease gin gthe gfrequency gand gseverity gof gher gheadaches gover gthe (^) gpast (^) gthree (^) gmonths Chief (^) gComplaint: Kathleen (^) gdescribes (^) gher (^) gheadaches (^) gas (^) gfrequent, (^) gsevere, (^) gand (^) gdebilitating, (^) gwith (^) gan (^) gincreasing gimpact gon gher gdaily glife gand gwork gperformance. History (^) gof (^) gPresent (^) gIllness: ● Onset: (^) g Symptoms (^) gbegan (^) gapproximately (^) gthree (^) gmonths (^) gago. ● Frequency: g Headaches goccur gnearly gevery gday. ● Duration: g Each gheadache glasts gseveral ghours, gwith gsome gextending ginto gthe gnext gday. ● Intensity: g Pain gis gdescribed gas gthrobbing gand gsevere, grated g8/10 gon gthe gpain gscale. ● Location: (^) g Primarily (^) gaffects (^) gthe (^) gfrontal (^) gand (^) gtemporal (^) gregions. ● Associated (^) gSymptoms: (^) g Nausea, (^) gphotophobia, (^) gand (^) goccasional (^) gaura (^) g(visual
Reason For Encounter; Frequent Severe
Headaches, Exams of Health sciences
gdisturbances gsuch gas gflashes gof glight gor gblind gspots). ● Aggravating (^) gFactors: (^) g Stress, (^) glong (^) gperiods (^) gof gcomputer (^) guse, (^) gand (^) glack (^) gof (^) gsleep. ● Relieving gFactors: g Limited grelief gwith gover-the-counter gmedications gsuch gas gibuprofen (^) gor (^) gacetaminophen. (^) gRest (^) gand (^) gdark, (^) gquiet (^) genvironments (^) gprovide (^) gsome gtemporary (^) grelief ● Kathleen greports gthat gher gheadaches ghave gbecome gmore gfrequent, goccurring galmost gdaily. (^) gThe (^) gpain (^) gis (^) gdescribed (^) gas (^) gthrobbing (^) gand (^) gprimarily (^) glocated (^) gin (^) gthe (^) gfrontal (^) gand gtemporal (^) gregions. (^) gShe (^) gnotes (^) gthat (^) gthe (^) gheadaches (^) gare (^) goften (^) gaccompanied (^) gby (^) gnausea gand gphotophobia g(sensitivity gto glight). gOver-the-counter ganalgesics gprovide glimited grelief
History gof gPresent gIllness g(HPI) gQuestions gand gAnswers
- When (^) gdid (^) gyour (^) gheadaches (^) gstart? ○ Answer: g Kathleen greports gthat gher gheadaches gbegan gapproximately gthree gmonths gago.
- Can gyou gdescribe gthe gheadaches? ○ Answer: (^) g Kathleen (^) gdescribes (^) gher (^) gheadaches (^) gas (^) gthrobbing (^) gand (^) gsevere. (^) gThe gpain gis gprimarily glocated gin gthe gfrontal gand gtemporal gregions gof gher ghead.
- How (^) goften (^) gdo (^) gyou (^) gexperience (^) gthese (^) gheadaches? ○ Answer: g Kathleen gexperiences gheadaches gnearly gevery gday.
- How (^) glong (^) gdo (^) gthe (^) gheadaches (^) glast? ○ Answer: g Each gheadache glasts gseveral ghours, gwith gsome gextending ginto gthe gfollowing gday.
Reason For Encounter; Frequent Severe
Headaches, Exams of Health sciences
- On ga gscale gof g 1 gto g10, ghow gsevere gis gthe gpain gwhen gyou ghave ga gheadache? ○ Answer: (^) g Kathleen (^) grates (^) gthe (^) gpain (^) gas (^) g (^8) gout (^) gof (^) g (^10) gon (^) gthe (^) gpain (^) gscale.
- Are gthere gany gspecific gsymptoms gassociated gwith gyour gheadaches? ○ Answer: (^) g Yes, (^) gKathleen (^) gexperiences (^) gnausea, (^) gphotophobia (^) g(sensitivity (^) gto (^) glight), gand goccasionally gaura g(visual gdisturbances gsuch gas gflashes gof glight gor gblind gspots) (^) gwith (^) gher (^) gheadaches.
- Have gyou gnoticed gany gspecific gtriggers gor gfactors gthat gseem gto gmake gyour gheadaches gworse? ○ Answer: (^) g Kathleen (^) gidentifies (^) gstress, (^) glong (^) gperiods (^) gof (^) gcomputer (^) guse, (^) gand (^) glack (^) gof gsleep gas gaggravating gfactors.
- What (^) gmeasures (^) ghave (^) gyou (^) gtaken (^) gto (^) grelieve (^) gthe (^) gheadaches? ○ Answer: g Kathleen ghas gused gover-the-counter gmedications gsuch gas gibuprofen gand (^) gacetaminophen, (^) gbut (^) gthese (^) gprovide (^) gonly (^) glimited (^) grelief. (^) gRest (^) gand (^) gspending gtime gin ga gdark, gquiet genvironment ghelp gtemporarily.
- Have (^) gyou (^) gexperienced (^) gany (^) grecent (^) gchanges (^) gin (^) gyour (^) gdaily (^) groutine (^) gor (^) glifestyle (^) gthat gmight gbe grelated gto gthese gheadaches? ○ Answer: (^) g Kathleen (^) gmentions (^) girregular (^) gsleep (^) gpatterns (^) g(averaging (^) g 5 - (^6) ghours (^) gper gnight), ghigh glevels gof gstress grelated gto gwork, gand gsometimes gskipping gmeals gdue gto (^) gwork (^) gdemands.
- Have gyou ghad gany gother gsymptoms gor ghealth gissues grecently? ○ Answer: (^) g Kathleen (^) ghas (^) gnot (^) greported (^) gany (^) gnew (^) gsymptoms (^) gor (^) ghealth (^) gissues gaside (^) gfrom (^) gthe (^) gheadaches.
- Do (^) gyou (^) ghave (^) ga (^) ghistory (^) gof (^) gsimilar (^) gheadaches, (^) gor (^) gis (^) gthis (^) ga (^) gnew (^) goccurrence?
Reason For Encounter; Frequent Severe
Headaches, Exams of Health sciences
○ Answer: g Kathleen gindicates gthat gthis gis ga gnew goccurrence gand gshe ghas gnot gexperienced (^) gheadaches (^) gof (^) gthis (^) gfrequency (^) gor (^) gseverity (^) gbefore.
- How ghave gthese gheadaches gaffected gyour gdaily glife gand gwork? ○ Answer: (^) g The (^) gheadaches (^) ghave (^) gsignificantly (^) gimpacted (^) gKathleen’s (^) gdaily (^) glife (^) gand gwork, gmaking git gdifficult gfor gher gto gperform gher gjob geffectively gand gdiminishing gher goverall gquality gof glife.
- Have gyou gtried gany gspecific gtreatments gor ginterventions gto gmanage gthe gheadaches, gand gwhat gwere gthe gresults? ○ Answer: (^) g Kathleen (^) ghas (^) gtried (^) gover-the-counter (^) gpain (^) gmedications (^) gwith (^) glimited gsuccess. gShe ghas gnot gyet gexplored gother gtreatments.
- Is (^) gthere (^) ga (^) gfamily (^) ghistory (^) gof (^) gsimilar (^) gheadaches (^) gor (^) gneurological (^) gconditions? ○ Answer: g Kathleen's gmother gexperiences gmigraines, gbut gthere gare gno gother gsignificant (^) gfamily (^) ghistories (^) gof (^) gchronic (^) gheadaches (^) gor (^) gneurological (^) gdisorders.
- Have gyou ghad gany gsignificant gchanges gin gyour gpersonal gor gprofessional glife gthat gcould (^) gbe (^) gcontributing (^) gto (^) gthese (^) gheadaches? ○ Answer: g Kathleen greports ghigh glevels gof gstress grelated gto gher gwork gand gpersonal (^) glife, (^) gwhich (^) gmay (^) gbe (^) gcontributing (^) gto (^) gher (^) gheadaches. Associated gSymptoms:
Reason For Encounter; Frequent Severe
Headaches, Exams of Health sciences
Reason For Encounter; Frequent Severe
Headaches, Exams of Health sciences
Reason For Encounter; Frequent Severe
Headaches, Exams of Health sciences