Download IICRC WRT Test Questions with Complete Verified Solutions 2024/2025 and more Exams Water and Wastewater Engineering in PDF only on Docsity! IICRC WRT Test Questions with Complete Verified Solutions 2024/2025 #1. During the inspection process, restorers shall make a reasonable effort to C. identify and address potential safety hazards #2. A significant amount of water absorption and evaporation load where wet porous materials represent ~5% to ~40% of combined ceiling, walls, and flooring surface areas and where low evaporation materials and assemblies are minimally wet is B. class 2 #3. Multiple extraction of salvageable materials, especially porous material (e.g. Carpet , cushion) often are required to: decrease drying time #4. To enhance drying, restorers should manage both ambient temperature and surface temperatures of affected materials #5. Water damage restoration services should not begin until after the: restorer has entered into an adequately written contract. #6. Two tools that should be used to properly disengage most stretched-in carpet Knee kicker and carpet awl #7. When inspecting a water damage structure, restorers should inspect: all potentially affected areas. #8. Buckled or damaged particle board should removed and replaced with new material. #9. upon entering a building, professional moisture detection equipment should be used to evaluate and document: applicable psychrometric conditions and moisture content or level readings . #10. When wet, a structural material that loses most of its structural integrity, but regains its strength when dry, is: Concrete #11 Initially, a method of search for abnormal moisture behind ceramic tile or resilient flooring can be accomplished by using a non-penetrating (non-invasive) moisture meter #12. To minimize damage and reduce drying time, reduce drying time, restorers should: begin mitigation as soon as safely possible #13. The moisture content of structural materials should be measured with a A. moisture meter #14. When accessible from below, to dry wet wood subflooring under stone or tile flooring, restorers can use low-humidity air and D. vapor barrier #15. Biocides designed to destroy or eliminate all forms of microbial life and their spores are D. sterilizers #16. When carpet is wet it can be delaminated by D. improper handling and disengaging #17. To minimize or control aerosolized soils or contaminants during restoration, restorers can: B. install one or more air filtration devices (AFDs) #18. When pre-existing damage is discovered, restorer should D. document and bring it to the attention of materially interested parties #19. Rapid drying of structural materials is achieved by A. promoting evaporation and dehumidification or ventilation #20. When carpet and cushion (pad, underlay) are saturated with Category 3 water B. Both should be removed for proper disposal #21. To minimize safety concerns and to speed structural drying, gypsum board (drywall) ceilings that are saturated and sagging should be A. drained, removed quickly, and properly disposed #22. The force exerted by water molecules in the air on surrounding surfaces is b. Vapor Pressure (page 11) #23. Generally, fastest rate of evaporation from wet materials with a 70F (21C) surface temperature [0.67 VP] would be an environment with A. 60F (4C) and 80% RH #24. Two hazardous materials more likely found in older building that require compliance with laws and regulations when handled are C. lead-based paint and asbestos #25. As humidity ratio increases (or decreases) another psychrometric chart property that also increases (or decreases) is C. vapor pressure #26. Ventilating a structure during the initial stages of restoration can be effective way to enhance drying by reducing the build up of C. humidity #27. When using government-registered biocide, restorers shall C. apply according to label directions #28. Intentionally using outdoor air to reduce indoor humidity is known as #58. Drying equipment should remain in operation on site until D. affected materials meet predetermined drying goals #59. The potential ease of water vapor to pass through a material is b. permeability (had different answer but this makes more sense) #60. For safety, air movers shall be equipped with C. a grounded electrical plug #61. The drying goal for solid hardwood flooring is within A. 2-4 percentage points of the dry standard #62. Generally, the drying system that creates the lowest atmospheric vapor pressure is D. desiccant dehumidification #63. Applying thermal energy directly to wet materials can be used to accelerate evaporation by increasing the temperature and the waters D. Vapor pressure #64. The atmospheric conditions with the lowest humidity ratio is A. 40 F AND 80% RH #65. Blowing dry air into wall cavities helps dry them primarily by D. increasing the rate of evaporation #66. The atmospheric condition equivalent to a humidity ratio of 54 gpp (7.8 g/kg) is 90 F and 37% RH #67. When air is holding the maximum amount of water vapor possible at the existing temperature and pressure the air is D) saturated #68. Water that contains significant contamination and has the potential to cause discomfort or sickness if contacted or consumed by humans is B) category 2 #69. Of the sub flooring materials listed below, the one most resistant to water damage is A) plywood #70. After removing bulk water, if required, concrete should be dried using a combination of controlled dry air movement and atmospheric temperature or A) heat energy transfer #71. When category 2 water enters a building the contaminated material that should be disposed is D) carpet cushion (pad, underlay) #72. The primary purpose of the "skin" on most carpet cushion (pad, underlay) is to C. Ease carpet stretching during installation #73. When moisture causes wood flooring to expand (swell) with edges higher than the centers the planks are D) cupped #74. When placing airmovers in a building that had water intrusion, the formula begins with each room receiving this many airmovers prior to affected area and inset/offset calculations A) 1 #75. When significant Carpet Delamination is discovered the restorer should D) document, communicate with materially interested parties, and most often recommend replacement #76. When the temperature of absorbed moisture in materials is increased, more energy is increased causing the C. Evaporation to increase #77. Reducing the water vapor content of air is A) dehumidification #78. When indoor conditions are 75 F (24 C) and 55% RH and no heating system is available the most appropriate outdoor conditions for considering an open drying system would be c #79. Wallboard covered with vinyl wallpaper can require special drying procedures A #80. Secondary damage caused by high humidity is most likely affect materials that are B. hygroscopic #81. The least amount of water absorption and evaporation load where wet porous materials rep less than ~5% of combined ceiling, walls, and flooring surface areas and where low evaporation materials and assemblies are minimally wet A) class 1 #82. A device used to measure temperature and relative humidity in air is called a C) thermo-hygrometer #83. All persons required to use respiratory protection shall B ? couldnt read answers #84. Products used to reduce, but not necessarily microorganisms from the D. #85. wood rot fungi can start growing at a moisture content at or above d. 20% #86. As moisture evaporates from a wet material, the surface of the material becomes A) cooler #87. The most effective type of dehumidifier to use when drying a dirt crawl space when outside air temp is 50 F (10 C) is a D. dessicant #88. On-going damage that occurs due to absorption of humidity into materials is referred to as B) secondary damage #89. A drying job should not be considered complete until D) moisture meter readings match the drying goals #90. The amount of moisture contained in an air sample as a percentage of the maximum amount the sample could contain at a significant temperature is C) relative humidity #91. A low-grain refrigerant (LGR) dehumidifier D) reduces vapor pressure below that of a conventional refrigerant #92. When the outside humidity ratio (gpp or g/kg) is significantly lower than indoors, restorers can consider B) closing up the structure #93. When the rate of evaporation is higher than the rate of dehumidification the most likely result will be #94. In a category 3 water intrusion with elevated risk situation (infants, elderly, etc within a building) restorers or MIPs should A) retain an IEP to assess levels of contamination #95. The PPE for restorers handling emergency services on sewage back flows shall include A) protective face mask, water-proof gloves, and rubber boots #96. When using LGR dehumidifier in a class 3 water infusion containing 16000 ft3 the initial water removal recommendation consideration is A. 300 pints B. 400 pints C. 500 pints D. 750 pints c. 500 #97. When using LGR dehumidifier that removes 144 pints at AHAM Test conditions, the recommended consideration for the number installed initially on a class 2 water intrusion with 36000 ft3 is A. 3 B. 4 c. 5 D. 6 c. 5 #98. When using conventional refrigerant dehumidifier that removes 115 pints at AHAM test with water intrusion with 22000 ft3 is B. #99. When using a desiccant dehumidifier that is rated to process 630 clm, the initial recommended number for consideration on a class 4 water intrusion in 4000 ft building with a 9