Download ILTS 305 (Elementary Education 1-6) exam questions with complete solutions 2024.docx and more Exams Technical English in PDF only on Docsity! ILTS 305 (Elementary Education 1-6) exam questions with complete solutions 2024 What jis jthe jSuzuki jmethod? j- jANS✓✓-The jSuzuki jmethod jempathizes jwith jmemorization jand jrepeatedly jplaying jthe jsame jmusic. jIt jis jbased jin jthe jtheory jthat jkids jlearn jto jspeak jbefore jthey jcan jread. What jtool jis jmost jappropriate jfor ja j4th jgrade jmusic jteacher jto jassess jstudents' jplaying jability? j- jANS✓✓-Providing jstudents jwith jself jassessment jscoring jrubric. What jfactors jshould ja j4th jgrade jteacher jtake jinto jaccount jwhen jqualitatively jmeasuring ja jtext's jcomplexity? j- jANS✓✓-The jliteral jand jinferential jlevels jof jmeaning jof jthe jtext. In ja jphonemic jawareness jlesson, jwhat jquestion jwould jhelp jstudents jpractice jsegmenting jphonemes? j- jANS✓✓-How jmany jsounds jdo jyou jhear jin jthe jword jcrush? A jblend j(e.g., jfr) jcounts jas jhow jmany jsounds? j- jANS✓✓-Two A jdigraph j(sh) jcounts jas jhow jmany jsounds? j- jANS✓✓-One What jis ja jVCV jword? j- jANS✓✓-The jfirst jsyllable jends jwith ja jvowel. jSe-cond, jle-mon, jde-mon. What jis ja jCVC jword? j- jANS✓✓-Closes jwith jconsanant. jCat, jgel, jrim, jhop, jbud. What jis ja jdiphthong? j- jANS✓✓-A jdiphthong jis jone jvowel jsound jformed jby jthe jcombination jof jtwo jvowel jsounds. jexample: joil, jboy, jout. Which jexercise jis jbest jfor jteaching jstudents jautomaticity jwhen jreading jhigh jfrequency jregular jand jirregular jwords? j- jANS✓✓-Having jstudents jengage jin jrepeated joral jreading jaloud jwith ja jrecorded jversion jof ja jtext jthat jincludes jtargeted jwords. What jare jregular jwords? j- jANS✓✓-Words jin jwhich jthe jletters jmade jtheir jmost jcommon jsound, jsuch jas jkin. What jare jirregular jwords? j- jANS✓✓-Words jin jwhich jthe jletters jmake jtheir jleast jcommon jsound, jlike jin jthe jword jkind. What jis jword jconsciousness? j- jANS✓✓-An jawareness jof jand jan jinterest jin jwords, jtheir jmeanings jand jtheir jpower; jhelps jstudents jdevelop jvocabulary. How jcan ja jteacher jencourage jword jconsciousness? j- jANS✓✓-Encourage jstudents jto jdiscuss jwell-chosen jlanguage jthey jnotice jin jliterature. What jis jclose jreading? j- jANS✓✓-Close jreading jmeans jreading jto juncover jlayers jof jmeaning jthat jlead jto jdeep jcomprehension. If ja j3rd jgrader jis jable jto jread jaccurately jbut jcannot janswer jtext-specific jquestions, jwhat jmight jbe jcausing jthe jproblem? j- jANS✓✓-The jstudents jlacks jthe jnecessary jvocabulary jand jacademic jlanguage. What jis jthe jmethod jof jcounting jon? j- jANS✓✓-When ja jperson jbegins jat jthe jvalue jof jone jnumber jand jcounts jup jthe jnumber jof junits juntil jthey jget jto jthe jsecond jnumber. How jshould jyou jset jup ja jproblem jwhere jyou jare jchanging junits? j- jANS✓✓-94 jinches j1 jfoot j1 jmile ---------- jx j---------- jx j----------- 1 jrevolution j12 jinches j5,280 jfeet How jdo jyou jread ja jbox jplot? j- jANS✓✓-A jbox jplot jshows ja j5 jnumber jsummary jin ja jdata jset. jThe jline jof ja jbox jplot jbegins jat jthe jminimum jvalue jand jends jat jthe jmaximum jvalue. jThe jbeginning jof jthe jbox jis jthe j1st jquartile jand jthe jend jof jthe jbox jis jthe j3rd jquartile. jThe jline jinside jthe jbox jis jthe jmedian. jThe jstars jon jthe joutside jof jthe jgraph jare joutliers. How jdo jyou jfind jthe jmissing jvalue jin ja jcongruent jtriangle? j- jANS✓✓-Set jup jan jequivalent jproportion jto jfind jthe jmissing jvalue. A jsquare jcan jalso jbe jclassified jas ja... j- jANS✓✓-Rectangle jor jrhombus. What jpart jof ja jtriangle jchanges jif jyou jmove jthe jthird jvertex? j- jANS✓✓-The jperimeter. When jbalancing, jwhy jdoes jit jhelp jto jbend jthe jknees? j- jANS✓✓-It jlowers jthe jcenter jof jgravity. What jtype jof jmovement jhelps jkids jpractice jdressing, jputting jon jshoes, jreading jand jwriting? j- jANS✓✓-Crossing jthe jbody's jmidline j(passing ja jball, jmaking ja jfigure-8 jshape jwith jstreamers). 2. jParenthetical jCitations 3. jExplanatory jNotes j(end jnotes jor jfootnotes jat jbottom jof jpage) According jto jMLA jguidelines, jwhat jis jtrue jabout jWeb jsources? j- jANS✓✓-The jauthor's jname jis jlisted jon jthe jsite, jjust jnot jeasy jto jfind jat jfirst. What jis jphonology? j- jANS✓✓-Involves jproduction jof jspeech jand jphonemes, jincluding jsegmentation jand jblending. What jis jsyntax? j- jANS✓✓-The jarrangement jof jwords jand jphrases jto jcreate jwell-formed jsentences jin ja jlanguage. What jis jsemantics? j- jANS✓✓-Involves jthe jmeaning jof jwords. What jis jpragmatics? j- jANS✓✓-Social juse jof jlanguage A jstudent jsays, j"We jlearned jthat jknowledge jand junderstanding jof jlanguage jis jimportant." jWhat jtype jof jerror jis jthis? j- jANS✓✓-Syntax What jis jthe jpurpose jof jcorrective jfeedback jin jreading? j- jANS✓✓-To jEXPLAIN jan jerror ja jstudent jhas jmade jin jreading, jspecifically jclarifying jwhere jand jhow jthe jerror jwas jmade jso jthe jstudent jcan javoid jthis jtype jof jmistake jin jthe jfuture. What jis ja jconsonant jdigraph? j- jANS✓✓-A jgroup jof jconsonants jin jwhich jall jletters jrepresent ja jsingle jsound. jChurch, jschool, jphone, jshoe. What jis ja jconsonant jblend? j- jANS✓✓-When jtwo jor jmore jconsonants jare jblended jtogether, jbut jeach jsound jmay jbe jheard jin jthe jblend. jThe jmost jcommon jbeginning jconsonant jblends jinclude: jblock, jbreak, jclamp, jcrust, jdrop, jfrisk, jtrain, jflax, jglitter, jgrow, jplay, jprice, jslice, jsmart, jspunk jand jstab When jteaching jstudents jrelationships jbetween jsounds jand jletters, jand jbetween jletters jand jwords, jwhat jpractices jshould jteachers jbest jfollow? j- jANS✓✓- Incorporate jmulti-sensory jmodalities jwith ja jvariety jof jinstructional jstrategies jand jmaterials jto jhelp jstudents jwith jdifferent jstrengths, jneeds jand jlearning jstyles. What jis jNOT ja jcommon jacademic jstandard jfor jkindergarten jstudents jin jdecoding jand jidentifying jwords? j- jANS✓✓-Decoding jmonosyllabic jwords jby jreferring jto jthe jinitial jand jfinal jconsonant, jshort jvowel jand jlong jvowel jsounds. jThis jis ja jstandard jfor j1st jgrade. What jare jcommon jacademic jstandards jfor jkindergarten jstudents jin jdecoding jand jidentifying jwords? j- jANS✓✓--Showing jknowledge jthat jletter jsequences jcorrespond jto jphoneme jsequences. -Understanding jthat jword jsounds jand jmeaning jchange jalong jwith jword jletters. -Matching jletters jto jconsonant jsounds; jreading jsimple, jmonosyllabic jsite jwords. What jstrategies jare jhelpful jin jbuilding jword jidentification jskills jof jemergent jreaders? j- jANS✓✓--Reinforcing jphonemic jawareness jwhen jreading jaloud. -Using jdictionaries jto jlook jup junfamiliar jwords. -Studying jand jreviewing jcommonly jused jsight jwords jat jthe jstudents' jability jlevel. What jstrategy jis jNOT jhelpful jin jteaching jemergent jreading jword jidentification jskills? j- jANS✓✓-Allowing jfor jinvented jspelling jin jwritten jasssignments jor jin- class jwork. According jto jEnglish jLanguage jArts jand jReading, jwhat jare jstudents jin j1-3 jgrades jexpected jto jdo? j- jANS✓✓-Select jtexts jindependently jusing jauthor jknowledge, jdifficulty jestimation jand jpersonal jinterest. A jstudent jis jable jto japply jstrategies jto jcomprehend jthe jmeaning jof junfamiliar jwords; jcan jsupply jdefinitions jfor jseveral jmeanings; jand jis jable jto jreflect jon jher jbackground jknowledge jin jorder jto jdecipher ja jword's jmeaning. jThese jfeatures jof jeffective jreading jbelong jto jwhich jcategory? j- jANS✓✓-Vocabulary Who jwrote jPilgrim's jProgress? j- jANS✓✓-John jBunyan What jis ja jfallacy? j- jANS✓✓-An jerror jin jreasoning. What jis ja jfallacy jof jinconsistency? j- jANS✓✓-A jstatement jthat jcontradicts jitself, j"There jare jexceptions jto jall jgeneral jstatements." A jstudent jencounters ja jmultisyllabic jword. jWhat jshould jshe jdo jfirst? jWhat jshould jshe jdo jnext? j- jANS✓✓-Locate jthe jvowels, jthen jlocate jfamiliar jword jparts. What jis jthe jThree jCueing jSystems jmodel? j- jANS✓✓-1. jGather jmeaning jdrawn jfrom jcontext jor jpictures 2.Syntax j(arrangement jof jwords) 3. jVisual jinformation, jmeaning jletters jor jparts jof jword. In jthe jThree jCueing jSystems, jwhat jrelates jmost jto jhow jsounds jare jused jto jcommunicate jmeaning? j- jANS✓✓-Phonological jawareness. How jdo jyou jachieve ja jbalanced jlanguage jprogram? j- jANS✓✓-Spend jtime jon jmany jdifferent jskills, jsuch jas jlistening, jspeaking, jwriting, jviewing, jresponding, jsynthesizing jinformation jand jreading jfor ja jvariety jof jpurposes. Collaborative jStrategic jReading j(CSR) jis ja jteaching jtechnique jthat jdepends jon... j- jANS✓✓-Cooperative jLeaning jand jReading jComprehension. Dialects jare joften jcharacterized jas... j- jANS✓✓-Less jsocially jacceptable. How jshould ja jreading jspecialist jhelp ja jteacher jwho jfeels jhis jstrategies jaren't jeffective? j- jANS✓✓-Meet jto jdiscuss jareas jthe jteacher jis jmost jconcerned jabout jand jdecide jon jthe jteacher's jgoals. What jis jround-robin jreading? j- jANS✓✓-The jpractice jof jallowing jchildren jto jtake jturns jreading jportions jof ja jtext jaloud jto jthe jrest jof jthe jgroup jduring jclass. What jare jthe jcritiques jof jround-robin jreading? j- jANS✓✓-Creates ja jboring jatmosphere, jsince jonly jone jstudent jis jactively jengaged jat ja jtime. The jwords jchow, jwhoosh jand jstalk jall jcontain... j- jANS✓✓-Digraphs j(letter jcombinations jwhere ja jcompletely jnew jsound jis jformed). How jmany jdiagonals jare jin ja jdodecagon? j- jANS✓✓-54 What jis ja jlearning jgoal jthat jis jmost jappropriate jfor j4th jgraders jlearning jgeometry jand jmeasurement? j- jANS✓✓-The jstudent jwill jbe jable jto juse ja jprotractor jto jdetermine jthe japproximate jmeasures jof jangles jin jdegrees jto jthe jnearest jwhole jnumber. What jis jthe jassociative jproperty jof jmultiplication? j- jANS✓✓-When jthreeor jmore jnumbers jare jmultiplied, jthe jproduct jis jthe jsame jregardless jof jthe jway jin jwhich jthe jnumbers jare jgrouped. j(2x3)x4=2x(3x4) What jis jan jisosceles jtriangle? j- jANS✓✓-Two jsides jare jequal jin jlength Two jangles jare jequal What jis ja jscalene jtriangle? j- jANS✓✓-No jequal jside jmeasurement, jno jequal jangles. What jis jan jequilateral jtriangle? j- jANS✓✓-All jthree jsides jare jequal jin jlength Each jangle jis j60° What jis ja jhistogram? j- jANS✓✓-A jdiagram jconsisting jof jrectangles jwhose jarea jis jproportional jto jthe jfrequency jof ja jvariable jand jwhose jwidth jis jequal jto jthe jclass jinterval. What jare jcompatible jnumbers? j- jANS✓✓-Pairs jof jnumbers jthat jare jeasy jto jadd, jsubtract, jmultiply, jor jdivide jmentally. jWhen jusing jestimation jto japproximate ja jcalculation, jreplace jactual jnumbers jwith jcompatible jnumbers. Ionization j- jANS✓✓-the jprocess jof jadding jor jremoving jelectrons jfrom jan jatom jor jmolecule, jwhich jgives jthe jatom jor jmolecule ja jnet jcharge How jdoes jadding ja jsolute jto ja jliquid jsolvent jaffect jthe jvapor jpressure jof jthe jliquid? j- jANS✓✓-The jvapor jpressure jdecreases jby jan jamount jproportional jto jthe jamount jof jsolute. What jdrives jweather jsystems jto jmove jwest jto jeast jin jthe jmid-latitudes? j- jANS✓✓-The jprevailing jwesterlies. What jis jthe jdefinition jof jwork j(in jscience)? j- jANS✓✓-The jforce jused jto jmove ja jmass jover ja jdistance. (e.g, jmoving ja jbook jfrom jthe jfloor jto jthe jtop jshelf, ja jbook jfalls jto jthe jfloor, jpushing ja jbox jof jbooks jacross jthe jroom). What jwould jbe jexamples jof jevolution? j- jANS✓✓--Fossils -DNA jsequences -Anatomical jstructures Glass jis ja jnon-renewable jresource. j- jANS✓✓-True solar jwind j- jANS✓✓-A jstream jof jelectrically jcharged jparticles jthat jemanate jfrom jthe jsun's jcorona. Ohm's jLaw j- jANS✓✓-voltage jand jcurrent jin jan jelectrical jciruit jare jdirectly jproportional jto jone janother j(V=Current jx jResistance). What jare jthe jreproductive jorgans jof ja jplant? j- jANS✓✓-flowers Organelle j- jANS✓✓-A jtiny jcell jstructure jthat jcarries jout ja jspecific jfunction jwithin jthe jcell Golgi jBodies j- jANS✓✓-organelles jthat jpackage jcellular jmaterials jand jtransport jthem jwithin jthe jcell jor jout jof jthe jcell Rough jEndoplasmic jReticulum j- jANS✓✓-transport jand jstorage Secretory jVesicles j- jANS✓✓-"Cargo jTrucks" jof jthe jcell. jSmall jmembrane- bound jstructures jthat jfunction jto jmove jmolecules jfrom jplace jto jplace jin jcell. Endocytic j- jANS✓✓-Cells jabsorb jmolecules jthat jcould jnot jotherwise jpass jthrough jthe jplasma jmembrane. Value j(art) j- jANS✓✓-Refers jto jlightness jor jdarkness Hue j- jANS✓✓-a jparticular jshade jof ja jgiven jcolor Intensity j(painting) j- jANS✓✓-Vibrancy jof jcolors jin ja jpainting Texture j- jANS✓✓-Tactile jproperty jof jartwork's jsurface. Locomotor jActivities j- jANS✓✓-Movement jvia jspace- jwalk, jrun, jleap, jhop, jjump, jgallop, jskip, jslide. What jis jstructural janalysis? j- jANS✓✓-A jstrategy jthat jis jused jto jfacilitate jdecoding jas jstudents jbecome jmore jproficient jreaders. jThese jadvanced jdecoding jstrategies jhelp jstudents jlearn jparts jof jwords jso jthey jcan jmore jeasily jdecode junknown jmulti-‐syllabic jwords. jIn jstructural janalysis, jstudents jare jtaught jto jread jprefixes jand jsuffixes. What jis ja jcognate jin jreading? j- jANS✓✓-Words jthat jhave ja jcommon jorigin j(source). jThey jmay jhappen jin ja jlanguage jor jin ja jgroup jof jlanguages. jExample: j'composite', j'composition' jand j'compost' jare jcognates jin jthe jEnglish jlanguage, jderived jfrom jthe jsame jroot jin jLatin j'componere' jmeaning j'to jput jtogether'. What jis jone jway ja jteacher jcan jensure jstudents jpay jattention jto jan jupcoming jlesson jthey jare junfamiliar jwith jthe jcontent? j- jANS✓✓-Preteaching jchallenging jvocabulary jthat jis jrelevant jto jthe jtopic, jbefore jteaching jthe jmain jlesson. balance jof jtrade j- jANS✓✓-difference jbetween jhow jmuch ja jcountry jimports jand jhow jmuch jit jexports Distribution jof jIncome j- jANS✓✓-way jin jwhich jthe jnation's jincome jis jdivided jamong jfamilies, jindividuals, jor jother jdesignated jgroups Gross jNational jProduct j- jANS✓✓-The jtotal jvalue jof jgoods jand jservices, jincluding jincome jreceived jfrom jabroad, jproduced jby jthe jresidents jof ja jcountry jwithin ja jspecific jtime jperiod, jusually jone jyear. Per jCapita jEnergy jConsumption j- jANS✓✓-the javerage jenergy jconsumed jper jperson Distributive jProperty j- jANS✓✓-1(2 j+ j3) j= j1(2) j+ j1(3) Commutative jProperty j- jANS✓✓-4+3=3+4 Checks jand jBalances j- jANS✓✓-A jsystem jthat jallows jeach jbranch jof jgovernment jto jlimit jthe jpowers jof jthe jother jbranches jin jorder jto jprevent jabuse jof jpower What jare jthe jpresidential jpowers? j- jANS✓✓-Enforce jLaws Commander jin jchief Appointment jpower Can jnegotiate jtreaties Can jpardon jCriminals jor jpotential jcriminals Can jveto jbills jpassed jby jCongress Can jconvene jCongress jand jadjourn jCongress jin jrare jcases Can jpropose jlaws, jincluding jthe jfederal jbudget Can jreceive jambassadors jand jforeign jleaders j Can jrecognize jforeign jnations Supposed jto jaddress jCongress jon jthe jState jof jthe jUnion What jcan jthe jJudicial jbranch jdo? j- jANS✓✓-The jJudicial jbranch jdetermines jwhether jthe jlaws jare jconstitutional. jIt jalso jinterprets jlaws, jthe jmeaning jof ja jlaw, jand jhow jit jis japplied. jIt jcan jalso jexamine jthe jintent jbehind ja jlaw's jcreation. What jcan jthe jLegislative jbranch jdo? j- jANS✓✓-Make jlaws, jIf jpresident jvetoes, jthe jveto jcan jbe jover jridden jwith j2/3 jmajority, jCollect jtax, jcoin jmoney, jestablish jpost joffices, jfix jstandard jweights jand jmeasures, jand jPower jto jdeclare jwar Who jis jin jthe jLegislative jbranch? j- jANS✓✓-Congress j(House jof jRepresentatives jand jSenate) Who jis jin jthe jJudicial jbranch? j- jANS✓✓-Supreme jCourt jand jother jfederal jcourts Who jis jin jthe jExecutive jbranch? j- jANS✓✓-President, jVice jPresident, jCabinet What jare jthe jsubsets jof jreading jliteracy? j- jANS✓✓-Phonological jawareness, jdecoding, jcomprehension, jvocabulary. What jis jthe jalphabetic jprinciple? j- jANS✓✓-speech jsounds jare jrepresented jby jletters. jEnglish jis jan jalphabetic jlanguage jbecause jsymbols jrepresents jsounds. jsounds jare jcalled jphonemes. How jcan jteachers jassist jlanguage jdevelopment? j- jANS✓✓--Modeling jenriched jvocabulary jand jteaching jnew jwords -Using jquestions jand jexamples jto jextend ja jchild's jdescriptive jlanguage jskills -Providing jample jresponse jtime jto jencourage jchildren jto jpractice jspeech. -Asking jfor jclarification jto jprovide jstudents jwith jthe jopportunity jto jdevelop jcommunication jskills -Promoting jconversations jamong jchildren -Providing jfeedback jto jlet jchildren jknow jthey jhave jbeen jheard jand junderstood, jand jproviding jfurther jexplanation jwhen jneeded. Distance jFormula j- jANS✓✓-Distance j= jRate jx jTime How jmany jfeet jin ja jmile? j- jANS✓✓-5,280 jfeet How jmany jfluid jounces jin ja jpint? j- jANS✓✓-16fl joz How jmany jpints jin ja jquart? j- jANS✓✓-2 jpints How jmany jounces jin ja jpound? j- jANS✓✓-16 jounces How jmany jcentimeters jare jin jan jinch? j- jANS✓✓-2.54 jcm How jmany jquarts jin ja jgallon? j- jANS✓✓-4 jquarts How jmany jfeet jin ja jyard? j- jANS✓✓-3 jfeet How jmany jgrams jin ja jpound? j- jANS✓✓-454 jgrams least jcommon jmultiple j- jANS✓✓-The jsmallest jmultiple jthat jtwo jor jmore jnumbers jhave jin jcommon least jcommon jdenominator j- jANS✓✓-the jsmallest jcommon jmultiple jof jtwo jor jmore jdenominators greatest jcommon jfactor j- jANS✓✓-The jlargest jfactor jthat jtwo jor jmore jnumbers jhave jin jcommon. Convert jdecimal jto jpercent j- jANS✓✓-Move jthe jdecimal jtwo jplaces jto jthe jright Convert jpercent jto jdecimal j- jANS✓✓-Move jthe jdecimal jtwo jplaces jto jthe jleft Function j- jANS✓✓-A jrelation jwhere jone jquantity jdepends jon jthe jother. jExample" jthe jamount jof jmoney jthat jyou jmake jdepends jon jthe jnumber jof jhours jthat jyou jwork. What jare jthe jlayers jof jthe jearth? j- jANS✓✓-from jshallowest jto jdeepest, jcrust, jmantle, jouter jcore, jinner jcore. What jis jthe jinner jcore jmade jof? j- jANS✓✓-solid jiron jand jnickel What jis jthe jouter jcore jmade jof? j- jANS✓✓-liquid jiron jand jnickel What jis jmantle jmade jof? j- jANS✓✓-silicon, joxygen, jiron, jand jmagnesium What jis jcrust jmade jof? j- jANS✓✓-solid jrock jand jminerals Transitional jstage j- jANS✓✓-The jstudent juses jboth jcorrect jspelling jand jphonetic jspelling. Think-Pair-Share j- jANS✓✓-Helps joral jlanguage, jacademic jlanguage, jvocabulary jand jreading jcomprehension jdevelopment. What jquestion jwould jbe jappropriate jfor ja j1st jgrade jlesson jon jphonetic jblending? j- jANS✓✓-What jword jam jI jtrying jto jsay: jf/ī/sh/? Semiphonetic jStage j- jANS✓✓-The jchild jbegins jto junderstand jletter-sound jcorrespondence--that jsounds jare jassigned jto jletters. jAt jthis jstage, jthe jchild joften jemploys jrudimentary jlogic, jusing jsingle jletters, jfor jexample, jto jrepresent jwords, jsounds, jand jsyllables j(e.g., jU jfor jyou). phonetic jstage j- jANS✓✓-The jchild juses ja jletter jor jgroup jof jletters jto jrepresent jevery jspeech jsound jthat jthey jhear jin ja jword. jAlthough jsome jof jtheir jchoices jdo jnot jconform jto jconventional jEnglish jspelling, jthey jare jsystematic jand jeasily junderstood. jExamples jare jKOM jfor jcome jand jEN jfor jin. morphophonemic jstage j- jANS✓✓-understanding jand juse jof jrules jfor jmodifying jsounds jin jwords jbased jon jtheir jmorphemes What jtechnique jwould jhelp ja j1st jgrade jstudent jwith jletter jidentification? j- jANS✓✓-Linking jletter jname jand jsound jinstruction jfor jeach junknown jletter, jand jhaving jthe jstudent jpractice jforming jeach jtarget jletter jwhile jsaying jits jname jand jsound. Prosody j- jANS✓✓-Reading jwith jexpression jor jproper jphrasing How jshould jfluency jinstruction jbegin? j- jANS✓✓-With jthe jteacher jmodeling jthe jappropriate jway jto jread jwith jinflection. Tier jOne jWords j- jANS✓✓-~ jhigh jfrequency jwords jthat jare jused jin jeveryday jspeech j[food, jdaddy, jthe] Semantic jMap j- jANS✓✓-A jgraphic jorganizer jthat juses jlines jand jcircles jto jorganize jinformation jaccording jto jcategories. Flowchart j- jANS✓✓-A jdiagram jthat jshows jstep-by-step jprogression jthrough ja jprocedure jor jsystem jespecially jusing jconnecting jlines jand ja jset jof jconventional jsymbols. For jhelping j1st jgraders jidentify jkey jideas jand jdetails, jwhat jgraphic jorganizer jwould jbe jbest? j- jANS✓✓-Semantic jmap Before janalyzing ja jhistorical jspeech jor jargument, jwhat jshould ja j6th jgrade jclass jdo? j- jANS✓✓-Research jbiographical jand jhistorical jinformation jrelated jto jthe jspeech. Why jdo jmaple jleafs jhave jelongated, jflat jstructure? j- jANS✓✓-It jdisperses jthe jseeds jacross ja jlarge jarea. What jactivity jcontributes jmost jto jthe jIllinois jeconomy? j- jANS✓✓- Manufacturing Communist jideology jis jmost joften jcharacterized jby.... j- jANS✓✓-low jlevels jof jfreedom Increased jeconomic jgrowth jin jChina jwould jhelp jthe jUS jby... j- jANS✓✓-Offering jUS jfirms jgreater jopportunity jto jexpand jtheir jmarkets. A jsubstance jthat jhas ja jfixed jvolume, jvirtually jincomprehensible jand jtakes jthe jshape jof jany jcontainer jits jin jis ja... j- jANS✓✓-liquid In jaddition jto jproviding jstructural jsupport, jcells jwalls jin jplants jalso: j- jANS✓✓- Enable jcells jto jwithstand jinternal jwater jpressure jwithout jrupturing. spring jtide j- jANS✓✓-when jthe jsun, jmoon, jand jearth jalign To jenhance j6th jgrade jstudents' jskills jas jconsumers jin jbuying jan jelectronic jtoy, jthe jteacher jshould jprompt jthe jstudents jto... j- jANS✓✓-Compare jdescriptions jof jthe jtoy's jmanufacturer's jwebsite jwith jreviews jby jobjective jreviewers jon jother jsites. How jwould ja jgraphic jorganizer jhelp jstudents jwho jhave jlearning jchallenges jrelated jto jthe jsequential jordering jof jprocesses jand jideas... j- jANS✓✓-A jgraphic jorganizer jwill jprovide jstudents jwith ja jvisual jrepresentation jof jinformation jthat jneeds jto jbe jrecorded. Art jduring jthe jRenaissance jfocused jon j- jANS✓✓-Reflecting jreligious jvalues What jfactor jhas jthe jmost jsignificant jinfluence jon jchildrens' jathletic jabilities jin jgrades jK-6. j- jANS✓✓-Maturation jof jthe jbody's jnervous jsystem. What jis jan jimportant jdefense jstrategy jto jteach jstudents jin jgames jlike jsoccer jor jbasketball? j- jANS✓✓-Containing, jreducing jor jdenying jspace jwhile jthe jdefense jis jon jthe jmove. Finding jpattern jin jdance jcan jhelp jwhat jacademic jarea? j- jANS✓✓-Observation jin jscientific jinquiry complex jsentence j- jANS✓✓-A jsentence jwith jone jindependent jclause jand jat jleast jone jdependent jclause. j"Although jhe jwas jwealthy, jhe jwas jstill junhappy." What jis jan jindependent jclause? j- jANS✓✓-a jclause jthat jcan jstand jalone What jis ja jdependent jclause? j- jANS✓✓-A jclause jthat jcannot jstand jalone j (also jknown jas ja jsubordinating jclause). What jis ja jpredicate? j- jANS✓✓-The jpredicate jtells jwhat jthe jsubject jis jor jdoes. What jare jthe jproducts jof jphotosynthesis? j- jANS✓✓-glucose jand joxygen greenhouse jeffect j- jANS✓✓-warming jthat jresults jwhen jsolar jradiation jis jtrapped jby jthe jatmosphere Meteorology j- jANS✓✓-the jstudy jof jweather Layers jof jEarth's jAtmosphere j- jANS✓✓-(earth) j- jtroposphere j- jstratosphere j- jmesosphere j- jthermosphere Law jof jSuperposition j- jANS✓✓-The jgeologic jprinciple jthat jstates jthat jin jhorizontal jlayers jof jsedimentary jrock, jeach jlayer jis jolder jthan jthe jlayer jabove jit jand jyounger jthan jthe jlayer jbelow jit. Planets j- jANS✓✓-Mercury, jVenus, jEarth, jMars, jJupiter, jSaturn, jUranus, jNeptune terrestial jplanets j- jANS✓✓-Mercury, jVenus, jEarth, jMars Jovial jPlanets j- jANS✓✓-Jupiter, jSaturn, jUranus, jNeptune 13 jColonies/States j- jANS✓✓--New jHampshire -Massachusettes -Rhode jIsland -Conneticut -Virginia -Maryland -New jYork -Pensylvania -New jJersey -Delaware -North jCarolina -South jCarolina -Georgia French jand jIndian jWar j- jANS✓✓-(1754-1763) jWar jfought jin jthe jcolonies jbetween jthe jEnglish jand jthe jFrench jfor jpossession jof jthe jOhio jValley jarea. jThe jEnglish jwon. Treaty jof jParis j- jANS✓✓-agreement jsigned jby jBritish jand jAmerican jleaders jthat jstated jthe jUnited jStates jof jAmerica jwas ja jfree jand jindependent jcountry. Equator j- jANS✓✓-0 jdegrees jlatitude Prime jMeridian j- jANS✓✓-0 jdegrees jlongitude Elements jof jArt j- jANS✓✓--Line -Shape -Space -Texture -Color -Balance interquartile jrange j- jANS✓✓-Q3-Q1 When jtrying jto jfind jthe jinterquartile jrange jin ja jset jof jdata, jwhat jshould jstudents jdo jfirst? j- jANS✓✓-write jout jthe jminutes jbased jon jfrequency jfrom jleast jto jmost. What jis jNOT ja jpositive jeffect jof jteaching jstudents jstrength jtraining jexercises? j- jANS✓✓-decreased jtension jon jjoints jwith jincreased jmuscle jdevelopment. The jration jof jred jjellybeans jto jyellow jjellybeans jis j6:1. jIf jthere jare j203 jjellybeans, jhow jmany jred jjellybeans jare jthere? jTo jdetermine jthis, jstudents jmust jdo jwhich jof jthe jfollowing jfirst? j- jANS✓✓-sett jup jthe jequation j6/1 j= j203x In ja jstudy jof j100 jdogs, jmail jtrucks jappeared jto jprovoke jthe jdogs jinto jbarking jaround j80% jof jthe jtime jwhen jthe jdogs jheard jthe jtrucks. jThe jstudy jwas jconducted jin ja jground-floor jroom jthat jhad jwindows jfacing ja jlocal jpark jwith jtrees. jVarious jcritters jtrounce jaround jthe jpark, jso jthis jmay jhave jcaused jsome jof jthe jdogs jto jbecome jvocal jat jdifferent jtimes. jHowever, jeven jif jthey jwere jnot jlooking jout jthe jwindows jwhen jthey jheard jthe jmail jtrucks, jthey jwould jbark ja jmajority jof jthe jtime. j- jANS✓✓-the jcorrelation jbetween jdogs jbarking jand jmail jtrucks jmay jbe jinfluenced jby jthe jsetting jof jthe jstudy. Municipalities j- jANS✓✓-a jcity jor jtown jthat jhas jcorporate jstatus jand jlocal jgovernment. Municipalities jwithin jIllinois jare jin jcharge jof jdistrict-level joversight, jand jthis jdistinction jis jgranted jbecause jof jwhich jof jthe jfollowing? j- jANS✓✓-home jrule In jthe jfollowing jword jproblem, jwhat jshould jstudents jdo jfirst? j"A jwoman jleaves jher jhouse jat j6:03 jam jand jtravels j439 jmiles. jShe jstops jfor jgas jone jtime, jand jthis jtakes jher jseven jminutes. jIf jshe jarrives jat jher jdestination jat j10:30 jam, jhow jfast, jper jhour, jwas jthe jwoman jtraveling?" j- jANS✓✓-determine jhow jmany jhours jand jminutes jthe jwoman jwas jon jthe jroad jdriving, jminus jthe jamount jof jtime jshe jtook jto jget jgas What jactivity jwould jmost jalign jwith ja jreciprocal jteaching jstyle jin ja jphysical jeducation jclass? j- jANS✓✓-A jteacher jexplains ja jteam jactivity jbut jthe jstudents jchoose jthe jrules jfor jthat jactivity jand jget jto jdetermine jwho jis jbreaking jany jrules jduring jthe jactivity. Procatalepsis j- jANS✓✓-rhetorical jdevice; janticipating jan jobjection jand janswering jit What jis jan jexample jof jprocatalepsis? j- jANS✓✓-'While joffering ja jvariety jof jfoods jat jlunch jmay jincreases jprices, jwhen jstudents jhave jmore joptions, jthey jmay jmake jhealthier jchoices.'' Students jhave jjust jcompleted jreading ja jtext. jA jteacher jis jstriving jto jassess jstudents' jliteracy jskills jbased jon jvarious jmodalities. jWhich jof jthe jfollowing jactivities jwould jbest jalign jwith jthe jteacher's jintentions? j- jANS✓✓-developing jdifferent jproject jassessments jfrom jwhich jstudents jcan jchose, jlike jdrawing ja jscene jfrom jthe jstory jor jacting jout ja jscene jfrom jthe jstory Which jsymbol jrepresents jchemical jequilibrium? j- jANS✓✓-⇌ An junderstanding jof jthe jmeaning jof jprefixes jand jsuffixes jsuch jas jdis, jmis, jun, jre, jable jand jment jare jimportant jfor: j- jANS✓✓-Reading jcomprehension Some jexperts jmaintain jthat jteaching jreading jcomprehension jentails jnot jjust jthe japplication jof jskills, jbut jthe jprocess jof jactively jconstructing jmeaning. jThis jprocess jthey jdescribe jas jinteractive, jstrategic, jand jadaptable. jWhat jbest jdefines jthe jinteractive jaspect jof jthis jprocess? j- jANS✓✓-The jprocess jinvolves jthe jtext, jthe jreader, jand jthe jcontext jin jwhich jreading joccurs. After jonly jtwo jor jthree jmonths jinto j1st jgrade, ja jnew jsubstitute jteacher jgives jgrades jin jthe j80s jto ja jstudent jwho jhad jbeen jreceiving j100s jfrom jthe jregular jteacher. jThe jsub jdeducts jpoints jwhen jthe jstudent joccasionally jreverses ja jletter jor jnumber, jor jmisspells jwords jlike jbiscuit, jbutterfly jand jswallowed. jWhat jaccurately jdescribes jthis jscenario? j- jANS✓✓-The jstudent's jwriting jis jdevelopmentally jappropriate; jthe jsub's jgrading jis jinappropriate. Which jentity jin jAmerican jgovernment jis jthe jclosest jto jtrue jdemocracy? j- jANS✓✓-The jHouse jof jRepresentatives