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Impact of The Covid-19 Pandemic on Education Inputs ..., Lecture notes of Qualitative research

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the input, process and output of education in primary schools. The.

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Download Impact of The Covid-19 Pandemic on Education Inputs ... and more Lecture notes Qualitative research in PDF only on Docsity! e-ISSN: 2798-4087 International Conference on Early and Elementary Education “Widening the participation for students learning during the digital and pandemic era” International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021 99 Impact of The Covid-19 Pandemic on Education Inputs, Processes and Outputs Nuryati Elementary Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Surakarta, Indonesia Abstract: The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the input, process and output of education in primary schools. The method in this research is a qualitative descriptive approach. While the data collection technique uses 3 techniques. Namely the technique of observation, interview and documentation. The research instrument used (1) online and offline observation. (2) Interview through supporting tools and applications. (3) Documentation by requesting direct data from teachers in primary schools being studied. The results of the data were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman analysis model. Meanwhile, the validity test used data triangulation with technical triangulation and source method triangulation. The results of this study identify the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on input, the output and process of primary school education. The emergence of policies from the government to deal with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the education process in elementary schools Keywords: the impact of covid 19, input, output, process, education Introduction Education as part of development must have good quality education. Quality of education as a comprehensive description of goods or services that determine their ability to satisfy specified needs. As for the context of education, the quality of education includes the input, process and output of education. Humans are seen as objects as well as as educational subjects in the educational process. Education (Andrianto Pangondian et al., 2019)is a process where human potentials are easily influenced by habits so that they can be perfected by good habits by means (media) that are arranged in such a way and are managed by humans to help others or themselves to achieve the stated goals. Education is a relationship between the educator and the educated that occurs in association. Because in association there is contact or relationship which in the end gives birth to the responsibility of education for a sense of responsibility for the interests and safety of students. One of the goals of education is to protect the safety of educators and students. For this reason, the covid-19 epidemic has an impact on schools. Schools are required to protect educators, teaching staff and students. Government policies must be complied with by changing the rules for learning strategies. The learning strategy that was initially face-to-face became non-face-to- face distance learning (PJJ). The learning strategy uses the internet network or e- learning (online) learning. E-learning learning(Aji et al., 2020)is a form of learning model that is facilitated and supported by the use of information and communication technology. E-learning is defined as a form of information technology applied in education in the form of cyberspace. For schools that do not have the means to support online learning. Teachers can take advantage of existing learning resources with the assignment and visit (home visit) model. Method This research use desciptive qualitative approach. The goal is to provide an overview of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the input, output and education process in one of the Public Elementary Schools in Semarang Regency. e-ISSN: 2798-4087 International Conference on Early and Elementary Education “Widening the participation for students learning during the digital and pandemic era” International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021 100 The study population was students, guardians, educators and educational staff. The data collection techniques are as follows: (1)Observations were made online via WA and Offline through visits for students and student guardians. Meanwhile, offline interviews for coworkers were conducted in SD.(2) Interview; Data collection techniques were carried out by interviewing and filling out online questionnaires via WhatsApp and containing only the main problems. The interview technique was conducted by means of unstructured interviews. The interview was conducted at one of the public elementary schools in Semarang Regency and the respondents were students, guardians of students, educators and educators. (3) Documentation;DoKumen obtained from those concerned with learning requested directly from the teacher. Data obtained later analyzed. Data analysis was carried out in three stages, namely, (1) data reduction, (2) data presentation, (3) concluding the data. Data reduction is a form of analysis to sharpen, select, focus, reduce, and organize data in a way in which final conclusions can be drawn. Qualitative research, the presentation of the data is carried out in the form of a brief description, the relationship between categories, and others. Miles and Huberman(Junaidin & Komalasari, 2019)states that which is used to present data in qualitative research using narrative text. The conclusion of the data is taken from the essence of the organized data presentation in the form of short sentence statements that contain broad meaning. Test the validity of the data using triangulation. Researchers in triangulation perform data as well as test the credibility of the data. How to check the credibility of the data by collecting data from various sources. Researchers used source triangulation and method triangulation. Result and Discussion Pandemic impact of covid-19 Coronavirusis a large family of viruses that cause disease from mild to severe symptoms. There are two types of coronavirus that are known to cause illness by causing severe symptoms, such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).(Shidiq & Choiri, 2019). WHO (Anugrahana, 2020)stated that since January 2020 the world has entered into a global emergency related to this virus. The corona virus that attacks the respiratory system has recorded more than 28 million cases from 213 infected countries in the world. This outbreak also had an impact in Indonesia. For this reason, the stay at home program is one of the policies to suppress the expansion of Covid-19. According to Circular Number 4 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Education Policies for the Emergency Period of the Spread of Covid-19 in PDF format, this was signed by the Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim on March 24, 2020. The principles applied in the policy during the Covid-19 pandemic are the health and safety of students. , educators, education staff, families, and the community are the top priorities in determining learning policies. This has an impact on social restrictions (social distance). Appeals from the government and the existence of a Ministerial Circular. Minister Nadiem Anwar Makarim issued Circular Letter Number 3 of 2020 on the Education Unit and Number 36962 / MPK.A / HK / 2020 concerning the Implementation of Education in Period The Covid-19 emergency was carried out online. This policy is implemented by diverting educational activities from school to home. The government and related institutions are expected to provide alternatives for students who cannot carry out the educational process at educational institutions. An alternative is made by the government to support the continuity of the learning process by launching an online learning program. In fact, not all schools have facilities that support e-ISSN: 2798-4087 International Conference on Early and Elementary Education “Widening the participation for students learning during the digital and pandemic era” International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021 103 emphasizing the activeness of students' learning, not the active teaching of the teacher (Rohayati, 2012). The learning process while online using the whatsapp platform. Before the learning process is carried out. The teacher will create a whatsapp group and enter the number of students who have whatsapp access. After the whatsapp group is formed, the next step is the teacher can carry out the learning process and manage the class through the whatsapp group. The stages of learning through the WhatsApp group are as follows: (1) The teacher greets and asks how the students are doing and conveys the learning objectives. The teacher in this case uses a varied method, in the form of voice messages, text messages and videos. (2) The teacher delivers learning materials through the WhatsApp group. The material sent in the whatsapp group can be in the form of text messages, voice messages, videos and pictures. (3) Students respond to the material provided by the teacher and do learning tasks. (4) After the task has been completed, students send the results of their assignments through the WhatsApp group. (5) The teacher evaluates and assesses the results of student assignments by sending back the results of students' assignments via group or personal WhatsApp. Adjusted to the material assignments from the teacher. The learning process through WhatsApp is increasingly creating boredom for students and parents. The boredom of online learning creates new problems, namely: (1) The tasks of the teachers have started not to be done completely. (2) It is more fun to play with friends, because there is no attachment to learning hours. (3) Parents as learning companions have difficulty understanding the material. (4) Parents prioritize their work. (5) Parents surrendered to the discourse that students would all grade and graduate during the Covid-19 pandemic. (6) Although on the other hand, the teacher has used interesting learning methods. Extracurricular Activities Law Number 20 of 2003 Article 3 concerning the National Education System (Ismail & Sumaila, 2020)states that national education has the function of developing capabilities and shaping the character and civilization of a nation with dignity in the framework of educating the nation's life, aiming at developing the potential of students to become human beings who believe and fear God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become a democratic and responsible citizen. This function is then strengthened by the aim of national education education, namely to develop the potential of students to become human beings who believe and have faith in God Almighty, have noble character, are healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become democratic and responsible citizens. During the covid-19 pandemic, extracurricular activities were eliminated in order to maintain the safety of teachers and students. Although it does not require the possibility that some schools will continue to carry out extracurricular activities through virtual zoom or YouTube. Education Output Competence of graduates The output of learning outcomes is based on the Graduate Competency Standards listed in Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005 (Agus Supandi et al., 2019). Graduate competency standards are used as assessment guidelines in determining student graduation from educational units. Graduate competencies include attitudes, knowledge, and skills. The competency standards of graduates at the basic education level aim to lay the foundation for intelligence, knowledge, personality, noble character, as well as skills for independent living and following further education. e-ISSN: 2798-4087 International Conference on Early and Elementary Education “Widening the participation for students learning during the digital and pandemic era” International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021 104 During the covid-19 pandemic, the School Examination Evaluation was eliminated. Elementary school graduation / equivalent is determined based on the value of the last five semesters (grades 4, 5, and 6 odd semesters), while grade 6 even semester scores are used as an additional graduation score(Istaryatiningtias et al., 2021)Since being appointed as Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem has campaigned for the principle of Free Learning. There is a policy plan to abolish the National Examination in 2021. The elimination of this National Examination will not have an impact on the New Student Admissions Process. Because the zoning system like last year is still being implemented. This year's National Examination is a mapping in terms of education, and has no impact on students in the selection of New Student Admissions. The suspension of the 2021 National Examination in the midst of an emergency situation will result in not optimal education mapping. The passing value does not really affect students to continue their education to the Junior High School level. The school zoning system helps students to get to school. School zoning system(Safarah & Wibowo, 2018)is a new admission path based on the zone of residence. Apart from the existing definition of school zoning, this system is intended for us to register for secondary schools according to the location of residence. The implementation of this zoning system in its implementation also has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the zoning system include: (1) Eliminating the Stigma of Favorite Schools. (2) Bringing the school environment closer to the family environment. (3) Save time and money. (4) Making access to education more equitable. (5). While the weaknesses of the Zoning system include: (1) Students' choice of schools is more limited. (2) Students are less enthusiastic about learning. (3) Limited scope. (4) Easy to manipulate system. (5) Educational facilities are not evenly distributed between one school and another. The advantages of the zoning system can reduce the percentage of students who are late for school. The distance between home and school tends to be close. Equitable quantity of students in each school, because many students are chasing favorite schools, ordinary schools lack the number of students. While the weakness of this zoning system is detrimental to students because the educational facilities are not evenly distributed. For example, a student who has high intellectuality but cannot develop his / her knowledge optimally because he has to go to school near his house that does not have complete facilities. Conclusion In the context of education, the quality of education includes educational inputs, processes and outputs. Humans are seen as objects as well as as educational subjects in the educational process. Humans are seen as objects as well as as educational subjects in the educational process. So that in educator safety education, students are important in realizing educational goals. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the input, process, and output of education outcomes in primary schools. Inputs in supporting education are students, educators and financial management. Financing public schools are obtained from BOS funds. The government's policy to use BOS funds flexibly has greatly assisted schools in providing facilities and infrastructure to support the prevention of Covid-19. The educational process is carried out withlearning and teaching strategies, methods, and techniques that are the most effective, according to the characteristics of the subjects, students, teachers and the real conditions of the resources available at school. School output during the covid-19 pandemic the elimination of the National Examination. The results of the graduates are obtained from grades 4, 5 and 6 as the consideration of the students' graduates. e-ISSN: 2798-4087 International Conference on Early and Elementary Education “Widening the participation for students learning during the digital and pandemic era” International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021 105 Reference Aji, W., Dewi, F., Kristen, U., & Wacana, S. (2020). The Impact of Covid-19 on the Implementation of Online Learning in. 2 (1), 55–61. Andrianto Pangondian, R., Insap Santosa, P., & Nugroho, E. (2019). Factors Affecting the Success of Online Learning in the Industrial Revolution 4.0. 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