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The Indiana state board of health facility administrators is composed of what 13 members

  1. State health commissioner/designee
  2. Director of the division of family resources/designee
  3. State long term care ombudsman/designee
  4. Chief administrative officer of IU's Med Center/designee
  5. One member of the medical profession w/ a license to practice in IN
  6. Four (4) administrators of licensed proprietary health facilities
  7. Two (2) administrators of licensed non-proprietary health facilities
  8. Two (2) members representing the public at large, who: a.) Are residents of Indiana b.) Have never been associated with health facility services or administration in any way other than a resident or family member of a health facility The board may issue a Temporary Permit to practice as a health facility administrator to a person who:
  9. Has applied to the board fora license to practice as a HFA
  10. Has a current license as a HFA in another state
  11. Has met the educational requirements of the board
  12. has completed the board-approved training program or determined equivalent
  13. Has successfully completed the national examination witha score equivalent to the score required by this state. ALSO: The board may substitute for the requirements the experience of a person as a licensed HFA in another state. A temporary permit expires upon:
  1. the issuance of a license to the holder of the temporary permit
  2. The recipient by the holder of the temporary permit of notice from the board that the holder of the temporary permit has failed the required examination for licensure Board terms All appointments shall be fore four (4) year terms, exept that in case of a vacancy prior to term completion, the appointment shall be fore the remainder of the unexpired term. Any vacancy, either prior to or at term completion, shall be filled by the governor after consultation with the associations and societies appropriate to the discipline for professions representative of the vacancy. In all cases, the appointees shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified. Removal from the board the governor may remove any member of the board other than the representative of a state agency or institution for misconduct, incapacity, incompetence, or neglect of duty after the member has been served with a written statement of charges and has been given an opportunity to be heard. Designated representatives of the state agencies or institutions may be removed by the original appointing authority for any of those causes. Qualifications for Licensure The board may issue licenses to qualified persons as HFAs and shall establish qualification criteria for HFAs. A person who applies to the board as a HFA must:
  3. not have been convicted of a crime that has direct bearing on the person's ability to practice competently
  4. have: a. satisfactoraly completed a course of instruction and training prescribed by the board, including content to provide sufficient knowledge, laws, etc. b. presented evidence satisfactory ot the board of sufficient education, training, or experience in forgoing fields to administer, supervise, and manage a health facility; and
  5. have passed an examination administered by the board and designed to test for competence in the subject matter Term of a provisional license the board may issue a provisional license for a single period not to exceed six (6) months for the purpose of enabling a qualified individual to fill a health facility administrator position that has been

unexpectedly vacated. Before an individual is issued provisional license, the individual must fulfill the requirements in addition to complying with other standards and rules established by the board Organization and government of board; compensation; expenses; employees a. the board shall elect from its membership annually a chairperson and vice chairperson and shall adopt rules to govern its proceedings. b. Each member of the board who is not a state employee is entitled to the minimum salary per diem provided. Such a member is also entitled to reimbursement for travel expenses and otehr expenses incurred in connection with the member's duties, as provided in the state travel policies and proceedures established by the Dept. of Administration and state budget agency. c. the PLA shall supply necessary personnel to assist the board in performance of its duteis. d. Seven (7) members of the board constitutes a quorum for consideration of all matters before the board. a majority vote of the quorum is required for action of the board. Failure to Renew a License A person who fails torenew a license before it expires and becomes invalid at midnight of the renewal date shall be reinstated by the board if the person applies for reinstatement not later than three (3) years after the expiration of the license the board may reinstate a person who applies to reinstate a license under this section more than three (3) years after the date the license expires and becomes invalid if the person applies to the board for reinstatement and meets the requirements for reinstatement established by the board. the board may require an appicant to appear before the board to explain the applicant's failure to renew. License by Reciprocity The board may issue a HFA's license to any person who holds a current comparable license from another jurisdiction, if the board finds that the applicant has:

  1. met the educational requirements
  2. completed a board approved training program or board determined equivalent 3.successfully completed the NAB with a score equivalent to teh score required by the state
  3. successfully completed the state examination conducted by the board HFA/RCA Candidates educational requirements:
  1. Possession of a baccalaureate or higher degree from an accredited institution of higher learning and completion of a required AIT program
  2. Possession of an associates degree in health care from an accredited institution of higher learning, completion of a required course of study in LTC administration, and completion of an AIT
  3. Completion of a specialized course of study in LTC administration and completion of an AIT ALSO: Applicants for licensure by endoresement as an HFA may request that the board consider previous experience to satisfy these requirements. Educational and AIT requirements maybe satisfied by two (2) years of active work experience as a HFA in another state Satisfying AIT Requirement HFA/RCA Applicants for licensure as a HFA/RCA may request that the board consider previous experience to satisfy the AIT requirements. This includes any of the following:
  4. one (1) year of active work as an HFA/RCA
  5. completion of a training program required for licensure as an HFA/RCA in another state that is determined by the board to be equivalent
  6. completion of a residency-internship in healthcare administration completed as a part of a degree requirement.
  7. one (1) year of active work experience as a CEO or COO of a Hospital
  8. A master's degree in healthcare administration and six (6) month of active work experience as a licensed HFA in another state Interview the board may designate a time and place at which an applicant may be required to appear for an interview at the discretion of the board Failing An applicant who does not pass the licensing exam is entitled to take ti two (2) more times, but must be w/in 1 year of the first attempt. If an applicant fails 3 times, they must go in front of the board and MAY be required to submit the following: a)Proof of completion of at least two hundred (200) contact hours of continuing education approved by the board. b) A new application and entry into the AIT Program c) Proof of completion of the required AIT program. In addition, the applicant shall meet all other licensing requirements in force and effect at the time of reapplication.

Display of license Every individual licensed as an HFA/RCA shall display his or her current license in a prominent location in that individual's principal office. Duplicate License Upon receipt of satisfactory evidence that a license has been lost, stolen mutilated or destroyed, the board may issue a duplicate license upon:

  1. compliance with conditions as the board may prescribe; and
  2. payment of a fee as determined by the board A practitioner may hold both an HFA and RCA License provided that all requirements of this rule are met, including separate applications to be submitted with appropriate fees for each license application and renewal Provisional license An individual may be issued a provisional HFA or RCA license for a specific licensed health facility if the individual has: at least two (2) years of administrative experience in a licensed HF The director may issue a provisional license to an individual who appears to be qualified; however, this license will be subject to the approval of the board at its next following meeting, at which time the board may withdraw the provisional license if it determines that the licensee fails to meet all applicable qualifications. Experience gained under a provisional license will not satisfy the educational or AIT requirements. an AIT seeking licensure as an HFA shall complete a course of instruction and training including:
  3. Standards of competent practice
  4. Administration
  5. Housekeeping/Laundry
  6. Facility Management
  7. Nursing
  8. Dietary
  9. Activities
  10. Business Office
  11. Admissions/Marketing
  12. Overall Facility Management

RCA Required AIT time in a Comprehensive Care Facility The AIT seeking licensure as an RCA is required to complete not less than eighty (80) hours of the training program in a licensed comprehensive care facility in order to complete training in the following areas:

  1. medicare/Medicaid regulations and implementation thereof
  2. Health comprehensive care organization and coordination of services
  3. Assessment and care plans
  4. Any other areas approved by the board The AIT Seeking licensure as an HFA or RCA shall:
  5. File an AIT Application with the board and be approved prior to starting the internship program; and
  6. Have met the requirements and the educational attainments at the time the application is filed The AIT seeking licensure as an HFA Shall:
  7. observe and become familiar with the duties of the preceptor and AIT
  8. be assigned responsibilities in each department, with experience on every shift and weekends
  9. not hold a position in the facility during the hours of the AIT program
  10. serve as an AIT a minimum of 20 hours per week and no more than 10 hours daily
  11. complete the program in a minimum of six months and a max of 12 with a total of 1040 hours
  12. seek and accept instruction and assistance from the preceptor
  13. notify the board on suitible forms if any change of status or discontinuance of the AIT program
  14. forward to the board at the end of the AIT program an affidavit stating the requirements of the program have been fulfilled. Difference in AIT requirements for a RCA the program minimum hours is 860 (instead of 1040) ALSO About AITs The AIT may serve up to twenty percent (20%) of the internship in a setting other than the preceptors facility. The board reserves the right totake appropriate action for the failure of an AIT to comply with the duties enumerated

the hours and ammount of time spent in the AIT program maybe reduced due to credit given by the board under section 4(g) of the rule. Preceptor Qualifications - Required Action the applicant for approval as a preceptor shall file a new application with each AIT In order to qualify as a preceptor, the applicant:

  1. Shall a) be a current licensed Indiana (i)HFA to precept an applicant for licensure as an HFA or RCA, or (ii) RCA to precept an applicant seeking licensure as an RCA b) File and application to be approved by the board prior to starting the AIT c) have attended within five (5) years prior to applying to serve as a preceptor, a board approved educational program and forward to the board for certificate of completion Preceptor Qualification - Required Job Skills A preceptor must: a) have active work experience as an HFA or RCA for at least two (2) years out of the immediate three (3) years prior to the date of application b) be a current CEO of a continuing care retirement community that holds a current valid HFA license; or c) be a current regional manager for a multi facility organization who holds a current HFA license or RCA and who affirms to the board that his or her physical presence at the training location is concurrent with at least sixty percent (60%) of the applicant's physical presence at the training location and
  2. Shall not have any disciplinary action taken by the board agains his or her HFA or RCA license in the last two (2) years Preceptor Actions:
  3. act as a teacher rather than an employer and should provide the AIT with educational opportunities
  4. Inform the board if the AIT presents and problems
  5. notify the board on suitable forms of any change of status or discontinuance of the AIT program
  6. submit to the board at the completion of the program an affidavit
  7. ensure that the records of the AIT program are maintained for a period of five (5) years during

which time the board may request review of these records

  1. spend a majority of the required work hours during normal business hours in the facility where training is to occur Misc. AIT Info
  1. The board reserves the right to take appropriate action for failure of a preceptor to comply with the duties enumerated
  2. A preceptor may not supervise more than one (1) AIT at any given time, except at the discretion of the board
  3. The preceptor approval expires when the AIT applicant completes the course of instruction and training prescribed by the board, or fails to complete the requirements Verification of attendance - Continuing Education the HFA or RCA Shall:
  1. Retain copies of certificates of completion for continuing education courses for three (3) years from the end of the licensing period for which the continuing education applied
  2. Provide the board with copies of the certificates of completion upon teh boards request for a compliance audit ALSO: Approved continuing education sponsors must retain attendance records for a period of five (5) years, during which time the board may request to review these records Fee Schedule the board shall charge and collect the following fees: Application for licensure $ Application to repeat jurisprudence examination $ Application to repeat the national exam $ License renewal $100 biennially Provisional license $ Preceptor application $ Temporary permit $ Verification of licensure $ Duplicate wall license $ application for continuing education sponsorship $

Continuing ed sponsor renewal $100 annually NAB costs go directly to the PLA