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Instrument Flight Procedures and Regulations, Exams of Nursing

A wide range of topics related to instrument flight procedures and regulations. It provides detailed information on various aspects of ifr flight, including approach procedures, communications failure protocols, transponder operation, atmospheric stability, instrument approach requirements, and more. Likely intended for pilots or aviation professionals who need a comprehensive understanding of ifr operations and regulations. The level of detail and technical terminology suggests this document could be useful as study notes, lecture notes, or a reference material for university-level aviation courses, particularly those focused on instrument flight, air traffic control, and aviation regulations.

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Available from 10/18/2024

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Download Instrument Flight Procedures and Regulations and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! Instrument Oral Exam Questions 2024-2025. Questions & Correct Verified Answers. Graded A+ "Contact approach" - ANSPilot on IFR flight plan requests to deviate from instrument approach procedure and proceed to destination airport by visual reference to surface. Ground visibility at airport must be at least 1 SM. Pilot must request this specifically. "No-gyro" approach - ANSRadar approach/vector provided in case of a malfunctioning gyro-compass or directional gyro. Headings not provided by controller; rather controller observes radar track and instructs "turn right/turn left" or "stop turn" as appropriate "Squall line" thunderstorms - ANSnon-frontal, narrow band of active thunderstorms that often develops ahead of cold front in moist, unstable air. Presents single most intense weather hazard to aircraft; usually forms rapidly during late afternoon. "T" and "Q" routes - ANSPublished (blue) RNAV routes. Provide more direct routing for IFR aircraft and enhance system safety and efficiency. T-routes: 1,200 ft AGL to 18,000 ft MSL (not inclusive) Q-routes: 18,000 ft MSL to FL450 inclusive ***Alternate Airport Requirements*** - ANS1-2-3 rule: Alternate required if from 1 hour before to 1 hour after forecast arrival at destination airport has 2000 foot ceilings and less than 3 SM visibility. Alternate requirements: a) If IAP is published for alternate, use those minimums, otherwise 600-2 (600 foot ceilings, 2 SM visibility) for Precision Approach, and 800-2 for Nonprecision Approach b) If no IAP has been published, ceiling and visibility minimums are those required for descent from MEA, approach, and land under basic VFR Advection fog, and where it usually forms - ANSForms when moist air moves over colder ground or water. Most common along coastal areas; may occur with winds, cloudy skies, over a wide geographic area, and at any time. Deepens as wind speed increases up to 15 knots; stronger winds lift fog into a layer of low stratus or stratocumulus. Aircraft instruments/equipment required for IFR flight - ANSG - generator or alternator of sufficient capacity R - radios for navigation A - altimeter (sensitive) B - ball (for turn coordination) C - clock with sweep-second hand A - attitude indicator R - rate-of-turn coordinator D - directional gyro D - DME / RNAV (for flight at FL240 and above if VOR equipment necessary for planned route) Alert area - ANSNo permission required; IFR cleared through or around; VFR use caution. High volume of pilot training/aerial activity Angular width of localizer signal - ANS3 to 6 degrees, as necessary to provide linear width of 700 ft at runway approach threshold Approach category minimums for aircraft - ANSDetermined by Vref or if not specified, 1.3xVs0 at maximum certificated gross landing weight: A: speed less than 91 knots B: 91 knots to 121 knots (not inclusive) C: 121 to 141 knots (not inclusive) D: 141 to 166 knots (not inclusive) E: 166 knots or more APV - ANSApproach with Vertical Guidance (APV) is a new class of approach procedures that provides vertical guidance, but does not meet ICAO Annex 10 for precision approaches. Sometimes needs supplementation with barometric vertical navigation (Baro-VNAV) Are all AWOS and ASOS the same? - ANSNo. Although similar, there are several versions of AWOS with different arrays of sensors. The report format is similar and is controlled by international standards. Reports differ by the type of sensors on the system (system configuration). A01 indicates an alerting capability. b) Database currency - IFR-approved GPS systems are required to update database; VFR not c) Antenna location - IFR-approved systems take care to maximize antenna availability to satellites, whereas VFR do not (more a matter of convenience) VFR systems may only be used as aid to situational awareness. Cause of radiation fog - ANSclear sky, little-to-no wind, and small temperature-dew point spread (high relative humidity). Fog forms almost exclusively at night or near daybreak. Cause of winds aloft flowing parallel to isobars? Cause of surface winds flowing across isobars at angle? - ANSWinds aloft: Coriolis force Surface winds: surface friction Changes in airspeed, pitch, altitude when on final and wind shears from headwind to calm or tailwind - ANSPitch...........................Decrease Required thrust..........Increased, then reduced Vertical speed............Increases, then decreases Airspeed.....................Decreases, then increases Reaction....................Increase power initially, then decrease Changes in airspeed, pitch, and altitude when on final and wind shears from tailwind to calm or headwind - ANSPitch...........................Increase Required thrust..........Reduced, then increased Vertical speed............Decreases, then increases Airspeed.....................Increases, then decreases Reaction....................Reduce power initially, then increase Class A airspace - ANS18,000 ft MSL up to and including FL600. Within 12 NM of coast overlying waters. Class B airspace - ANSSurface up to 10,000 ft MSL surrounding nation's busiest airports; upside-down wedding cake. ATC clearance required; VFR operations is "clear of clouds" Class C airspace - ANSSurface to 4,000 ft above airport elevation within 5 NM radius. From 5-10 NM out, 1,200 ft to 4,000 ft above airport elevation. Class D airspace - ANSSurface up to 2,500 ft MSL surrounding airports with operational control tower. When tower not active, becomes Class E airspace down to 700 ft, below which Class G. Class E airspace - ANSController airspace not A, B, C, or D. Upwards from either surface or designated altitude (700 ft AGL or 1200 ft AGL depending) to controlled airspace above. Used for federal airways, transition areas, etc. Begins at most at 14,500 ft MSL over US. Floor is 700 ft AGL if designated in conjunction with airport with approved IAP; 1,200 ft AGL in conjunction with federal airway. Class G airspace - ANSUncontrolled, extends from surface up to controlled airspace above (at most 14,500 ft MSL where class E airspace begins) Climb gradient of 300 ft/NM at a ground speed of 100 knots requires what rate of climb? - ANS300 * (100/60) = 500 ft/min Concerning two-way radio communications failure in IFR, what is procedure for altitude, route, leaving holding fix, descent for approach, and approach selection? - ANSIFR: a) Route A - route assigned in last ATC clearance V - Vectored...go direct from point of radio failure to fix, route, airway in vector clearance E - route that ATC has advised may be expected F - the route filed in flight plan b) Altitude (highest of following altitudes for the route segment being flown) M - Minimum...minimum altitude for IFR operations E - Expected...altitude/flight level ATC has advised to expect in further clearance A - Assigned...altitude/flight level assigned in last ATC clearance c) Leave clearance limit: - when clearance limit is fix from which approach begins (IAF, FAF), commence descent/approach as close as possible to EFC (expect-further-clearance) time if one has been received; if one has not been received, then close to arrive at estimated time of arrival (ETA) - If clearance limit not fix from which approach begins, leave at EFC time (if assigned) otherwise try arriving as close to ETA Concerning two-way radio communications failure in VFR, what is procedure for altitude, route, leaving holding fix, descent for approach, and approach selection? - ANSVFR: Continue the flight under VFR and land as soon as practicable Control of glide slope and airspeed on ILS approach - ANSAirspeed: power (throttle) Glide slope: pitch (attitude) Controller firing areas (CFAs) - ANSNot charted; activities suspended when spotter aircraft, radar, or ground lookout positions see approaching aircraft. Decision Height (DH) - ANSHeight at which decision must be made, during ILS, MLS or PAR instrument approach to either continue approach or execute a missed approach Define "ceiling" - ANSHeight above Earth's surface (AGL) of lowest cloud layer defined as obscured, broken, overcast, but not thin or partial. Describe different recommended entry methods for holding - ANSParallel Teardrop Direct Describe GPS - ANSGlobal Positioning System (GPS) is satellite-based radio navigation system that broadcasts a signal used by receivers to determine precise position anywhere in world. Describe procedure for crosswind correction in holding pattern - ANSCompensate for wind effects primarily by drift correction on the inbound and outbound legs. When outbound, triple inbound drift correction to avoid major turning adjustments. Describe the climb procedure when approaching a fix at which a MCA exists - ANSA pilot should initiate the climb so the MCA is reached by the time the intersection is crossed. MCA (transition to higher MEA) is usually indicated when approaching steeply rising terrain, and obstacle clearance and/or signal reception is compromised. Describe the climb procedure when approaching a fix beyond which a higher MEA exists - ANSThe climb may start after passing over the fox Difference between ANSLocalizer, Glide Slope HIWAS - ANSHazardous In-Flight Weather Advisory Service (HIWAS) is continuous broadcast of in-flight weather advisories, including summarized Aviation Weather Warnings, SIGMETs, Convective SIGMETs, Center Weather Advisories, AIRMETs, and urgent PIREPs. How can IFR clearance be obtained? - ANSa) At airport with ATC tower in operation, clearance may be received from ground control or specific clearance delivery frequency b) At airports without a tower or FSS on field, or in outlying area: - Clearance may be received over radio through remote communication outlet (RCO) or over telephone - Clearance delivery frequency is available that is usable at airports within specific area, say Class B airspace - If above not available, clearance can be received from ARTCC once airborne as long as you stay in Class E airspace VFR Ask the nearest FSS for appropriate means. How can you determine if your aircraft is equipped to fly an LPV approach procedure? - ANSReceivers capable of flying LP but have statement in Flight Manual Supplement or Approved Supplemental Flight Manual stating that receiver has LP capability as well as capability for other WAAS and GPS approach procedures How do you determine atmospheric stability? - ANSStable: temperature does not change much with altitude Unstable: temperature decreases rapidly and uniformly (around 3 degrees C per 1000 ft). When air near surface is warm and moist, suspect instability. How does pilot determine if takeoff minimums are not standard and/or departure procedures are published for an airport? - ANSA "triangle T" or "trouble T" (black triangle with a T inside it) will be placed in notes sections of the instrument procedure chart. Signifies non-standard take- off minimums. How far down a runway does the touchdown zone extend? - ANSFirst 3000 feet of runway, beginning at threshold. (Used to determine touchdown zone elevation in the development of straight-in landing minimums for instrument approaches) How often is GPS waypoint information updated? - ANSEvery 28 days, and maintained by National Flight Data Center (NFDC) Ice fog - ANSOccurs in cold weather when temperature is below freezing and water vapor sublimates directly as ice crystals. Same conditions as radiation frog, though colder (-25 deg C or colder). If a particular approach name has a letter "A" attached as a suffix (such as VOR DME A), what does this indicate? - ANSLetter after the approach name indicates that approach does not meet straight-in criteria and only circling minimums are available If a thunderstorm is inadvertently encountered, what flight instrument and what procedure should be used to maintain control of the aircraft? - ANSAttitude indicator - establish power for recommended maneuvering speed and attempt to maintain a constant attitude only. Do not attempt to maintain a constant altitude! If assigned a DME/GPS hold, what procedures should be used? - ANSSame entry and holding procedures, except that distances (NM) are used in lieu of time values. Controller or IAP chart will specify length of outbound leg. If ATC issues you a STAR, must you accept it? - ANSNo, because you need the approved chart. Can specify "No STAR" in remarks section of flight plan, or verbally request ATC. If cleared for a "straight-in VOR-DME 34 approach" can a pilot circle to land, if needed? - ANSYes, a "straight-in-approach" is an instrument approach wherein final approach is begun without first having executed a procedure turn. Not necessarily completed with a straight-in landing or made to straight-in minimums. If emergency action requires deviation from 14 CFR Part 91, must a pilot submit a written report, and if so, to whom? - ANSOnly if requested by ATC, submitted within 48 hours to manager of that ATC facility If glide slope becomes inoperative, could you continue your ILS approach if established on localizer at time of malfunction? Why? - ANSYes, as long as notify ATC that it is now a LOC- only approach and your DH/DA becomes MDA and the approach is now a nonprecision procedure with MAP being a time or DME point If icing inadvertently encountered, how would your landing approach procedure be different? - ANSa) Maintain more power during approach b) Maintain higher airspeed c) Expect a higher stall speed (occurs earlier) d) Expect a longer landing roll e) A "no flaps" approach is recommend (avoid stall) f) Maintain a consistently higher altitude than normal g) Avoid a missed approach (get it right the first time) If instrument currency expires, what can be done to become current again? - ANSWithin six months of expiration, complete the requirements (instrument approaches, holding patterns, and intercepting/tracking courses) with a safety pilot in simulated IFR conditions only. After that, must get a check with an examiner, authorized instructor, or FAA- approved person. If no applicable minimum altitude is prescribed (no MEA or MOCA), what minimum altitudes apply for IFR operations? - ANSMinimum altitudes are: a) mountainous terrain - at least 2000 ft above the highest obstacle within a horizontal distance of 4 NM from course b) other than mountainous terrain - at least 1000 ft above highest obstacle within horizontal distance of 4 NM from course If no final approach fix is depicted, how is the MAP determined? - ANSThe MAP is at the airport (NAVAID on airport) If RAIM capability is lost while conducting your IFR enroute or approach operations, can you continue flight using GPS information? - ANSNo, without RAIM capability GPS may no longer be providing required accuracy. If, during the execution of an approach, in addition to LNAV/VNAV, which tages advantage of high accuracy and integrity of WAAS. LPV minimums may have decision altitudes as low as 200 ft heigh above touchdown with visibility minimums as low as 1/2 mile. MAA - ANSMaximum Authorized Altitude: maximum usable altitude or flight level for route/airspace that ensures adequate reception of navaid signals Main types of icing that aircraft may encounter - ANSa) structural b) induction system c) instrument Major differences between SDF and LDA approaches? - ANSSDF - Simplified Directional Facility; may or may not be aligned with runway; signal emitted fixed at either 6 or 12 deg; usable off-course indications limited to 35 deg each side of course centerline LDA - Localizer-Type Directional Aid; compares in accuracy to localizer, but not part of complete ILS. LDA course width is 3 or 6 degrees; some LDAs have Glide Slope; course not aligned with runway, but straight-ins when course within 30 degrees of runway; circling minimums published if greater than 30 degrees MCA - ANSMinimum Crossing Altitude: lowest altitude at certain fixes at which aircraft must cross when proceeding in the direction of a higher MEA MDA - ANSMinimum Descent Altitude (MDA) is lowest altitude, expressed in ft MSL, to which descent authorized on final or during circle-to-land maneuvering (where no glide slope is provided) MEA - ANSMinimum En-Route Altitude: ensures acceptable navigational signals & obstacle clearance METAR - ANSAviation routine weather report (METAR): two types - routine (every hour) and selected special weather report (SPECI) given at any time to update METAR for rapidly changing weather conditions, aircraft mishaps, or other critical info. Military Operations area (MOA) - ANSIFR cleared through or around. VFR permission not needed, though caution urged. Separates certain military training activities from traffic. Minimum Vectoring Altitude (MVA) - ANSLowest MSL altitude at which aircraft will be vectored by a radar controller, except at otherwise authorized for radar approaches, departures, and missed approaches. May be lower than MEA or J-route segment. Charts depicting MVA typically only available to controllers, not pilots Minimums necessary for IFR takeoff under 14 CFR Part 91? Under Parts 121, 125, 129, or 135? - ANSPart 91: None Other Parts (assuming Takeoff Minimums not prescribed for that airport under Part 97): 1 SM visibility for aircraft with 2 engines or less, 1/2 SM for aircraft with 3 or more engines Missed approach segment - ANSApproach segment between missed approach point or point of arrival at Decision Height (DH) and the missed approach fix at the prescribed altitude MOCA - ANSMinimum Obstacle Clearance Altitude: ensures obstacle clearance requirements (on routes) & navigational signal coverage within 25 SM (22 NM) of VOR MRA - ANSMinimum Reception Altitude: lowest altitude at which intersection can be determined Must you accept a SID if assigned one? - ANSNo. Since they're only graphical, if the pilot does not have access or does not have equipment to fly the SID, he or she can notify ATC verbally (less preferred) or when filing the flight plan specify "NO SID". Name several types of fog - ANSa) radiation b) advection c) upslope d) precipitation- induced e) ice National Security Area - ANSNSAs may be temporarily prohibited when necessary (for security/safety), and pilots urged to voluntarily avoid flying through depicted NSA. Defined vertical and lateral dimensions. Nonprecision approach (NPA); Types - ANSProvides course deviation information, but no glidepath deviation information (such as VOR, NDB, or LNAV). Types: VOR, NDB, ASR, SDF, LDA, TACAN, and LOC. Normal glide slope angle for a standard ILS - ANS3 degrees, such that plane is 200 feet above middle marker and 1,400 feet above outer marker On a direct flight not flown on radials or courses of established airways or routes, what points serve as compulsory reporting points? - ANSEach and every point used to define that particular route. On an NPA, how is the MAP determined? - ANSa) Timing from the FAF when the approach aid is well away from the airport, b) By a fix or NAVAID when the navigation facility is located on the field, c) By waypoints as defined by GPS or VOR/DME RNAV OROCA - ANSOff-Route Obstacle Clearance Altitude: obstruction clearance by 1000 ft in non-mountainous terrain (2000 ft in mountainous terrain). May not provide signal coverage from ground-based navaids, ATC radar, or communications coverage. PAR and ASR approaches - ANSPAR: radar approach in which controller provides highly accurate navigational guidance in azimuth and elevation to the pilot (precision) ASR: controller provides accurate navigational guidance in azimuth only (nonprecision) Pertinent information from weather briefing - ANSS - synopsis A - adverse conditions C - current conditions r E - enroute forecast D - destination forecast W - winds aloft i N - NOTAMs (notices to airmen) d VFR flight not recommended ATC delay Upon request: information on Special Use Airspace (SUA), related airspace and MTR activity within flight plan area and 100 NM extension around, review of printed NOTAMs, approxiamte density altitude data, info on air traffic services and rules, customs/immigration procedures, ADIZ rules, search and rescue, LORAN-C NOTAMs, available military NOTAMs, and runway friction measurement value NOTAMs, GPS RAIM availability, and other assistance as required Portable electronic devices on aircraft - ANSNot observing programs - ANSa) manual observation - reports made from airport locations staffed by FAA or NWS personnel b) AWOS - automated weather observing system: various sensors, processor, computer- generated voice sub-system, and transmitter to broadcast local, minute- by-minute weather data to pilot. c) ASOS/AWSS - automated surface observing system/automated weather sensor system: generates METARs and transmits over discrete VHF radio frequency or voice portion of local NAVAID Sources of weather information - ANSa) Telephone information briefing service (TIBS) (AFSS): 1-800-WX-BRIEF b) Weather and aeronautical info from private industry sources (e.g. Foreflight) c) Direct User Access Terminal System (DUATS) d) Transcribed Weather Broadcast in Alaska (TWEB) Standard IFR separation minimums - ANSWithin 40 miles of radar antennae, aircraft are separated by 3 miles; beyond they are separated by 5 miles. Standard procedure turn limitations? - ANSa) Turn on depicted side b) Adhere to depicted minimum altitudes c) Complete maneuver within distance specified in profile view d) Maximum speed not greater than 200 knots (IAS) Standard temperature and pressure at sea level - ANS15 deg C, 29.92"Hg STAR - ANSStandard Terminal Arrival Route - ATC coded IFR arrival route meant to simplify clearance delivery procedures and facilitate transition between IFR en route and approach. Availability found in Terminal Procedures Publication. Stepdown fix - ANSPermits additional descent within a segment of an IAP by identifying a point at which a controlling obstacle has been safely overflown Substitutes for outer marker (OM) - ANSCompass locator (365 kHz), 5.3 DME I-FTW, Maverick Vortac (TTT) radial 269 TCH - ANSThreshold Crossing Altitude - height at which glide slope indicator crosses landing threshold (in planview under GS indicator) Temporary Flight Restrictions - ANSTFRs protect persons and property in the air or surface from existing or imminent hazard when low-flying aircraft are present that could magnify, alter, spread or compound the hazard. NOTAM will be issued. (e.g. Space flight, sports game, etc) Terminal aerodrome forecasts (TAFs) - ANSExpected meteorological conditions within 5 SM radius from center of airport's runway complex. Same weather code used in METAR: a) Type - routine forecast (TAF) and amended (TAF AMD) b) ICAO station identifier - 4- letter c) Date and time of origin d) Valid period date and time - routine TAFs are valid for 24 hours and issued 4x daily (0000z, 0600Z, 1200Z, 1800Z) e) Forecasts - wind, visibility, significant weather, sky condition, nonconvective low-level wind shear, change indicators, probability Two ways for fog to form - ANSa) cooling air to dew point b) adding moisture to air Types of structural ice - ANSa) clear ice - large drops strike aircraft surface, slowly freeze b) rime ice - small drops strike surface, rapidly freeze c) mixed ice - combination of clear and rime, building a rough accumulation Under what conditions are missed approach procedures published on an approach chart not followed? - ANSWhen ATC has assigned alternate missed approach instructions Up-slope fog - ANSMoist, stable air cooled adiabatically while moving up sloping terrain (because of wind). Can often be dense and extend to high altitudes (can form under cloudy skies, unlike radiation fog). VASI - ANSVisual Approach Slope Indicator, provides a 3 deg visual glide path; safe obstruction clearance within +/- 10 degrees of runway centerline up to 4 NM from threshold VDA - ANSVertical Descent Angle - nonprecision approach feature describes computed path from FAF and altitude to runway threshold at published Threshold Crossing Height (TCH). Optimum is 3.00 degrees. Provides means for pilot to establish stabilized descent from FAF or stepdown fix to TCH. VDP - ANSVisual Descent Point - defined point on final approach course of a nonprecision straight-in approach procedure from which normal descent from MDA to runway touchdown point may be commenced (provided runway or approach lights are identifiable). If not equipped to receive VDP (e.g. DME), proceed as though not VDP provided. Approach charts identify VDP with profile view by "V". Visual and aural indications when crossing outer, middle, and inner markers of standard ILS - ANSOuter: blue light, dull tone, slow speed - - - - - - Middle: amber light, medium tone, medium speed - . - . - . Inner: white light, high tone, high speed . . . . . . Visual information for standard ILS - ANSApproach lights, touchdown and centerline lights, runway lights WAAS - ANSWide-Area Augmentation System is satellite navigation that augments GPS Standard Positioning Service (SPS); provides enhanced integrity, accuracy, availability, and continuity over and above GPS SPS. Warning area - ANSPermission not required, flight plan advised. Extends from coast 3 NM outwards into domestic or international waters, contains activity that may be hazardous. What action is appropriate when approaching a holding fix at an airspeed in excess of maximum holding speed? - ANSStart speed reduction within 3 min or less from fix. Speed may be reduced earlier, but ATC must be advised of change. What action is recommended if you inadvertently encounter icing conditions? - ANSa) Move to altitude with significantly colder temperatures (no moisture) b) Move to altitude with temps that are above freezing c) Fly to area clear of visible moisture d) Change heading and fly to area of known non-icing conditions What angular deviation from a VOR course is represented by half-scale 7700 - Emergency What are lateral limits of low altitude federal airways? - ANS4 NM each side What are maximum airspeeds permitted for aircraft while holding? - ANSMHA - 6000 ft --> 200 KIAS 6001 - 14000 ft -- > 230 KIAS 14001 ft - and above --> 265 KIAS Note: Holding patterns in middle range may be restricted to max airspeed of 210 KIAS What are PIREPs (UA) and where are they usually found? - ANSPilot weather reports of encountered meteorological phenomena enroute. Required elements: type of report, location, time, flight level, aircraft type and at least one weather element encountered. All altitudes in MSL unless otherwise noted. Visibility distance in SM; all others in NM. Time in UTC. Route PIREPs (UA) and urgent (UAA) What are preferred routes, and where can they be found? - ANSRoutes in high traffic areas that ATC designates to- and from- busy airports. Found in A/FD What are radar weather reports? - ANSSD/ROB contains info about precipitation observed by weather radar. Textual product derived from WSR-88D radar without human intervention. Reports transmitted hourly and include: ID, time, configuration (CELL, LN, and ARA), coverage, precipitation type and intensity, location, maximum tops, cell movement, and remarks. Up to 80 min old; only be used if no other radar available. What are runway touchdown zone markings? - ANSIdentify touchdown zone for landing - provides distance information in 500-ft increments (one, two, three rectangular bars arranged symmetrically in pairs about runway centerline). What are several types of GPS approach procedures? - ANSa) GPS overlay of pre-existing nonprecision approaches b) VOR/DME based RNAV approaches c) Stand- alone RNAV (GPS) approaches d) RNAV (GPS) approaches with vertical guidance (APV) e) RNAV (GPS) precision approaches (WAAS and LAAS) What are the normal usable distances for the various classes of VOR stations? - ANSH-VORs (high altitude) and L-VORs (low altitude) have normal usable distance of 40 NM below 18,000 ft. T-VORs (terminal) are short range facilities which have power output of approximately 50 watts and usable distance of 25 NM at 12,000 ft and below. T-VORs are used primarily for instrument approaches in terminal areas, or or adjacent to airports. Terminal = 1,000 - 12,000 ft AGL....25 NM Low- Altitude = 1,000 - 18,000 ft AGL....40 NM High-altitude = 1,000 - 14,500 ft AGL...40 NM High-altitude = 14,500 - 18,000 ft AGL...100 NM High- altitude = 18,000 - 45,000 ft AGL...130 NM High-altitude = 45,000 - 60,000 ft AGL...100 NM What are the required reports for equipment malfunction under IFR-controller airspace? - ANSa) Failure of VOR, TACAN, ADF, or low frequency navigation receiver capability b) GPS anomalies while using IFR-certified GPS/GNSS receivers c) Complete or partial loss of ILS receiver capability d) Impairment of air/ground communication capability e) Loss of any other equipment installed in the aircraft which may impair safety and/or the ability to operate in IFR What are the two types of waypoints found on charts? - ANSFly-by waypoint (4-pointed star on chart) - enable smoother transition by beginning turn prior to waypoint Fly-over waypoint (4-pointed star in a circle) - denotes a missed approach point, a missed approach holding point, or other specific points in space that must be flown over What are three functional elements of GPS? - ANSa) Space element. Consists of 24 Navstar satellites ("constellation" in six orbital planes (4 per plane) at about 11,000 miles above Earth. At least 5 satellites are in view at all times. b) Control element. Consists of a network of ground-based GPS monitoring, ensuring system accuracy (position/clocks). Currently there are five monitoring stations, three ground antennas, and a master control station c) User element. Antennas and receiver-processors aboard aircraft that provide positioning, velocity, and precise timing to the user. What are two types of DPs? - ANSa) Obstacle Departure Procedures (ODPs) - textually/graphically, obstruction clearance via least burdensome route, No need for ATC clearance unless alternate departure procedure (SID or radar vector) has been specifically assigned by ATC. b) Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs) - always graphically, obstruction clearance and transition, system enhancement and reduce pilot/controller workload, ATC clearance must be received prior What color are runway edge lights? - ANSWhite, except on instrument runways, yellow replaces white on the last 2000 feet/half the runway length (whichever is less) as caution zone What colors and color combinations are standard airport rotating beacons? - ANSLighted land airport - White / Green Lighted sea airport - White / Yellow Military airport - 2 White / Green What conditions are necessary for a pilot to log instrument time? - ANSMust have been flying with reference solely to the instruments, under actual or simulated flight conditions What conditions are required for instrument approach procedure to have "straight-in" minimums published? - ANSFinal approach course needs to be within 30 degrees of runway alignment (15 deg for GPS IAPs) and a normal descent can be made from IFR altitude shown on IAP to runway surface. What conditions needed to log "actual" instrument flight time? - ANSFAA has never defined the term "actual" instrument time. 14 CFR Part 61 defined "instrument flight time", and reasonable to think "actual" refers to controlling aircraft solely with reference to instrument in actual IMC (below VFR minimums of 1000 ft ceilings, 3 SM visibility) within or just outside destination airport area (not to the actual airport), and needs to wait until receive a long-range clearance direct from center controller What is a changeover point (COP)? - ANSPoint along route or airway segment at which changeover in navigational guidance should occur What is a compass locator? - ANSA radio beacon used in conjunction with an ILS marker beacon What is a freezing level, and how can you determine it? - ANSLowest altitude at which air temperature is 0 degrees C. Use icing forecasts and PIREPs to determine approximate freezing level. Area forecasts, AIRMETs, SIGMETs, and Low-Level Significant Weather Charts are examples of aviation weather products that contain icing information. What is a GPS stand-alone approach? - ANSConsists of a sequence of waypoints defining the point-to-point track to be flown, including the initial approach, intermediate, final approach, missed approach, missed approach turning, and missed approach holding waypoints. All except missed approach at runway threshold are labeled with five-letter alpha character name. What is a mileage breakdown point? - ANSOccasionally an "x" will appear at a separated segment of an airway that is not an intersection. The "x" is a mileage breakdown or computer nav fix and indicates a course change What is a nonstandard versus standard holding pattern? What are leg lengths of standard holding pattern. - ANSNonstandard - turns to left Standard - turns to right. Standard leg lengths - 1 minute inbound at or below 14000 ft MSL; 1.5 min inbound above 14000 ft MSL What is a TAA with regard to GPS approaches? - ANSTerminal Arrival Area provides a NoPT for aircraft using approach (transition from enroute to approach) and has three standard area: straight-in, left base, and right base. (The T on the GPS approach) What is a waypoint? - ANSPredetermined geographical position used for navigation. Defined relative to a VORTAC station (bearing/distance) or in terms of latitude/longitude coordinates What is an HSI? - ANSHorizontal situation indicator - combination of two instruments: vertical heading indicator and a VOR/ILS indicator. What is an RMI? - ANSRadio magnetic indicator - consists of a rotating compass card, a double-barred bearing indicator, and a single-barred bearing indicator What is DME? - ANSDistance measuring equipment. Provides distance and ground speed info when receiving a VORTAC or TACAN facility. Reliable signals may be received at distances up to 199 NM at line-of-sight altitude. DME operates on ultra-high-frequency spectrum between 960-1215 MHz (distance info is slant-range, not horizontal) What is meaning of a single coded identification received only once every 30 seconds from a VORTAC station? - ANSThe DME component is operative, but VOR component is inoperative. If no ID is received, facility has been taken off the air for tune-up or repair, even though intermittent or constant signals are received. What is purpose of runway aiming point markings? - ANSVisual aiming point for landing aircraft. Two rectangular markings (broad white stripe, each side of centerline and approximately 1000 ft from landing threshold. What is recommended action if it becomes necessary to execute a missed approach after passing the MAP on an approach? - ANSApply procedures used in take- off planning to climb faster and higher to compensate that you did not start climbing at the missed approach point (200 ft/NM). Refer to airport obstacle and departure data in the US Terminal Procedures publication prior to initiating an IAP What is recommended climb rate procedure, when issued a climb to an assigned altitude by ATC? - ANSClimb at Vy (or Vx if necessary) until 1000 feet below. Then 500-1500 fpm until assigned altitude is reached. (If ATC does not use "At Pilot's Discretion" nor impose climb/descent restrictions, pilot should initiate change in altitude immediately upon acknowledgement of clearance). What is reverse sensing? - ANSVOR needle indicates reverse of normal operation (fly away from needle to get on course, rather than to needle). Happens when flying inbound on back course or outbound on front course of ILS. What is RWSL? - ANSRunway Status Light System - fully automated system that provides runway status to pilots/surface vehicle operators to clearly indicate when it is unsafe to enter, cross or takeoff from runway. Two statuses: ON - lights illuminated red, OFF - lights not illuminated What is the GPS overlay program? - ANSGPS Approach Overlay Program is authorization for pilots to use GPS avionic under IFR for flying designated NPAs, except LOC, LDA and SDF. What is the purpose of RAIM? - ANSReceiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) verifies integrity/usability of the signals received from the GPS constellation. Needs at least 5 satellites in view or 4 satellites and barometric altimeter (baro-aiding) to detect integrity anomaly). What is the significance of the term "radar required" found on some approach charts? - ANSOn charts/plates and in FDC NOTAMs - alert pilots that segments of instrument approach procedure or route are not navigable because of absence or unusability of a NAVAID. Pilot can expect radar navigational guidance. What limitations apply when using an NDB for navigation? - ANSSubject to disturbances (lightning, precipitation static, interference from nearby stations) that cause erroneous bearing information What obstacle clearance are you guaranteed during a circling approach maneuver? - ANSCategory A: 1.3-mile radius Category B: 1.5-mile radius Category C: 1.7-mile radius Category D: 2.3-mile radius (whichever is greater) from that filed in the flight plan f) The time and altitude or flight level upon reaching a holding fix or point that pilot is cleared to g) when leaving any assigned holding fix or point h) any loss, in controlled airspace, of VOR, TACAN, ADF, low -frequency navigation receiver capability, GPS anomalies while using installed IFR-certified GPS/GNSS receivers, complete or partial loss of ILS receiver capability or impairment of ground/air communications capability i) any information relating to the safety of flight j) upon encountering weather or hazardous conditions not forecast What restrictions apply concerning filing an airport as an alternate when using GPS? - ANSAlternate must have non-GPS approach that will be operational at ETA. If DME/ADF required, aircraft must have backup non-GPS DME. What restrictions apply to the use of GPS as a substitute for ADF and/or DME? - ANSGPS database must be current and able to retrieve waypoints, fixes, intersections, and facility locations, otherwise not allowed for substitution. What significance does a black triangle with a white "A" appearing in the Notes section of an approach chart, have to a pilot? - ANSIndicates nonstandard IFR alternate minimums for the airport. If an "NA" appears after the "A", alternate minimums are not authorized. Info found at beginning of TPP. What type of aircraft equipment determines your "special equipment" suffix when filing IFR? - ANSa) radar beacon transponder b) DME equipment c) TACAN-only equipment d) Area Navigation equipment (RNAV) - LORAN, INS e) Advanced Area Navigation equipment - Global Positioning System (GPS)/Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) f) Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) authorization When a DP specifies a climb gradient in excess of 200 ft/NM, what significance should this have? - ANSThere will be no obstacle departure procedure (ODP) if pilot can turn in any direction from a runway and remain clear of obstacles (satisfies diverse departure criteria). SID may be provided for ATC reasons. Otherwise, the DP was designed with a steeper than normal gradient or specifies departure route for purposes of avoiding obstacles near runway end. When being radar-vectored for an approach, at what point may you start a descent from your last assigned altitude to a lower altitude if "cleared for the approach"? - ANSAt airport where no IAP, whenever you are cleared to land by ATC. With IAP, whenever the published chart specifies you to descend, usually after passing a fix. When can pilot descend below MDA or DH? - ANSa) aircraft continuously in position from which descent to landing on intended runway possible with normal rate and maneuvers b) flight visibility not less than those prescribed in standard instrument approach procedure being used c) at least one of the following visual references is visible and identifiable: - approach light system (ALS), but not able to descend below 100 ft unless red terminating bars or red side row bars are visible - threshold - threshold markings - threshold lights - REIL - VASI - touchdown zone markings - touchdown zone lights - runway and runway markings - runway lights When can RNAV equipment be used as a substitute means of navigation guidance? (AIM 1-2-3) - ANSa) Determine aircraft position over or distance from a VOR, TACAN, NDB, compass locator, DME fix; or a named fix defined by a VOR radial, TACAN course, NDB bearing, or compass locator bearing intersecting a VOR or localizer course, b) Navigate to or from a VOR, TACAN, NDB, or compass locator, c) Hold over a VOR, TACAN, NDB, compass locator, or DME fix, d) Fly an arc based upon DME [Note: these operations allowable even when a facility is explicitly identified as required on a procedure (e.g., "Note ADF required"). Also, these operations do not include navigation on localizer-based courses. When can you begin your descent to the runway during a circling approach? - ANSThree conditions before descent from the MDA can occur: 1) Aircraft is in position to land using normal rate of descent and normal maneuvers 2) Flight visibility meets minimums 3) At least one of the specific runway visual references is visible and identifiable When can you cancel IFR flight plan? - ANSAny time the flight is operated during VFR conditions outside of Class A. Be aware that other procedures may be applicable in area, such as designated TRSA, Class C, or Class B. When does the timing for the outbound leg in a holding pattern begin? - ANSBegins over/abeam the fix, whichever occurs later. If abeam position cannot be determined, start timing when turn to outbound is completed. When flying a GPS approach, is it necessary to monitor ground-based NAVAIDs as a backup to the GPS equipment? - ANSNo, those avionics for other ground-based NAVAIDs are not required to be installed, operational, turned on or monitored. When is a procedure turn not required? - ANSa) IAP chart says "No PT" b) "Radar Vectoring" is provided c) Holding pattern is published in lieu of PT d) Conducting a timed approach e) Procedure turn is not authorized (absence of PT barb on plan view) When is DME equipment required? - ANSIf VOR nav equipment is required for flight at or above FL240 (24,000 ft MSL) then pilot needs DME or appropriate RNAV. If the DME or RNAV fails above this altitude, need to notify ATC immediately and continue operations to next airport of intended landing where repairs or equipment replacement can take place. When is inner marker used? - ANSWhen there is a Category II ILS; usually only an Outer Marker (blue) and Middle Marker (amber) When is Instrument Rating within Route info if applicable as well Which type of precipitation produces most hazardous icing conditions? - ANSFreezing rain While circling to land you lose visual contact with the runway environment. You're close to base leg at the circling MDA. What should you do? - ANSClimbing turn towards runway and continue until established on missed approach course. Will ensure you are within circling and missed approach obstacle clearance areas Why do certain airports have only circling minimums published? - ANSThe straight-in minimums not published because the final approach course is more than 30 degrees off runway centerline (or 15 degrees for GPS IAPs), so circling minimum applies Why is it important for pilot to receive an EFC time with initial holding instructions? - ANSIf you lose two-way radio communication, EFC allows you to depart holding fix at a definite time. Plan last lap of holding pattern to leave fix as close as possible to exact time. Why would pilot request a VFR-On-Top clearance? - ANSIf in VFR conditions, pilot may want to be able to choose altitude based on reasons like turbulence, favorable winds aloft, etc. Applies also to pilots desiring to climb through a cloud, haze, smoke, or other meteorological formation and then either cancel IFR flight plan or stay on VFR-On-Top Clearance, may request a climb to VFR-On-Top Will all VOR stations have capability for providing distance information to aircraft equipped with DME? - ANSNo, only VOR/DME, VORTAC, ILS/DME, and LOC/DME stations can provide distance information to aircraft equipped with DME. Will SIAPs always have a final approach fix (FAF)? - ANSNo, when a FAF is not designated (e.g. on-airport VOR or NDB), a final approach point is designated and is typically where procedure turn intersects final approach course inbound With no FAF available, when would final descent to the published MDA be started? - ANSWhen flying full procedure: after completing procedure turn and established on final approach inbound course When being radar-vectored: descent within specified distance from NAVAID on inbound course Within what frequency range do NDBs normally operate? - ANSLow-to-medium frequency band - 190 to 535 kHz Within what frequency range to VORs operate? - ANS108.0 MHz to 117.975 MHz (VHF band) Would an incorrect altimeter setting have an effect on Mode C altitude info transmitted by your transponder? - ANSNo, since Mode C altitude info is preset to 29.92. Check your own altimeter if controller indicates that altitude readout is invalid. You are operating on an IFR flight airport without operating control tower, and have forgotten to close flight plan after landing. Discuss effect on ATC. - ANSAirspace surrounding that airport cannot be released for use by other IFR aircraft until your flight status has been determined