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Material Type: Project; Professor: Brooks; Class: Artificial Intelligence Prog; Subject: Computer Science; University: University of San Francisco (CA); Term: Unknown 1989;
Typology: Study Guides, Projects, Research
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Department of Computer Science — University of San Francisco – p. 1/
21-2: Introduction^ •^ We’ve talked about learning previously in the context of specificalgorithms.^ •^ Purpose: discuss learning more generally.^ •^ Give a flavor of other approaches to learning^ •^ Talk more carefully about how to evaluate the performance of alearning algorithm.^ ◦^ This will come in handy for project 3.
Department of Computer Science — University of San Francisco – p. 2/
21-3: Defining Learning^ •^ So far, we’ve defined a learning agent as one that can improveits performance over time.^ •^ We’ve seen two learning algorithms:^ ◦^ Decision tree^ ◦^ Bayesian Learning^ •^ Let’s define the problem a bit more precisely.
Department of Computer Science — University of San Fra
21-4: Defining Learning^ •^ A program is said to learn from experiences E with respect to aset of tasks T and a performance measure P if its performanceon T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.^ •^ This means that, for a well-formulated learning problem, weneed:^ ◦^ A set of tasks the agent must perform^ ◦^ A way to measure its performance^ ◦^ A way to quantify the experience the agent receives
Department of Computer Science — University of San Francisco – p. 4/
21-5: Examples^ •^ Speech recognition^ ◦^ Task: successfully recognize spoken words^ ◦^ Performance measure: fraction of words correctlyrecognized^ ◦^ Experience: A database of labeled, spoken words^ •^ Learning to drive a car^ ◦^ Task: Drive on a public road using vision sensors^ ◦^ Performance: average distance driven without error^ ◦^ Experience: sequence of images and reactions from ahuman driver.^ •^ Learning to play backgammon^ ◦^ Task: play backgammon^ ◦^ Performance measure: number of games won againsthumans of the appropriate caliber.^ ◦^ Experience: Playing games against itself.
Department of Computer Science — University of San Francisco – p. 5/
21-6: Discussion^ •^ Notice that not all performance measures are the same.^ ◦^ In some cases, we want to minimize all errors. In othercases, some sorts of errors can be more easily toleratedthan others.^ •^ Also, not all experience is the same.^ ◦^ Are examples labeled?^ ◦^ Does a learning agent immediately receive a reward afterselecting an action?^ ◦^ How is experiental data represented? Symbolic?Continuous?^ •^ Also: What is the final product?^ ◦^ Do we simply need an agent that performs correctly?^ ◦^ Or is it important that we understand
why^ the agent performs correctly?
Department of Computer Science — University of San Fra
21-7: Other types of learning^ •^ In this class, we’ll focus on inductive supervised learning^ ◦^ Well-understood, mature, many applications.^ •^ There are other types of learning^ ◦^ Deductive learning^ ◦^ Unsupervised learning^ ◦^ Reinforcement learning
Department of Computer Science — University of San Francisco – p. 7/
21-8: Deductive Learning^ •^ Recall that induction develops a general hypothesis fromspecific data.^ •^ Deductive learning develops rules about specific situations fromgeneral principles.^ ◦^ “Knowledge-based” learning might be a better name - someinduction may take place.^ •^ For example, a deductive learning agent might cache thesolution to a previous search problem so that it doesn’t need tore-solve the problem.^ •^ It might even try to generalize some of the specifics of thesolution to apply to other instances.^ ◦^ Soar uses this style of learning.^ ◦^ Case-based reasoning is another example of this style oflearning.
Department of Computer Science — University of San Francisco – p. 8/
21-9: Unsupervised Learning^ •^ In^ unsupervised learning
, there is no teacher who has presented the learner with labeled examples. • Instead, all the learner has is data. • Problem: find a hypotheis (or pattern) that explains the data.
Department of Computer Science — University of San Fra
21-10: Clustering^ •^ One example of unsupervised learning is
-^ Given a collection of data, group the data into
k^ clusters, such that similar items are in the same cluster. • Challenge: don’t know the class definitions in advance.
Department of Computer Science — University of San Francisco – p. 10/
21-11: Agglomerative Clustering of Text^ •^ One place where this is often applied is in documentprocessing.^ •^ Given a collection of documents, organize them into clustersbased on topic.^ •^ No preset list of potential categories, or labeled documents.^ •^ Algorithm:^ •^ D^ =^ {d, d, ..., d}^12 n^ •^ While^ |D|^ > k^ :^ ◦^ Find the documents
dand^ dthat are closest according soi^ j^ some similarity measure. ◦ Remove them from D′ (^) ◦ Construct a new dthat is the “union” of^ dandi^
dand add itj^ to^ D • Result: a set of categories emerges from a collection ofdocuments.^
Department of Computer Science — University of San Francisco – p. 11/
21-12: Reinforcement Learning^ •^ In some cases, an agent must learn through interaction with theenvironment.^ •^ Agent selects and executes an action and receives a reward asa result.^ •^ Learning problem: What is the best action to take in a givenstate?^ •^ Issue - since learning is integrated with execution, we can’t justexplore every possibility.^ •^ Approach (in a nutshell) - try different actions to see how theydo.^ •^ The more confidence we have in our estimate of action values,the more likely we are to take the best-looking action.
Department of Computer Science — University of San Fran
21-13: Q-learning^ •^ We want to learn a^ policy^ ◦^ This is a function that maps states to actions.^ •^ What we get from the environment are state: reward pairs.^ •^ We’ll use this to learn a
Q(s, a)^ function that estimates thereward for taking action a^ in state^ s.
-^ This is a form of^ model-free
learning ◦^ We do no reasoning about how the world works - we justmap states to rewards. ◦^ This means we can apply the same algorithm to a widevariety of environments.
Department of Computer Science — University of San Francisco – p. 13/
21-14: Q-learning^ •^ We keep a table that maps state-action pairs to Q values.^ •^ Every time we are in state
s^ and take an action^ a, we receive a reward^ r, and winds up in state
′ s.
-^ We update our table as follows:^ ◦^ Q(s, a)+ =^ α(r^ +^ γmax
′′′ Q(s, a)^ −^ Q(s, a))a
-^ In other words, we add in the reward for taking an action in thisstate, plus acting optimally from that point. •^ α^ is the learning rate.
Department of Computer Science — University of San Francisco – p. 14/
21-15: Q-learning^ •^ Q-learning has a distinct difference from other learningalgorithms we’ve seen:^ •^ The agent can select actions and observe the rewards they get.^ •^ This is called^ active learning^ •^ Issue: the agent would also like to maximize performance^ ◦^ This means trying the action that currently looks best^ ◦^ But if the agent never tries “bad-looking” actions, it can’trecover from mistakes.^ •^ Intuition: Early on,^ Q
is not very accurate, so we’ll trynon-optimal actions. Later on, as^ Q^ becomes better, we’ll selectoptimal actions.^ Department of Computer Science — University of San Fran
21-16: Boltzmann exploration^ •^ One way to do this is using Boltzmann exploration.^ •^ We take an action with probability:Q(s,a)k^ •^ P^ (a|s) =^ PQ(s,a)j^ k^ j^ •^ Where^ k^ is a temperature parameter.^ •^ This is the same formula we used in simulated annealing.^ •^ We’ll return to Q-learning after we discuss MDPs^ ◦^ They’re closely related.
Department of Computer Science — University of San Francisco – p. 16/
21-17: Return to supervised learning^ •^ Let’s step back and think about supervised learning.^ •^ Given some labeled data, find a hypothesis that best explainsthis data.^ •^ This can be done using symbolic or numeric data.
Department of Computer Science — University of San Francisco – p. 17/
21-18: A symbolic example^ •^ Consider (once again) our playTennis example.^ •^ Suppose we have the following experience:^ ◦^ Sunny, overcast, high, weak : yes^ ◦^ Sunny, overcast, low, strong: yes^ ◦^ Rainy, overcast, normal, weak: no^ •^ We need to select a hypothesis that explains all of theseexamples^ ◦^ H1: sunny : yes^ ◦^ H2: Sunny and Overcast: yes^ ◦^ H3:^ ¬^ Rainy, overcast, normal, weak : yes^ •^ Which do we pick?
Department of Computer Science — University of San Fran
21-19: Representing a hypothesis^ •^ Before we can answer, we need to decide how our hypothesiswill be represented.^ ◦^ All possible prob. logic expressions?^ ◦^ Only conjunctions?^ ◦^ Negation?^ •^ Simpler hypotheses can be learned more quickly^ •^ May not fit data as well.
Department of Computer Science — University of San Francisco – p. 19/
21-20: Find-S^ •^ Suppose we agree that hypotheses consist of a single attributevalue or “don’t care” for each attribute.^ ◦^ Sunny, sunny and overcast are possible^ ◦^ sunny or rainy is not.^ •^ This is called a^ representational bias
-^ Stronger representational biases let us learn more quickly. •^ Find the most specific hypothesis that explains our data.
Department of Computer Science — University of San Francisco – p. 20/
21-21: Hypothesis spaces^ •^ We can arrange all potential hypotheses fromspecific-to-general in a lattice.^ •^ Our learning problem is now to search this space of hypothesesto find the best hypothesis that is consistent with out data.^ •^ the way in which those hypotheses are considered is called the^ learning bias^ •^ Every algorithm has a representational bias and a learning bias.^ ◦^ Understanding them can help you know how your learningalgorithm will generalize.
Department of Computer Science — University of San Fran
21-22: A numeric example^ •^ Suppose we have the following data points:^ ◦^ (160, 126), (180,103), (200,82), (220,75), (240,82),(260,40), (280,20)^ •^ We would like to use this data to construct a function thatallowed us to predict an
f^ (x)^ for other^ x.
-^ There are infinitely many functions that fit this data - how do wechoose one? •^ Representational bias: Restrict ourselves to straight lines •^ Inductive bias: choose the line that minimizes sum of squarederrors. •^ This is linear regression - most statistics packages cancompute it.
Department of Computer Science — University of San Francisco – p. 22/
21-23: Nonlinear Regression^ •^ Linear regression is nice because it’s easy to compute.^ •^ Problem: many functions we might want to approximate are notlinear.^ •^ Nonlinear regression
is a much more complicated problem ◦ How do we choose a representational bias? Polynomial?Trigonometric? • Neural networks are actually nonlinear function approximators. ◦ We’ll return to them the last week of class and see how theyautomatically induce a nonlinear function.^ Department of Computer Science — University of San Francisco – p. 23/
21-24: Approximation vs. Classification^ •^ Regression is an example of
function approximation. ◦^ Find a function that approximates given data and performswell on unseen data. • A particular kind of function to approximate is a
classification function^ ◦^ Maps from inputs into one or more classes.^ ◦^ Task: find a hypothesis that best splits the data into classes. • This is the task that decision trees and Bayesian learners solve.
Department of Computer Science — University of San Fran
21-25: Measuring Performance^ •^ How do we evaluate the performance of a classifying learningalgorithm?^ •^ Two traditional measures are precision and accuracy.^ •^ Precision is the fraction of examples classified as belonging toclass^ x^ that are really of that class.^ ◦^ How well does our hypothesis avoid
false positives?
-^ Recall (or accuracy) is the fraction of true members of class
x that are actually captured by our hypothesis.^ ◦^ How well does our hypothesis capture
false negatives? Department of Computer Science — University of San Francisco – p. 25/
21-26: Precision vs recall^ •^ Often, there is a tradeoff of precision vs recall.^ ◦^ In our playTennis example, what if we say we always playtennis?^ ◦^ this will have a high accuracy, but a low precision.^ ◦^ What if we say we’ll never play tennis?^ ◦^ High precision, low accuracy.^ •^ Try to make a compromise that best suits your application.^ •^ What is a case where a false positive would be worse than afalse negative?^ •^ What is a case where a false negative would be better than afalse positive?
Department of Computer Science — University of San Francisco – p. 26/
21-27: Evaluating a supervised learning algorithm^ •^ Typically, in evaluating the performance of a learning algorithm,we’ll be interested in the following sorts of questions:^ ◦^ Does performance improve as the number of trainingexamples increases?^ ◦^ How do precision and recall trade off as the number oftraining examples changes?^ ◦^ How does performance change as the problem getseasier/harder?^ •^ So what does ’performance’ mean?
Department of Computer Science — University of San Fran
21-28: Evaluating a supervised learning algorithm^ •^ Recall that supervised algorithms start with a set of labeleddata.^ •^ Divide this data into two subsets:^ ◦^ Training set: used to train the classifier.^ ◦^ Test set: used to evaluate the classifier’s performance.^ ◦^ These sets are disjoint.^ •^ Procedure:^ ◦^ Train the algorithm with the classifier.^ ◦^ Run each element of the test set through the classifier.Count the number of incorrectly classified examples.^ •^ If the classification is binary, you can also measureprecision and recall.
Department of Computer Science — University of San Francisco – p. 28/
21-29: Evaluating a supervised learning algorithm^ •^ How do we know we got a representative training and test set?^ •^ Try it multiple times.^ •^ N-fold cross-validation:^ ◦^ Do this N times:^ •^ Select 1/N documents at random as the test set.^ •^ Remainder is the training set.^ •^ Test as usual.^ •^ Average results.
Department of Computer Science — University of San Francisco – p. 29/
21-30: Ensemble learning^ •^ Often, classifiers reach a point where improved performance onthe training set leads to reduced performance on the test set.^ ◦^ This is called^ overfitting^ •^ Representational bias can also lead to upper limits inperformance.^ •^ One way to deal with this is through
ensemble learning. ◦^ Intuition: Independently train several classifiers on the samedata (different training subsets) and let them vote. ◦^ This is basically what the Bayes optimal classifier does.
Department of Computer Science — University of San Fran
21-31: Boosting^ •^ Boosting is a widely-used method for ensemble learning.^ •^ Pick your favorite classifier.^ •^ Idea:^ ◦^ For i = 1 to M :^ •^ Train the ith classifier on the training set.^ •^ For each misclassified example, increase its “weight”^ •^ for each correctly classified example, decrease its“weight”.^ •^ To classify :^ ◦^ Present each test example to each classifier.^ ◦^ Each classifier gets a vote, weighted by its precision.^ •^ Very straightforward - can produce substantial performanceimprovement.^ ◦^ Combining stupid classifiers can be more effective thanbuilding one smart classifier.
Department of Computer Science — University of San Francisco – p. 31/
21-32: Summary^ •^ Learning is the process of improving performance on a set oftasks through experience.^ ◦^ This can take many different forms.^ •^ Supervised learning is a (particularly interesting) subset oflearning.^ •^ In evaluating learning, we will be interested in precision, recall,and performance as the training set size changes.^ •^ We can also combine poor-performing classifiers to get betterresults.
Department of Computer Science — University of San Francisco – p. 32/