Download Introduction to Psychology - Final Exam Study Guide | PSYC 201S and more Exams Psychology in PDF only on Docsity! Final Exam Topical Study Guide: 100 True or False Questions worth 200 points All answers from Memory: show me what you have learned. No books, no notes, no electrical devices. Green Opscan/ScanTron Two Pencils and your Mind Cheating is an automatic F for this course. Don’t do it. This topical checklist matches the sequence of questions on the Final. 1. Positive Psychology a. Promotes making the world a better place by one persons improvement at a time. (kaizen) b. Founded by Martin Seligman c. Subjective and objective, nature and nurture, psyche and persona, relevancy to each student, holistic study of a single individual d. Scientific study of a single individual in depth 2. Scientific Method a. Set of principles about the appropriate relationship between ideas and evidence i. Gather empirical evidence b. Guides all psychological research unless it is unethical and unprofessional i. Its algorithmic & drives all research 3. Eight Forces and the Personality Gestalt a. All 8 forces represent the history of psychology as well as composing the fundamental parts of the human personality b. Personality Gestalt: the final product, the id, ego and super ego- Freud c. Force I Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic Neo Freudians Motivation is a function of the unconscious memory of one’s past experiences. i. Sigmund Freud ii. Unconscious memory motivates behavior (1900) d. Force II Behaviorism: positive behavior (role models) can motivate. i. John B. Watson ii. Behavior is motivated by external stimulus iii. Interested in Current behavior e. Force III Humanism Motivation is to achieve Potential using emotion. i. Maslow-Rogers ii. Behavior is only motivated by the desire to fulfill potential with emotion being very important (1950) iii. Emotional intelligence f. Force IV Cognitive Psychology Some personalities are highly motivated by thinking, ideas, memory, mastery of information and becoming an expert. i. Piaget-Neisser ii. Cognition serves as motivation for some (1965) iii. Emotions are more powerful and important than thinking g. Force Five Biological Psychology (biomedical psych) The Body can motivate i. Hippocrates ii. Body Condition is motivated by pain and pleasure (3-4 BC & 1980) iii. Behavior is motivated by body condition h. Force Six Social Psychology Relationships Motivate i. Fromm-Horney-Lewin ii. Relationships motivate some behavior (1930) i. Force Seven Spiritual Psychology i. Spirituality can motivate behavior ii. Includes Faith and Belief j. Force Eight Creative Psychology i. The desire and will to be creative and motivational b. Longitudinal is the strongest 18. Hippocrates, Sigmund Freud, Ulric Neisser and John B. Watson i. Represent different forces and do not agree on the same force 19. Self Awareness includes … ?? a. Self i. Concept, Practice, Esteem, Reliance, Confidence ii. How hard you study 20. Paul Ekman/Non-verbal behavior/Cross Cultural Research a. Reveal emotions, how you carry yourself 21. Attention is the first step for any learning 22. HOL and LOL components and how college students think a. Instinct reflexes and habituation are LOL b. Lol shifts to hol when you turn 13. Children animals and most psychologists think in terms of lol c. College students think in HOL 23. CC IC OC a. CC- Classical Conditioning i. LOL ii. Pavlov- dogs – salivation on signal b. Instrumental Conditioning i. LOL ii. Requires noting 1. Serendipity Learning 2. Thorndike- cats- unexpected learning c. Operant Conditioning i. Skinner- pigeons/rats reward based behavior ii. Does not require systematic planning 24. Watson and Raynor a. Raynor Fundamental Attribution Career Error b. Watson founded behaviorism c. Raynor and Watson used CC and IC to condition Little Albert to have a phobia for little white lab mice. The phobia generalized to furry animals, fur coats, and a santa claus mask 25. John B. Watson, FACE, FAE (Leon Festinger) a. Fundamental Attribution Error b. Watson died of broken heart i. Committed Fundamental attribution career error (adultery) 26. Tiger Woods a. Committed FAFE (Fundamental Attribution Family error) b. Negative 27. One Thirty am on a college campus a. Is not a good time to be roaming around college campus 28. Nobel Prizes a. Education, teachers have gotten recognition for teaching nobel prize winners 29. Who uses LOL, the most? a. Most children b. Animals c. Most psychologists 30. HMM a. Human Memory model 31. HMM: Stage 1 and Stage 2a and 2b a. Stage 1 is attention b. Stage 2a is sensor memory c. Stage 2b is short term 32. HMM: Stage 3 a. Working memory 33. HMM: Stage 4a and Stage 4b a. 4a is Sub conscious memory (2 weeks) b. 4b is long term and infinite conscious memory 34. HMM: Stage 5 a. All life experiences stored here b. Force 8 35. Definitions of Intelligence and The 5 Layers of Research a. Intelligence is knowledge accumulated by using big G and little g and crystallize, nature, nurture i. 5 levels are 1. Darwin Dalton and Spearman 2. Finay, Turmon, and Stermon 3. Army a & b westler 4. Research of intelligence Guilford Sternberg and gardner 5. John Carroll tried to reconcile ides 1-4 which he called 36. Robert Sternberg and Howard Gardner a. Big G, multiple intelligence b. 10 ways to be smart c. triarchy theory, 3 tries 37. John Carroll a. levels of intelligence called stratums i. (bottom) Big G intelligence ii. (Middle) F&C intelligence 1. Fluid intelligence (nature=genetics) 2. Crystallized Intelligence- nurtured what you learned by yourself by choice iii. (top) Litte g intelligence 1. human intelligence 1 personality trait 38. HMM: Amnesia (Anterograde/Retrograde), fugue, PTSD 39. Proactive and Retroactive Interference a. Retro- old; explanation starts with new info interferes with old information b. Pro- future; old info interferes with new info 40. Abortion a. Pro choice kills zygotes embryos b. Often times after 8 weeks c. Performed up to 16-24 weeks 41. Five senses and the HMM a. 5 senses go directly to brain 42. E. I. a. Daniel Goldman popularized Emotional Intelligence b. Made millions off of his book 43. Four Life Span Theories, Origins, and Epi-genome a. Rainbow theory- Continuous b. Stage theory- discontinuous c. Jagged Theory: mountain range peaks d. Ecological theory- as one ages life becomes more complicated e. Epi-Genome- nurture impacting nature 6 months before pregnancy f. Origins- ovum and sperm i. Freud 5 ii. Yung 1 iii. Coleberg 6 iv. Ericson 8 v. Whitman 12 vi. Watson and skinner: 0 discontiunous force 2 or 3 44. Personality changes significantly every ___10___ years 45. Aging: mental and physical fitness/pain a. Physical fitness is good for the brain heart and future offspring b. People over 65 become more wise 46. Suicide statistics in U. S. a. 15-24 b. suicide prevention very difficult 47. Life Span Stage (Discontinuous) Theorists 68. Transduction a. Takes place when many sensors in the body convert physical signals from the environment into encoded neural signals sent to the central nervous system b. Happens at 5 senses 69. Sensation and Perception: Attributes of the Mind a. Sensation begins with attention, 5 senses send ifo to the brain, transduction b. Perception only occurs in the brain in the frontal lobes 70. PNS, ANS Amygdala and Hippocampus a. Amygdala and Hippocampus are part of the limbic system which is part of the left side of the thalamus in the limbic system b. The hippocampus consists of 2 “horns” that curve back from the amygdala. It converts things in your mind at the moment (STM) into things you will remember. (LTM) If it is damaged memories can no longer be built c. Amygdala is 2 almond shaped masses of neurons on either sode of the thalamus at the lower end of the hippocampus when it’s stimulated electronically animals respond with aggression. Causes responses like rage fear or sexual response 71. Human Brain a. Functions of the brain include the NCC (6 layers) as the center of conscious life. b. The 5 senses send info back to the thalamus c. Action signals from the brain may go back to the body or stored in memory d. Top down and bottomw up recognition e. Language f. Frontal lobes and frontal lobe NCC include MHQ; the limbic system sends info to the NCC of the frontal lobes (amygdala-hypothalamus) via the MFB g. Hind brain controls involuntary nervous system function including gross and fine motor skills 72. Brain scans and brain bridges: 50% = 50 Billion Neurons a. All brains scans are not invasive 73. NSC a. Normal state b. Mind likes NSC better than ASC 74. ASC a. Altered state of consciousness b. Does not triumph NSC 75. Survival consciousness, cortisol and PTSD 76. ASC: positive and negative? a. negative 77. Gateway drugs, Marijuana and Methamphetamine a. Gateway drugs lead to other drugs b. THC can be taken as a pill 78. Cocaine, heroin******dopamine Addiction and Therapy a. Addiction recovery rates are 10% other 90 will relapse 79. TMUFFTIS and the NCC a. NCC covers all 8 lobes and the 2 hemispheres (forebrain) b. TMUFFTIS is your attention level 80. Sleep cycles and Research a. Sleep has 5 stages i. First 4 are called first 4 ii. 5th is REM (rapid eye movement which is not continuous) iii. sleep has 3-5 cycles per night iv. each cycle culminates (ends) in REM ( Stage 5) v. Deepest Stage of sleep is stage 4 vi. EEG vii. EKG is for your heart 81. Sleep: consolidation, LTL, Phosphorylation a. Consolidation- Sleep helps one to learn (LTL) so you can Recover, Retain, Retrieve b. 8 hours of sleep can relieve stress, and so can dreams c. Phosphorylation- when phosphorous shows up in the neuron nucleus causing consolidation/ retention 82. Dr. William Glasser a. Reality Therapy and Dr. Phil picked up on it. b. How is your life working for you and does it need change? c. Physical Fitness and exercise can be therapeutic 83. Stress Stages (8) a. Injury stress (emphatic) b. Observer stress c. Paramedic rescue stress d. Hospital stress e. Immediate family stress f. Extended family stress g. Friends h. People you don’t know 84. Stress Continuum (6 ideas) 85. The 8 Forces and Stress a. Represent original 8 Therapies b. Now 450 recognized by APA 86. Allostasis related to the Vietnam Heroin Study a. Allostasis- high stress and how you handle it b. Many Vietnam vets were addicted to heroin 87. Dr. Hans Selye a. Created force II model I b. Human beings can out think any animal 88. Coping, Defense Mechanisms and Anna Freud (studied children discovered most children use defense during high stress) a. Defense mechanisms are shields and are effective temporarily b. Coping mechanisms work on the problem and want to change i. Children cannot cope 89. Force III Stress Model a. Humanistic b. Most complex of any stress model c. Founders- Maslow and Rogers 90. Heat Shock Proteins and Cortisol a. Exist at cellular level b. 5 trillion heat shock protein cells that manage cellular stress c. cortisol is a hormone that battles stress in cells and helps them to stay alive 91. Hayflick, telomeres, and PCD TRUE a. Hayflick -Telomeres shorten after every mitotic division after 50 times is PCD i. Cancer cells are immortal ii. Developed first diploid b. Telomeres c. PCD- Programmed cell death d. Senescence occurs after 50 cell divisions e. Apoptosis can occur when HSP are 92. DSM a. Diagnostic and Statistical manual of mental disorders in the US b. Current edition – IV-TR 93. DSM Axes a. 5 i. Major mental disorder ii. Personality disorders iii. Medical condition iv. Home, work, hobbies v. GAF (Global assessment of Functioning 94. ADHD Therapy a. Stimulants causes them to be normal