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Introduction to Psychology: Understanding Different Theoretical Approaches in Psychology, Assignments of Introduction to Psychology

Cognitive PsychologyClinical PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologySocial Psychology

This study guide provides an overview of the history of psychology and introduces students to various theoretical approaches used to explain behavior and mental processes. Topics include the founding of the first psychological laboratory, the role of functionalism, Gestalt theory, psychoanalytic theory, and the biopsychosocial approach. Students will also learn about different domains of psychology and research methods.

What you will learn

  • What was the first psychological laboratory founded for and by whom?
  • What is the biopsychosocial approach in psychology?
  • Who founded the school of psychoanalysis and what were its key beliefs?
  • How does the biopsychosocial approach differ from other theoretical approaches in psychology?
  • What is functionalism in psychology?

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AP Students—please review this study guide in preparation for your Unit 1 exam

Introduction to Psychology Study Guide

Chapter: Prologue (The Story of Psychology)

AP Objective I: History and Approaches (2-4%)

Psychology has evolved markedly since its inception as a discipline in 1879. There have been significant changes in the theories that psychologists use to explain behavior and mental processes. In addition, the methodology of psychological research has expanded to include a diversity of approaches to data gathering.

AP Objective: Recognize how philosophical and physiological perspectives

shaped the development of psychological thought.

Intro Terms:

Philosophy: The study of the fundamental nature of knowledge and reality. Asks questions such as “what is truth?”; “what is real?”; “how do we know what we know?”; “what is knowledge?” etc.

Physiology: Branch of biology that studies the function and parts of living organisms (cells, bodily systems, organs, etc.).

Psychology’s Ancient Greek Roots

Hippocrates (460 BC-370 BC): o Thought the mind/soul resided in the brain, but had no physical substance. This theory is called mind-body dualism and suggests that the body and mind are separate entities.

Plato: (428-423 BC): o Also believed in dualism. o Used self-examination of inner ideas and experiences to conclude that who we are and what we know are innate (inborn). This knowledge is not obtainable simply by observing the physical world.

Aristotle ( 384 BC-322 BC ): o A student of Plato, Aristotle believed that the mind/soul results from our anatomy and physiological processes. o He believed in monoism , the idea that the mind and body are one in the same. o He believed that reality is best studied by observation, and that who we are and what we know are derived from experience. o We derive truth from the physical world.

Advent of the Scientific Revolution (c.1600-1700)

Ren é Descartes (1596-1650): o Defended mind-body dualism and that what we know is innate (like Plato). o World and creatures are all machines; humans are the exception because we have minds. o The mind is not observable, so is not subject to natural laws; the mind is what makes us distinct from other living creatures.

John Locke (1632-1704): o Believed the mind and body are one (monoism, like Aristotle). o Knowledge comes from observation and experience. o We are born as blank slates ( tabula rasa ), so what we know comes from experience.  This theory has since been disproven. o The mind is subject to natural laws.

Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679): o Believed the idea of a soul, spirit, or mind is meaningless. o The only things that exist are matter and energy ( materialism ). o What we experience as consciousness is a byproduct of the brain’s machinery. o Greatly influenced the behaviorists.

AP Objective: Identify major historical figures in psychology.

Dorthea Dix (1802-1887): o American activist on behalf of the mentally insane (terminology used at the time). o Lobbied Congress to create the first generation of mental asylums.

Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920): o Considered the father of psychology. o Founded first psychological laboratory in Leipzig, Germany in 1879, dedicated to the scientific study of the immediate conscious experience of sensation. o Using careful methodology, he trained is associates to objectively analyze their sensory experiences systematically through introspection (inward looking). o Required that results of experiments be replicated in order to be validated. o School of Structuralism: focused on the structure of the mind and identification of the basic elements of consciousness (sensations, feelings, and images) using trained introspection.

Edward Titchener (1867-1927): o Student of Wilhelm Wundt. o Analyzed consciousness into its basic elements and investigated how elements were related (structuralism). o Used introspection.

G. Stanley Hall (1846-1924): o American psychologist o Set up lab at Johns Hopkins University employing introspection. o Helped found the American Psychological Association. o Focused on child development and evolutionary theory

William James (1842-1910): o Thought structuralists were asking the wrong questions. o Was interested in the function or purpose of behavioral acts. o Viewed humans as more actively involved in processing sensations and actions. o Wrote the first psychology textbook called Principles of Psychology. o School of Functionalism : focused on the application of psychological findings to practical situations and the function of mental operations in adapting to the environment. The goal was to explain behavior.

Mary Whiton Calkins (1863-1930): o Student of William James. o First female admitted to James’s graduate seminar despite the university president’s objections. o All male students dropped out of the seminar when shew as admitted. o Completed all Ph.D. requirements at Harvard, but was denied degree. Was offered a degree from Radcliffe College, the female counterpart to Harvard, but she declined. o First female president of the American Psychological Association.

Margaret Floy Washburn (1871-1939) o Student of Edward Titchener (he was her graduate advisor) o Was the first female to earn a Ph.D. in psychology. o Wrote The Animal Mind. o Became second female president of the American Psychological Association. o Although her thesis was the first foreign study published in Wundt’s journal, she was not allowed to join the all-male experimental psychology organization founded by Titchener.

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) o Austrian psychologist o Establish school of psychoanalysis o Believed that unconscious thoughts, internal conflicts, and early childhood experiences influence behavior

Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936) o Russian psychologist o Pioneered the study of learning o Conducted learning experiments with dogs

John B. Watson (1878-1958) o American psychologist o Established the psychological school of Behaviorism

B.F. Skinner (1904-1990) o American behaviorist o Conducted behavior research using punishment and reinforcement

Carl Rogers (1902-1987) o One of the leaders of humanism

Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) o One of the leaders of humanism o Believed human needs were arranged in a hierarchy

AP Objective: Describe and compare different theoretical approaches in

explaining behavior.

Structuralism o Focused on identifying the structures of the human mind and identification of the basic elements of consciousness:  sensations  feelings

 images o Introspection  Analyzing your sensory experiences by reporting what you see, experience, and feel during the experiment. Requires you to look inside your own mind and report your own feelings/experiences.  This is the method used by structuralists to study the components of the human mind (those components include sensations, feelings, and images).  This was a flawed method, because everyone’s experience and interpretation of sensations, feelings, and images will be different. o Important figures include: Wilhelm Wundt, Edward Titchener

Functionalism o Focuses on the functions and purposes of the mind and behavior rather than the structure. o Explores how mental and behavioral processes function—how they enable the organism to adapt, survive, and flourish. o The goal was to actually explain behavior (structuralism never went this far). o Important figures include: William James

Behaviorism o Focuses on the scientific study of observable behavior and the environmental causes of that behavior. o Is not interested in understanding thoughts and feelings (cognition) because they are a part of the mind, and the mind cannot be physically observed. o Important figures include: Ivan Pavlov, John B. Watson, B.F. Skinner

Gestalt (we will spend more time on this during the sensation and perception unit) o Interested in how people naturally organize their perceptions according to certain patterns. o Emphasizes our tendency to integrate pieces of information into meaningful wholes. o The main idea is that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. You cannot understand someone or something by analyzing its parts by themselves. o Important figures include: Max Wertheimer

Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic o Emphasizes the ways our unconscious thought processes and our emotional responses to childhood experiences affect our behavior. o Believes early childhood experiences greatly influence development and behavior later in life. o Believes psychological problems are caused by unresolved inner conflicts of which the person is unaware. o Important figures include: Sigmund Freud

Humanism o Focuses on a person’s positive qualities, the capacity for positive growth, and the freedom to choose one’s destiny. o Emphasizes the importance of having our needs for love and acceptance satisfied. o Views human nature as naturally positive and growth-seeking. o Believes the greatest goal is to become our best possible selves. o Important figures include: Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow

Evolutionary o Focuses on evolutionary ideas such as adaptation, reproduction, and natural selection as the basis for explaining specific human behavior. o Argues that evolution molds our physical features and our behavior, such as decision making, levels of aggressiveness, fears, and mating patterns. o Important figures include: Charles Darwin

Biological o Focuses on how the body and its biological processes, especially the brain, influence thought and behavior. o Neuroscience  The scientific study of the structure, function, development, genetics, and biochemistry of the nervous system (which includes the brain and the spinal cord).

Cognitive o Focuses on the mental processes involved in knowing: how we direct our attention, perceive, remember, think, and solve problems. o Emphasizes the importance of how our mind processes, stores, and retrieves information. o Examines how thinking influences behavior. o Important figures include: Jean Piaget

Sociocultural o Focuses on the ways in which social and cultural environments influence behavior. o Argues that you must understand a person’s culture and social environment in order to understand their behavior. o Focuses not only on comparisons of behavior across different countries but also on the behavior of individuals from different ethnic and cultural groups within a single country.  Biopsychosocial o Emphasizes that no single theoretical approach explains all aspects of behavior. o Different perspectives offer different pieces of the same puzzle. o Explores how biological, psychological, and social-cultural forces work together to influence a person’s thoughts and behavior.

AP Objective: Recognize the strengths and limitations of applying theories to

explain behavior.

 The various psychological approaches provide different views of the same behavior, and all of them may offer valuable insights that the other perspectives miss.  No single theoretical approach explains all aspects of behavior, so trying to explain thought and behavior from only one perspective is limiting.  The most widely accepted approach today is the biopsychosocial approach because it uses multiple perspectives to explain thought and behavior.

AP Objective: Distinguish the different domains of psychology.

Biological Psychology: How the body and brain enables emotions, memories, and sensory experiences; how genes combine with environment to influence individual differences.

Clinical Psychology: Studies, assesses, and treats people with psychological disorders.

Cognitive Psychology: How we encode, process, store, and retrieve information.

Counseling Psychology: Assists people with problems in living (often related to school, work, or marriage) and in achieving greater well-being.

Developmental Psychology: Studies physical, cognitive, and social change throughout the lifespan.

Educational Psychology: Studies how psychological processes affect and enhance teaching and learning.

Experimental Psychology: Pure science that conducts research in order to contribute more knowledge to the field.

Human Factors Psychology: Studies how humans interact with machines and technology. Attempts to create technological systems that enhance human capabilities.

Industrial-organizational (I/O) Psychology: Uses psychology’s concepts and methods in the workplace to help organizations and companies select and train employees, boost morale and productivity, design products, and implement systems.

Personality Psychology: Studies an individual’s characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting. Personality psychologists are interested in the aspects of your psychological makeup that make you uniquely you.

Psychometrics: The scientific study of the measurement of human abilities, attitudes, and traits. This is closely tied to experimental psychology.

Social Psychology: Studies how we think about, influence, and relate to one another. Studies the influence of groups on a person’s thinking and behavior and how the groups to which we belong influence our attitudes.

Psychiatry: A branch of medicine dealing with psychological disorders; practiced by physicians (medical doctors) who sometimes provide medical treatments (such as drugs) as well as therapy. A psychiatrist is not a psychologist. Psychiatrists attend medical school while psychologists do not.

Positive Psychology: The scientific study of the strengths and values that enable individuals and communities to thrive. The field is founded on the believe that people want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, to cultivate what is best within themselves, and to enhance their experiences of love, work, and play. In simpler terms, it is the study of happiness and how to make people and communities happier.

Forensic Psychology: Applies psychological knowledge to legal matters. Helps to create public policies related to mental health, helps law-enforcement agencies in criminal investigations, and helps in the process of jury selection.

Sports Psychology: Studies how psychological factors affect performance and participation in sports,

Cross Cultural Psychology: Compares the nature of psychological processes in different cultures with a particular focus on whether psychological phenomena are universal or specific to an individual culture.

Health Psychology: Studies the psychological and behavioral processes in health, illness, and healthcare. Studies the roles of stress and coping in people’s lives.

Research Methods Study Guide

Chapter: 1 (Thinking Critically with Psychological Science)

AP Objective II: Research Methods (8-10%)

Psychology is an empirical discipline. Psychologists develop knowledge by doing research. Research provides guidance for psychologists who develop theories to explain behavior and who apply theories to solve problems in behavior.

Part 1: The Need for Psychological Science

 Our intuition is more inaccurate than we realize.

Hindsight Bias o Also known as the knew-it-all-along effect o The tendency to believe, after learning an outcome, that you could have predicted or foreseen it all along.  Example: When the Patriot’s came back to win the Super Bowl, many people looked back after the game and said they knew it would happen all along when really there was no evidence to indicate that (after all, the Falcons were winning by a mile for the majority of the game). o We think things are more predictable than they really are.

Overconfidence o We humans tend to think we know more than we do. o We are wrong far more often than we realize.

Perceiving Order in Random Events o We have a tendency to look for patterns and meaning even when they aren’t there. o Random sequences often don’t look random even though they are.

Part 2: The Scientific Method

Theory o A tested and widely accepted model that helps explain and predict behaviors or events. o It is based on observations, experiments, and reason (logical thinking/arguments). o One feature of a good theory is that it should be falsifiable.  If you can find one instance where the theory is proven wrong and replicate the study and results, the theory can be rejected.

o In order for a theory to develop credibility, it must be subjected to the rigorous test of a thorough peer review performed by experts in the same field.

Hypothesis o A specific, testable prediction that is based on a theory.

Example of Theories and Hypotheses o According to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, our personality is shaped by early childhood experiences. o A hypothesis based on this theory would be: children who come from abusive homes are more likely to mistrust others later in life. o Theories are more general; hypotheses are more specific (and must be based on theories)

 Our theories can bias our observations. If we firmly believe that personality is shaped by early childhood experiences, we might only look for information that confirms our belief and avoid or discard information that doesn’t. o Operational Definitions  A definition that provides an objective description of procedures and concepts and how they will be measured in a research study.  Example: If we are conducting a study on how sleep deprivation affects memory, we need to provide operational definitions of sleep deprivation and memory. o Sleep deprivation: for our test, we might say that sleep deprivation consists of 24 hours without sleep. o Memory: for our test, we might say that memory is the ability to recall items in a list.  Used to make sure biases don’t interfere with research results.  Used so other researchers can replicate our study  They must be precise o Replication  Repeating the essence of a research study, usually with different participants in different situations, to see whether the basic results are similar with other participants and circumstances.  No research finding is credible unless the study can be replicated with similar results.

Part 3 : Descriptive Research

Descriptive research is about describing some phenomenon—determining its basic dimensions and defining what the thing is, how often if occurs, and so on.

 Can help identify (describe) problems, but cannot prove what causes them.

Types of Descriptive Research

Naturalistic Observation o Records behavior in natural environments o Provides interesting snapshots of everyday life, but it does so without controlling for all the factors that may influence behavior. o Limitations: May not be generalizable to the wider population. o Naturalistic observation does not explain behavior, it describes it.

Case Studies o Examines one individual in depth. o Used when, for either practical or ethical reasons, the unique aspect of the individual’s life cannot be duplicated and tested with other individuals. o Provides information about one’s personal goals, hopes, fantasies, fears, traumatic experiences, family relationships, health, and anything else that helps the psychologist or psychiatrist understand the person’s mind and behavior. o Can also involve in-depth explorations of particular families or groups. o Limitations: The case study might not be generalizable to the wider population. This means that a case study may tell us a great deal about the individual person being studied, but not very much about people in general. What is true for one person isn’t necessarily true for all. o Case studies to not explain behavior, they describe it.

Surveys o Asks people to report their thoughts and behaviors. o The answers often depend on the ways questions are worded.  Wording effects: Even small changes in the order or wording of questions can have major effects.  Example: People are much more approving of “aid to the needy” than they are of “welfare,” even though they are essentially the same thing. o Limitations: Surveys can only measure what people think about themselves, and people don’t always know the truth about themselves. They sometimes provide inaccurate responses out of fear of judgment.

Part 4 : Correlational Research

Correlational research tells us about the relation between two variables.

 The purpose of correlational research is to examine whether and how two variables change together. o It looks at a co-relation. o For instance, if one of the variables increases, what happens to the other one? o When two variables change together, we can predict one from the other, and we say that the variables are correlated, or co-related.  Example: knowing how much aptitude test scores correlate with school success tells us how well the scores predict school success.

Correlation coefficient: A numerical value that measures the degree of relation between two variables. o Represented by the letter r. o Tells us two things about the relationship between two variables:  the strength of the relationship  the direction of the relationship o The value of a correlation always falls between -1.00 and +1.00.  The number or magnitude of the correlation tells us about the strength of the relationship.  The sign (+ or -) tells us about the direction of the relation between the variables.  Positive Correlation (+): as one variable increases, the other also increases. o Example: As hours of sleep increase, quality of memory increases.  Negative Correlation (-): as one variable increases, the other decreases.

o Example: As hours of sleep decrease, levels of stress increase.  Zero Correlation: there is no systematic relation between the variables.  Scatterplot: A type of graph that is used to represent correlations.

CORRELATION DOES NOT EQUAL CAUSATION: Just because two variables are related does not mean that one causes the other. o Being able to predict one event based on the occurrence of another event does not necessarily tell us anything about the cause of either event. o Confounding Variable: Some other variable that has not been measured which may account for the relationship between two others.  Example: If the increase of ice cream sales correlates with an increase in violent crime, it would be silly to suggest that one causes the other. One or more confounding variables are likely involved. o Even if one variable was the cause of the other, a correlation coefficient could not tell us which was the cause and which was the effect.

Cross-Sectional Design: compares different population groups at the same time. o Allows you to measure the correlation between variables among different groups.  Example: a study that splits men and women into separate groups and then measures the relationship between sleep deprivation and stress levels among each group.  This allows you to see whether the same variables relate differently among different groups.

Longitudinal Design: measures the relationship between two variables within the same population over time. o This shows how the relationship between the two variables changes as people grow older.  Example: by measuring the relationship between sleep deprivation and stress levels in the same population over time, we can see if age plays a role in the relationship between the two variables.  This only works if you use the same participants from beginning to end.

Part 5 : Experimental Research

Experimental research is the only way to determine a cause and effect relation between variables.

Experiment: a carefully regulated procedure in which the researcher manipulates one or more variables that are believed to influence some other variable. o Example: to measure whether taking antidepressants decreases depression, the researcher would create two groups: one that takes the medication and one that does not. By comparing the results between the groups, the experimenter can determine whether taking antidepressants does indeed reduce depression.  Experimental Group: the people who receive the treatment.  Control Group: the people who do not receive the treatment.  Random Assignment: assigning participants to experimental and control groups randomly, thus minimizing preexisting differences between those assigned to the different groups. o This allows us to determine whether the treatment itself caused the result and not some other confounding variable.  Population: the entire group about which the investigator wants to draw conclusions.  Sample: the subset of the population chosen by the investigator to study.  Random Sample: a sample that gives every member of the population an equal chance of being selected.  Representative Sample: a sample that accurately represents the population being studied. You can only obtain a representative sample by randomly selecting participants from the population.  We tend to generalize from samples we observe, so if we want our studies to be accurate, we must make sure we select participants that accurately represent the population we are studying.  We achieve this by selecting participants randomly rather than targeting a specific group.  Example: your study of whether lack of sleep impacts performance on college exams would be broken down as follows: o Population: college students o Representative Random Sample: the group of college students randomly selected to participate in the study.

Variables involved in experiments: o Independent Variable: the variable that the experimenter manipulates in order to determine its effects.  It is a potential cause of some outcome (dependent variable). o Dependent Variable: the variable that may change as a result of manipulations in the independent variable.  Represents the outcome (effect) in an experiment.  Is dependent on the independent variable. o Independent and dependent variables are two of the most important concepts in psychological research. Remember:  The independent variable is the cause.The dependent variable is the effect.

Some Cautions About Experimental Research

 If the results of a research study are replicated (repeated multiple times by different experimenters), the results are considered to be reliable. o Reliability: the degree to which a research study produces stable and consistent results.  Just because a study is reliable doesn’t mean the study is valid.

o Validity: the credibility or believability of the research.  External validity: the degree to which an experimental design actually reflects the real- world issues it is supposed to address.  Often, operationalizing variables in the lab involves creating models of real- world experiences. External validity is concerned with how will those models represent the real-world contexts they are meant to represent.  Internal validity: the degree to which changes in the dependent variable are due to the manipulation of the independent variable.  This allows us to determine whether the experimental methods are free from biases and logical errors that may confound the results.

Experimenter Bias: occurs when the experimenter’s expectations influence the outcome of the research.

Research Participant Bias: occurs when the behavior of research participants during the experiment is influenced by how they think they are supposed to behave or by their expectations about what is happening to them. o Placebo Effect: occurs when the participants’ expectations, rather than the experimental treatment, produce a particular outcome. o Placebo: a harmless substance that looks like a real pill, but has no physiological effect. Given to the participants in a control group to make them think they are receiving the treatment.  Example: if a member of the control group thinks they are being treated with an antidepressant when really it is just a placebo, they might believe the pill is working and report feeling less depressed.  Giving individuals in the control group a placebo pill allows researchers to determine whether changes in the experimental group are due to the actual medication and not simply the participants’ expectations.

Double-Blind Experiment: An experimental design in which neither the experimenter nor the participants are aware of which participants are in the experimental group and which are in the control group until the results are calculated. o This helps make sure that neither the experimenter’s nor the participants’ expectations affect the outcome of the study.

Part 6: Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics are mathematical procedures that are used to describe and summarize sets of data in a meaningful way. They reveal the “big picture”—the overall characteristics of the data and the variation among them.

Measures of Central Tendency: a single number that represents the overall characteristics of a set of data. Measures of central tendency neatly summarize data. o Mean: the average score in a sample  Obtained by adding the scores and then dividing by the number of scores.  The best measure of central tendency. o Median: the middle score in a sample  if you arrange all the scores in order from the highest to the lowers, half will be above the median and half will be below it. o Mode: the most common score in a sample

Measures of Variation: variation refers to how similar or diverse the scores are. o Averages derived from scores with low variability are more reliable than averages based on scores with high variability.  Consider a basketball player who scored between 13 and 17 points in each of her first 10 games in a season. Knowing this, we would be more confident that she would score near 15 points in her next game than if her scores had varied from 5 to 25 points. o Range: the gap between the lowest and highest scores.  Provides only a basic estimate of variation. o Standard Deviation: A measure of dispersion that indicates how much the scores in a sample differ from the mean in a sample.  If the standard deviation approaches 0, the scores are very similar to each other and very close to the mean.  The higher the standard deviation, the greater the difference among the scores.  The most useful measure of variation.

Graphing Variation: o In nature, most scores tend to form a symmetrical, bell-shaped distribution known as a normal curve. This means that most scores fall near the mean, and fewer cases fall near either extreme. o Positive Skew: a curve where most values are on the lower end, but there are some exceptionally large/high values. o Negative Skew: a curve where most values are on the higher end, but there are some exceptionally small/low values.

Part 7: Inferential Statistics

Inferential statistics are mathematical methods that are used to indicate whether the data sufficiently support a research hypothesis.

Statistical Significance: a statistical statement of how likely it is than an obtained result of a research study occurred by chance. o In order for the results of a study to be statistically significant, the likelihood of the results happening by chance must be less than 5% (.05).

Part 8: Conducting Ethical Research

Ethics is a crucial consideration for all science. A number of guidelines have been developed to ensure that research is conducted ethically. At the base of all these guidelines is the notion that people participating in psychological research should be no worse off coming out of the study than they were going in.

Informed Consent: All participants must know what their participation will involve and what risks might develop before they consent to participating in the study. o Even after informed consent is given, participants must retain the right to withdraw from the study at any time and for any reason.

Confidentiality: Researchers are responsible for keeping all of the data they gather on individuals completely confidential and, when possible, completely anonymous.

Debriefing: After the study has been completed, the researchers should inform the participants of its purpose and the methods they used. In most cases, the experimenters can inform participants in a general manner beforehand about the purpose of the research without leading the participants to behave in a way that might confound the results. When preliminary information about the study is likely to affect the results, the participants must be debriefed after the study’s completion.

Deception: In some circumstances, telling the participants beforehand what the research study is about substantially alters the participants’ behavior and invalidates the researcher’s data. Thus, researchers sometime deceive participants about the purpose of the study. In all cases of deception, the researcher must ensure that the deception will not harm the participants and that the participants will be told the true nature of the study (will be debriefed) as soon as possible after the study is completed.

Ethical Treatment of Research Animals: The American Psychological Association guidelines state that researchers must ensure the “comfort, health, and humane treatment” of animals and minimize “infection, illness, and pain.”


  1. René Descartes
  2. John Locke
  3. Dorthea Dix
  4. Wilhelm Wundt
  5. Edward Titchener
  6. G. Stanley Hall
  7. William James
  8. Mary Whiton Calkins
  9. Margaret Floy Washburn
  10. Ivan Pavlov
  11. B.F. Skinner
  12. John B. Watson
  13. Sigmund Freud
  14. Carl Rogers
  15. Abraham Maslow
  16. Structuralism
  17. Introspection
  18. Functionalism
  19. Behaviorism
  20. Gestalt
  21. Psychoanalytic/P sychodynamic
  22. Humanism
  23. Evolutionary
  24. Biological
  25. Cognitive
    1. Sociocultural
    2. Biopsychosocial
    3. Clinical Psychology
    4. Counseling Psychology
    5. Psychiatry
    6. Hindsight Bias
    7. Theory
    8. Hypothesis
    9. Operational Definition
    10. Replication
    11. Descriptive Research
    12. Naturalistic Observation
    13. Case Study
    14. Survey
    15. Correlational Research
    16. Correlation Coefficient
    17. Positive correlation
    18. Negative correlation
    19. Zero correlation
    20. Confounding Variable
    21. Cross-sectional Design
    22. Longitudinal Design
    23. Experimental Research
    24. Experiment
    25. Experimental Group
    26. Control Group
    27. Random Assignment
    28. Population
    29. Sample
    30. Random Sample
    31. Representative Sample
    32. Independent Variable
    33. Dependent Variable
    34. Reliability
    35. Validity
    36. External Validity
    37. Internal Validity
    38. Experimenter Bias
      1. Research Participant Bias
      2. Placebo Effect
      3. Double-Blind Experiment
      4. Descriptive Statistics
      5. Central Tendency
      6. Mean
      7. Median
      8. Mode
      9. Variation
      10. Range
      11. Standard Deviation
      12. Normal Curve
      13. Positive Skew
      14. Negative Skew
      15. Inferential Statistics
      16. Statistical Significance
      17. Informed Consent
      18. Confidentiality
      19. Debriefing
      20. Deception


  1. René Descartes
  2. John Locke
  3. Dorthea Dix
  4. Wilhelm Wundt
  5. Edward Titchener
  6. G. Stanley Hall
  7. William James
  8. Mary Whiton Calkins
  9. Margaret Floy Washburn
  10. Ivan Pavlov
  11. B.F. Skinner
  12. John B. Watson
  13. Sigmund Freud
  14. Carl Rogers
  15. Abraham Maslow
  16. Structuralism
  17. Introspection
  18. Functionalism
  19. Behaviorism
  20. Gestalt
  21. Psychoanalytic/P sychodynamic
  22. Humanism
  23. Evolutionary
  24. Biological
  25. Cognitive
    1. Sociocultural
    2. Biopsychosocial
    3. Clinical Psychology
    4. Counseling Psychology
    5. Psychiatry
    6. Hindsight Bias
    7. Theory
    8. Hypothesis
    9. Operational Definition
    10. Replication
    11. Descriptive Research
    12. Naturalistic Observation
    13. Case Study
    14. Survey
    15. Correlational Research
    16. Correlation Coefficient
    17. Positive correlation
    18. Negative correlation
    19. Zero correlation
    20. Confounding Variable
    21. Cross-sectional Design
    22. Longitudinal Design
    23. Experimental Research
    24. Experiment
    25. Experimental Group
    26. Control Group
    27. Random Assignment
    28. Population
    29. Sample
    30. Random Sample
    31. Representative Sample
    32. Independent Variable
    33. Dependent Variable
    34. Reliability
    35. Validity
    36. External Validity
    37. Internal Validity
    38. Experimenter Bias
      1. Research Participant Bias
      2. Placebo Effect
      3. Double-Blind Experiment
      4. Descriptive Statistics
      5. Central Tendency
      6. Mean
      7. Median
      8. Mode
      9. Variation
      10. Range
      11. Standard Deviation
      12. Normal Curve
      13. Positive Skew
      14. Negative Skew
      15. Inferential Statistics
      16. Statistical Significance
      17. Informed Consent
      18. Confidentiality
      19. Debriefing
      20. Deception