Download Irene Gold Boards Part 1 Spinal Anatomy Exam Questions And Answers and more Exams Health sciences in PDF only on Docsity! Irene Gold Boards Part 1 Spinal Anatomy Exam Questions And Answers These are derived from what: →Organs, →gut, →respiratory tract (tubular structures) – ANSWER: ENDODERM Need extra help? BSR Franklin Spinal Anatomy Spinal Cord - ANSWER: Need extra help? BSR Franklin Spinal Anatomy Spinal Cord These are derived from what: →muscles →tendons →ligaments - ANSWER: MESODERM Paraxial Somatic These are derived from what: splanchnic - smooth muscle of organs - ANSWER: MESODERM Paraxial Splanchnic These are derived from what: urogenital system and kidneys - ANSWER: MESODERM Intermediate These are derived from what: →skull muscles, →dentine of teeth - ANSWER: MESODERM Head These are derived from what: →adrenal cortex CT, →cardiovascular an lymph - ANSWER: MESODERM Lateral Plate These are derived from what part of the ectoderm: →epidermis, →ant. Pituitary, →lens of eye skin, →enamel, →hair, →nails - ANSWER: Surface Ectoderm These are derived from what part of the ectoderm: →post pituitary, →retina of eye, → CNS, →oligodendrocyte - ANSWER: Surface Ectoderm - epidermis, ant. Pituitary, lens of eye skin, enamel, hair, nails These are derived from what part of the ectoderm: →post pituitary, →retina of eye, →CNS, →oligodendrocyte →CNS - brain/cord - ANSWER: Neuroectoderm/Neural Tube These are derived from what part of the ectoderm: Outside CNS - →sympathetic chain, →DRG, →ANS, →PNS, →Schwann Cells, →Parafollicular cells thyroid, →adrenal medulla - ANSWER: Neuroectoderm/Neural Tube Embryological order starting with NOTOCORD---- - ANSWER: Notocord →Neural Groove → Neural Tube → Neural Crest Cells CNS pathology from neural tube: Spina Bifida Occula - ANSWER: lamina fail to fuse Which meninges protrude from cord? - ANSWER: Meningocele Which meninges has the cord protrudes out - ANSWER: undeveloped meninges? - Myelocele Which meninges has the cord and meninges protrude out? - ANSWER: Meningomyelocele What Embryological development does this come from? →nerves - ANSWER: Dermatome (mesoderm) Ossification development embryo: →mesenchymal tissue to bone, →clavicle and →skull flat bones - ANSWER: Intramembranous/intramedullary Ossification development embryo: →cartilage to bone - ANSWER: everything but clavicle and skull - Endochondral ossification What is the GI embryology of the Mouth? - ANSWER: stomodeum What is the GI embryology of the back of throat to 1st one-third (1/3) of duodenum? - ANSWER: Foregut What is the GI embryology of the last two-thirds (2/3) duodenum to 1st two-thirds (2/3) transverse colon? - ANSWER: Midgut What is the GI embryology of the last one-third (1/3) transverse colon to anus? - ANSWER: Hindgut What is the Gubernaculum in males? - ANSWER: scrotal ligament aka gubernaculum testis What is the in Gubernaculum females? - ANSWER: suspensory ligament of ovary, ovarian ligament and round ligament Axons impulse _______ cell body - ANSWER: send impulse away from body Dendrites impulse ______ cell body - ANSWER: send impulse toward body Path from stimulus to motor response - ANSWER: →Receptor/Dendrite →Peripheral Nerve →Cord →Brainstem/Cerebellum →Thalamus/Parietal Lobe →Wernicke's Area →Limbic System →Motor Response Resting membrane potential Muscle - - ANSWER: 90 (-85/-90) Resting membrane potential Nerve - - ANSWER: 70 (-65/-70) Overall electric charge inside cell - ANSWER: negative (large protein molecules) Overall electric charge outside cell - ANSWER: positive (NA+) What stage is this when NA+ channels open and NA+ rushes in? - ANSWER: Depolarization Which Dorsal Column Receptors is responsible for vibration? - ANSWER: Pacini Which Dorsal Column Receptors is responsible for joint position? - ANSWER: Ruffini - Which Dorsal Column Receptors is responsible for accurate touch/pressure (rapid adapt)? - ANSWER: Meissner/Merkel - Which Dorsal Column Receptors is responsible for light touch? - ANSWER: meissner Which Dorsal Column Receptors is responsible for deep touch? - ANSWER: merkel Which Dorsal Column Receptors is responsible for Pain (slow/non-adapting)? - ANSWER: Free Endings All or nothing principle refers to - ANSWER: Threshold Ascending Limb = - ANSWER: NA+ in (stimulus) Descending Limb = - ANSWER: K+ out (absolute refractory) Subnormal period - ANSWER: →Hyperpolarization →Absolute refractory period Rheobase = - ANSWER: minimum current for action potential Chronaxie = - ANSWER: time needed for 2 rheobase for action potential Inhibitory post-synaptic potential - Cl- rushes in Maybe - ANSWER: K+ out Inhibitory Neurotransmitter in Cord - ANSWER: Glycine Inhibitory Neurotransmitter in Brain - ANSWER: GABA (Gamma amino butyric acid) What is responsible for Respiratory and cardiac centers, autonomics and Cranial nerves 5 to 12? - ANSWER: Medulla/Pons What is responsible for Light and sound reflexes, proximal flexor relay, motoric relay CN III-IV? - ANSWER: midbrain What is responsible for Relay station, sensory fibers, PULVINAR region - integration of sensory info? - ANSWER: thalamus Which Nuclei of the Thalamus is responsible for sensory from face? - ANSWER: VPM Which Nuclei of the Thalamus is responsible for sensory arms and legs? - ANSWER: VPL Which Nuclei of the Thalamus is responsible for sensory from eyes? - ANSWER: Lateral Geniculate Which Nuclei of the Thalamus is responsible for sensory from ears? - ANSWER: Medial Geniculate Intellect and association areas of the brain are found in what area? - ANSWER: Cerebrum/Cerebral Cortex What area of the brain is this? →Localization - ANSWER: somesthetic cortex →Broadman 1,2,3 →Problem Solving - ANSWER: Parietal Lobe has areas for What area of the brain is this? →Vision Renshaw Cells - ANSWER: Inhibit alpha motor neuron Which brain wave is this? quiet/meditation (disappear during sleep) - ANSWER: Alpha Which brain wave is this? intense mental activity (during REM sleep) - ANSWER: Beta Which brain wave is this? deep sleep/coma - ANSWER: Delta Which brain wave is this? normal in children - ANSWER: in adults cause stress/suicide Non-rem sleep - Theta ARAS - Ascending Reticular Activating System = - ANSWER: Wakes up cortex from sleep What fiber of the cerebrum is this? connections within same hemisphere - ANSWER: Association What fiber of the cerebrum is this? connect left and right hemisphere - ANSWER: Commissural What fiber of the cerebrum is this? vertical connections in brain - ANSWER: Projection Circle of Willis - ANSWER: →Anterior Spinal/Vertebral Arteries →Inferior Cerebellar →Basilar Artery →Pontine Artery →Superior Cerebellar →Posterior Cerebral →Posterior Communicating →Internal Carotid →Anterior Cerebral →Anterior Communicating Ophthalmic Great Cerebral Vein of Galen drains into - ANSWER: Straight Sinus Straight sinus is found in the - ANSWER: Tentorium Cerebelli Superior Sagittal Sinus drains into the - ANSWER: Great Cerebral vein of Galen Superior Sagittal Sinus is found in the - ANSWER: Falx Cerebri Anterior portion of falx cerebri attaches to what? - ANSWER: Crista galli (of ethmoid) posterior portion of falx cerebri attaches to what? - ANSWER: tentorium cerebelli Confluence of sinuses receives fluid from 3 structures - ANSWER: →Occipital Sinus →Straight Sinus →Superior Sagittal Sinus Damage to middle meningeal artery = - ANSWER: Epidural hemorrhage Damage to venous system = - ANSWER: Subdural hemorrhage Beri aneurysm (circle of willis) = - ANSWER: Subarachnoid hemorrhage Rubrospinal tract from red nucleus of midbrain = - ANSWER: Proximal muscle flexors of upper and lower extremity Reticulospinal tract from reticular formation in midbrain = - ANSWER: Extensor muscles of back and arms Back muscles NOT innervated by reticulospinal tract - ANSWER: →Rhomboids (dorsal scap) →Levator (dorsal scap) →Latissimus Dorsi (thoracodorsal) Tectospinal tract from tectum of midbrain - ANSWER: →Neck muscles →Reflex to light (superior colliculus) →Reflex to sound (inferior colliculus) Vestibulospinal tract from cerebellum and vestibular nuclei - ANSWER: →Extensor muscles of back and legs →CN III, IV, VI - ANSWER: medial longitudinal fasciculus →Cerebellum - ANSWER: dentate →nucleus - ANSWER: anterior horn →spinal cord - ANSWER: gamma →motor neurons - ANSWER: intrafusal fibers for tone Corticospinal/Pyramidal tracts from precentral gyrus of frontal lobe (giant cells of Betz) - →Lateral Corticospinal - ANSWER: decussation at medulla (pyramids) flexors of distal extremities →Ventral corticospinal - ANSWER: decussates at spinal level for trunk flexors →Precentral Gyrus - anterior horn - ANSWER: alpha motor neurons - extrafusal fibers - movement Lobes of the cerebellum - ANSWER: →Flocculonodular - midline - balance of spine →Anterior lobe - ANSWER: balance from arms/legs →Posterior - ANSWER: connection to cortex Cerebellar Nuclei - →Fastigial - ANSWER: spine →Globus - ANSWER: proximal joints (glenohumeral) →Emboliform - ANSWER: middle joints (elbow) →Dentate - ANSWER: distal joints (digits) Cerebellar Peduncles - simple connections - ANSWER: →Superior - Midbrain →Middle - ANSWER: Pons →Inferior - ANSWER: Medulla Spinocerebellar pathways - ANSWER: Carry unconscious proprioception Muscle SPINDLE fibers - ANSWER: Stretch - 1a fibers Golgi TENDON organs - ANSWER: Tension - 1b fibers →Comes through internal auditory meatus of temporal →Balance and hearing - ANSWER: CNVIII What Cranial nerve is this? →Glossopharyngeal - ANSWER: sensory and motor In medulla →Comes through jugular foramen btw temporal and occipital →Taste post 1/3 and stylopharyngeus - ANSWER: CNIX What Cranial nerve is this? →Vagus - ANSWER: sensory and motor In medulla →Comes through jugular foramen btw temporal and occipital →Palate, →pharynx/larynx, tympanic membrane - ANSWER: CNX What Cranial nerve is this? →Spinal Accessory - ANSWER: motor In medulla →Comes through jugular foramen →SCM with C2/3 and Traps with C3/4 - CNXI What Cranial nerve is this? →Glossopharyngeal - ANSWER: motor In medulla →Comes through hypoglossal foramen in occiput →Innervates intrinsic muscles of the tongue - ANSWER: CNXII Cranial nerve 5 divisions - ANSWER: →Trigeminal →V1 - ANSWER: sensory forehead down bridge of nose →V2 - ANSWER: cheek/blush lines on face →V3 - ANSWER: chin strap beard →All go to VPM of thalamus, dorsal columns - ANSWER: touch, spinothalamic tract - pain/temp PARASYMPATHETICS: REST & DIGEST Cranial nerve 3 nucleus/ganglion - ANSWER: →Edinger-Westphal Nucleus to →Ciliary Ganglion causing →Pupillary Constriction Cranial nerve 7 nucleus/ganglion - ANSWER: Sphnopalatine ganglion to Superior Salvitory Nucleus to Sphenomandibular ganglion to Geniculate Nucleus - ANSWER: Taste or Salivary Glands Cranial nerve 9 nucleus and ganglion - ANSWER: Inferior salivatory nucleus to Otic ganglion to Parotid glands Vagus innervates that portion of transverse colon? - ANSWER: →First two-thirds (2/3) →S2-4 innervate distal one-third (1/3) - ANSWER: S2,3,4 keeps it off the floor Nucleus with greatest parasympathetic input to taste? - ANSWER: Nucleus Solitarius - CN VII, IX, X Where is the sympathetic nervous system housed? ANSWER: - Lateral Horns T1-L2 Cardiac Plexus is made of - ANSWER: T1-T4 Greater splanchnic is made of - ANSWER: T5-T9 Lesser Splanchnic is made of - ANSWER: T10/11 Least Splanchnic is made of - ANSWER: T12 Inferior hypogastric nerves innervate the colon and come from what spinal levels? - ANSWER: L1/2 Adrenergic receptors are receptive to norepinephrine and epinephrine. Which receptor is this? →vasoconstriction of central arteries/dilate pupils - ANSWER: Alpha 1 Adrenergic receptors are receptive to norepinephrine and epinephrine. Which receptor is this? →autoinhibitory to alpha 1 (shut off) - ANSWER: Alpha 2 Adrenergic receptors are receptive to norepinephrine and epinephrine. Which receptor is this? →increase heart rate and contractility of muscles - ANSWER: Beta 1 Adrenergic receptors are receptive to norepinephrine and epinephrine. Which receptor is this? →shut down digestion and cause bronchodilation - ANSWER: Beta 2 Alpha receptors are more sensitive to ________ - ANSWER: norepinephrine Beta receptors are more sensitive to __________ - ANSWER: epinephrine Cholinergic receptors are found in - ALL PARASYMPATHETICS In the sympathetic nervous system what types of receptors are found? - ANSWER: →Muscarinic (ANS) - sweat glands/ piloerector →Nicotinic (AND+Sk Muscle) - ANSWER: arterioles of muscles/skin Cervical Chain Ganglia Superior Sympathetic - ANSWER: →Ganglia - above C4 pupil dilation →Middle Sympathetic Ganglia - ANSWER: C4-5 →Inferior Sympathetic Ganglia - ANSWER: C6-8 →Stellate Ganglion - ANSWER: C8-T1 - merges cervical and thoracics Ganglia - Ganglia - ANSWER: above C4 pupil dilation Middle Sympathetic Ganglia - Middle Sympathetic Ganglia - ANSWER: C4-5 →Hyperreflexia →LACK OF INHIBITION - ANSWER: upper motor lesions These are signs of what kind of motor lesion? →Fasciculations - ANSWER: muscle dying/spontaneously firing due to no innervation →Hypotonia due to loss of 1a/1b afferents which maintain muscle tone →Hyporeflexia - ANSWER: no connection - lower motor lesions 2 main functions of the ear - ANSWER: Hearing and balance Overview of how hearing works - ANSWER: Sound waves converted to fluid waves - sound vibrates tympanic membrane which moved the malleus then incus then stapes transfers vibrations through oval window which contains perilymph (NA+out K+in) - organ of corti/spiral ganglion/hair cells of CN VIII are depolarized firing cochlear nerve Anatomy to know of Cochlea S - →Scala Media - ANSWER: cochlear canal →Scala Vestibuli - ANSWER: vestibular canal →Scala Tympani - ANSWER: tympanic canal →Vestibular/Reissners membrane Structures and function of vestibular system - ANSWER: →Utricle - static equilibrium →Macula/Saccula - functional part of utricle - ANSWER: linear mvmt →Semicircular Canals - ANSWER: angular accelleration (roller coaster) →Crista Ampularis - ANSWER: dilation of semicircular canals - no crystals Sensory pathway of smell - ANSWER: →Sensory neuron Cribriform plate of ethmoid →Olfactory bulb (mitral cells) →Olfactory radiations Uncus - smell associated with rhinencephalon →Bowman's gland produces mucous which is required for smell BSR Franklin Spinal anatomy EAR/NOSE/Eyes Limbic portion of nose - ANSWER: →Sense of Smell - uncus of parahippocampus →Memory and smell - ANSWER: dentate of hippocampus →Midline connection to hippicampus - ANSWER: fornix →Emotional response to smell - ANSWER: amygdaloid Drainage of nose - →Superior nasal meatus - ANSWER: posterior ethmoid recess →Inferior nasal meatus - ANSWER: nasolacrimal duct →Middle nasal meatus - ANSWER: everything else (frontal, sphenoid, maxillary) Joint classification SADISM - ANSWER: →Synarthrosis - Immovable - Fibrous →Amphiarthrosis - ANSWER: slightly movable - →Cartilaginous Diarthrosis - ANSWER: freely movable - Synovial Types of Synarthroses - ANSWER: →Immovable and Fibrous →Synostosis - ANSWER: sutures of skull →Gomphosis - ANSWER: teeth Types of Amphiarthrosis - →Slightly Movable - ANSWER: Cartilaginous →Synchondrosis - ANSWER: temporary, epiphyseal plates, hyaline cartilage →Symphysis - ANSWER: IVD, pubuc symphysis, fibrocartilage →Syndesmosis - ANSWER: interosseus membrane - fibrous Types of Diarthroses - ANSWER: →Freely Movable - Synovial →Uniaxial - ANSWER: Hinge/Ginglymus or Pivot/Trochoid →Biaxial - ANSWER: Ovoid/Coldlymus or →Saddle/Sellar Triaxial - ANSWER: Gliding/Plana or →Ball+Socket/Speroidal Cardinal Spinal Ligaments - ANSWER: →ALL - anterior longitudinal →PLL - ANSWER: posterior longitudinal →IVD - ANSWER: intervertebral disc →LF - ANSWER: ligamentum flavum →IS - ANSWER: interspinous →SS - ANSWER: supraspinous →LN - ANSWER: ligamentum nuchae →ITL - ANSWER: intertransverse →CL - ANSWER: capsular UPPER CERVICAL LIGAMENTS - ANSWER: →Transverse Ligament - holds dens to atlas →Cruciate Ligaments - ANSWER: occiput to C2 (includes transverse) →Alar Ligament - ANSWER: dens to occipital condyles →Apical Dental - ANSWER: apex of dens to and foramen magnum What are the 21 ligaments along the spinal cord that connect pia to dura mater? - ANSWER: Dentate Ligaments Where do the 31 pairs of spinal nerves come from - ANSWER: →8 cervical →12 thoracic →5 lumbar →5 sacral →1 coccygeal Where do spinal cord enlargements occur? - ANSWER: →Largest - C1 →C3-T2 - upper extremities What rib is this? →Surface for posterior scalene and serratus anterior - ANSWER: 2nd rib What rib is this? →full facet and superior demifacet on T10 - ANSWER: rib 10 What rib is this? →both are floating ribs and have a single full facet - ANSWER: rib 11 + 12 Ligaments pertaining to ribs - →Radiate ligament - ANSWER: head of rib to vertebral body →Interarticular Ligament - ANSWER: front of rib to body of vertebra →Costotransverse ligament - ANSWER: connect rib to TP Primary movement types of spinal regions - ANSWER: →Cervical - rotation 1st extension 2nd →Thoracic - ANSWER: rotation 1st extension 2nd →Lumbar - ANSWER: flexion 1st extension 2nd (minimal) Spinal Fusion types - ANSWER: →Pathological - ankylosis →Surgical - ANSWER: arthrodesis →Coalition - ANSWER: congenital Fascial coverings of nerves - ANSWER: →Endoneurium - fiber →Perineurium - ANSWER: fascicle →Epineurium - ANSWER: nerve Which vertebra has the smallest spinous process? ANSWER: - L5 Vertebral body shape and spinal canal shape in each region - ANSWER: →Cervical body - round + canal - triangular →Thoracic Body - heart + canal - ANSWER: oval/round →Lumbar Body - kidney + canal - ANSWER: triangle/trefoil Suboccipital n, spinal level - C1 - ANSWER: suboccipitals Greater occipital n, spinal level - C2 - ANSWER: medial dorsal primary rami Lesser occipital n, spinal level - C2,3 - ANSWER: sensory behind ear Least occipital n, spinal level - C3 - ANSWER: 1st nerve compressed by disc Great auricular, spinal level - ANSWER: C3,4 - sensory of ear/around ear Phrenic n, spinal level - ANSWER: C3,4,5 diaphragm alive Dorsal scapular n, spinal level - ANSWER: C5 - rhomboids/levator scapulae Suprascapular n, subclavian, axillary n, spinal level - ANSWER: C5,6 - upper and lower subscapular Long thoracic, lateral pectoral n, musculocutaneous n, spinal level - ANSWER: C5,6,7 - Thoracodorsal n, spinal level - ANSWER: C6,7,8 - latissimus dorsi Radial/Medial nn, spinal level - ANSWER: C5-T1 - motor to upper extremity Ulnar, medial pectoral and medial antebrachial cutaneous n, spinal level - ANSWER: C8-T1 Subcostal n, spinal level - T12 - ANSWER: sensory Iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nn, spinal level - ANSWER: L1 - sensory Genitofemoral n, spinal level - ANSWER: L1,2 - afferent/efferent of cremaster reflex Lateral femoral cutaneous n, spinal level - ANSWER: L2,3 - sensory to lateral thigh Femoral and obturator nn, spinal level - ANSWER: L2,3,4 Femoral - leg extension Obturator - thigh abduction Superior gluteal n, spinal level L4-S1 - gluteus minimum, - ANSWER: medius and TFL Sciatic n, spinal level - ANSWER: L4-S3 Branches of sciatic n, Tibial and common peroneal n, spinal levels - ANSWER: L4-S4 Inferior gluteal n, spinal level - ANSWER: L5-S2 - motor to gluteus maximus Posterior femoral cutaneous n, spinal levels - S1-3 - ANSWER: sensory to posterior thigh pudendal n, spinal level - ANSWER: S2-4 - erection/bladder control - S2,3,4 keeps it off the floor First palpable spinous - ANSWER: C2/Axis Hyoid bone spinal level - ANSWER: C3 Carotid artery bifurcation spinal level - ANSWER: C3,4 Superior and Inferior thyroid cartilage spinal levels - ANSWER: Superior - C4 Inferior - C5 Cricoid Cartilage/Carotid Tubercle spinal level - ANSWER: C6 Vertebral Prominens - ANSWER: C7 Episternal Notch/Carina of Trachea spinal level - ANSWER: T2 Spine of Scapula spinal level - ANSWER: T3 Sternal Angle of Louis/2nd Costochondral Cartilage and Nipple Dermatome spinal level - ANSWER: T4 Xiphoid dermatome - ANSWER: T7 Vertebral level of Umbilicus and Xiphoid process - ANSWER: T10 Transpyloric line level - ANSWER: L1 Vertebral level of umbilicus - ANSWER: L3 Iliac crest spinal level - ANSWER: L4 body and spinous process at same level Transtubercular line - ANSWER: L5 PSIS spinal level - ANSWER: S2 tubercle Slope of neck made by this muscle which also has cranial and cervical innervation - ANSWER: Trapezius other than the trapezius what other neck muscle has both cranial and cervical innervation - ANSWER: SCM