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ISSA Certification Nutrition Final Exam
with 100% Correct Answers 2023
Calorie - ANSWERA unit of heat used to measure the energy your body uses and the energy it receives from food. 3500 calories per 1 lb of body fat. Macronutrients - ANSWERcarbohydrates, proteins, and fats Micronutrients - ANSWERvitamins, minerals, water Carbohydrates - ANSWER- Have 4 calories per 1 gram
- Made up of carbon , hydrogen, oxygen Glucose - ANSWERthe form of sugar that circulates in the blood and provides the major source of energy for body tissues. When its level is low, we feel hunger. Glycogenesis - ANSWERformation of glycogen from glucose Glycogenolysis - ANSWERbreakdown of glycogen to glucose Glycolysis - ANSWERthe breakdown of glucose by enzymes, releasing energy and pyruvic acid. Krebs cycle - ANSWERpyruvic acid is broken down into carbon dioxide in a series of energy-extracting reactions Electron Transport Chain (ETC) - ANSWERseries of electron carrier proteins that shuttle high-energy electrons during ATP-generating reactions Carbohydrates in diet are found in... - ANSWERSugars, starched, fibers Proteins (4 calories per gram) are made up of... - ANSWERCarbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen Fats (9 calories per 1 gram) - ANSWER saturated fats - ANSWERFats that are solid at room temperature, such as the fat in meats, poultry skin, and foods made from whole milk. They increase blood cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease.
unsaturated fats - ANSWERA fat that is liquid at room temperature and found in vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds. Unsaturated fatty acids... - ANSWERCan be broken into monunsaturated and polyunsaturated Vitamins - ANSWEROrganic compounds that help regulate many vital body processes, including the digestion, absorption, and metabolism of other nutrients Fat soluble vitamins - ANSWERVitamins A, D, E, K water soluble vitamins - ANSWERB vitamins and vitamin C Water makes up _______% of your body? - ANSWER60% and is essential to life, and should consume 3 liters per day Nutrition measurement guidelines - ANSWER- Protein portion 1 palm
- Veggie portions 1 fist
- Carbohydrates cupped hand
- Fat 1 thumb Male client meal suggestion - ANSWER- 2 palms of protein dense food
- 2 fist of veggies
- 2 cup hands of carbohydrates
- 2 thumbs of fat Female client meal suggestion - ANSWER- 1 palms of protein dense food
- 1 fist of veggies
- 1 cup hands of carbohydrates
- 1 thumbs of fat Weight loss most common limiting factors - ANSWER- Genetics
- Inadequate physical activity
- Physiological inbalance
- Mindset
- Lack of sleep protein supplements - ANSWERA product taken orally that contains one or more ingredients that contain proteins that are intended to supplement one's diet and are not considered food. (25-50g per day) Fish oil supplements - ANSWER1) increase Bile acid synthesis
- decrease cholesterol saturation in bile
- increase GB motility opposite function to Fibrates
Vitamin D supplements - ANSWER- decrease cancer risk
- increase bone density
- improve mood General multivitamin - ANSWERcommon nutrient defficiences magnesium supplements - ANSWERcan help prevent migraines ketosis - ANSWERan abnormal accumulation of ketone bodies that is frequently associated with acidosis Effective empathetic coaches... - ANSWER- listen to clients
- learn about their lifestyles
- Discover whats important to them and creates a balanced lifestyle
- agree on program with client CPR ABC's - ANSWERairway, breathing, circulation Pain and inflammation care... - ANSWERRest Ice Compression Elevation If a client has a seizure... - ANSWERSummon proffesional help, avoid restraining person, loosen clothing, turn client on their side