Download ITLS Test Exam Questions & Answers | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest | Version and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity! ITLS Test Exam Questions & Answers | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest | Version Abnormal adult respiratory rate that needs intervention (airway, bag assist etc..) - Correct Answer-<8 and >24 When to do spinal mobilization in initial assessment - Correct Answer- Right after airway A,(C-spine)B,C,(Control bleeding) 3 things that stop your assessment right away. - Correct Answer-scene hazard, airway obstruction, cardiac arrest During the Primary Survey, when do you Control major bleeding - Correct Answer-In the Initial assessment Airway, breathing, circulation, control bleeding When the injury occurs, what clock just started? - Correct Answer-The "Golden Period" (used to be the golden hour) Max length of your initial assessment - Correct Answer-2 min. Max length of "load and go" scene time? - Correct Answer-Critical trauma scene time is 5 min. or less. ELM stands for? - Correct Answer-External Laryngeal Manipulation Selick vs. ELM - Correct Answer-Selick is when you close the esophagus to prevent air in the gastric. ELM is a manipulation technique to move the airway into alignment for intubation. SMR stands for? - Correct Answer-Spinal Mobilization RESTRICTION Best GCS score is? - Correct Answer-Eyes 4 Verbal 5 Motor 6 Total 15 1st action of initial assessment? - Correct Answer-Scene safety Who is responsible for assessments of the patient? - Correct Answer- Team leader only List 3 shock syndromes - Correct Answer-Low Space shock High space shock Mechanical shock Absolute hypovolemia - Correct Answer-Low Space shock Relative hypovolemia - Correct Answer-High Space shock Cardiogenic or Obstructive shock - Correct Answer-Mechanical shock Low Volume shock - Correct Answer-(Absolute hypovolemia) Hemorrhage, vomiting, "third spacing" from burns, peritonitis High Space shock - Correct Answer-(Relative hypovolemia) Spinal injury, Vasovagal syncope, Sepsis, drugs that dilate Mechanical shock - Correct Answer-(Cardiogenic or Obstructive shock) Pump problems, Myocardial contusion, Infarction, pericardial tamponade, tension pnumothorax, massive pulmonary embolism Breaths per min. with severe head injury - Correct Answer-<8 3 places you do you NOT use homeostatic agents? - Correct Answer- head abdomen chest 4 things to check with an altered patient - Correct Answer-Pulse Pupils LOC Sugar What 2 items would determine how much fluids to give IV for shock? - Correct Answer-Enough to have peripheral pulses. SBP 80-90 mmHg Normal ETCO2 - Correct Answer-35-45 mmHg Parkland formula - Correct Answer-Amount of fluid required in 24 hours (ml) = 4 × Patient's weight (kg) × Percent body surface area (BSA) involved in burns What is the difference between simple pneumo and tension pneumo - Correct Answer-SHOCK When is the only time you hyperventilate a patient? - Correct Answer- Suspected herniation What ETCO2 do you maintain during hyperventilate? - Correct Answer-30-35 mmHg Important procedure when dealing with a lightening victim? - Correct Answer-Monitor for dysrthmias Drug to give for crush injury? - Correct Answer-Sodium bicarbonate Significant MOI that indicate "load and go"? - Correct Answer- Bilateral femur fractures shock pericardial tamponade, altered level of conscious abnormal breathing uncontrolled bleeding distended abdomen Penetrating wound to torso Indications for hyperventilation - Correct Answer-Cushing's triad, posturing, sudden decrease in GCS Key Pulmonary Contusion symptom - Correct Answer-Hypoxemia Lack of JVD, flat neck vein Difference between simple and tension pnumothorax - Correct Answer-SHOCK! Unstable pelvis - Correct Answer-break in 2 or more places Amount of blood loss per femur fracture - Correct Answer-1L Pt is in a house fire and comes out altered. What is most likely? - Correct Answer-Smoke Inhalation (test answer) Key thing to do for pregnant moms? - Correct Answer-High flow O2 because moms body will compensate for mom and not the baby. Vital sign differences with pregnant moms - Correct Answer-Blood volume increased 45% Increased HR of 10-15 bpm BP lower by 10-15mmHg Don't work a traumatic arrest except with: - Correct Answer-Peds Hypothermia Lightnening Key Cardiogenic shock symptom - Correct Answer-Lower HR Normal skin signs and temp Location of anterior needle decompression - Correct Answer-Directly over the top of the 3rd rib, 2nd intercostal Question with a bent steering wheel and NO other major S/S. - Correct Answer-Myocardial contusion Question an unresponsive victim in a pond. - Correct Answer-No "C" spine is the answer ITLS Primary Survey items - Correct Answer-Scene Size-up Initial Assessment MOI Rapid Trauma Survey OR Focused Exam Load & Go situation? Needle decompression lateral site? - Correct Answer-Anterior axillary, intersection of nipple (fourth rib) and anterior axillary line (pg134) Insert in 3rd or 4th intercostal, 90 degrees Herniation Syndrome Symptoms - Correct Answer-(Swelling of the brain causing coma. End result is squirting brain through the foramen magnum) Dilated pupils Paralyis on one side High BP, Bradycardia -Cushing's reflex Decerebrate posturing GCS drops from <9 to <2 Downward deviation of the eye on injury side Herniation Syndrome field treatment - Correct Answer-Hyperventilate adult to 20 bpm or every 3 sec. Keep ETCO2 at 30-35 mm Hg Chest Decompression Indications - Correct Answer-Respiratory Distress And cyanosis (rapid and shallow) Loss of radial pulse (weak and thready) Skin diaphoretic Decreasing LOC