Download Iwasawa Theory for Deformation of Ordinary Elliptic Curves and more Study notes Mathematics in PDF only on Docsity! Iwasawa theory for deformation of ordinary elliptic curves 1 Special values of L-functions of ordinary elliptic curves 1.1 Review of elliptic curves Let E be an elliptic curve over Q of conductor N . Let K be an imaginary quadratic extension of Q of discriminant dK lesser than 4 and prime to N and let ηK be the quadratic character of Gal(Q̄/Q) attached to K. Let p ≥ 5 be a rational prime which does not divide NdK 1.1.1 Geometric data Let GK be Gal(K̄/K). The group E(K̄) being divisible, there is an exact sequence 0 −→ E(K̄)[pn] −→ E(K̄) p n −→ E(K̄) −→ 0 and thus an exact sequence in GK-cohomology: 0 −→ E(K)/pnE(K) −→ H1(GK , E[pn]) −→ H1(GK , E)[pn] −→ 0 Doing the same with all the completions of K at finite places, we obtain a commutative diagram: 0 // E(K)/pnE(K) // H1(GK , E[pn]) // H1(GK , E)[pn] // 0 0 // ∏ v E(Kv)/pnE(Kv) // ∏ v H1(GKv , E[p n]) // ∏ v H1(GKv , E)[p n] // 0 Let Seln(E/K) and X(E/K) be: Seln(E/K) = ker ( H1(GK , E[pn]) −→ ∏ v H1(GKv , E) ) X(E/K) = ker ( H1(GK , E) −→ ∏ v H1(GKv , E) ) Using the snake lemma, we see that there is a short exact sequence 0 −→ E(K)⊗ Z/pnZ −→ Seln(E/K) −→X(E/K)[pn] −→ 0 which is also interesting after taking direct and inverse limit on n: 0 −→ E(K)⊗Qp/Zp −→ Sel∞(E/K) −→X(E/K)[p∞] −→ 0 0 −→ E(K)⊗ Zp −→ Sel∞(E/K) −→ TpX(E/K) −→ 0 1 1.1.2 Automorphic data The reduction modulo a prime ` of E/Q defines a curve E/F`, which is elliptic for primes ` not dividing N . Let a` be 1 + `−#E/F` and P`(X) be 1− a`X + `X2 if ` - N and or 1− a`X if `|N . The local L-function L` is then defined to be: L`(E/Q, s) = 1 P`(`−s) The product of local L-functions defines the complex L-function: L(E/Q, s) = ∏ ` L`(E/Q, s) = ∏ `-N 1 1− a``−s + `1−2s ∏ `|N 1 1− a``−s By [Wil95, BCDT01], the complex L-function L(E/Q, s) coincides with the Mellin transform of a modular form f ∈ S2(Γ0(N)) which is an eigenvector under the action of the Hecke operators T` for ` - N . The defining property of invariance under Γ0(N) of modular forms implies that their Mellin transforms satisfy functional equations. Hence, L(E/Q, s) satisfies the functional equation: L(E/Q, s) = εC(s)L(E/Q, 2− s) The factor C(s) comes from the local factors at∞ of L(E/Q, s) and L(E/Q, 2−s). Because C(1) is equal to 1 and because we are only interested in the order of vanishing of L(E/Q, 1) at 1, we ignore it in the following. The ε-factor ε is equal to ±1 and can be defined and computed locally, though computations are actually quite involved when π(f)` is supercuspidal. The important property for what follows is that ε` is equal to 1 for ` - N∞ and that ε` only depends on E/Q`. We will also consider the twisted L-function L(E, ηK , s) defined by: L(E, ηK , s) = ∏ `-N 1 1− a`ηK(`)`−s + `1−2s ∏ `|N 1 1− a`ηK(`)`−s The L-function of the elliptic curve E/K is defined to be: L(E/K, s) = L(E/Q, s)L(E/Q, ηK , s) This L-function is the automorphic L-function of the base change πK(f) of π(f) to AK as well as the Rankin-Selberg L-function π(f)× θ(χtriv). It satisfies the functional equation: L(E/K, s) = εKCK(s)L(E/K, 2− s) We ignore the contribution of CK(s) for the same reasons as above. The ε factor εK is equal to: εK = (−1)#S , S = {`|εK,` 6= ηK,`(−1)} The values of the local εK,` factors is summed up below: 1. Assume πK(f)` is a principal series. Then εK,` = ηK,`(−1) (hence ` /∈ S). 2. Assume πK(f)` = St(µ) is Steinberg. Then εK,` = −ηK,`(−1) if ` is not split in K and µ = 1, else it is equal to ηv(−1) (hence ` belongs to S if and only if ` is inert in K and ord`N is odd). 3. Assume πK(f)` is supercuspidal. Then εK,` = η`(`)ord` N (Hence ` belongs to S if and only if ` is inert in K and ord`N is odd). 4. The ε-factor at ∞ is equal to 1 (hence ∞ belongs to S). We assume henceforth that all primes dividing N split in K. Then, εK is equal to −1 so the L-function L(E/K, s) vanishes at odd, and hence non-zero, order at 1. 2 And: THi = HomZp(e ord m J∞, µp∞)⊗Tordm R (= lim←− s eordm H 1 et(X(N, s)×Q Q̄,Zp)⊗Tordm R) The R-module THi is free of rank 2. We assume that R is a Gorenstein ring (this means for example that HomΛ(R,Λ) is a free R-module of rank 1). In the talk, I unfortunately claimed that R is a Gorenstein, but as Professor Hida remarked, this is not known to be true. Arithmetic specializations of THi are the GQ-representations attached to ordinary eigenforms with same residual representation as E in the sense that for ` - Np, the GQ-representation THi verifies det(1− Fr(`)X) = 1− λ(T`)X + χΓ(`)`X2 where λ is the natural morphism from Tord to R and χΓ is the inclusion of Γ inside R. 2.3 Combining the two Let RIw be R[[Γa]] and T be THi ⊗R RIw with GK-action on both side of the tensor product. The module T is free of rank 2 over a Gorenstein ring of Krull dimension 3. In fact, we will consider self-dual twists of THi and T . The determinant of THi verifies: detRTHi = R(1)⊗ χΓ The character χΓ is a square because 1+pZp is 2-divisible. Choose χ such that χ2 = χΓ and define: T †Hi = THi ⊗ χ −1, T † = T ⊗ χ−1 Then THi and T † are self-dual. Note that an arithmetic specialization of THi of even weight k is equal to the (cohomological) GQ-representation of f twisted by k/2. 3 A question For T equal to TIw or to T † Hi or to T †, is it possible to formulate and prove equivalents of (1.2.1) and of (1.2.2) for the GK-representation T . Stating a generalization of (1.2.1) would entail the following: 1. Define a generalization H̃1f (K,T ) of the group of rational points and H̃ 2 f (K,T ) of X for T . Presumably, these should be subgroups of Galois cohomology with coefficients in the ring of coefficients of T and we would expect H̃1f (K,T ) to be of rank 1. 2. Define a generalization z of Heegner points in this setting. Presumably, z should belong to H̃1f (K,T ), this is to say to the generalization of the group of rational points. 3. The equation (1.2.2) involves the cardinal of X and of E(K)/z. It doesn’t seem reasonable to hope for our more general H̃if (K,T ) to be of finite cardinality. Find a suitable generalization. In the setting described, everything in the above has in fact been achieved in [Gre91, Nek06, How07] when the ring of coefficients R is assumed to be regular, so automatically for TIw but under the supplementary hypothesis that R is a regular ring for T †Hi and T †. For general R, one can look up [Fou09]. As (1.2.1) stems for the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, it is moreover not unreasonable to make the vague requirement that H̃if (GK , T ) be linked with the special values of a suitable p-adic L-function. 5 4 Some progress towards the question 4.1 Selmer structures 4.1.1 Some motivation Since [BK90], it is known that a good equivalent of the group of K-rational points of an elliptic curve or an abelian variety for a general p-adic GK-representation can be constructed by looking at subgroups of Galois cohomology H1f (K,T ) ⊂ H1(K,T ) satisfying local conditions, in the sense that c ∈ H1(K,T ) belongs to H1f (K,T ) if and only if for all v, the local class cv ∈ H1(Kv, T ) verifies some supplementary condition. Among the conditions we can impose on local cohomology, the following ones have proven useful: 1. The relaxed condition: cv verifies no supplementary condition. 2. The strict condition: cv is trivial. 3. The unramified condition: cv is trivial in H1(Iv, T ). 4. The ordinary or Greenberg condition at v|p: cv is trivial in H1(Kv, T−v ) for a given quotient T−v of T . 5. The crystalline or Bloch-Kato condition at v|p: cv is trivial in H1(Kv, V ⊗ Bcris) where V = T ⊗Qp. In general, the best equivalent of E(K) is given by the imposition of the unramified condition at v - p and of the Bloch-Kato condition at v|p (indeed, in that case, H1f (K,TpE) coincides with the image of E(K) inside H1(K,TpE)). However, the Bloch-Kato condition suffers from the defect that it is only defined at present for Qp-modules, so it cannot be used for our more general representations TIw or T †. 4.1.2 Selmer complexes Let T be TpE, TIw, T † Hi or T † Iw and let S be its ring of coefficients (hence always a Gorenstein domain). Let Σ be a finite set of places of K containing the places above Np and GK,Σ be the Galois group of the maximal extension of K unramified outside Σ. Let C•cont(GK,Σ, T ) be the complex of continuous cochains with values in T and for v ∈ Σ, let C•cont(GKv , T ) be the complex of local continuous cochains with values in T . If v|p, let Cf (GKv , T ) be the complex of continuous cochains C•cont(GKv , T+v ). If v belongs to Σ but v - p, let Cf (GKv , T ) be the complex of continuous cochains C•cont(GKv/Iv, T ). Remark that for all v ∈ Σ, there is a morphism of complexes iv from Cf (GKv , T ) to C•cont(GKv , T ) induced by the inclusion of T+v inside T if v|p and by inflation if v - p. Let R Γf (GK,Σ, T ) be the object in the derived category corresponding to: Cone ( C•cont(GK,Σ, T )⊕ ⊕ v∈Σ Cf (GKv , T ) resv −iv−→ ⊕ v∈Σ C•cont(GK,v, T ) ) [−1] We write H̃if (K,T ) for the i-th cohomology group of R Γf (GK,Σ, T ). This notation introduces no ambiguity because R Γf (GK,Σ, T ) is independent of the choice of Σ as long as it verifies what we required. Our generalization of E(K)⊗ Zp and X(E/K)[p∞] is H̃1f (K,T ) and H̃2f (K,T )tors. 6 4.2 The Iwasawa-theoretic case In this subsection, T is taken to be TIw. The ring of coefficients Λa being a 2-dimensional regular ring, for every Λa-moduleM , there is a pseudo-isomorphism (this is to say, in that case, a morphism with finite kernel and co-kernel) M ∼−→ Λra ⊕ ⊕ p Λa/pn where the p are prime ideal of height one. If M is a torsion Λa-module, let charΛa M be the ideal generated by the products of the pn. Under the inspiration of B.Mazur, B.Perrin-Riou proposed in [PR87] the following conjecture: 1. The Λa-module H̃1f (K,TIw) is free of rank 1. 2. There exists a non-trivial class zIw in H̃1f (K,TIw) coming from Heegner points in lim←− n E(Dn). 3. There is the following equality of characteristic ideals: charΛa H̃ 2 f (K,TIw)tors = ( charΛa H̃ 1 f (K,TIw)/Λa · zIw )2 This generalizes neatly (1.2.1). Note that in this conjecture, it is not assumed that L(E/K, s) vanishes at order 1. This reflects a principle called Mazur’s conjecture that the generic order of vanishing of the L-function, hence the generic rank of H̃1f (K,T ) should be minimal. Thanks to [Cor02, CV04], the first two numbers of this conjecture has known. Thanks to [How04], it is known (the result is stated under slightly stronger hypotheses but ours are enough to prove it) that: charΛa H̃ 2 f (K,TIw)tors| ( charΛa H̃ 1 f (K,TIw)/Λa · zIw )2 4.3 The general regular case In this subsection, T is taken to be T † and R is assumed to be a regular ring (hence the same is true of RIw). The conjecture of the previous subsection has been generalized by B.Howard in [How07] to: 1. The RIw-module H̃1f (K, T †) is torsion-free of rank 1. 2. There exists a non-trivial class z∞ in H̃1f (K, T †) coming from Heegner points in the tower of modular curves lim ←− n lim ←− s X1(Nps)(Dn). 3. There is the following equality of characteristic ideals: charRIw H̃ 2 f (K, T †)tors = ( charRIw H̃ 1 f (K, T †)/RIw · z∞ )2 Moreover, B.Howard proved the first two numbers. A proof of the fact that charRIw H̃ 2 f (K, T †)tors| ( charRIw H̃ 1 f (K, T †)/RIw · z∞ )2 can be found in [Fou08]. 7