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JFC Midterm(questions with answers)graded A+, Exams of Nursing

JFC Midterm(questions with answers)graded A+

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Download JFC Midterm(questions with answers)graded A+ and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! JFC Midterm Identify the correct definition of multinational, joint, multi service, and service doctrine. - correct answer ✔✔2 or more nations/ratified 2 services promulgated by CJCS 2 services ratified and promulgated single service, promulgated by the service Identify the order of precedence between multinational, joint, multi-service, and service doctrine. - correct answer ✔✔Joint doctrine unless CJCS has different guidance. State the chain of command from the president and secretary of defense to the combat commands. - correct answer ✔✔President- CJCS- combatant commands Identify the types of command authority and command relationships COCOM, OPCON, and TACON of each level in the chain of command. - correct answer ✔✔COCOM- JFC OPCON- complete control/own TACON- tasks/ no ownership Identify the seven tenets of air and space power. - correct answer ✔✔Centralized control/ decentralized control Flexibility and versatility Synergistic effects Persistence Concentration Priority Balance Define the following operational functions of air and space power: counter air, strategic attack and counter land - correct answer ✔✔against the air offensive actions against the land Define air interdiction, close air support, close proximity, and details integration - correct answer ✔✔AI diverts, disrupts, delay and destroy/ no details integration CAS details integration required CP- the distance to minimize fratricide DI- the level of coordination Identify the basic structure components and compositions of the following air force organizational elements: Major command, numbered air force, wing, group and squadron - correct answer ✔✔Regional Theatre/Senior deployable unit One base, one wing, one boss Collection of squadrons Group of fighters Identify the four types of decisive action in unified land operations. - correct answer ✔✔Offensive, defensive, stability and defensive support of civil authority Identify the Army core competencies. - correct answer ✔✔Combine arms maneuver- actions to defeat Wide area security- protect Identify the six tenets of unified land operation. - correct answer ✔✔Flexibility, integration, lethality, adaptability, depth, synchronization Identify the three types of brigade combat teams. - correct answer ✔✔Armor, infantry, and stryker Identify the primary mission of the United States Navy and the Navy's new focus given the breakup of the Soviet Union. - correct answer ✔✔Littoral operations ARFC - correct answer ✔✔army force commander AFLCC - correct answer ✔✔joint force land component commander -distributes all land assets CP - correct answer ✔✔command post FC - correct answer ✔✔fires cell AE - correct answer ✔✔Air space element -corps/div BCD - correct answer ✔✔battfield coordination detatchment -(AOC) GLD - correct answer ✔✔ground liason det -(WOC) AAMDC - correct answer ✔✔army air missle defense center ADAFCO - correct answer ✔✔air def art fire cont officer identify the senior deployable element of the TACS - correct answer ✔✔AOC describe the army liaison elements with their respective AF locations:BCD/GLD - correct answer ✔✔BCD-AOC GLD-WOC identify the senior army liaison to the TACS - correct answer ✔✔BCD describe the AF elements with their respective army locations TACP, ASOC, ACCE - correct answer ✔✔TACP-corps to BN ASOC- corps ACCE- LCC identify the senior air force liaison and control element to the AAGS - correct answer ✔✔ASOC list the five divisions of the AOC - correct answer ✔✔strategy combat plans combat ops air mobility ISR given the list of functions, correctly identify the primary function of the CPD/COD - correct answer ✔✔CPD- plan ATO COD- execute ATO define appointment, allocation, and distribution and identify the TACS/AAGS agaency responsible for each - correct answer ✔✔appointment- JFC- % allocation- JFACC/AOC distribution- JFLCC silence is consent - correct answer ✔✔JARN identify the ASOCs functions for CAS - correct answer ✔✔process imm reQ assign reQ fill reQ identify the ASOCs functions for J-SEAD - correct answer ✔✔planning nominating tgts Coord w/ AOC and TACP given a list, identify the missions of the ASOC - correct answer ✔✔proccess immediate reQ for CAS identify at which echelon the ASOC is doctrinally located - correct answer ✔✔corps explain the flow of the 1972, joint air support request - correct answer ✔✔preplanned-1972 immediate- JARN identify the two seperate, but similar, that make up the ATACS - correct answer ✔✔NTACS- afloat MACCS- ashore air traffic control section (N/M) - correct answer ✔✔CRC identify the roles of JBCS as tools for command and control - correct answer ✔✔includes normal staff process decreased responce time works in accordance with our doctrine communicate seemlessly works seemlessly across all warfighting/staff functions list various components of the JBCS and their cintributers to the cop - correct answer ✔✔ABCS-DCGS/AMDWA/GCCS/AFATDS/TAIS TBMCS- 50 apps discuss compatibility of JBCS systems - correct answer ✔✔limited sharing list what AFATDS provides the commander as a fire support tool - correct answer ✔✔enhanced speed/efficiency of FS planning and execution identify the impact of enviro conditions on the joint fires planning - correct answer ✔✔weather/terrain/culture identify the purpose of the threat, situation, and event templates - correct answer ✔✔threat= how does eny doctrinally operate situation= threat + enviro info event= ISR plan what is thermal crossover - correct answer ✔✔2 points during the day when thermal imaging is washed out and ineffective identify the purpose of the targeting process - correct answer ✔✔select targets prioritize appropiate response= op requirment/capes define target - correct answer ✔✔an area, complex, instalation force, equipment, who behavior has been identified for possible action to support the commanders obj, guidence, intent identify the steps of the targeting process - correct answer ✔✔decide detect deliver assess define HVT - correct answer ✔✔eney commander req for success define HPT - correct answer ✔✔criticle to friendly success/loss to eny will significantly contribute to the success of the friendly COA identify the tyes of systems used to detect targets - correct answer ✔✔radar HUMIT ect identify the types of systems used to attack targets - correct answer ✔✔maneuver fires fixed wing/cca identify the primary personnel in the targeting team - correct answer ✔✔G2/S2 G3/S3 FSCOORD/FSO TAGETING OFFICER ALO identify the elements of and agencies responsible for implementing the army operations process - correct answer ✔✔plan/prep/execute/assess BN-CORPS describe the commanders visualization - correct answer ✔✔mental proces of developing situational understanding identify and describe the resonsibilities and key members of the BN and BDE battlestaff - correct answer ✔✔XO/S3/S2/FSO/ALO/BAE/ADAM identify the seven steps of MDMP - correct answer ✔✔receipt of mission mission analysis COA development COA analysis COA comparison COA approval orders production identify the five para of an OPORD - correct answer ✔✔situation mission execution sustainment command and control explain the purpose of the WARNO, OPORD, FRAGO - correct answer ✔✔warno= preliminary notice of action to follow opord= used to direct unit ops in support of miss frago= changes to opord identify the location in the OPORD that contains info about CAS - correct answer ✔✔annex D-appendix 5 select the statment that best describes the function of the TACP - correct answer ✔✔liaison/control of aircraft identify the army level where TACPs are located - correct answer ✔✔BN-CORPS select the statment that best describes the primary function of the JTAC - correct answer ✔✔detailed integration/ close proximity identify the definition of FACC(A) - correct answer ✔✔airborne control terminal control radio relay describe the duties and responsibilities of the FACC(A) - correct answer ✔✔support the ground commanders intent fratricide mitigation spot negative laser shift terminate area of responsibility and joint ops are air def system suppression - correct answer ✔✔specific eny air def system plan occurs before hostilities early warning JFACC-responsible localized suppression - correct answer ✔✔local air support opportune suppression - correct answer ✔✔self def attacks unplanned identify and define the two means of accomplishing J-SEAD - correct answer ✔✔destructive disruptive/active-passive identify the three primary objectives for planning J-SEAD - correct answer ✔✔accurate appraisal scope/magnitude/duration available assets list the respective J-SEAD planning functions for each step of the MDMP - correct answer ✔✔req threat req SEAD req analys threat describe th three characteristics that define the urban environment - correct answer ✔✔population density structural density special consideraton identify the five types of structural density associated with the urban environment - correct answer ✔✔A: dense, random B: close-ordinary block C: residual are D: high-rise E: industrial recognize the plnning factors for night CAS employment - correct answer ✔✔lighting NVGs marking describe mission planning products for effective CAS in an urban environment - correct answer ✔✔GRG maps explain why airspace control is critical to our success on the urban battlefield - correct answer ✔✔high concentration system- must share airspace identify the primary goal of airspace control - correct answer ✔✔enhance combat effectiveness identify the methods of airspace control - correct answer ✔✔positive control (see) procedural (pre-established) describe the joint procedural airspace control measure discussed in class - correct answer ✔✔ROZ- rest operating zone CA- coord alt CL- coord level ACA- airspace control area permisive FSMCS - correct answer ✔✔FFA- free fire area CFL- coord fire line FSCL- fire supp coord line restrictive - correct answer ✔✔NFA- no fire area RFA- restricted fires area RFL- rest fire line explain why a boundry might be permisive and restrictive - correct answer ✔✔permisive: freedom of maneuver restrictive: no fire outside boundry w/o coord define and describe kill box - correct answer ✔✔3 dimensional area used to facilitate integration of joint fires/ no prior coord req blue- no surface fires purple- surface fires w/ stay above alt identify the mission capes of rtary wing aircraft - correct answer ✔✔OH58- O/A AH64- A AH1- CAS UH60- U UH1- U/CAS AH6- SOA DAP- SOA rotary wing sensor systems - correct answer ✔✔OH58- NO LST AH1- NO LST difference in formal and informal ACA - correct answer ✔✔formal- in ACO informal- not in ACO identify the airspace reqirements of fixed-wing CAS aircraft - correct answer ✔✔ingress/egress: 10-15 NM/3 NM wide employment: 3-5 NM identify the advantages and disadventages of HUMINT, IMINT, SIGINT - correct answer ✔✔HUMINT: human sources( visual) IMINT: images (see through weather) SIGINT: signal (electronic) list the critical elements of an RFI and to whom it is submitted - correct answer ✔✔S2 latest time info is of value location the question define JFO - correct answer ✔✔req/adj/cntrl- surface to surface fires and provide timely and accurate CAS targeting-perform autonomous terminal guidence NO TERMINAL CONTROL identify who can become a certified JFO - correct answer ✔✔E4 or above/COLT/SCOUTS completed 13F ait/ FABOLC identify JFO contributions to type 2/3 terminal control - correct answer ✔✔provides timely/accurate targeting data (JTAC cannot see aircraft or target/ or neither) iddentify the capes of the AC-130 - correct answer ✔✔25mm 40mm 105mm identify the advantages and disadvantages of using the AC-130 - correct answer ✔✔time on station, weapons, CAS, Comms/relay night platform, Slow, limited number of aircraft explain the flow of info includes in the AC-130 call-for-fire format - correct answer ✔✔dont pass BDA Plain language works differentiate betwqeen combat recon wics, armored fighting vics, light armored fighting vics - correct answer ✔✔CRV: not designed to initiate combat (light/ast) LAFV: inf. fight vic (apc) AFV: main battle tank/ light tank (armor/fire power) five categories of artillery weapons - correct answer ✔✔gun, howitzer, mortar, missle, rocket difference between anit aircraft, SAMs, infrared SAMS - correct answer ✔✔AAA: self propelled SAM: strategic/tactical-area/point SAM INF: fire and forget (passive) identify when during CAS DMP planners should begin submitting initial CAS req, plan ACAs, and conduct tact risk assessment (TRA) - correct answer ✔✔CAS req: 1972- mission analysis ACA: COA development TRA: COA analysis identify the parts of the OPORD the TACP is responsible for - correct answer ✔✔appendix 5 in regard to cas, define what is TRA, who accomplishes it and why - correct answer ✔✔what: [rocess of available info to acertain risk of employing CAS who: ground commander with advisement why: to mitigate risk while employing CAS terminal attack control types - correct answer ✔✔type 1: JTAC must see TGT/Aircraft aircraft must see TGT/JTAC "cleared and hot" type 2: jtac/aircraft no see eachother nor the TGT - terminal guidence for other source (JFO) - "cleared and hot" type 3: same as 2, except its for multiple engagements - "clear to engage" - must have restrictions list the advantages/ disadvantages of high/med high and low/very low - correct answer ✔✔high: more time for tgt acquisition/weapon accuracy degraded, eny radar detection low: decreased eny threat/ inc demand on naviagtion, hard to see tgt, high fuel consumption describe the three types of of night illum - correct answer ✔✔ambient culture artificial list the diff functions of ground bassed IR devices - correct answer ✔✔mark tgt, identify friendlies, illum CAS aircraft