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Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity: Practice Test Questions and Answers, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive set of practice test questions and answers related to the kappa alpha psi fraternity. It covers various aspects of the fraternity's history, principles, founders, and key figures. Valuable for individuals preparing for membership interviews, exams, or simply seeking to deepen their understanding of the fraternity's legacy.

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The original name of Kappa Alpha Psi - Correct AnswersKappa Alpha Nu Kappa Alpha Nu was changed to Kappa Alpha Psi on - Correct AnswersApril 15, 1915 Left college to become a Coal Miner - Correct AnswersGeorge W. Edmonds How many individuals are listed as founders of the Fraternity - Correct Answers Both of these men practiced dentistry - Correct AnswersMarcus P. Blakemore and Guy L. Grant International HQ - Correct Answers2322- 24 North Broad Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19132 - 4590 IHQ Telephone number - Correct Answers215.228. Primary purpose of the MOIP - Correct AnswersDevelop between the Old and the New members a bond of friendship and brotherhood and instill what is known as the Kappa Spirit. Fundamental Principle of Kappa Alpha Psi - Correct AnswersTo be blameless in unethical conduct To display a proper attitude towards other brothers To meet and discharge future assignments and obligations efficiently and promptly

Northern Province - Correct AnswersNW, OH, MI, W, NY Southern Province - Correct AnswersAL,FL,Grand Bahamas, U.S. Virgin Island, Rep of Panama Eastern Province - Correct AnswersDC, MD, VA, Bermuda Western Province - Correct AnswersAZ, CA, NV, AK, OR, WA, ID, UT, HI ,Japan, Korea North Central - Correct AnswersIA, IL, IN, WI, MN South Central - Correct AnswersKY, TN, N, MS East Central - Correct AnswersOH, W, PA, WV Northeastern - Correct AnswersDE, CT, MA, NJ, PA, RI, NY ME, NH, VT, Germany, UK Southeastern - Correct AnswersGA, SC, South Africa Southwestern - Correct AnswersAR, LA, S, MS, NM, TX Middle Western - Correct AnswersCO, KS, MO, NE, OK Middle Eastern - Correct AnswersNC, S, WV Kappa Alpha Psi Hymn 1st Stanza - Correct AnswersO noble Kappa Alpha Psi, The Pride of all our hearts. True manliness, fidelity, Thou ever dost impart. The source of our delights and joys, And happiness thou art, O noble Kappa Alpha Psi, From thee we'll never part.

O noble Kappa Alpha Psi, From thee we'll never part. Kappa Alpha Psi Hymn 2nd Stanza - Correct AnswersNow in the days of happiness, Of pleasure and good cheer. I lift a cup of joy and health, To every member here. To those who loved and toiled and strove, For thee in other years. I give full honor and revere, Our noble Brothers dear. I give full honor and revere, Our noble Brothers dear. Kappa Alpha Psi Hymn 3rd Stanza - Correct AnswersWhen all our student days are done, And we from school must go. Still we will honor, love and sing Thy praises o'er and o'er. We'll live for thee, we'll strive for thee, We'll all thy ways adore, we'll long for thee and toil until we reach that Golden Shore. We'll long for thee and toil until we reach that Golden Shore Sweet Heart Song 1st & 2nd Stanza - Correct AnswersYou're as pretty as a picture, And as sweet as you can be. For I love you so sincerly, You're all the world to me. And if ever I should lose you, It would surely break my heart; For I love you, I adore you; You're my Kappa Alpha Psi Sweetheart. Sweet Heart Song 3rd & 4th Stanza - Correct AnswersYou are fairer than the fairest, I have loved you all the while; I know you're a Kappa darling, 'Cause you've got that Kappa Style. Fate must never let me lose you, Fate must never let us part; For I love you, I adore you;

You're my Kappa Alpha Psi Sweetheart. Sweet Heart Song 5th & 6th Stanza - Correct AnswersYou should never feel discouraged, Never lonely, sad, or blue; Each day you're near my darling, Each night I dream of you. And if ever I should lose you, It would surely break my heart; For I love you, I adore you, You're my Kappa Alpha Psi Sweetheart. Toast Song - Correct AnswersTo burning sands and days of yore To brothers dear we'll see no more. For So here we now rededicate ourselves to thee o kappa great of Those to come we live and die, in dear old kappa alpha psi. All of this we proudly boast, In phi nu pi we give this toast. Pin Song - Correct AnswersTell me why she wears his pin; Tell me why she's strong for him; Tell me why she is so true; She told me why, now I'll tell you: Because he is a Kappa Bold; Because he is a knight of old; Because he wears the Kappa shield,

That is the reason she had to yield. So dance her in a corner, hold her tight like this. Put your arms around her waist, and on her lips a kiss-(if she'll let you). And if she starts to murmur, if she starts to cry; Just tell her it's the sacred seal of Kappa Alpha Psi. Who wrote the Pin Song? - Correct AnswersWords by Jonathan Hicks Music by Anthony Patrick Who wrote the Toast Song? - Correct AnswersWords by William Chisholm Music by Edward C. Lewis Jr Who wrote the Kappa Alpha Psi Hymn? - Correct AnswersWords by Elder Watson Diggs Music by Kenneth Billups Who wrote the Sweetheart Song - Correct AnswersWords by elizabeth Hill Music by Gwendolyn Eichelburger Alpha- Indiana University? - Correct AnswersBloomington, Indiana (1911) Beta- University of Illinois? - Correct AnswersChampaign, Illinois (1913) Gamma- University of Iowa? - Correct AnswersIowa City, Iowa (1914) Delta- Wilberforce University? - Correct AnswersWilberforce, Ohio (1915) Epsilon- Lincoln University? - Correct AnswersLincoln, Pennsylvania (1915) Zeta- Ohio State University? - Correct AnswersColumbus, Ohio (1915)

Eta- University of Nebraska? - Correct AnswersLincoln, Nebraska (1916) Theta- Northwestern University? - Correct AnswersEvanston, Illinois (1917) Iota- University of Chicago? - Correct AnswersChicago, Illinois (1918) Kappa- Meharry Medical College? - Correct AnswersNashville, Tennessee (1919) Lambda- Temple University? - Correct AnswersPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania (1920) Mu- University of Kansas? - Correct AnswersLawrence, Kansas (1920) Nu- Purdue University? - Correct AnswersWest Lafayette, Indiana (1920) Xi- Howard University? - Correct AnswersWashington, D.C. (1920) Omicron- Columbia University? - Correct AnswersNew York, New York (1921) Pi- Morehouse College? - Correct AnswersAtlanta, Georgia (1921) Rho- Washburn University? - Correct AnswersTopeka, Kansas (1921) Sigma- University of Michigan? - Correct AnswersAnn Arbor, Michigan (1922) Tau- West Virginia College/ West Virginia Sate University? - Correct AnswersInstitute, West Virginia (1923) Upsilon- Los Angeles State University? - Correct AnswersLos Angeles, California (1923) Phi- University at Buffalo? - Correct AnswersBuffalo, New York (1924) Chi- Boston University? - Correct AnswersBoston, Massachusetts (1924)

Psi- University of Minnesota? - Correct AnswersMinneapolis, Minnesota (1924) Omega- Drake University? - Correct AnswersDes Monies, Iowa (1925)

  • principal
  • first person to serve at Grand Polemarch
  • received Laurel Wreath Award in 1924
  • second highest award is named after him - Correct AnswersElder Watson Diggs
  • received a MD degree in 1919
  • he was a doctor - Correct AnswersEzra D. Alexander
  • established the Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi (oldest alumni chapter) - Correct AnswersByron K. Armstrong
  • attorney
  • in 1928, he received his law degree from Detroit College of Law - Correct AnswersHenry T. Asher
  • earnd his dental degree in 1923 - Correct AnswersMarcus Peter Blakemoe
  • instrumental in establishing the Beta, Gamma, & Delta chapters of Kappa Alpha Nu
  • also established the Zeta chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi
  • 1st founder to die - Correct AnswersPaul W. Caine
  • worked on coal mines - Correct AnswersGeorge Edmonds
  • dentist
  • earned his BS degree in 1915
  • earned his DS degree in 1920
  • he was the Grand Historian & Emeritus of Kappa Alpha Psi - Correct AnswersGuy L. Grant
  • left college to pursue journalism
  • established The Shinning Star newspaper in 1922 - Correct AnswersEdward G. Irvin
  • established the Lambda chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi
  • served as sergant first class
  • 1st negro to open fire at Germany - Correct AnswersJohn Milton Lee How many astute men are listed as founders of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity? - Correct Answers Name the founders of Kappa Alpha Psi. - Correct AnswersElder Watson Diggs Ezra D. Alexander Byron K. Armstrong Henry T. Asher Marcus Peter Blakemore Paul W. Caine George Edmonds Guy L. Grant Edward G. Irvin John Milton Lee Which founder received his MD degree from Indiana University in 1919? - Correct AnswersEzra D. Alexander Which founder pursued a degree in Journalism? - Correct AnswersEdward G. Irvin

Which two founders practiced denistry? - Correct AnswersGuy L. Grant & Marcus Peter Blakemore Which founder left college and returned to his home to become a coal minor? - Correct AnswersGeorge Edmonds What is the fundamenal purpose of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternty, Inc.? - Correct AnswersAchievement Which founder was fatally burned during an explosion? - Correct AnswersPaul W. Caine Which founder was awarded the first Laurel Wreath and in what year? - Correct AnswersElder Watson Diggs 1924 What are the names of the various National awards that can be bestowed on a member of Kappa Alpha Psi? - Correct AnswersLaurel Wreath Award Elder Watson Diggs Award Byron Kenneth Armstrong Award Guy Levis Grant Award Which two national awards are strictly for Undergraduate Brothers and/or chapters? - Correct AnswersByron Kenneth Armstrong Award Guy Levis Grant Award What is the founding date and place of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.? - Correct AnswersJanuary 5, 1911 Indiana University (Bloomington, Indiana) What is the charter and incorporation date of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.? - Correct AnswersMay 15, 1911 What was the original name of Kappa Alpha Psi? - Correct AnswersKappa Alpha Nu

When was Kappa Alpha Nu changed to Kappa Alpha Psi? - Correct AnswersApril 15, 1915 Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. is a _____ fraternity. - Correct Answerssocial What does IHQ stand for? - Correct AnswersInternational Headquaters What is the address, phone number, and fax number of IHQ? - Correct Answers2322- 24 North Broad Street Philadelpha, Pennsylvania 19132 - 4590 (215) 228 - 7184 (phone) (215) 228 - 7181 (fax) Grand Polemarch - Correct AnswersWilliam "Randy" Bates Jr. Esq Senior Grand Vice Polemarch - Correct AnswersThomas L. Battles Jr. Junior Grand Vice Polemarch (undergraduate) - Correct AnswersEddie Scott Grand Keeper of Records (exchequer) - Correct AnswersChester Leaks Grand Strategus - Correct AnswersDamariye Smith Grand Lieutenant Strategus - Correct AnswersRyan Tucker Grand Historian - Correct AnswersKevin Scott Chairman, Grand Chapter Nominating Committee - Correct AnswersChauncey E. Haynes Alumni Board Members - Correct AnswersHarry G. Franklin Reuben A. Shelton III Esq

Ronald E. Range Undergraduate Board Members - Correct AnswersAbdul M. Hafix Alvin L. Hill Cameron R. Joe Who is the current Director of Finance of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.? - Correct AnswersCurtis D. Anderson Who is the Director of Undergraduate and University Affairs of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.? - Correct AnswersWilliam Dunbar Who is the Executive Director of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.? - Correct AnswersEarnest H Brown Who hires the Executive Director/COO? - Correct AnswersGrand Board of Directors What are the Executive Director/COO duties? - Correct AnswersTo run the day-to-day operations of the International Headquarters. Grand Chapter officers are elected at _____ by _____. - Correct AnswersConclave; delegates Who appoints the Province Polemarchs? - Correct AnswersThe Grand Polemarch Name the 12 Provinces - Correct AnswersSouthern Northern Eastern Western Middle Western Middle Eastern South Central North Central

East Central Southwestern Southeastern Northeastern Southern - Correct AnswersLinnes Finney Jr. Esq Northern - Correct AnswersRev. Desman R. Daniel Eastern - Correct AnswersHoward L. Tutman III Western - Correct AnswersGil Brown Middle Western - Correct AnswersClifford D. Franklin Middle Eastern - Correct AnswersCarlos D. Watson Esq South Central - Correct AnswersByron D. White North Cental - Correct AnswersKorlon L. Kilpatrick II East Central - Correct AnswersCharles S. Dawson Southwestern - Correct AnswersTimothy F. Albert Southeastern - Correct AnswersLawrence H. Davis Jr. Northeastern - Correct AnswersJimmy McMikle What are the colors of Kappa Alpha Psi? - Correct AnswersCrimson & Cream What is the flower of Kappa Alpha Psi? - Correct AnswersRed Carnation

What consists of the Southern Province? - Correct AnswersAlabama, Florida, Bahamas, Virgin Island, Panama Canal How are Alumni Chapters designated? - Correct AnswersBy the city and state of where they are designated How are Undergraduate Chapters designated? - Correct AnswersBy greek letters What is the name of the National Service Program for Kappa Alpha Psi? - Correct AnswersGuide Right When was Guide Right started and by who? - Correct AnswersLeone J. Stewart 1921 What is the purpose of the "Guide Right" program? - Correct AnswersIts purpose is to place the training, experience, and friendly interest of successful men, at the disposal of youth needing inspiration and counsel regarding their choice of a life's career, while the community is made aware of the problems that may be ecountered as these youth seek to realize lives of usefulnss. What is the name of the official manual, which lists suitable projects and activities for the National Service Program of Kappa Alpha Psi? - Correct AnswersThe Encyclopedia of Kappa Alpha Psi Where and when was the fist C. Roger Wilson Leadership Conference (CRWLC) held? - Correct AnswersIndianapolis, Indiana August 24, 1961 Which Grand Polemarch is the C. Roger Wilson Leadership Confernce named after? - Correct AnswersC. Roger Wilson What is the official name of the quarterly news magazin of the Fraternity? - Correct AnswersThe Journal

What are the five Objectives of Kappa Alpha Psi? - Correct Answers1. To unite college men of culture, patriotism, and honor in a bond of fraternity;

  1. To encourage honorable achievement in every field of human endeavor;
  2. To promote the spiritual, social, intellectual, and moral welfare of its members;
  3. To assist the aims and purposes of colleges and universities; and
  4. To inspie service in the public interest. Who appoints the Undergraduate Chapter advisor(s) of the local undergraduate chapter? - Correct AnswersProvince Polemarch What document of Kappa Alpha Psi is highly secretive and contains the formal ceremonies of th fraternity? - Correct AnswersThe rituals of Kappa Alpha Psi What document of Kappa Alpha Psi is the official chronicle of the fraternities' oigin, developmnt, lore, and tadition? - Correct AnswersThe Story of Kappa Alpha Psi What document is essential to infomed participation in the governing of the Fraternity? - Correct AnswersConstitution and Statues of Kappa Alpha Psi Alpha - Correct AnswersIndiana University Beta - Correct AnswersUniversity of Illionis at Urbana Champaign Gamma - Correct AnswersUniversity of Iowa Delta - Correct AnswersWilberforce University Epsilon - Correct AnswersLincoln University Zeta - Correct AnswersOhio State University Eta - Correct AnswersUniversity of Nebraska

Theta - Correct AnswersNorthwestern University Iota - Correct AnswersUnversity of Chicago Kappa - Correct AnswersMeharry Medical College Lambda - Correct AnswersTemple University Mu - Correct AnswersUniversity of Kansas Nu - Correct AnswersPurdue University Xi - Correct AnswersHoward University Omicorn - Correct AnswersColumbia University Pi - Correct AnswersMorehouse College Rho - Correct AnswersWashburn College Sigma - Correct AnswersUniversity of Michigan Tau - Correct AnswersWest Virginia State University Upsilon - Correct AnswersUniversity of California at Los Angeles Phi - Correct AnswersUniversity of Kansas Chi - Correct AnswersBoston University Psi - Correct AnswersUniversity of Minnesota

Omega - Correct AnswersDrake University What is proper decorum when singing the hymn? - Correct Answersright hand over left hand (clasp hands) (Southern Province) Povince Polemarch - Correct AnswersLinnes Finney Jr. Esq Who is the attorney of Kappa Alpha Psi? - Correct AnswersCleophus Thomas What is the motto of Kappa Alpha Psi? - Correct AnswersAchievemnt in every field of human endeavor Web Master - Correct AnswersJoe Williams Web Photagrapher - Correct AnswersG. Paras Griffin