Download KPEERI Exam Prep #1 Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024 and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity! KPEERI Exam Prep #1 Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024 Print Awareness is: - Correct Answer-Understanding the function of print and how it is organized on a page. An example of print awareness is: - Correct Answer-A child points to a McDonald's billboard and yells, "Mommy! I want a Happy Meal!" Which is not an example of print awareness? - Correct Answer-A child indicates that he can sing the alphabet song. Print awareness tasks: - Correct Answer-Can be given by the classroom teacher, can help students to develop print awareness, and are related to children's later success in reading. Print awareness typically, but not always, begins to develop: - Correct Answer-Before children begin school. A child who writes from top to bottom and from left to right possess: - Correct Answer-Print awareness pg. 1 professoraxe l Print awareness is an understanding that print: - Correct Answer-is different from pictures on a page, carries meaning, and has practical uses. What is the relationship between spoken and written language? - Correct Answer-Print is used to represent the words we speak. Which is an example of print awareness? - Correct Answer- Print is read from left to right. Phonemic awareness is: - Correct Answer-A strong predictor of future reading success, a sub skill of phonological awareness, and a foundational reading skill. There are __________________ sounds in the English language: - Correct Answer-More than 40. Phoneme blending is: - Correct Answer-Harder than onset and rime. pg. 2 professoraxe l Digraphs such as "sh" make ________________ sound(s). - Correct Answer-1 When teaching phonological awareness, teachers should: - Correct Answer-Use multisensory activities, teach each skill to mastery, and start with the simplest skills and build to harder skills. Phonemic awareness is one part of _________________, which also includes activities on phonemes, rhymes, syllables, and more: - Correct Answer-Phonological awareness Phonics instruction: - Correct Answer-Should be taught because it teaches a system for remembering how to read words. The alphabetic principle is understanding: - Correct Answer- The relationship between letters and spoken words. The written letter A is a: - Correct Answer-Grapheme Phonics programs are effective when they: - Correct Answer- Include a carefully selected set of letter-sound relationships pg. 5 professoraxe l organized into a logical sequence, include a set of precise directions for teaching these relationships, and include lots of opportunities for children to apply learning to reading and writing. Phonics instruction is most effective when it is taught: - Correct Answer-In primary grades. Which is an example of systematic phonic instruction? - Correct Answer-Teaching a set of letter-sound relationships in a clearly defined sequence. Effective phonics programs provide students with opportunities to practice applying their knowledge about phonics as they: - Correct Answer-Read, write, and blend sounds to form words. A teacher who is explaining how to place a set of words into categories based on their spelling patterns is engaged in: - Correct Answer-Phonics instruction Phonics instruction is important because it helps students to: - Correct Answer-Understand the relationship between letters pg. 6 professoraxe l and sounds, recognize unfamiliar words, and improve reading comprehension. Fluent readers read text: - Correct Answer-Accurately, quickly, and with expression. Readers who are "fluent": - Correct Answer-Read smoothly with appropriate phrasing. Fluent readers are able to ________________ as they read: - Correct Answer-Connect ideas, focus on meaning, and recognize words. Fluency rate when reading fiction and non-fiction _____________: - Correct Answer-Is sometimes different. Which instructional approach, is most effective for increasing fluency? - Correct Answer-Students re-reading a passage aloud while receiving guidance. Repeated oral readings: - Correct Answer-Improve word recognition, improve speed, and improve reading comprehension. pg. 7 professoraxe l Struggling readers may have slower fluency rates because they ________________________: - Correct Answer-Have no background knowledge on the subject, decoding unfamiliar words, and are reading text that is beyond their reading level. The best strategy for developing fluency is to provide your students with opportunities to ________________________: - Correct Answer-Read the same passage orally several times. Model fluent reading, then have students ____________________: - Correct Answer-Reread the text on their own. Which of the following is an example of vocabulary instruction? - Correct Answer-Explaining the words: sphere, cylinder, and cube. __________________ is a way of teaching vocabulary in a direct manner. - Correct Answer-Providing students with strategies for learning words. Most word meanings are learned: - Correct Answer-Through hearing words in context. pg. 10 professoraxe l Vocabulary may be learned indirectly through: - Correct Answer-Learning to use context clues. Beginning readers have a difficult time comprehending words that are not part of their: - Correct Answer-Oral vocabulary A way of learning vocabulary indirectly is through: - Correct Answer-Hearing words used in context. Which of these is a component of effective vocabulary instruction? - Correct Answer-Preteach content and academic vocabulary found in a text book before reading the text, creating opportunities for students to hear, say, write, and read new vocabulary and anchor new vocabulary to existing background knowledge. Which technique listed below would likely help students to remember difficult words? - Correct Answer-Using vocabulary words throughout the week in different subject areas. pg. 11 professoraxe l Academic vocabulary refers to: - Correct Answer-Words that cross academic disciplines, such as determine, illustrate, and average. An example of teaching semantic gradients is when ________________: - Correct Answer-Arranging words that describe the speed of movement from fastest to slowest. Which is a strategy for teaching vocabulary? - Correct Answer- Teaching students about 'word parts', teaching students about 'multiple meanings' for words, and teaching students to use context clues. Students' vocabulary can be increased by: - Correct Answer- Discussing new words before reading a story, listening to a teacher explain the meaning of unknown words, and teaching students to look for word parts such as prefixes, root words, etc. Preschool age children have a __________________ vocabulary. - Correct Answer-Speaking and listening. pg. 12 professoraxe l Which example is of a digraph? - Correct Answer-The letters sh in the word shrink. A child who writes the letter L for the word hippopotamus is in which of Gentry's stages of spelling development? - Correct Answer-Precommunicative stages Spellers: - Correct Answer-Advance through stages in their spelling development. Effective spelling instruction should include: - Correct Answer- Instruction on letter-sound correspondence and sequence, instruction on pattern in words, and instruction on groups of letters that aid in the meaning of the word. Spelling variations for the same sound should be: - Correct Answer-Taught incrementally. Spelling intervention should: - Correct Answer-Employ scaffolding techniques that support all students, encourage students to memorize rules and principles, and encourage students to rely on assistive technologies. pg. 15 professoraxe l One way to ascertain students; progress in the area of spelling development is by _____________________: - Correct Answer-Analyzing students' writing. Early spelling skills are best taught when teachers build a bridge between what two skills? - Correct Answer- Phonological/phonemic awareness and letter patterns. Spelling instruction should include information on ________________. - Correct Answer-Letter-sound association, spelling patterns, and word meanings. Comprehension: - Correct Answer-Can be taught through a variety of strategies. Comprehension is: - Correct Answer-The reason we read, active, and develop through strategies. Students who read words accurately but cannot comprehend: - Correct Answer-Are struggling with language comprehension. pg. 16 professoraxe l Good readers tend to: - Correct Answer-Make sense of what they read, use their own experiences to help make sense out of text, and know how to resolve problems when they don't understand the text. Comprehension can be: - Correct Answer-Improved with instruction. Graphic organizers: - Correct Answer-Help students focus on text structure as they read. Which is not a comprehension strategy: - Correct Answer- Morphology Comprehension instruction should begin: - Correct Answer-In primary grades. Teaching story structure to aid in comprehension would be appropriate when using the following: - Correct Answer-A story pg. 17 professoraxe l A goal for kindergarten instruction should be: - Correct Answer-Capitalization, punctuation, and using letter pattern to spell words. Which is not part of the writing process? - Correct Answer- Retelling A writing lesson may include instruction on : - Correct Answer- Capitalization, punctuation, and organization. A child's scribbling should be seen as: - Correct Answer-An attempt to write meaningful text. Children's drawings: - Correct Answer-Are important in a child's writing, will appear throughout the different stages, and contain ideas and messages they want to convey. Children begin learning to write in _____________________. - Correct Answer-Early childhood. pg. 20 professoraxe l Writing ins a skill that improves when a student: - Correct Answer-Becomes a better reader, gains additional writing practice, and revises the first draft. "Rough drafts" are important because they allow students to: - Correct Answer-Proofread work for errors, replace overused words, and reflect and make changes. Writing should be: - Correct Answer-Modeled by teachers and parents. Struggling writers may benefit from: - Correct Answer-Talking about a writing assignment, being given extra time to complete writing assignments, and getting feedback that lets them know that their writing is valued. Teachers should take class time to explicitly teach ________________: - Correct Answer-Changing slang to standard English. How can teachers support struggling writers? - Correct Answer-Providing scaffolding and frequent check-ins to ensure the student is not stuck. pg. 21 professoraxe l Writing should be a part of the instructional day in which of the following grades? - Correct Answer-Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade Writing is a skill that: - Correct Answer-Improves with practice. Students should work with peers as a way to: - Correct Answer-Get feedback on their draft, have input from others in the editing process, and make improvements to the draft. The last step before students turn in the 'final copy' is: - Correct Answer-Editing _________________ contribution to writing success in children. - Correct Answer-Meaningful oral language experiences with adults, exposure to print on a regular basis, and practice engaging in writing. Which component(s), can teachers assess informally? - Correct Answer-Comprehension, fluency, and phonemic awareness. pg. 22 professoraxe l Assessments should be given: - Correct Answer-Several times during the school year. The best informal assessment measures students' __________________: - Correct Answer-There is not one best informal assessment. Assessments can serve to ________________: - Correct Answer-"Test" the teacher's teaching skill, "monitor" students' progress, and "guide" classroom instruction. Which assessment asks students to "point to a word"? - Correct Answer-Concepts of print. Informal assessment can be part of an instructional plan that includes: - Correct Answer-Delivering instruction, administering standardized evaluation, and revising lesson plans. Explicit Instruction - Correct Answer-Structured literacy instruction requires the deliberate teaching of all concepts with continuous student-teacher interaction. pg. 25 professoraxe l Diagnostic Teaching - Correct Answer-The teacher must be adept at individualized instruction. That is instruction that meets a student's needs. The instruction is based on careful and continuous assessment, both informally and formally. Chall's Stage 0: Pre-Reading - Correct Answer--6 months to 6 years -Oral language is important throughout this stage. -Children begin to recognize letters. -Children learn there is language in books. Chall's Stage 1: Initial Reading - Correct Answer--Grade 1 & beginning grade 2 -Students learn how sounds in spoken words relate to print. -Students learn to read high-frequency, irregular words. -Listening comprehension is more efficient than reading comprehension. Chall's Stage 2: Confirmation and Fluency - Correct Answer-- Grades 2 & 3 -Students consolidate knowledge of letters and sounds. -Students read with fluency (speed and expression). pg. 26 professoraxe l -Students read for pleasure. Chall's Stage 3: Reading for New Learning - Correct Answer-- Grades 4 to 8 -The tables turn. -Students are no longer learning to read; they are reading to learn. Chall's Stage 4: Reading from Multiple Viewpoints - Correct Answer--Grades 9 to 12 -Comprehension continues to deepen. Chall's Stage 5: Construction and Reconstruction - Correct Answer--College and beyond -Construct (build) knowledge from reading -Reconstruct new knowledge -Unfortunately many students never reach it to this stage. Scarborough's Reading Rope - Correct Answer--Language Comprehension -Word recognition pg. 27 professoraxe l Syntax - Correct Answer--Grammatical structure of language -Word order -Sentence structure -Noun/verb agreement -Parts of speech Orthography - Correct Answer-Refers to the patterns of written language; how words are spelled. Semantics - Correct Answer--Meaning -Multiple meanings, different meanings for the same word. -Synonyms, words with the same or almost the same meaning. -Antonyms, words with opposite meanings. Pragmatics - Correct Answer--Social use of language -How language is used to achieve goals. Syllable - Correct Answer-Is a word or part of word made with one opening of the mouth; has one vowel sound. pg. 30 professoraxe l segmentation - Correct Answer-separating a word into parts, such as syllables, onsets, rimes and phonemes. Also called unblending. Onset - Correct Answer-The initial consonant(s) before the vowel sound in a syllable. onset rime mat /m/ /at/ slip /sl/ /ip/ Rime - Correct Answer-The part of the syllable that contains the vowel sound and the consonant sound(s) that follow. onset rime mat /m/ /at/ slip /sl/ /ip/ Inflectional ending - Correct Answer-A suffix that changes the form or usage of a word. -indicates number, person, present tense, past tense. pg. 31 professoraxe l Derivational suffix - Correct Answer-Suffix added to a base word and creates a word that is different from the base word such as the part of speech or function. Anglo-Saxon/Old English - Correct Answer-20-25% of English language Latin - Correct Answer-60% of English language Greek - Correct Answer-10-12% of English language Other language - Correct Answer-3-5% of English language -Short common everyday words: this, that, girl, boy, up, down, go, stop, slow, fast -1 to 2 syllable words -Pronunciation doesn't match spelling such as come, gone, does. - Correct Answer-Anglo Saxon/Old English -Consonant pairs: gn, kn, wr pg. 32 professoraxe l -The Affixing of a root: putting prefixes, suffixes and other roots. -construct -construction -constructionist -deconstructionist - Correct Answer-Latin -S, C, T pronounced /sh/ -expression -spacious -partial - Correct Answer-Latin -Schwa or unstressed vowel sound -direction -excellence -universal - Correct Answer-Latin -ph: consonant cluster ph = /f/ -phase pg. 35 professoraxe l -paragraph -telephone -phonology - Correct Answer-Greek -Combining forms -telescope -phonograph -telegraph -phonoscope - Correct Answer-Greek -Medial y -Thyme -Gymnasium -Photosynthesis - Correct Answer-Greek -Consonant Cluster ch=/k/ -chemistry -ache -chlorophyll - Correct Answer-Greek pg. 36 professoraxe l -Initial rh, pt, pn, ps -rhinoceros -ptomaine -pneumonia -psychology - Correct Answer-Greek Free morpheme: - Correct Answer-A morpheme that can stand alone. -duct, port, bias Bound morpheme: - Correct Answer-A morpheme that must be attached to other morphemes. -vis, fusc, pre Morpheme - Correct Answer-Smallest unit of meaning in a word or syllable. Vocabulary should be taught ________________ and __________________. - Correct Answer-Directly and indirectly. pg. 37 professoraxe l