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French Geographical and Meteorological Terms, Quizzes of French Philology

A list of french terms related to geographical features such as the sea, mountains, and weather phenomena, along with their definitions. It includes terms for different types of water formations, marine life, boats, and weather conditions.

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Download French Geographical and Meteorological Terms and more Quizzes French Philology in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 la mer DEFINITION 1 The sea TERM 2 un golfe DEFINITION 2 gulf; bay TERM 3 une baie DEFINITION 3 bay TERM 4 un cap DEFINITION 4 cape TERM 5 une le DEFINITION 5 island TERM 6 une falaise DEFINITION 6 cliiff; sea-cliff TERM 7 un rcif DEFINITION 7 reef TERM 8 des brisants DEFINITION 8 breakers TERM 9 une plage (de sable, de galets) DEFINITION 9 beach (sand, pebbles) TERM 10 le coquillage DEFINITION 10 shell TERM 21 la mer est verdtre DEFINITION 21 The sea is greenish TERM 22 la mer est argente DEFINITION 22 The sea is silvery TERM 23 la mer est calme, d'huile DEFINITION 23 The sea is calm, smooth TERM 24 la mer est agite, dchane DEFINITION 24 The sea is agitated, raging TERM 25 la mare est basse DEFINITION 25 The sea is low. TERM 26 la mare est haute DEFINITION 26 The sea is high. TERM 27 les vagues dferlent, se brisent sur (les rcifs) DEFINITION 27 The waves break on (the reefs) TERM 28 les vagues ont une crte DEFINITION 28 The waves have a crest. TERM 29 les vagues de l'cume DEFINITION 29 The waves of foam TERM 30 on entend le grondement de la mer (des vagues) DEFINITION 30 One hears the rumble, thunder, growling, roaring, angry murmur, of the sea (of the waves) TERM 31 on entend le hurlement, le sifflement du vent DEFINITION 31 One hears the howling, the whistling of the wind. TERM 32 on entend la sirne d'un bateau DEFINITION 32 One hears the siren of a boat. TERM 33 on entend le cri (perant) des mouettes DEFINITION 33 One hears the piercing shout of seagulls. TERM 34 on entend le clapotis des vagues sur le sable DEFINITION 34 One hears the lapping of the waves on the sand. TERM 35 la mer, les vagues grondent DEFINITION 35 The sea, the waves grumble, rumble, roar, are brewing. TERM 46 la valle DEFINITION 46 the valley TERM 47 le glacier DEFINITION 47 the glacier TERM 48 le gouffre DEFINITION 48 chasm; abyss; cave TERM 49 le prcipice DEFINITION 49 the precipice TERM 50 le rocher DEFINITION 50 the rock TERM 51 une piste DEFINITION 51 a trail TERM 52 un sentier DEFINITION 52 a path TERM 53 la neige (d'une blancheur clatante, blouissante) DEFINITION 53 the snow (of a dazzling, bright, sparkling, brilliant, striking, radiant whiteness/purity) TERM 54 la neiges ternelle DEFINITION 54 eternal snows TERM 55 le pturage (verts) DEFINITION 55 (green) pasture TERM 56 la fort DEFINITION 56 the forest TERM 57 le pin DEFINITION 57 pine (tree) TERM 58 le sapin DEFINITION 58 fir tree TERM 59 un arbuste DEFINITION 59 a shrub TERM 60 la vgtation luxuriante DEFINITION 60 luxuriant vegetation TERM 71 les chutes (du Niagara) / une cascade bouillonne, cume DEFINITION 71 The falls/a waterfall bubble(s)/foam (s)/boil(s)/seethe(s) TERM 72 les chutes (du Niagara) / une cascade gronde DEFINITION 72 The falls/a waterfall rumble(s)/roar(s)/brew(s) TERM 73 Un coucher de soleil, la tombe de la nuit, la crpuscule DEFINITION 73 Sunset Nightfall Dusk/twilight TERM 74 la nuit tombe DEFINITION 74 Night falls TERM 75 le soleil se couche DEFINITION 75 The sun sets TERM 76 le soleil lance ses derniers rayons DEFINITION 76 The sun launches its last rays TERM 77 le soleil descend DEFINITION 77 The sun goes down. TERM 78 le soleil se cache DEFINITION 78 The sun hides. TERM 79 le soleil disparat ( l'horizon) DEFINITION 79 The sun disappears at the horizon. TERM 80 le soleil embrase l'horizon (le ciel, les nuages, l'occident) DEFINITION 80 The sun sets the horizon ablaze (the sky, the clouds, the west) TERM 81 le soleil teinte, colore le ciel DEFINITION 81 The sun dyes, stains, colors the sky TERM 82 l'ouest, l'occident DEFINITION 82 the west TERM 83 les nuages (de rouge, orange, pourpre, etc.) DEFINITION 83 (red, orange, purple) clouds TERM 84 le soleil ressemble une boule de feu DEFINITION 84 The sky looks like a ball of fire. TERM 85 la nature s'endort DEFINITION 85 Nature nods off/falls asleep TERM 96 Avant l'orage, tout (la nature)se tait, est d'un calme menaant... DEFINITION 96 Before the storm, all (of nature) is quiet. Before the storm, all (of nature) is of a menacing calm. TERM 97 Avant l'orage, l'atmosphre est accablante. DEFINITION 97 Before the storm, the atmosphere is oppressive. TERM 98 Soudant le vent se lve, souffle (en rafales), siffle, gmit, hurle (dans les arbres) DEFINITION 98 Suddenly the wind breaks Suddenly the wind blows/bursts Suddenly the wind whistles Suddenly the wind moans, whimpers, groans Suddenly the wind howls, wails (in the trees) TERM 99 Les nuages s'accumulent, s'amoncellent, roulent (dans le ciel) DEFINITION 99 The clouds accumulate, drift, roll (in the sky) TERM 100 le ciel se couvre, s'obscurcit DEFINITION 100 The sky is overcast, darkens TERM 101 dans le lointain, on entend les roulements, les grondements du tonnerre DEFINITION 101 In the distance, one hears the rumbles/rolls, rumbles/grumbles/booms of thunder TERM 102 dans le lointain, on voit des clairs (oranges) qui illuminent le ciel DEFINITION 102 In the distance, one sees flashes of (orange) lightning lighting up the sky. TERM 103 l'orage clate DEFINITION 103 The storm bursts/erupts TERM 104 les lments se dchainent DEFINITION 104 The elements rage/blow off steam/burst. TERM 105 le tonnerre clate DEFINITION 105 Thunder bursts/clashes TERM 106 les clairs sillonnent, zbrent, dchirent le ciel DEFINITION 106 Flashes of lightning fly to and fro, ?, tear the ky TERM 107 la foudre frappe (une maison) DEFINITION 107 Lightning strikes (a house) TERM 108 le vent tourbillonne DEFINITION 108 The wind whirls TERM 109 la pluie tombe ( grosses gouttes, verse, torrent, en rafales) DEFINITION 109 The rain falls (in fat drops, pouring rain, in a torrent, bursts) TERM 110 la grle martle les toits DEFINITION 110 Hail beats/pounds the roofs.