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Histology and Embryology of Eye and Ear for Foreign Students - P.J. Šafárik University, Study notes of Histology

An in-depth look into the anatomy and structure of the human eye and ear for foreign students. The authors, Prof. MUDr. Eva Mechírová, CSc. and MVDr. Štefan Tóth, PhD, cover the development of the eye, the layers of the eye, refractive structures, accessory structures, and the ear's vestibulo-cochlear apparatus. detailed information on the composition of the choroid, ciliary body, and iris, as well as the organ of Corti and vestibular apparatus.

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Download Histology and Embryology of Eye and Ear for Foreign Students - P.J. Šafárik University and more Study notes Histology in PDF only on Docsity! Department of Histology and Embryology, P. J. Šafárik University, Medical Faculty, Košice Sense organs : Sylabus for foreign students Authors: Prof. MUDr. Eva Mechírová, CSc., MVDr. Štefan Tóth, PhD. Development of the eye Layers of the eye – three concentric layers a. Tunica fibrosa bulbi → connective tissue – Tennon´ s capsule ○ sclera ○ cornea b. Tunica vasculosa bulbi → vascular layer ○ choroid ○ ciliary body ○ iris c. Tunica nervosa bulbi –retina optical part blind part ○ macula lutea with fovea centralis → maximal visual acuity ○ papilla nervi optici or optic disc →blind part Refractive structures: cornea, humor aquaeus, lens, corpus vitreum Accesory structures of the eye: a. musculi bulbi b. eyelids - palpebrae oculi c. conjunctiva d. lacrimal apparatus 3.Tunica nervosa bulbi - retina most inner layer © composed of 2 parts— optical and blind part © pars optica retinae — pigment epithelium + nervous layer of retina - 10 layers — inner plexiform layer inner nuclear layer outer plexiform layer outer nuclear layer membrana limitans externa ‘— rods and cones pigment epithelium choroid (1) - Membrana limitans interna- end parts of Muller call procesess, limited by lamina basalls (2) - Layer ofnerve fibers-s layer of parallal axons of ganglionic calls (3) - Layer of ganglionic cells (4) - Inner plexiform layer = synapaiss between axons of bipolar cells and dendrites of multipolar ganglionic calls (5) - Inner nuclear layer © coll bodies and nuciel of bipolar, amacring and Miller celle (6) - Outer plexiform layer = synapelae between cons and rodes anddandrites of bipolar calls (7) - Outer nuclear layer- call bodies with nuciel of cones and rode (8) - Membrana limitans externa-procassas of supporting MUller calla (3) - Cones and rods- penpneral segments of photosenattive cole (10) — Pigment epithelium- yer of cupoial calle, cytopiaemkc processes contain pigment — metanin Cones and rods [Mic | Mc. > o, A -Cone cells + fotopigment -iodopsin 3 types of cones sensitive for red, green, and blue color B- Rod cells » fotopigment- rhodopsin = sharp black and white vision a — axon, Mc— Miller cell, is— inner segment, 05 — outer segment The ear — vestibulo—cochlear apparatus Development of the ear 4week « The ear gives rise from: 4. otic (ear) ectodermal placode on lateral part of developing rhombencephalonand neuroectoderm of neural crest together form internal ear - labyrinthus membranaceus from otic placode — otic pit — otic vesicle 2. bony labyrint — mesenchyme of temporal bone 3. tympanic cavity — endodermal origin of 1. pharyngeal pouch 4. auditory ossicles — mesenchymal origin — cartilages of 1.and 2. branchial arches: 5. meatus acusticus externus — ectoderm of 1. branchial groove 6. auricle gives rise from 6 swellings of mesenchyme around the 1. branchial groove. and is covered by ectoderm Development of otic vesicle 4. Dorsal part-3 semicircular ducts 2. Central part- utricle, saccule 3. Ventral part- cochlear duct Internal ear-cochlea 2% turns of the bony cochlea Organ of Corti .labium vestibulare limbi spiralis 2.epith.of limbus 2.epith.of sulous spiralis int. 4. sulous spiralis int.. ‘S.tectorial membrane €. outer hair cells 7.Hensen cells 8.Claudius cells §.basilar membrane 10. tunel of Corti 11. nerv fibers Vestibular apparatus - equilibrium ● proprioreceptors are concentrated in : a) macula sacculi et utriculi – identical histologic structure ○ ovoid plates of sensory epithelium inervated by branches of vestibular nerve, situated in the wall of saccule and utricle ○ contain proprioreceptors (hair cells) and supporting cells ○ there is a gelatinous glycoprotein layer on the surface + otolites = crystals of CaCO3 b) in semicircular ducts are cristae amplullares ○ receptors form ridge-like structures – cristae ○ histologic structure is similar to maculae ○ glycoprotein layer is thicker and is not covered by otoliths, is conical in shape - cupula Function in head movement → change in movement of endolymph → otolites movement → movement of glycoprotein layer with the processes of hair cells → stimulation of nerve endings around hair cells Hair cells of macula sacculi et utriculi » apical part of cells contains: 40-80 stereocilia + 1 kinocilium Cristae ampullares