Download Histology and Embryology of Eye and Ear for Foreign Students - P.J. Šafárik University and more Study notes Histology in PDF only on Docsity! Department of Histology and Embryology, P. J. Šafárik University, Medical Faculty, Košice Sense organs : Sylabus for foreign students Authors: Prof. MUDr. Eva Mechírová, CSc., MVDr. Štefan Tóth, PhD. Development of the eye Layers of the eye – three concentric layers a. Tunica fibrosa bulbi → connective tissue – Tennon´ s capsule ○ sclera ○ cornea b. Tunica vasculosa bulbi → vascular layer ○ choroid ○ ciliary body ○ iris c. Tunica nervosa bulbi –retina optical part blind part ○ macula lutea with fovea centralis → maximal visual acuity ○ papilla nervi optici or optic disc →blind part Refractive structures: cornea, humor aquaeus, lens, corpus vitreum Accesory structures of the eye: a. musculi bulbi b. eyelids - palpebrae oculi c. conjunctiva d. lacrimal apparatus 3.Tunica nervosa bulbi - retina
most inner layer
© composed of 2 parts— optical and blind part
© pars optica retinae — pigment epithelium + nervous layer of retina - 10 layers
— inner plexiform layer
inner nuclear layer
outer plexiform layer
outer nuclear layer
membrana limitans externa
‘— rods and cones
pigment epithelium
(1) - Membrana limitans interna- end parts of Muller call procesess, limited by lamina basalls
(2) - Layer ofnerve fibers-s layer of parallal axons of ganglionic calls
(3) - Layer of ganglionic cells
(4) - Inner plexiform layer
= synapaiss between axons of bipolar cells and dendrites of multipolar ganglionic calls
(5) - Inner nuclear layer
© coll bodies and nuciel of bipolar, amacring and Miller celle
(6) - Outer plexiform layer
= synapelae between cons and rodes anddandrites of bipolar calls
(7) - Outer nuclear layer- call bodies with nuciel of cones and rode
(8) - Membrana limitans externa-procassas of supporting MUller calla
(3) - Cones and rods- penpneral segments of photosenattive cole
(10) — Pigment epithelium- yer of cupoial calle, cytopiaemkc processes contain pigment —
Cones and rods
[Mic | Mc.
A -Cone cells
+ fotopigment -iodopsin
3 types of cones sensitive for red, green, and
blue color
B- Rod cells
» fotopigment- rhodopsin
= sharp black and white vision
a — axon, Mc— Miller cell, is— inner segment,
05 — outer segment
The ear — vestibulo—cochlear apparatus
Development of the ear
« The ear gives rise from:
4. otic (ear) ectodermal placode on lateral part of developing
rhombencephalonand neuroectoderm of neural crest
together form internal ear - labyrinthus membranaceus
from otic placode — otic pit — otic vesicle
2. bony labyrint — mesenchyme of temporal bone
3. tympanic cavity — endodermal origin of 1. pharyngeal pouch
4. auditory ossicles — mesenchymal origin — cartilages of 1.and
2. branchial arches:
5. meatus acusticus externus — ectoderm of 1. branchial
6. auricle gives rise from 6 swellings of mesenchyme around
the 1. branchial groove. and is covered by ectoderm
Development of otic vesicle
4. Dorsal part-3 semicircular ducts
2. Central part- utricle, saccule
3. Ventral part- cochlear duct
Internal ear-cochlea
2% turns of the bony cochlea
Organ of Corti
.labium vestibulare limbi spiralis 2.epith.of limbus 2.epith.of sulous spiralis int. 4. sulous spiralis int..
‘S.tectorial membrane €. outer hair cells 7.Hensen cells 8.Claudius cells §.basilar membrane 10. tunel
of Corti 11. nerv fibers
Vestibular apparatus - equilibrium ● proprioreceptors are concentrated in : a) macula sacculi et utriculi – identical histologic structure ○ ovoid plates of sensory epithelium inervated by branches of vestibular nerve, situated in the wall of saccule and utricle ○ contain proprioreceptors (hair cells) and supporting cells ○ there is a gelatinous glycoprotein layer on the surface + otolites = crystals of CaCO3 b) in semicircular ducts are cristae amplullares ○ receptors form ridge-like structures – cristae ○ histologic structure is similar to maculae ○ glycoprotein layer is thicker and is not covered by otoliths, is conical in shape - cupula Function in head movement → change in movement of endolymph → otolites movement → movement of glycoprotein layer with the processes of hair cells → stimulation of nerve endings around hair cells Hair cells of macula sacculi et utriculi
» apical part of cells contains:
40-80 stereocilia + 1 kinocilium
Cristae ampullares