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A test bank for the course 'leadership roles and management functions in nursing'. It includes multiple-choice questions with answers and rationales, covering topics such as leadership characteristics, ethical decision-making, legal aspects of nursing, planning and change management, and professional development. The test bank is designed to help students prepare for exams and reinforce their understanding of key concepts in nursing leadership and management.
Typology: Exams
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What aspect of business should managers emphasize? A) Decision making B) Analysis C) Results D) Control E) All of the above - ANSWER E. All of the above Rationale: Control, decision making, analysis, and results are all crucial elements of successful management Which is a characteristic of a leader? A) Always assigned a position of authority B) Usually part of a formal organization C) Focus on group process, information gathering, and feedback D) Focus on decision making and results - ANSWER C. Focus on group process, information gathering, and feedback Rationale: While managers are more often part of a formal organization and focus more on result- oriented tasks, leaders tend to focus more on things such as group process
Tell whether the following statement is True or False: A characteristic of leadership management is to use trade-offs to meet goals. - ANSWER True Rationale: Trade-offs can be a useful tool to achieve goals A nurse witnesses another nurse providing care without proper hand hygiene and reports this to the charge nurse. The charge nurse is friends with the other nurse and refuses to take action. This is an example of: A) Moral indifference B) Moral conflict C) Moral distress D) Ethical dilemma - ANSWER C. Moral distress Rationale: Moral distress occurs when the individual knows the right thing to do but organizational constraints make it difficult to take the right course of action. With moral uncertainty or conflict, an individual is unsure which moral principles or values apply. An ethical dilemma occurs when an individual is being forced to choose between two or more undesirable alternatives Tell whether the following statement is True or False: A nurse manager who makes decisions based on what will benefit the majority of the nurses in his or her charge is using the intuitionism ethical framework for decision making. - ANSWER B. False Using an ethical framework of utilitarianism encourages decision making based on what provides the greatest good for the greatest number of people. The intuitionist framework allows the decision maker to review each ethical problem or issue on a case-by-case basis, comparing the relative weights of goals, duties, and rights Which is not an element of ethical decision making?
A) Beneficence B) Paternalism C) Utility D) Pragmatism - ANSWER D. Pragmatism Rationale: The principles of ethical decision making include autonomy, beneficence, paternalism, utility, justice, truth telling (veracity), fidelity, and confidentiality Tell whether the following statement is true or false: Nurse practice acts are examples of statutes. - ANSWER A. True Rationale: The 51 Nurse Practice Acts representing the 50 states and the District of Columbia are examples of statutes. These Nurse Practice Acts define and limit the practice of nursing, thereby stating what constitutes authorized practice as well as what exceeds the scope of authority A nurse is charged with administering a fatal dose of morphine to a patient on hospice. In which type of court would this nurse be charged? A) Civil B) Criminal C) Administrative D) None of the above - ANSWER B. Criminal Rationale: Nurses found guilty of intentionally administering fatal doses of drugs to patients would be charged in a criminal court. In civil cases, one individual sues another for money to compensate for a perceived loss. In administrative cases, an individual is sued by a state or federal governmental agency assigned the responsibility of implementing governmental programs Which of the following accurately describes why nurses are at increased liability for malpractice suits?
A) Their realm of responsibility has decreased B) Fewer nurses have liability insurance C) Nurses are making more money D) Nurses currently have less independence in decision making - ANSWER C. Nurses are making more money Rationale: Higher salaries have corresponded to increased liability in the nursing profession Tell whether the following statement is True or False: Following a physician's order is a valid excuse in a malpractice case. - ANSWER B. False Rationale: Nurses have a responsibility to safeguard their patients, independent of physician's orders Which is not an intentional tort? A) False imprisonment B) Defamation of character C) Invasion of privacy D) Negligence - ANSWER D. Negligence Rationale: An intentional tort requires that the act be committed with the awareness of the perpetrator Tell whether the following statement is True or False: One way nurses can act as advocates is by directly intervening on behalf of others. - ANSWER A. True Rationale: Sometimes it is advisable for nurses to advocate for patients by directly intervening on their behalf
Tell whether the following statement is True or False: Reporting an offense to one's boss is an example of external whistle-blowing - ANSWER B. False Rationale: Reporting a problem to a higher-up within the organization is called internal whistle-blowing. External whistle-blowing involves reporting outside the organization such as the media and an elected official What are some ways nurses can advance the nursing profession? (Select all that apply) A) Learn about sociopolitical issues B) Participate in professional organizations C) Participate in bureaucracy - ANSWER A. Learn about sociopolitical issues, and B. Participate in professional organizations Rationale: It is important for nurses to participate in the larger social framework in a professional capacity in order to advance the profession as a whole. Which should one not do when writing a letter to a legislator? A) Be persistent B) Write a personal letter C) Address the legislator by his or her title D) Make the letter at least two pages long - ANSWER D. Make the letter at least two pages long Rationale: The letter should be succinct and to the point (not more than one page in length) Tell whether the following statement is True or False:
Nurses should avoid media exposure. - ANSWER B. False Rationale: While many nurses avoid media exposure out of self-consciousness, in fact it is advantageous to appear in newspapers and on radio and television when the opportunity arises Advocating against implementing a new hospital computer system is an example of which type of planning? A) Reactivist B) Inactivist C) Preactivist D) Proactivist - ANSWER B. Inactivist Rationale: Inactivists would rather maintain the status quo than take a risk with a new way of doing things. Reactive planning occurs after a problem exists. Preactive planners utilize technology to accelerate change and are future oriented. Proactivists consider the past, present, and future and attempt to plan the future of their organization rather than react to it Tell whether the following statement is True or False: The planning process differs depending on the period of time involved. - ANSWER B. False Rationale: Planning involves the same process regardless of the period involved Which is an example of why plans might fail? A) Not enough alternatives B) Low motivation levels C) False assumptions D) Lack of sound strategies
E) All of the above - ANSWER E. All of the above Rationale: These are just several of numerous mistakes that can cause plans to be unsuccessful A Balanced Scorecard is used to: (Select all that apply) A) Collect data B) Gain clients C) Develop metrics D) Analyze data - ANSWER A. Collect data, C. Develop metrics, and D. Analyze data Rationale: The Balanced Scorecard assists strategic planners in developing metrics, collecting data, and analyzing the data. It does not help them gain clients. A nurse-manager is attempting to restructure the unit to prevent understaffing of the nurses. The nurses agree this is a needed change. What type of change strategy would be most effective? A) Rational-empirical strategies B) Normative-reeducative strategies C) Power-coercive strategies D) None of the above - ANSWER A. Rational-Empirical Strategies Rationale: When using rational-empirical strategies, the change agent assumes that resistance to change comes from a lack of knowledge and that humans are rational beings who will change when given factual information documenting the need for change. This type of strategy is used when there is little anticipated resistance to the change or when the change is perceived as reasonable Tell whether the following statement is true or false: The young organization is characterized by low energy and resistance to change. - ANSWER B. False
Rationale: The young organization is characterized by high energy, movement, and virtually constant change and adaptation Which emotions are commonly associated with change? A) Pride B) Stress C) Loss D) Achievement E) All of the above - ANSWER E. All of the above Rationale: Change is associated with a wide range of feelings, some positive and others negative Tell whether the following statement is True or False: For change to be effective, it should be immediate and sweeping. - ANSWER B. False Rationale: Change should be gradual and carefully planned rather than sudden Presenting employees with the pros and cons of a new system to be implemented is an example of which type of strategy? A) Rational B) Normative C) Power - ANSWER A. Rational Rationale: A rational change agent uses empirical reasoning as a tool for initiating change
Which is a pitfall of list making? A) Being too flexible B) Looking at one's list too often C) Including an unreasonable number of items on one's list - ANSWER C. Including an unreasonable number of items on one's list Rationale: It is advisable to only put as many items on the daily list as can reasonably be accomplished in a day Tell whether the following statement is true or false: According to Bran, one should master personal time by setting many priorities and sticking to them. - ANSWER B. False Rationale: According to Bran's 12 Habits to Master Time Management, an individual should set few priorities and stick to them Tell whether the following statement is True or False: Cost containment is primarily the responsibility of the health-care organization as a whole - ANSWER B. False Rationale: Cost containment is the responsibility of every health-care provider What is the goal of a budget? A) To predict an organization's activities B) To maximize the use of resources C) To help with planning and control
D) All of the above - ANSWER D. All of the above Rationale: A well-designed budget is helpful in both planning and managing resources What is generally the area of most expenditures? A) Operating budget B) Supplies C) Personnel budget D) Capital budget - ANSWER C. Personnel budget Rationale: Because health care is so labor intensive, the personnel budget represents the largest portion of expenditures Tell whether the following statement is true or false: The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is now the largest purchaser of managed care in the country. - ANSWER True Rationale: The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is now the largest purchaser of managed care in the country. Of the total Medicaid enrollment in the United States in 2009, approximately 72% of participants are receiving Medicaid benefits through managed care (NCSL, 2011.) In addition, all states except Alaska and Wyoming have all or a portion of their Medicaid population enrolled in an MCO (NCSL) Tell whether the following statement is True or False: Career development occurs in the early phases of one's work life, during the period of education, training, and job search. - ANSWER B. False Rationale: Career development should be viewed as a lifelong process that can be accomplished through various means, including education, self-assessment, and work experience
Which are an organization's responsibility for career management? (Select all that apply) A) Posting job openings B) Offering support and encouragement C) Providing education and training D) Determining the course of an employee's career E) All of the above - ANSWER A. Posting job openings, B. Offering support and encouragement, and C. Providing education and training Rationale: An organization has many responsibilities in career development, but each employee's needs, skills, and personal choices should also largely influence the course of his or her career Tell whether the following statement is true or false: Regular data gathering from employees is an example of long-term coaching. - ANSWER True Rationale: Long-term coaching includes data gathering in order to assess possibilities Tell whether the following statement is True or False: Management development can be initiated in any level of an organization, independent of the administration. - ANSWER B. False Rationale: Management development must be supported by top-level administration Tell whether the following statement is true or false: Assigning tasks is part of the informal structure - ANSWER B. False
Rationale: The formal structure involves planning activities such as assigning tasks, whereas the informal structure is covert and less structured Why can unity of command be difficult to maintain? A) It can be difficult to keep track of who one reports to B) The organizational chart can be confusing C) The multidisciplinary nature of health care makes it difficult to maintain - ANSWER C. The multidisciplinary nature of health care makes it difficult to maintain Rationale: Unity of command is a simple system, but sometimes overly simplified in a complex field such as health care Tell whether the following statement is True or False: Ad hoc design is incompatible with a formal line structure. - ANSWER False Rationale: Ad hoc design can be used temporarily to facilitate project completion within a formal line organization A company that always directs problems to managers at the top of the hierarchy is using: A) Centralized decision making B) Decentralized decision making - ANSWER A. Centralized decision making Rationale: In centralized decision making, a few managers at the top make most of the decisions, whereas in a decentralized process, problems are often addressed at the level at which they occur How employees perceive an organization is the:
A) Organizational climate B) Organizational culture C) Organizational chart D) Organizational structure - ANSWER A. Organizational climate Rationale: The climate is subjective, based on the perceptions of individual employees If a manager asks personal questions of employees, how does this affect the authority-power gap? A) Widens it B) Narrows it - ANSWER A. Widens it Rationale: When a manager expresses personal interest in employees, this widens the authority-power gap Tell whether the following statement is true or false: A nurse who lobbies for changes in evidence-based nursing practice is using a reactive approach to policy setting. - ANSWER B. False Rationale: Changing nurse's view of both power and politics is perhaps the most significant key to proactive rather than reactive participation in policy setting. Which of the following is not a rule for keeping power? A) Form alliances B) Do homework C) Practice benign neglect
D) Be competitive - ANSWER D. Be competitive Rationale: It is more advantageous to avoid competition Tell whether the following statement is True or False: Empowering subordinates often undermines one's own power. - ANSWER B. False Rationale: Empowering subordinates is in fact one essential strategy to maintain power