Download lecture notes of business communication and more Lecture notes Effective Business Communication in PDF only on Docsity! BUSINESS COMMUNICATION MODULE 1: YOU CAN HAVE ALL GREAT IDEAS IN THE WORLD AND IF YOU CANT COMMUNICATE NOBODY WILL HEAR THEM. Highlights of the presentation Communication and Business Communication Importance and objective of Business Communication Process of communication Barriers in communication Technique of effective communication Forms of communication Definition…. • “a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior” • “Communication is a process involving the selection, production and transmission of signs in such a way as to help a receiver perceive a meaning similar to that in the mind of the communicator.” by Fotheringham Intro to Business Communication • Communication is an essential element in the success of any business. The process of transferring information from one person to another, within and outside the business environment, is termed as ‘Business Communication.’ • The term ‘Business Communication’ is derived from general communication which is associated with business activities. In other terms, communication between business parties or people for business-related tasks is considered as ‘Business Communication.’ Definitions of Business Communication… • According to Ricks and Gow , “Business Communication as a system that is responsible to affect change throughout the whole organization.” • According to W.H. , “Business Communication is exchanging business-related different views, ideas, and news within the related parties.” • Prof. J. Haste ,stated that when the communication occurs between either two or more than two business people for the purpose of effective organization and administration of business then it is considered as Business Communication. Cont.. • In the professional world, communication and related skills decide a person’s career curve - better the communication skills, higher are the chances of touching the zenith of success. • The new global and diverse workplace requires excellent spoken and written communication skills! Basic elements of Business communication • Sender • Business information • Reciever • Feedback Business Information
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Communication Process
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cont such as words, pictures, gestures and other body language. The process of converting the message into meaningful symbols is known as encoding. 4. Channel: Message converted into symbols is transmitted by the sender through a channel like written words in the forms of letter or electronic mail, spoken words through personal contact or telephone depending on the situation of the parties i.e. sender and reciever. 5. Reciever: Reciever is a person to whom message is sent. In organizational context, like the sender, reciever may b superior, a subordinate, a peer or any other person. cont • 1. Sender: is one who contact other person ith the objective of passing the message. In organizational context, the sender may be a superior, a subordinate, a peer or any other person. The organizational position of the sender determines the direction of communication in the organization. 2. Message: is the subject matter of the communication which is intended to be passed to the receiver from the sender. Message may be in the forms of ideas, opinions , feelings, views , orders, suggestions etc. 3. Encoding: since the ideas, opinions,feelings, view , orders etc , which are the subject matter of communication are abstract and intangible, their transmission requires the use of certain symbols Cont.. • 6. it’s a dynamic process. • 7.communication is goal oriented process. • 8. communication is conversational. • 9. communication is an interdisciplinary science. ************ Principles of communication • 1. Principle of clarity • 2. Principle of objective • 3. Principle of understanding the receiver • 4. Principle of consistency • 5. Principle of completeness • 6. Principle of Feedback • 7. Principle of Time. 7Cs of communication( These are essentials of effective communication) Completeness Conciseness Consideration Clarity Concreteness Courtesy Correctness CLASSIFICATION OF BARRIERS
Physical barriers
Faulty Organizational Structure
Large working area
Closed office doors
Separate areas for people of different status
It forbids team member from effective interaction
with each other.
Physical noise (outside disturbance)
* Psychological noise (inattentiveness)
* Written noise (bad handwriting/typing)
Visual noise (late arrival of employees)
These words are known as Homophones
w Pronunciation
“ Spelling
9% Meaning
* pale/pail
* alter/altar
* buy/bye/by
* rain/reign
These words are known as Homographs
W Spelling
9H Meaning
* The bandage was wound around the wound.
* We must polish the Polish furniture.
* He could lead if he would get the lead out.
Forms of communication
e Verbal communication can be divided
in to two parts :-
10/27/2014 Forms Of Communication
oe e Oral communication is the interchange
=] of verbal messages between sender
and receiver .
1. Oral Communication
e Oral communication can be terms as ,
“ Spoken communication which can
be defined as communicating our
thoughts through warde “
: D.CK
Forms of Oral Communication
« Debate Of Group Dicussion
+ Meeting
+ Conferences
10/27/2014 Farms Of Communication 12
\ =
_ 2. Written Communication
_ «Written communication is a_ creative
activity that requires a lot of imagination
and efforts to arrive at the finished
product .
e Written communication can be terms as
Transformation of information
through in any written form like letters ,
notices , circulars , memos , reports etc .
Forms of Written
10/27/2014 Farms Of Communication
A Advantages of written
~~ communication:
MS e Knowledge and _ information became
available to people who could read.
_ ¢ Written message are more carefully
formulated than oral communication .
e« Written communication serves as a
reliable record for future reference and
can be used in legal proceedings .
™— » As words have limitations , non — verbal
- communication is more effective in
situations is more effective in situations
where a person has to explain shapes ,
directions , inner feelings and personalities
e Non-verbal signals serve to make the
message more powerful and convincing .
Try to convince or motivate another person
into doing a certain task while keeping
your facial expression , gestures and tone
of voice unanimated..
NS e Non verbal communication divided in to
: two parts .
a Advantages Of Non — Verbal
Communication :-
/eNon- verbal communication helps the
communicator to communicate all that
thing secretly which they do not want to
revel to others .
e Through non — verbal communication we
can communicate in brief .
for example , If we want to show that we
are angry we can easily show it through
facial expression .
Complex and Thorough
Longer Sentences
Full Words
No Contractions
or Abbreviations i
Not a Personal
Writing Style
Efforts at coordination a
Formal Communication
Slang ob
Figdres of Speech
| Personal or |
Emotional Tone
“Speak Directly
to Audience
_ Ue Words Life
You and "Your"
Informal Communication Networks
Formal and Informal Channels of Communication
Examples of Appropriate Situations
for Using Each Communication Style
Informal bieclaal
Peete lace)
Email to a professor
* Resume & cover letter
* Online discussion board
Text message to a friend
Birthday card for a
Tweet or Facebook
* Teaching
* Job interview
* In-class presentation
Skipping with a sibling
Family dinner
Socializing at a club
Cont.. • Basic disadvantages of such communication are: Polarisation: Cognitive Dissonance: cont.
~ Satisfied with low accuracy
“information is transferred in only one direction
« Not concerned with frustration, confidence,
and morale problems
~ Wants to keep the amount of time involved in
communicating as low as possible
~ Wants the process to appear neat and orderly
~ Must be competent person because everyone is
~ Can give the perception of being orderly
because no one can question
~ Can also give the perception that the person is
confident and that the person will act on what
they perceive to be accurate information
vA high degree of accuracy
“It is interactive.
© Needs high confidence, low frustration and
high morale
~ Not concerned with the amount of time the
process takes
~ Willing to pay the associated costs
¥ The communicators makes mistakes and
these are pointed out by the feedback.
~ How does the communicator handle the
questions —do they become defensive
“ The communicator has to differentiate where
each person is at which can be different
depending on the decoding of the receiver.
Chapter 3
“Itis what goes within mind
~“ Has a continuous flow of thought in
“ Does not follow any particular
“ Many of this are at sub-conscious
“ Thoughts, views, opinions and
attitudes are part of intrapersonal
“It is between two or more persons
“It is the most important method of
building up and maintaining
relationships and of working
“ The intrapersonal communication
of both persons affects their in
interpersonal communication.
“For better interpersonal
communication one has to develop
self awareness to deal with one’s
intrapersonal communication
Chapter 3