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Lecture Slides on Introduction to Human Body | KIN 2500, Study notes of Physiology

Kin 2500 Chapter 1 Notes Material Type: Notes; Professor: Hargroder; Class: HUMAN ANATOMY; Subject: Kinesiology; University: Louisiana State University; Term: Fall 2012;

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Download Lecture Slides on Introduction to Human Body | KIN 2500 and more Study notes Physiology in PDF only on Docsity! Copyright 2012, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CHAPTER 1 An Introduction to the Human Body Principles of Human Anatomy 12th Edition Gerard J. Tortora & Mark T. Nielsen Copyright 2012, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Overview  Anatomy defined  Levels of body organization  Life processes  Anatomical terminology  Body cavities  Regions and quadrants  Medical imaging  Measuring human body Copyright 2012, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Levels of Body Organization  Chemical level  Cellular level  Tissue level  Organ level  System level  Organismal level @ CELLULAR LEVEL @ cHemicat LEVEL e —=—» ™\ @ TissuE LEVEL % 9c? ‘ cant e °° . Smooth muscle cell 2 Atoms (C, H, O, N, P) Molecule (DNA) Smooth muscle tissue @ SYSTEM LEVEL = Epithelial 1 =— and connective @ onGaN LeveL ¥ tissues Salivary glands ya Mouth \ ‘ ae mooth muscle Esophagus = tissue layers Epithelial tissue Stomach Stomach Pancreas (behind stomach) Pharynx (throat) Gallbladder Small intestine Large intestine @ oraanismaL LEVEL Digestive system Soht201-2—lehn-Wal. &-S. pyrigat +2,jonn-Wiey ne Inc. Copyright 2012, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Systems  Skeletal  Integumentary (not doing)  Muscular  Cardiovascular  Lymphatic and Immunity (not doing)  Nervous  Respiratory (not doing)  Endocrine  Digestive  Urinary  Reproductive Frontal (forehead) Temporal (temple) Cranial a Li (skull) i CEPHALIC Otic (ear) (HEAD) Buccal (cheek) Nasal (nose) Oral (mouth) Mental (chin) Facial (face) CERVICAL (NECK) Axillary (armpit) Brachial Mammary (breast) (arm) Umbilical Antecubital (navel) (Front of elbow) Coxal (hip) Antebrachial Orbital or ocular (eye) Sternal (breastbone) CEPHALIC Occipital (HEAD) (base of skull) |} CERVICAL Acromial (NECK) (shoulder) Scapular (shoulder blade) Vertebral (spinal column) Olecranal or cubital (back of elbow) Sacral (forearm) Inguinal (between Carpal (groin) aes) i (wrist) occygeal Pollex i Palmar (thumb) (tailbone) or volar Gluteal (palm) (buttock) Digital or Perineal (region phalangeal between anus Dorsum (fingers) ree Pubic and external genitals) (back of Patel _ en (pubis) Popliteal hand) alerar (hollow behind knee) (anterior surface of knee) LOWER Crural LIME (leg) < a He Tarsal (ankle) (too) Digital or phalangeal Dorsum Plantar (toes) (top of foot) (sole) Hallux ee Calcaneal (a) Anterior view (great toe) (b) Posterior view (heel) Cc py ight 204-2. J by. JAG &S Inc. Copyright 2012, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Planes and Sections  Sagittal  Midsagittal  Median  Transverse  Oblique Anterior view Cc +oh+-2-041-2—Leh- JAG oS ad Inc. — Parasagittal plane Transverse plane — Midsagittal plane (through midline) LATERAL <———> MEDIAL <————> LATERAL Midline SUPERIOR Esophagus (food tube) Trachea (windpipe) PROXIMAL Rib Right lung Sternum Es = > z Left lung (breastbone) Heart Humerus Diaphragm Stomach Transverse colon Small intestine Descending colon Urinary bladder Metacarpals Phalanges DISTAL INFERIOR Anterior view of trunk and right upper limb Cc. Soht201-2—lehn-Wal. &-S. vw 7S ¥ 7 Inc. Copyright 2012, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Body Cavities  Cranial cavity  Brain  Vertebral canal  Meninges  Thoracic cavity  Pleural cavities  Mediastinum  Pericardial cavity  Abdominopelvic cavity  Abdominal cavity  Pelvic cavity Cranial cavity Vertebral canal cavity Diaphragm Abdominopelvic cavity: Abdominal cavity Pelvic cavity (a) Right lateral view (b) Anterior view Cc. sth. pyrigat +9049 tary Cranial cavity Vertebral canal Thoracic cavity* Abdominopelvic Formed by cranial bones and contains brain. Formed by vertebral column and contains spinal cord and the beginnings of spinal nerves. Chest cavity; contains pleural and pericardial cavities and mediastinum. Pleural cavity Each surrounds a lung; the serous membrane of each pleural cavity is the pleura. Pericardial cavity Surrounds the heart; the serous membrane of the pericardial cavity is the pericardium. Mediastinum Central portion of thoracic cavity between the lungs; extends from sternum to vertebral column and from first rib to diaphragm; contains heart, thymus, esophagus, trachea, and several large blood vessels. Subdivided into abdominal and pelvic cavity cavities. Abdominal cavity Contains stomach, spleen, liver, gallbladder, small intestine, and most of large intestine; the serous membrane of the abdominal cavity is the peritoneum. Pelvic cavity Contains urinary bladder, portions of large intestine, and internal organs of reproduction. * See Figure 1.7 for details of the thoracic cavity. Toh. Inc. Wil &-S. AA-VWitey AS; Copyright 2012, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Thoracic and Abdominal Cavity Membranes  Serous membrane  Parietal layer  Visceral layer  Pleura  Visceral pleura  Parietal pleura  Pericardium  Visceral pericardium  Parietal pericardium  Peritoneum  Visceral peritoneum  Parietal peritoneum Transverse plane ANTERIOR View Sternum Muscle (breastbone) Heart Thymus PERICARDIAL CAVITY Lattlusg Right lung Esophagus Aorta (food tube) RIGHT Vertebral column PLEURAL (backbone) CAVITY i LEFT fp PLEURAL CAVITY POSTERIOR (b) Inferior view of transverse section of thoracic cavity Soht201-2—lehn-Wal. &-S. pyrigat +2,jonn-Wiey AS; Inc. View Sternum Parietal pericardium PERICARDIAL CAVITY Visceral pericardium ANTERIOR Parietal pleura RIGHT PLEURAL CAVITY Visceral pleura Heart Skin Esophagus Aorta Right lung Vertebral column (backbone) Rib Spinal cord LATERAL MEDIAL POSTERIOR (c) Inferior view of transverse section of thoracic cavity Cc opt 20O12—Leh-. JAG gS. pyright2012;,jJohn-Wiley Inc. Median line RIGHT UPPER QUADRANT LEFT UPPER QUADRANT (RUQ) (LUQ) Transumbilical line RIGHT LEFT LOWER LOWER QUADRANT (LLQ) QUADRANT (RLQ) Anterior view Soht201-2—lehn-Wal. &-S. pyrigat +2,jonn-Wiey Inc. Copyright 2012, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Human Body and Disease  Disorder—abnormality of function (ADD, ADHD)  Disease—something that interferes with homeostasis (disease causes imbalance)  Symptoms—what the patient reports (more subjective ex: nausea, blurred vision)  Signs—changes in the body function that a doctor can see (rash, temperature)  Diagnosis—skill distinguishing one disease from another  Epidemiology—study of how diseases communicate Copyright 2012, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Homeostasis Interactions Animation  Communication, Regulation and Homeost asis You must be connected to the internet to run this animation.