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LEED AP BD+C Practice Questions and Answers, Exams of Environmental Management

A collection of practice questions and answers related to the leed ap bd+c (building design + construction) certification. It covers various aspects of leed, including the 8 adaptations, certification levels, impact categories, certification steps, and the integrative process. Useful for individuals preparing for the leed ap bd+c exam.

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LEED AP BD+C Practice Questions with

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what are the 8 LEED AP BD+C adaptations? - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ New Construction and Major Renovations Core and Shell Development Schools Retail Data Centers Warehouses and Dist. Centers Hoslitality Healthcare what are the 8 LEED AP BD+C adaptations? - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ New Construction and Major Renovations Core and Shell Development Schools Retail Data Centers Warehouses and Dist. Centers Hospitality Healthcare required LEED strategies are called ____ and optional LEED strategies are called ____ - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ prereauisites; credits

what are the LEED certification levels - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ LEED certified, LEED silver, LEED gold, LEED platinum how many points are need for each LEED cert level? - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ Cert: 40-49 points Silver: 50-59 points Gold: 60-79 points Platinum: 80+ points which certification feature is unique to LEED BD+C: Core and Shell? - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ Core and Shell projects can be precertified list the 7 LEED impact categories - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 1. Reverse contribution to global climate change

  1. Enhance individual human health and well-being
  2. Protect and restore water resources
  3. Protect, enhance, and restore biodiversity and ecosystem services
  4. Promote sustainable and regenerative material resource cycles
  5. Build a greener economy
  6. Enhance social equity, environmental justice, and community quality of life what are the 4 general LEED certification steps - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 1. Register project
  7. Prepare application
  8. Submit application
  9. Receive certification what are the 11 steps of the LEED Work plan? - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 1. Initiate discovery phase
  1. Select LEED rating system
  2. Check minimum program requirements
  3. Establish project goals
  4. Define LEED project scope
  5. Develop LEED scorecard
  6. Continue discovery phase
  7. Continue iterative process
  8. Assign roles and responsibilities
  9. Develop consistent documentation
  10. Perform quality assurance review and submit for certification for LEED BD+C projects, the construction phase review needs to be submitted no later than ____________ after the project is substantially completed - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 2 years the ____________ was established to help project teams with multiple rating system choices decide on a rating system and is based on the percentage of a project's gross floor area that is appropriate for a particular rating system
  • ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 40/60 rule list the 3 minimum program requirements (MPRs) - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 1. Must be in a permanent location on existint land
  1. Must use reasonable LEED boundaries
  2. Must comply with project size requirements the project ____________ process is designed to allow project teams to obtain technical guidance on how LEED requirements, including MPRs, prereqs, and credits, pertain to their projects - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ credit interpretation ruling (CIR)

The LEED project boundary may not include land that is owned by a party other than that which owns the LEED project unless the following is true: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ The land owned by another owner is associated with and supports normal building operations for the LEED project building what are the 3 phases of the integrative process? - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 1. Discovery Phase

  1. Implentation Phase (design and construction)
  2. Occupancy, operations, and performance feedback phase what are the 5 steps to the iterative process? - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 1. Conduct research and collect data within the scope of work
  3. Analyze the data
  4. Share data analyses with team members at grouo workshops
  5. Receive feedback to identify synergies, wastes, and other opportunities for savings and efficiency across all of the disciplines
  6. Create/refine design what is the intent of IP prerequisite Integrative Project Planning and Design
  • ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ to maximize opportunities for integrated, cost-effective adoption of green design and construction strategies, emphasozing human health as a fundamental evaluative criterion for building design, construction, and operational strategies IP Prerequisite Integrative Project Planning and Design applies to which rating system adaptation? - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ Healthcare the 4 activites that a project team must complete in order to achieve IP Prerequisite Integrative Project Planning and Design include: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 1. determine preliminary rating goals as a result of design charette
  1. prepare an OPR document and a health mission statement that addresses the values of the triple bottom line
  2. assemble an integrated project team. include as many design and const. professionals who are involved on the project
  3. conduct a minimum 4-hr integrative design charette with all members of the integrated proj. team. (as early as practical. preferred before SD) there must be a minimum of ______ project team professionals in addition to the owner's rep to meet the requirements of IP Prerequisite Integrative Project Planning and Design - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 4 what is the intent of IP credit Integrative Process - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ to support high-performance, cost effective project outcomes through an early analysis of the interrelationships among systems to achieve IP credit Integrative Process, project teams are required to conduct preliminary ______ and ________ research and analyses and use that information to identify synergies that can be used to achieve project goals - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ energy; water the simple box energy model analysis required to achieve IP credit Integrative Process should analyze the following 7 energy components: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - site conditions
  • massing and orientation
  • basic envelope attributes
  • lighting levels
  • thermal comfort ranges
  • plug and process load needs
  • programmatic and operational parameters

A(n) _________________ is based on a simplified building form that is analyzed to determine the basic distribution of energy uses and identify dominant energy loads. - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ simple box energy model During the implementation phase, while pursuing IP credit Integrative Process, a project team should demonstrate how the energy analysis informed the following 5 designs of the project: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - building and site program

  • building form and geometry
  • building envelope and facade treatments on diff. orientation
  • elimination or significant downsizing of bldg systems
  • other systems During the implementation phase, while pursuing IP credit Integrative Process, a project team should demonstrate how the water budget analysis informed the following 6 designs of the project: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - plumbing systems
  • sewage conveyance and/or on-site treatment systems
  • rainwater quantity and quality mgmt systems
  • landscaping, irrigation, and site elements
  • roofing systems and/or bldg form and geometry
  • other systems when a simple box energy model analysis is being conducted, building envelope performance is reviewed based on the (5) following: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - wall and roof insulation
  • thermal mass
  • window size and orientation
  • exterior shading devices
  • window performance

during goal setting workshops for IP credit Integrative Process, project teams should fulfill the following 10 goals: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 1. introduce all project team members to the fundamentals of the integrative process

  1. share initial background research and analysis findings
  2. eleicit the owner's and stakeholder's values and aspirations
  3. clarify functional and programmatic goals
  4. establish initial principles, benchmarks, metrics, and performance targets
  5. Identify targeted LEED credits
  6. generate potential integrative strategies for achieving performance targets
  7. Determine the questions that must be answered to support project decisions
  8. Identify initial responsibilities and deliverables
  9. Initiate OPR _______ should be present at goal-setting workshops for IP credit Integrative Process - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ All principal project team members The following parking spaces must be included in total parking capacity: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - new and existing surface parking spaces
  • new and existing garage or multilevel parking spaces
  • any off-street parking spaces outside the project boundary that are available to the building's users The following parking spaces should not be included in total parking capacity: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - on-street (parallel or pull-in) parking spaces on public rights of way -parking spaces for fleet and inventory vehicles, unless these vehicles are regularly used by employees for commuting and business purposes
  • motorbike or bicycle spaces

To achieve LT Credit LEED for Neighborhood Development Location, projects should be located within the boundary of a development certified under which LEED ND certifications? - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - Stage 2 or Stage 3 under the Pilot or 2009 rating systems

  • Certified plan or Certified project under the LEED v4 rating system For Option 2 of LT Credit Sensitive Land Protection, project teams must locate the development footprint on land that does not meet the following criteria for sensitive land: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ -prime farmland
  • floodplains, or any site with 1% chance of flooding
  • habitat for threatened or endangered species
  • areas on or within 100 ft of water bodies
  • areas on or within 50ft of a wetland Project teams can achieve points under LT Credit High Priority Site by locating the project in one of the three following site area options: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - Historic District (1 pt)
  • Priority Designation (1 pt)
  • Brownfield Remediation (2 pts) For Option 1 of LT Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses, project teams must locate the project on a site whose surrounding existing density within a(n) ________________ radius of the project boundary - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 1/4-mile For Option 2 of LT Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses, project teams must construct or renovate a building or a space within a building such that the main entrance is within a(n) __________ walking distance of _____ to ______ or _______ or more existing and publicly available diverse uses
  • ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 1/2-mile; 4 to 7; 8

The 5 categories for "diverse uses" includes the following: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - food retail

  • community-serving retail
  • services
  • civic and community facilities
  • community anchor uses To achieve LT Credit Bicycle Facilities, at least 1 of the project's functional entries and/or bicycle storage spaces should be within a 200 yd walking or bicycling distance from a bicycle network that connects to at least 1 of the (3) following: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - at least 10 diverse uses
  • a bus rapid transit (BRT) stop, light or heavy rail station, commuter rail station, or ferry terminal
  • a school or employment center, if the project total floor area is 50% or more residential What is the first requirement for achieving LT Credit Reduced Parking Footprint? - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ the number of parking spaces the project provides should not exceed minimum local code requirements for parking capacity Projects that have not earned points under LT Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses or LT Credit Access to Quality Transit must achieve a(n) ______% reduction from the base ratios - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 20% Projects earning 1 or more points under either LT Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses or LT Credit Access to Quality Transit must achieve a(n) ______% reduction from the base ratios - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 40% Exemplary performance is available for LT credit Reduced Parking Footprint based on the project achieving a(n) ____% parking capacity reduction from the base ratio for Case 1 or achieving a(n) ____% parking

capacity reduction from the base ratio for Case 2 - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 60; 80 To achieve LT Credit Green Vehicles, Warehouses and Distribution Centers projects must meet 1 of the following 2 options: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ option 1: Alternative-Fuel vehicles option 2: Reduced truck idling To achieve Option 1 for LT Credit Green Vehicles, Warehouses and Distribution Centers project teams must provide an on-site fleet with at least 1 yard tractor that is powered by _______. - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ electricity, propane, or natural gas To achieve Option 2 for LT Credit Green Vehicles, Warehouses and Distribution Centers project teams must provide an electrical connection for at least ____% of all dock door locations to limit truck idling at the dock. - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 50 Construction activity pollution prevention reduces pollution from construction activities by controlling the following: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - airborne dust

  • waterway sedimentation
  • soil erosion what are the requirements for SS Prerequisite Environmental Site Assessment for Schools and Healthcare projects? - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ Conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) as described in ASTM E1527-05 to determine whether environmental contamination exists at the site. If contamination is suspected, conduct a Phase II ESA as described in ASTM E1903-11. If a site is contaminated, remediate the site to meet local, state, or national environmental protection agency region residential standards, whichever are most stringent

A Schools project pursuing SS Credit Site Master Plan must achieve at least 4 of 6 credits, using associated calculation methods. What are the 6 credits?

  • ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - LT credit: High Priority Site
  • SS credit: Site Development (Protect or Restore Habitat)
  • SS credif: Open Space
  • SS credit: Rainwater Management
  • SS credit: Heat Island Reduction
  • SS credit: Light Pollution Reduction A site assessment conducted for SS credit Site Assessment should include information on the following (7) factors: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - topography
  • hydrology
  • climate
  • vegetation
  • soils
  • human use
  • human health effects Reducing a building footprint provides opportunities to achieve the following (3) SS credits: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - SS credit: Open Spacr
  • SS credit: Rainwater Management
  • SS credit: Site Development (Protect or Restore Habitat) For SS credit Open Space, outdoor space greater than or equal to ____% of the total site area (including the building footprint) must be provided. A minimum of _____% of that outdoor space must be vegetated or have overhead vegetated canopy. - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 30; 25

List the 3 requirements for SS credit Places of Respite: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - must be accessible to patients and visitors, equal to 5% of the net usable program area of the building

  • additional dedicated places of respite for staff must be provided, equal to 2% of the net usable program area of the building
  • must be outdoors, or be located in interior atria, greenhouses, solaria, or conditioned spaces. Interior spaces used as places of respite may be used to meet up to 30% of the required area if 90% of each qualifying space's gross floor area achieves a direct line of sight to unobstructed views of nature SS credit Site Development Protect or Restore Habitat has the following 2 options: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ Option 1: On-site Restoration Option 2: Financial Support What is the intent of conducting a site assessment? - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ to identify the most suitable sustainability solutions and inform related site design decisions A good selection of external luminaires minimizes the following 3 factors: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - uplight
  • glare
  • light trespass Option 2 of SS credit Site Development Protect or Restore Habitat requires teams to provide financial support equivalent to at least $_____/sq. ft for the total site area (including the building footprint) - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔. For SS credit Open Space, the outdoor space must be physically accessible and be 1 or more of the following types of space: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - a pedestrian-oriented paving or turf area that accomodates outdoor social activities
  • a recreation-oriented paving or turf area that encourage physical activity
  • a garden space with a diversity of vegetation types and species
  • a garden space dedicated to community gardens or urban food production
  • preserved or created habitat that meets the criteria of SS credit Site Development (Protect or Restore Habitat) and also includes elements of human interaction SS credit Rainwater Management has the following 3 options: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ Option 1: Percentile of Rainfall Events
  • Path 1: 95th percentile
  • Path 2: 98th percentile
  • Path 3: Zero lot line projects with a minimum density of 1.5 FAR only - 85th percentile Option 2: Natural Land Cover Conditions Exemplary performance is earned for SS credit Rainwater Management by managing ____% of the rainwater that falls within the __________ - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 100; project boundary Project teams can choose between the following 3 options to achieve SS credit Joint Use of Facilities: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ Option 1: Make Building Space Open to the General Public Option 2: Contract with Specific Organizations to Share Building Space Option 3: Use Shared by Other Organizations List the 3 SS credits that are eligible for exemplary performance: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - SS credit: Site Development (Protect or Restore Habiat)
  • SS credit: Rainwater Management
  • SS credit: Heat Island Reduction

A vegetated roof for an office building with an FAR of 1.6 can assist in achieving the following (4) SS credits: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - SS credit: Site Development (Protect or Restore Habiat)

  • SS credit: Open Space
  • SS credit: Rainwater Management
  • SS credit: Heat Island Reduction What are the 5 MLO Lighting Zones? - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ LZ0 - no ambient lighting LZ1 - low ambient lighting LZ2 - moderate ambient lighting LZ3 - moderately high ambient lighting LZ4 - high ambient lighting The following (6) fixtures and appliances may be excluded from calculations for WE prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - equipment that uses water on materials intended for human consumption (such as coffee machines)
  • fixtures whoses flow rates are regulated by health codes
  • process-water sinks, such as janitorial sinks and laboratory sinks
  • commercial kitchen (foodservice) sinks and prep sinks
  • surgical scrub sinks, exam or procedure room sinks for clinical use, and medication room sinks
  • clean or soiled utility room hand-washing sinks Landscape water requirement (LWR) is defined as: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ the amount of water that the site landscape area(s) requires for the site's peak watering month. The factors used to calculate LWR are plant tyle, plant density, and irrigation system components

What are the baseline flush or flow rates and the maximum installed flow rates to meet Compliance Path 1 of WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction? See image - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ WaterSense labels can be found for fixtures in the following (4) product categories: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - tank-type toilets

  • water-using urinals
  • private lavatory faucets
  • showerheads The following (5) fixtures are not eligible for the WaterSense label: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - tankless toilets
  • composting toilets
  • waterless toilets
  • waterless urinals
  • public lavatory faucets To meet WE prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction, cooling towers and evaportative condensers are required to be equipped with the following (3):
  • ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - makeup water meters
  • conductivity controllers and overflow alarms
  • efficient drift eliminators To meet Option 2 of WE prerequisite Outdoor Water Use Reduction, a project team must reduce the project's LWR through plant species selection and irrigation system efficiency by at least ____%, as measured from the calculated baseline for the site's peak watering month - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 30 To meet Option 2 of WE credit Outdoor Water Use Reduction, the project's LWR must be reduced by at least ____% from the calculated baseline for the

site's peak watering month. A minimum reduction of ____% must first be achieved through plant species selection and irrigation system efficiency - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 50; 30 The USGBC Indoor Water Use Calculator requires the (4) following information: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - project occupancy (number of FTEs, visitors, etc.)

  • gender ratio
  • days of operation
  • project fixture types The basic indoor water use reduction calculation is the following: Daily water use for each fixture type = ____ x ______x _______ x _________ - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ Flush or flow rate x Duration x Users x Uses per day Private lavatory faucets are described in the prerequisite and credit for indoor water use reduction as the following: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ Fixtures used by residential and residential-type occupants who use the building for sleeping accomodations are considered private use. Fixtures in dormitory bathrooms, patient bathrooms in hospitals and nursing homes, and prisoner bathrooms are also considered private use. To meet Option 1 of WE prerequisite Outdoor Water Use Reduction, the project team must show that the landscaping does not require a permanent irrigation system beyond a maximum _______-year establishment period. - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ two WE credit Outdoor Water Use Reduction has the following 2 options: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ Option 1: No Irrigation Required Option 2: Reduced Irrigation

The 5 control parameters that must be analyzed in condenser water for WE credit Cooling Tower Water Use include the following: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - calcium (CACO2)

  • alkalinity
  • SiO
  • chloride
  • conductivity To achieve WE credit Water Metering, permanent water meters must be installed on 2 or more of the following (6) water subsystems, as applicable to the project: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - irrigation water systems serving at least 80% of the irrigated landscaped area
  • water systems serving at least 80% of the indoor fixtures and fittings
  • water use of at least 80% of the installed domestic hot water heating capacity
  • boilers with aggregate projected annual water use of 100,000 gal or more, or boilers of more than 500,000 Btuh
  • reclaimed water systems
  • at least 80% of expected daily water consumption for process end uses To achieve exemplary performance for WE credit Indoor Water Use Reduction, a reduction of ______% from the calculated baseline must be achieved - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 55 The Energy and Atmosphere category addresses the following (4): - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ -implementation of energy efficiency strategies
  • elimination of harmful refrigerants
  • utilization of renewable energy sources and carbon offsets
  • monitoring, measuring, and verification of energy performance

______________ is the process of verifying and documenting that a building and all of its systems and assemblies are planned, designed, installed, tested, operated, and maintained to meet the owner's project requirements (OPR) - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ Commissioning For EA prerequisite Fundamental Commissioning and Verification, the commissioning agent (CxA) must perform the following 8 (Cx) activities: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - Review the OPR, BOD, and project design

  • Develop and implement a Cx plan
  • Confirm incorporation of Cx requirements into the construction documents
  • Develop construction checklists and a system test procedure
  • Verify system test execution
  • Maintain a log of issues and benefits throughout the Cx process
  • Prepare a final Cx process report
  • Document all findings and recommendations and report directly to the owner throughout the process For EA prerequisite Fundamental Commissioning and Verification, the CxA may be one of the following 4 professionals: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - a qualified employee of the owner
  • an independent consultant
  • an employee of the design or construction firm as long as he or she is not a member of project's design or construction team, unless under 20,000 sq. ft.
  • disinterested subcontractor of design or construction firm Systems that must be commissioned for EA prerequisite Fundamental Commissioning and Verification include the following (4): - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - mechanical systems, including HVAC&R equipment and controls
  • plumbing, including domestic hot water systems, pumps, and controls
  • electrical systems, including service, distribution, lighting, and controls (including daylighting controls)
  • renewable energy systems What several concepts are key to both fundamental Cx and enhanced Cx? - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - OPR
  • BOD
  • Cx plan
  • issues log
  • prefunctional performance testing
  • construction checklists
  • Cx report
  • functional performance testing (FPT) Systems that are not required to be commissioned under EA prerequisite Fundamental Commissioning and Verification include the (5) following: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - building envelope
  • life-safety systems
  • communications and data systems
  • fire protection and fire alarm systems process equipment What are the 2 options and paths for EA credit Enhanced Commissioning? - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ Option 1: Enhanced Systems Commissioning Path 1: Enhanced Commissioning Path 2: Enhanced and monitoring-based commissioning Option 2: Envelope Commissioning ______________ utilizes metered data to timely and accurately identify issues when the building sysyems are not operating per the intent of the OPR - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ Monitoring-based Commissioning (MBCx)

___________ tests and verifies a building's thermal envelope to achieve better building performance - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ Building envelope commissioning (BECx) For EA credit Enhanced Commissioning, the CxA should submit the following (6) postconstruction documents and reports to the owner prior to building occupancy: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - up-to-date systems manual, including O&M manuals for all commissioned eauipment

  • completed FPT reports
  • up-to-date issues log detailing closed and open issues
  • updated Cx plan that outlines Cx completed to date, seasonal testing plan, 10-month operational review plan, and a plan for addressing open issues identified after the initial round of Cx
  • explanation of seasonal testing List the (3) options available for EA prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ Option 1: Whole-Building Energy Simulation Option 2: Prescriptive Compliance: ASHRAE 50% Advanced Energy Design Guide Option 3: Prescriptive Compliance: Advanced Buildings Core Performance Guide For option 1 of EA prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance, a project team must demonstrate a minimum improvement of _____% for new building construction, ______% for major building renovations, or _____% for the core and shell of buildings over the baseline building performance - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 5; 3; 2 The eligible project types for Option 2 of EA prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance include the (4) following: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - small to medium office buildings, less than 100,000 sq. ft.
  • medium to large box retail buildings, 20,000 - 100,000 sq. ft
  • school buildings of any size
  • large hospitals, more than 100,000 sq. ft. Option 3 of EA prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance has the following 4 requirements: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 1. The project is less than 100,000 sq. ft.
  1. The project is not a(n) school, healthcare, warehouse, or laboratory
  2. EA credit Optimize Energy Performance will not be pursued
  3. The ENERGY STAR's Target Finder score must be greatet than 90 To meet the requirements for EA credit Optimize Energy Performance, the first step is to establish an energy performance target for source energy use as _______ no later than the _________ phase - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ kBtu per square foot-year; schematic design For EA credit Optimize Energy Performance, project teams can earn 1 point for each 1 of the following (5) applications per the applicable ASHRAE 50% AEDG standard: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - building envelope, opaque: roofs, walls, floors, slabs, and doors
  • building envelope, glazing
  • interior lighting, including daylighting and interior finishes
  • exterior lighting
  • plug loads EA prerequisite Building Level Energy Metering has the following 2 requirements: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - Install new or existing building-level energy meters
  • Provide the USGBC with total building energy consumption data for a 5- year period beginning on the date the project accepts LEED certification or typical occupancy

To meet the requirements of EA credit Advanced Energy Metering, advanced energy metering must be permanently installed for all ________________ and for any individual energy end use that represents ___________ of the total annual consumption of the building - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ whole-building energy sources used by the building; 10% or more _____________ is a global agreement to protect the stratoapheric ozone layer by phasing out the production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) such as chlorofluorocarbons (Cfcs) and halons. - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer For EA prerequisite Fundamental Refrigerant Management, when CFC- containing equipment is retained project teams must adhere to the _________ (or local equivalent for projects outside the U.S.) to minimize leakage in the building - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ EPA Clean Air Act, Title VI, Section 608 For EA credit Enhanced Refrigerant Management, the mechanical engineer chooses the appropriate refrigerants based on performance and 2 values called _____________ and _____________ - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ ozone depletion potential (ODP); global warming potential (GWP) For Option 1 of EA credit Enhanced Refrigerant Management, projects must not use refrigerants or they may only uae refrigerants with a(n) ________ of zero and a(n) __________ of less than 50 - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ ODP; GWP Case 1 of EA credit Demand Response requires participation in a DR program through enrollment in a minimum ____-year DR participation commitment with a qualified DR program provider for at least ______% of the estimated peak electricity demand - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 1; 10

Building systems under EA credit Demand Response must be capable of ________ or _________ real-time DR when the DR program provider initiates an external signal. ______ programs are not acceptable. - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ fully-automated; semi-automated; Manual Exemplary performance for EA credit Renewable Energy Production is available if renewable energy accounts for ____% of total energy. For Core and Shell projects, the threshold is ____%. - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 15; 10 A(n) _________________ is a reduction in emissions of CO2 or GHGs that is made in order to compensate for or to offset an emission made elsewhere. - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ carbon offset To meet the requirements of EA credit Green Power and Carbon Offsets, the project team or owner must engage in a contract for qualified resources that meet the following (3) criteria: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - have come online since January 1, 2005

  • have a contract for a minimum of 5 years
  • are delivered at least annually Green power, renewable energy certificates (RECs), or carbon offsets must equal to at least ____% (for ___ point) or ____% (for ____ points) of the project's energy based on quantity of consumption and must be Green-e Climate certified or the equivalent. - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 50; 1; 100; 2 One REC = ______ kWh - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 1000 _____________ and _______________ can be used to mitigate Scope 1 emissions. Only ____________ can be used for both Scope 1 and Scope 2 emission types.
  • ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ RECs; green power; carbon offsets

_____________ get the 2 points without purchasing any additional green power, RECs, or carbon offsets, provided the project does not sell any RECs associated with the on-site renewable energy production - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ Net-zero buildings EA prerequisite Fundamental Commissioning and Verification requires that the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) and renewable energy systems and assemblies be commissioned in accordance with the following (2): - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - ASHRAE Guideline 0-2005, The Commissioning Process

  • ASHRAE Guideline 1.1-2007, HVAC&R Technical Requirements for the Commissioning Process The Materials and Resources (MR) category focuses on the following: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ Focuses on minimizing the impact of building materials on the environment throughout their life cycle, including their extraction, processing, transportation, maintenance, and disposal A(n) _____________ is a tool that evaluates the potential environmental impact of a product or a service from its extraction/harvesting (cradle) to its disposal (grave) - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ life-cycle assessment (LCA) In the MR category, the default material cost is ____% of the total construction cost for a specific material and its installation - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 45% The MR category addresses permanently installed building products such as the following (7): - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - structure and enclosure elements
  • installed finishes
  • framing
  • interior walls
  • cabinets and casework
  • doors
  • roofs The following (9) are some of the passive MEP products that can be used in MR credit calculations at the project team's discretion: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - piping
  • pipe insulation
  • ducts
  • duct insulation
  • conduit
  • plumbing fixtures
  • faucets
  • showerheads
  • lamp housings The products excluded from MR credit calculations and documentation include the following: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - portions of an existing building that are not part of the construction contract
  • special equipment
  • products purchased for temporary use on the project
  • products within the MEP scope other than the eligible passive MEP products listed in credit requirements For a product to qualify for the full location valuation factor, it must meet the following 2 conditions: - ** 🔰 VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 1. All extraction, manufacture and purchase (including distribution) of the product and its materials must occur within a 100-mile radius. The point of purchase is considered the location of the purpose transaction. For online or other transactions that do not occur in person, the point of purchase is location of product distribution.