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LETRS Unit 7 Assessment Exam: Strategies for Effective Reading Instruction, Exams of Advanced Education

An assessment exam for letrs unit 7, which focuses on strategies for effective reading instruction. The exam covers a range of topics related to the balance of instructional time between foundational reading skills and language comprehension, selecting high-quality texts, effective comprehension strategies, facilitating mental model construction, and supporting english learners' language development. The exam questions and correct answers provide insights into best practices for reading instruction, particularly in the early grades. This document could be useful for educators, researchers, and students interested in understanding evidence-based approaches to teaching reading and supporting diverse learners.

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Available from 10/02/2024

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LETRS Unit 7 Assessment Exam With

100% Correct Answers

How should the balance of instructional time spent on foundational reading skills and language comprehension between first grade and third grade for typical learners? - Correct Answer-The time spent on foundational reading skills should skift from about 40% in first grade to 20% in third grade. What criterion would be most relevant for selecting high-quality texts for reading aloud or for meiated text reading? - Correct Answer-The text has layers of meaning that can be explored through several readings. According to the National Reading Panel (2000) and several research analyses, whcih of these strategies is more effective than the others for developing comprehension? - Correct Answer-having students retell or summarize what they have read During a teacher-mediated reading of the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood, which of these questions is most likely to facilitate construction of a mental model of the texts meanings? - Correct Answer-"What do we know about the characters so far?"

If a high quality, worthwhile narrative text has been read once, what is the most appropriate activity studetns should do next? - Correct Answer-Complete a story frame that outlines major events. What is an effective way to helpo students construct a mental model of informational text? - Correct Answer-Pose queries during reading to ensure studetns are making the necessary inferences. What is the main advantage of letting students know ahead of time what kind of text (e.g., narrative, informational) they will be reading?

  • Correct Answer-They can anticipate how the text is organized and how the information is presented. What is a helpful approach when working with a student who is a heavy dialect speaker and who is having trouble comprehending the language in a text? - Correct Answer-Explain the relationship between home langauge and school language in frequent, brief lessons. Which of the following teaching strategies is least helpful to English learners? - Correct Answer-allowing them to avoid speaking in class if they are embarrassed Which is the most effected technique for supporting students' expressive oral language development in school? - Correct Answer- encouraging students to talk with a partner before raising their hand to respond