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Download LETRS UNITS 1-4 POSTTEST REAL EXAM QUESTIONS AND CORRECT ANSWERS 2024 and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!



Which word group might a teacher include in a lesson focused on reviewing consonant digraphs? - ANSWER✔✔phone, throne, shown In the early alphabetic phase of word-reading development, students know some letter-sound correspondences and most letter names. A student at this level is most likely to progress with what type of instruction? - ANSWER✔✔blending 2-3 phoneme-grapheme correspondences within simple, one-syllable words Of all the phonic correspondences represented in these words, which pattern is likely to be learned after the others? - ANSWER✔✔vine Which of the following tasks would best provide practice for automating letter recognition in kindergarteners? - ANSWER✔✔naming uppercase and lowercase printed letters in random order Choose the best key word for introduction of short e. - ANSWER✔✔echo Which of the following is the best example of a well-designed word list for a word-chaining activity? - ANSWER✔✔rat, chat, chap, chip, rip, rap A teacher has posted a word wall in first grade, using alphabetic order to list the words the students must learn. For example, under T are the words to, too, them, the, this, then. How could the teacher best ensure that students will recognize and spell these words? - ANSWER✔✔by removing regularly spelled th words, and teaching them through sound blending A good phonics lesson should include opportunities for students to apply the phoneme- grapheme relationships that have been explicitly taught. Which text type would best provide the practice needed? - ANSWER✔✔decodable text

In which word does the grapheme representing /k/ indicate that the word is probably from Greek? - ANSWER✔✔character Which of the following words is most probably "Latin-based"? - ANSWER✔✔transport Which of the following is a feature of English spelling? - ANSWER✔✔Words never end in the letters j or v In phoneme-grapheme mapping, students first segment and mark boxes for the phonemes. Then, they map the graphemes. If students were mapping the graphemes in this word, how many boxes (phonemes) would they need? wife - ANSWER✔✔ 3 In phoneme-grapheme mapping, students first segment and mark boxes for the phonemes. Then, they map the grapheme. If students were mapping the grapheme in this word, how many boxes (phonemes) would the need? dodged - ANSWER✔✔ 4 In phoneme-grapheme mapping, students first segment and mark boxes for the phonemes. Then, they map the graphemes. If students were mapping the graphemes in this word, how many boxes (phonemes) would they need? void - ANSWER✔✔ 3 In the phoneme-grapheme mapping, students first segment and mark boxes for the phonemes. Then, they map the graphemes. If students were mapping the graphemes in this word, how many boxes would they need? stream - ANSWER✔✔ 5 If phoneme-grapheme mapping, students first segment and mark boxes for the phonemes. Then, the map the graphemes. If students were mapping the graphemes in this word, how many boxes would they need? blaming - ANSWER✔✔ 6

If phoneme-grapheme mapping, students first segment ad mark boxes for the phonemes. Then, they map the graphemes. If students were mapping the graphemes in this word, how many boxes would they need? thrill - ANSWER✔✔ 4 Which three letters could signal that ci is pronounced /s/? - ANSWER✔✔e, i , y The /k/ sound in lake and lack is speed differently. Why do we use the ck spelling in lack? - ANSWER✔✔it follows a single short vowel at the end of a stressed syllable. Which one of the following two-syllable words contains an open syllable and a closed syllable? - ANSWER✔✔robot Which one of the following two-syllable words contains a vowel team syllable and a syllable with a vowel-pattern? - ANSWER✔✔owner A second-grade student writes, "I have finely finished my math project." Her misspelling of the word finally most likely indicates which of the following? - ANSWER✔✔She needs to know how the meaningful parts distinguish a word. Which word might be found in a lesson on adjective suffixes? - ANSWER✔✔native Which statement best describes the relationship between reading comprehension and word decoding in a beginning reader's development? - ANSWER✔✔Accurate, fast word recognition is necessary for development of reading fluency and text comprehension. Near the close of the day, a kindergarten teacher guides the students in conversation about the day's activities. She writes down what is said on large chart paper, then reads it to the class. This activity would aid their literacy development primarily by promoting which skill? - ANSWER✔✔oral language comprehension

After results of a winter screening, six second-graders scored in the "somewhat at risk" range. What is the next step the teacher team should take? - ANSWER✔✔Analyze the screening results and gather additional diagnosis assessment data. How is the word sn-ow divided? - ANSWER✔✔onset-rime How many spoken syllables are there in frightening? - ANSWER✔✔ 3 How many spoken syllables are there in cleaned? - ANSWER✔✔ 1 What is the main reason that the ability to identify, segment, blend, and manipulate individual phonemes in spoken words is important for reading an alphabetic writing system? - ANSWER✔✔This skill ultimately supports the ability to read words, "by sight." Students with relative weaknesses in basic phonemic awareness are most likely to make progress if the teacher provides which practice? - ANSWER✔✔asks students to look in a mirror while they describe the way that target phonemes are formed in the mouth Which student is demonstrating the most advanced level of phonemic awareness? - ANSWER✔✔the student substituting a sound in a given word and saying the new word. A student spells skin as "sgin." What type of phonological error did she make? - ANSWER✔✔substitution of a voiced for an unvoiced consonant Having students listen to a word, say it, and then mentally reverse the sounds in the word is an instructional activity that would be most appropriate for which students? - ANSWER✔✔those who have mastered basic phonemic awareness How can phonics instruction be organized to be most effective? - ANSWER✔✔around a preplanned progression through a logical skill sequence

Which word group might a teacher include in a lesson focused on identification of consonant blends? - ANSWER✔✔plan, squirm, train How can a teacher explain to students why there is a double n in beginning? - ANSWER✔✔The base word ends in a single-consonant preceded by a single vowel, and the suffix begins with a vowel. Which of the following misspelled words would be considered to be a morphological spelling error? - ANSWER✔✔playd for played Which of the following is a phonologically based spelling error? - ANSWER✔✔paz for praise The best definition of reading fluency is which of the following? - ANSWER✔✔oral reading with accuracy, expression, and sufficient speed to support comprehension To support students' automatic word recognition, a first-grade teacher should first teach students which strategy? - ANSWER✔✔how to apply their knowledge of consistent phonics patterns in controlled text If a second-grader lacks fluency when reading aloud, what is the language skill that the teacher should assess first? - ANSWER✔✔phonology and decoding If a midyear first-grader reaches benchmark on screening for correct letter sounds, but does not read any whole words accurately when asked to read simple nonsense syllables, what type of instruction should this student receive? - ANSWER✔✔instruction in fluent phoneme blending Which of these students has the greatest need for intervention focused on systematic, explicit phonics instruction? - ANSWER✔✔a second-grader who relies on context clues to identify words but has trouble sounding out unfamiliar words, including nonsense words