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Query Type: App Navigational - Precise Answer ✔✔A query that refers to a specific app. Examples include [facebook], [twitter], [instagram], [pinterest], [minecraft free], and [angry birds] which refers to the Angry Birds 2 game, since AB classic was removed from the store When a developer has one canonical app associated with them, a query with both app and developer intent is classified as - Precise Answer ✔✔App Navigational - i.e. [Facebook], [Amazon], [Bank of America] What is the definition of Canonical SEO - Precise Answer ✔✔A canonical tag (aka "rel canonical") is a way of telling search engines that a specific URL represents the master copy of a page. Using the canonical tag prevents problems caused by identical or "duplicate" content appearing on multiple URLs. Query Type: Functional - Precise Answer ✔✔Queries in this category express intent for apps with particular function or theme. This also includes native Apple apps/functions that cannot be removed and re- downloaded from the app store such as: apple health app, apple pay, carplay. Examples of functional queries are: [free apps], [top free games], [girls games], [rpg], [action games], [news], [cloud storage], [wallet], [fitness],
[batman], [spongebob games], [scanner], [harry potter], [libros] (query in Spanish, translates to "books") etc. With a functional query, such as [action games] - if you are given a bundle of three games to rate - how would you rate it? - Precise Answer ✔✔Rate based off the most relevant app in the bundle An old release date is defined as - Precise Answer ✔✔Anything that hasn't been updated in three years or more. You are able to see the last update date by looking at "Version History" on the App Store preview page. Apps that have not been updated in 12 months or longer should be - Precise Answer ✔✔Demoted by one due to lack of continuous developer support When you receive a query in another language... - Precise Answer ✔✔Return ratings in either English or the same language as the query If you received the query libros (which means book in Spanish), what would be one unacceptable response. - Precise Answer ✔✔French language e-reader application If the query is in a foreign language, what does "market" mean? - Precise Answer ✔✔Market refers to the presiding app store that is operating in the country where the language is spoken. Most times indicating that it would be acceptable to return/rate responses.
For example, a query written in Turkish would be linked to the German App Store, since that is what's available in Turkey. Therefore, it would be acceptable to return/rate German, Turkish and always English responses. Query Type: Dev Navigational - Precise Answer ✔✔A query that refers to a specific developer which the user queries for by name. Examples include: [rovio], [dumadu], [disney], [apple], [google], [lighttricks], [gameloft], [ketchapp], etc. For a dev navigational query, such as Sega - abandoned apps by the developer not updated in three years or more are - Precise Answer ✔✔Excellent For Dev Navigational queries, stories about the Developer (such as "Meet the Developer"/Behind the Scenes are eligible for - Precise Answer ✔✔Perfect For dev navigational queries, apps with similar functionalities are - Precise Answer ✔✔Eligible or Excellent If the query intent is for an apple arcade game, all returned Arcade games are... - Precise Answer ✔✔At least Acceptable
When forming a web search query, it helps to narrow down intent by adding terms like - Precise Answer ✔✔"iphone" or "app store" to the query you're researching, e.g. ['query' iphone] or ['query' app store]. The primary intent of a query is the - Precise Answer ✔✔Most likely intent. This is the intent of most users who enter that query on the app store The secondary intent is - Precise Answer ✔✔Less likely, or would be a less popular intent compared to a primary one. In the case of the query [Amazon], the primary and secondary intents would be - Precise Answer ✔✔Primary Intent: The Amazon Marketplace App and any other apps by Amazon Secondary Intent: Apps about the Amazon Rainforest Queries in all languages are ____, and results should be rated based on _____. - Precise Answer ✔✔Valid. Relevance. Adding the words "Cheats", "Wallpaper" or "Emojis" to the end of your query would be what kind of intent - Precise Answer ✔✔That would satisfy as a secondary intent. If a non-hint query is spelled incorrectly, - Precise Answer ✔✔Assume that it was spelled correctly and move forward
If a hint query is spelled incorrectly, - Precise Answer ✔✔Use the rating of unacceptable: spelling. For example, input is: "Pel" and the query is "Peleton," the aforementioned rating is given due to spelling being Peloton. Some queries will have more than one primary or secondary intent. Visualize an example now - Precise Answer ✔✔The query [Budget] on the app store is equally likely to mean the app for the car rental company, or budgeting apps. Adult/Pornographic Content is Unacceptable or Offtopic for - Precise Answer ✔✔Non-adult and non-porn queries Problem: Other - Precise Answer ✔✔A problem or technical issue with the task in BaseLine that makes it impossible to judge relevance. Please notify the Lionbridge AI Support team immediately of such cases. Old release dates are acceptable - Precise Answer ✔✔Old release dates are acceptable when they are given for App or Dev Navigational queries. If they are for functional queries and broader categorical/descriptive queries, they are unacceptable. Hints that repeat a valid search query are - Precise Answer ✔✔Perfect suggestions. However, if the user types in a misspelled query, we should not repeat that misspelling in the hint (if we do, please rate that incorrect suggestion as Unacceptable: Spelling).
Less popular suggestions might be 'Amazon Fire TV' for the query 'a'. Use your - Precise Answer ✔✔Best judgement when considering the popularity of a suggestion and evaluating how strong the intent is. Some suggestions start veering into specificity. For example, if your query is 'pok' and the suggestion is 'poker - texas hold em'. While it fits the basic intent of the input, it is slightly too specific for the input 'pok'. The output 'poker - texas hold em' would be a perfect suggestion for the input - Precise Answer ✔✔'poker', since the user has already clearly made the intent for finding poker related apps. For apps that do not exist in the App Store, such as Battlefield 1 for the input b or ba - use ______ as the rating - Precise Answer ✔✔Acceptable. Unacceptable is too harsh should the app exist in the App Store at some point. Incomplete/Too Vague - Precise Answer ✔✔For example, if your input is "sp" and the resulting suggestion is "sport," a better suggestion would be "sports." A rating of incomplete or too vague is given. Hints for apps that have been abandoned by the developer are rated as ____ - Precise Answer ✔✔Unacceptable With an input of Tin - Precise Answer ✔✔Tinder for Teens would be an inappropriate suggestion.