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With Literature Online, you can find new connections that cross the centuries and span the globe.
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Literature Online
C H A D W Y C K - H E A L E Y
— The Columbia Companion to the Twentieth-Century American Short Story (Columbia University Press, 2000) — The Columbia Dictionary of Modern Literary and Cultural Criticism (Columbia University Press, 1995) — The Columbia Dictionary of Modern European Literature (Columbia University Press, 1980) — Encyclopedia of American Poetry: The Nineteenth Century (Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 1998) — Encyclopedia of the Novel (Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 1998)
And with new material added in each monthly release, Literature Online is unrivaled for coverage, quality, and currency. n In addition, an intuitive new interface, sophisticated search options, enhanced research capabilities, and helpful tools make it easier than ever for researchers to search this unique resource and pinpoint the information they want.
Literature Online—Then… Literature Online’s launch in 1996 broke new ground in electronic publishing and set the standard for the delivery of scholarly materials over the Internet. It’s now available in hundreds of libraries and academic institutions around the world.
Quick Search allows users to search across the entire contents of Literature Online from any page.
Literature Online offers more than 350,000 literary works, as well as an extensive library of criticism, reference works, and journals.
Literature Online offers extensive coverage of contemporary, multicultural authors including biographies, primary works, and criticism.
Literature Online
the new research standard
Today, Literature Online features even more authors and literary texts—with extensive coverage of 20 th-century works by multicultural authors. It also offers more comprehensive indexing of websites as well as a huge library of criticism and reference material, including:
terms, literary movements, world fiction, and poetry
…And Now
—Dr. Richard Harp, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Twentieth-Century American Poetry An unparalleled collection of 52,600 poems drawn from 750 volumes by over 300 poets, including Adrienne Rich, Ezra Pound, e.e. cummings, and Robert Frost. Featured in this collection are the New York School, the Chicago School, Deep Image Movement, the Beats, and the Black Mountain poets.
Twentieth-Century African American Poetry The full text of almost 9, poems (dating back to 1900) by 62 of the most important African-American poets including Audre Lord, Langston Hughes, Rita Dove, and Imamu Amiri Baraka.
American Poetry Over 40, poems by more than 200 American writers from the Colonial Period to the early 20 th^ century.
African American Poetry, 1760-1900 Nearly 3, poems written by African-American poets in the late 18 th^ and 19 th^ centuries.
Canadian Poetry Poetry from 1668 through the early 20 th^ century, featuring 19,000 poems by 177 poets. Created in partnership with the Electronic Text Centre of the University of New Brunswick.
Twentieth-Century English Poetry A collection of 598 volumes of poetry by 283 poets from 1885 to 2000, including W.B. Yeats, Rudyard Kipling, Seamus Heaney, Benjamin Zephaniah, and Tony Harrison.
English Poetry, Second Edition More than 183,000 poems by over 2,700 poets, redefining the English poetic canon from the 8 th^ century to the early 20 th^ century.
The Faber Poetry Library Online access to 50 of the most distinguished poets of the 20th^ century, including Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, and T.S. Eliot.
American Drama, 1714- American Drama offers 1,500 plays—the largest collection of full-text American dramatic literature from the beginning of the American theater to 1915. Provides exhaustive coverage of African American drama of the period.
English Drama, 1280- A combination of English Verse Drama and English Prose Drama, this collection offers 4,000 plays by 1,200 authors from the 13 th^ century to the early 20 th^ century.
Early American Fiction, 1789-1875 Early American Fiction offers 730 works by 130 of the most important American authors. These include full text of the first editions of novels and short stories written before 1876 by authors of the period such as Nathaniel Hawthorne, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Louisa May Alcott, and Mark Twain. Early American Fiction also features the first American novel, the first African-American novel, and many works by lesser-known but influential writers such as Catharine Maria Sedgewick. The collection is produced in collaboration with the University of Virginia.
Nineteenth-Century Fiction A collection of 250 complete novels from 1782-1903, by all the major writers of the period such as Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, the Bront¨es, George Eliot, and Thomas Hardy.
Eighteenth-Century Fiction Works of selected English prose from 1700-1780, depicting the rise of a new genre, the novel. Key authors featured include Jonathan Swift, Daniel Defoe, Samuel Johnson, and Henry Fielding. Women writers are strongly represented and their works can be identified through a gender search.
Early English Prose Fiction, 1500-1700 The largest corpus of prose fiction works of its kind available, including Elizabethan and Restoration fiction, jest books, collections of short pieces and novella, and popular fiction.
Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature+ An acclaimed reference for English studies, with approximately 880,000 bibliographical records from 1920 to the present day.
The King James Bible The complete English text of the King James Bible including all prefatory matter, notes, running heads, and glossaries.
Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged An international reference work to the English language, containing over 450,000 entries. Each entry gives the part of speech, origin, and meanings.
Literature Online brings together the
contents of the following databases into
one fully searchable resource.
Isabel Allende Mark Twain
We have a number of additional literature resources that you might be interested in as well:
annual bibliography covering more than 4,400 academic journals, and indexing more than 66,000 books and articles annually for a total of more than 2 million records
a dynamic, inclusive collection of 2,500 plays in the English language, from countries all over the world, offering incomparable scholarship opportunity across genders, ethnicities, and nationalities
New! A digital version of the Heinemann African Writers Series that assembles key works for research on contemporary African writers and post-colonial writing. Researchers can perform textual analyses of leading African novels together with volumes of poetry, drama, and fictional works.
Fully integrated add-on collections
Amy Tan
on Literature Online or to request a free trial, contact your account representative at 800-521-0600 or 734-761-4700, ext. 3344, or email us at [email protected]. You can also visit our website at
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Why not open the door to literature
research in your library today?
J.D. Salinger
Alice Walker
Aurthur MIller
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