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MAP Test Exam New Latest Version Updated 2023-2024 with All Questions from Actual Exam with 100% Correct Answers from Expert Basic information required for an emergency room visit includes the insurance information, HCP form and ------- Correct Answer --------- b. the reason for the visit and the current medication list The section of a medication sheet used to transcribe guidelines or parameters specific to the administration of a medication is known as ------- Correct Answer --------- a. special instructions When a HCP order is written and a medication is obtained from the pharmacy, the information from the HCP order and the pharmacy label must be ------- Correct Answer - -------- c. transcribed onto a medication sheet To identify when a medication is administered at a location other than the person's home or if the person is learning to self-administer their medication you may use a(n) --- ---- Correct Answer --------- a. acceptable code When a person speaks for themselves, to support their abilities during a HCP visit you should ------- Correct Answer --------- d. direct all HCP questions to the person and allow the person to tell the HCP the reason for the visit A Fax Health Care Provider order is preferred over a ------- Correct Answer --------- a. telephone order If a person attends a HCP visit without the presence of staff and does not bring back a valid HCP order for a new medication that was delivered to your work location, it is your responsibility to ------- Correct Answer --------- a. obtain the new HCP order Preparation before a HCP visit will help ensure ------- Correct Answer --------- c. that the appointment is successful When taking a telephone order ------- Correct Answer --------- b. read the order back to the person's HCP Medication Reconciliation before a hospital discharge is required to ensure ------- Correct Answer --------- d. new medication ordered during a hospital stay is not omitted when the person returns home A Telephone Health Care Provider order must be posted and ------- Correct Answer ----- ---- c. verified twice A current supply of medication may be exhausted (used) if there is a dose and or a frequency change and the strength of the tablet allows for easy ------- Correct Answer --- ------ c. preparation The use of a 'directions change' sticker is allowed ------- Correct Answer --------- b. when exhausting a current supply of medication A prescription is a set of instructions from the ------- Correct Answer --------- b. HCP to the pharmacist If a 50mg strength tablet is supplied by the pharmacy and the dose ordered for administration is 25mg you must ------- Correct Answer --------- b. return the medication to the pharmacy Medication taken by mouth should be separated from other routes to help ------- Correct Answer --------- a. decrease the possibility of a medication being administered by the wrong route If there is no HCP order you may ------- Correct Answer --------- a. not administer the medication If the strength of a tablet changes from the last refill and allows for the correct dose to be administered you must ------- Correct Answer --------- b. rewrite the transcription If a medication is different in color, shape, size or markings from the last time it was filled you must contact a ------- Correct Answer --------- a. MAP Consultant If a new medication is ordered by the HCP and there is a delay in obtaining the medication from the pharmacy for any reason, you must contact ------- Correct Answer -- ------- b. the HCP immediately and obtain orders stating what should be done until the medication is obtained The pharmacy label includes a last date a medication may be administered; this is known as a(n) ------- Correct Answer --------- d. expiration date The following factor(s) can result in a medication being less effective: ------- Correct Answer --------- c. a medication storage area in a location with excessive heat and moisture If the HCP orders a brand name medication and the pharmacy supplies the generic name, the label must include ------- Correct Answer --------- c. both the brand and the generic name A medication sheet is a document used to track medication ------- Correct Answer -------- - a. administration The category of medication requiring additional security in place due to the high risk of being stolen and abused is known as ------- Correct Answer --------- c. countable controlled You are responsible for learning about the medications you administer and knowing the ------- Correct Answer --------- c. reason ordered In a medication box to indicate that you have administered the medication you place ---- --- Correct Answer --------- c. your initials A medication record typically includes an Emergency Fact Sheet, HCP orders, medication sheets and medication ------- Correct Answer --------- a. information sheets In the hour column on a medication sheet, you must ------- Correct Answer --------- d. include specific hours of the day All HCP orders must be posted and verified to ensure HCP orders are ------- Correct Answer --------- a. accurately transcribed Before the start of a new month, 2 MAP Certified and/or licensed staff review the new month's medication sheets using the HCP orders and pharmacy labels. This is known as a(n) ------- Correct Answer --------- c. accuracy check The 5 Rights of medication administration include the right person, the right medication, the right dose, and the ------- Correct Answer --------- d. right time and the right route The 5 Rights must agree between the HCP order, pharmacy label and the ------- Correct Answer --------- a. medication sheet Before administering medication, the 5 Rights must be checked during the medication administration process a total of ------- Correct Answer --------- d. three times Some medications are administered on an 'as needed' basis, other medications are administered ------- Correct Answer --------- continuously There are three parts of the medication administration process known as ------- Correct Answer --------- a. prepare, administer and complete An appropriate measuring device must always be used when preparing ------- Correct Answer --------- c. liquid medication In addition to the 5 Rights, PRN medication orders must also include target ------- Correct Answer --------- d. signs and symptoms If a person refuses their medication ------- Correct Answer --------- b. try to determine why If a PRN medication is ordered to be administered every six hours, as needed for specific target signs and symptoms and a dose is administered today at 7am, the earliest it may be administered again if needed, is ------- Correct Answer --------- d. 1pm Do not administer medication if you cannot read the pharmacy label, the medication was prepared by someone else or if the medication ------- Correct Answer --------- d. was pre-poured If releasing medication to another person, it is necessary to ------- Correct Answer -------- - b. obtain their signature as accepting the medication The Chain of Custody ensures the integrity of the medication is not compromised and all medication is ------- Correct Answer --------- b. properly accounted for Maintaining the Chain of Custody makes it harder for medication to be ------- Correct Answer --------- a. stolen There are many documents and methods used to track medication including but not limited to, a medication ordering and receiving log, a Count Book, ------- Correct Answer --------- b. pharmacy receipts and medication sheets The amount used column on a count sheet page must be documented in word form, not the numerical form, for example 'one' must be written and not documented as the number '1'. This will help to prevent someone from ------- Correct Answer --------- d. altering your documentation If an ordered refill does not arrive with the delivery, you will ------- Correct Answer -------- - a. immediately contact the pharmacy The three basic sections of a Count Book are known as the count sheet pages, the count signature pages and the ------- Correct Answer --------- b. index When you document on a medication ordering and receiving log that medication was received from the pharmacy and notice a remaining refill number is '0', you must ------- Correct Answer --------- b. immediately contact the HCP When medication is administered at a day program, the responsibility of ensuring the day program has a copy of the HCP order and a pharmacy labeled package of medication is the ------- Correct Answer --------- b. residential program staff Two Certified and/or licensed staff signatures are required in the Count Book when ------ - Correct Answer --------- b. adding a medication refill Medication occurrences must be reported to the MAP Coordinator within 7 days of discovery. Hotline medication occurrences must be reported to DPH and the MAP Coordinator within ------- Correct Answer --------- d. 24 hours of discovery Staff is new to a residential program and administers one housemate's medication to another. The category of medication occurrence is a ------- Correct Answer --------- d. wrong person If staff administer medication that was discontinued or past the stop date of a time limited order, this is categorized as a ------- Correct Answer --------- c. wrong medication According to the Procedure Following a Medication Occurrence, if you make or discover a medication occurrence you first ------- Correct Answer --------- c. check to see if the person is okay The chances of a medication occurrence happening can be decreased by always following the ------- Correct Answer --------- d. medication administration process To ensure you administer medication to the right person, if you are unsure of who a person is, ask another staff who is familiar or ------- Correct Answer --------- d. check the Emergency Fact Sheet picture When medical intervention, illness, injury or death follow a medication occurrence, this is known as a(n) ------- Correct Answer --------- b. hotline occurrence Whether you make or discover a medication occurrence, after checking the person and seeing that they are okay, you will call ------- Correct Answer --------- c. a MAP Consultant The safety of the person is always your first concern when a medication occurrence is made or discovered, if needed, you would first ------- Correct Answer --------- d. call 911 for help A medication occurrence is defined as when one of the ------- Correct Answer --------- c. 5 rights go wrong