Download Mark Klimek Nclex Prep 2023 Questions And Correct Verified Answers Latest Updated 2024/202 and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! Mark Klimek Nclex Prep 2023 Questions And Correct Verified Answers Latest Updated 2024/2025 Best Exam Solution Top Ranked A+ For Success A HIGH pressure alarm is due to... - CORRECT ANSWERS obstructions (kinks in tubing, mucus secretions) A LOW pressure alarm is due to... - CORRECT ANSWERS disconnections (disconnected main tubing or O2 sensor tubing) BEFORE choosing to suction a patient, you should... - CORRECT ANSWERS Change their position (turn, cough, deep breathe) As the pH goes, - CORRECT ANSWERS so goes my patient, EXCEPT for potassium (Mac) Kussmaul's is only seen in... - CORRECT ANSWERS Metabolic Acidosis In respiratory, if the patient is OVERventilating, - CORRECT ANSWERS Respiratory Alkalosis In respiratory, if the patient is UNDERventilating, - CORRECT ANSWERS Respiratory Acidosis The only cause for metabolic alkalosis is... - CORRECT ANSWERS prolonged vomiting or suctioning What are the stages of grief? - CORRECT ANSWERS DABDA (Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance) The number one problem in abusive situations is _______. How do you treat it? - CORRECT ANSWERS Denial Treat by CONFRONTING IT! The number two problem in abusers is... - CORRECT ANSWERS Dependency/Codependency If what a codependent person is being asked to do is harmful/dangerous, this is called _________. How do you treat it? - CORRECT ANSWERS Manipulation Treat by setting limits + enforcing it. SAY NO! Mark Klimek Nclex Prep 2023 Questions And Correct Verified Answers Latest Updated 2024/2025 Best Exam Solution Top Ranked A+ For Success What is Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome? - CORRECT ANSWERS Psychosis-induced by vitamin B1 (thiamine) deficiency Amnesia with confabulation (pt making up stories + believes it) It is IRREVERSIBLE How do you prevent Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome? - CORRECT ANSWERS Take vitamin B1 What is Disulfiram (Antabuse)? How long does it take to be effective? - CORRECT ANSWERS Aversion therapy for alcoholism 2 weeks to be effective What does Naltrexone (Revia) do? - CORRECT ANSWERS Reduces alcohol cravings What should you teach patients to avoid when taking Disulfiram? - CORRECT ANSWERS Mouthwash, aftershaves, perfume/cologne, insect repellent, any OTC that ends in "elixir", alcohol-based hand sanitizer, uncooked icings (no bake), red wine vinaigrette What are the 5 uppers? - CORRECT ANSWERS Caffeine Cocaine PCP/LSD Methamphetamines Adderall *Everything else is a downer... What is an overdose? What are the sxs like? - CORRECT ANSWERS Too much of an upper/downer Upper overdose sxs make you GO UP Downer overdose sxs make you GO DOWN What is a withdrawal? What are the sxs like? - CORRECT ANSWERS Too little upper/downer Upper withdrawal sxs make you go DOWN Mark Klimek Nclex Prep 2023 Questions And Correct Verified Answers Latest Updated 2024/2025 Best Exam Solution Top Ranked A+ For Success "TAP" levels - CORRECT ANSWERS Trough, Administer, Peak When do you draw a trough level? - CORRECT ANSWERS 30 minutes before next dose (true for ALL med routes) When do you draw a peak for a sublingual med? - CORRECT ANSWERS 5-10 mins after drug is dissolved When do you draw a peak for a IV med? - CORRECT ANSWERS 15-30 mins after drug is finished When do you draw a peak for a IM med? - CORRECT ANSWERS 30-60 mins after you give it CCBs are like _________ for your heart, they _____________. - CORRECT ANSWERS Valium Calm it down! CCBs are *negative* ____ , ____ , and _____. - CORRECT ANSWERS inotropic, chronotropic, dromotropic What would a *positive* inotropic, chronotropic, dromotropic do? - CORRECT ANSWERS Cardiac *stimulant* CCBs are A, AA, AAA... - CORRECT ANSWERS Antihypertensives Anti-Anginals Anti-Atrial Arrhythmias ***EXCEPTION: SVT, because "supra" means "above" the ventricles, which means it is an atrial rhythm. Side effects of CCBs are HNH... - CORRECT ANSWERS Headache + Hypotension CCBs end in ______, except for ______ & ______. - CORRECT ANSWERS -dipine Mark Klimek Nclex Prep 2023 Questions And Correct Verified Answers Latest Updated 2024/2025 Best Exam Solution Top Ranked A+ For Success Except for Verapamil and Cardizem Treat V.Tach/PVCs with... - CORRECT ANSWERS Lidocaine or Amiodarone Treat SVT with... - CORRECT ANSWERS ABCDs Adenosine (rapid push) Beta blockers Calcium channel blockers Digoxin/Digitalis/Lanoxin Treat V.Fib with... - CORRECT ANSWERS Defibrillation For V.Fib, you defib! Treat asystole with... - CORRECT ANSWERS Epinephrine and Atropine Epi before Atropine An *a*pical chest tube removes... - CORRECT ANSWERS Air A *b*asilar chest tube removes... - CORRECT ANSWERS Blood What should you do if the water seal of a chest tube breaks? - CORRECT ANSWERS Clamp, cut, submerge, unclamp What should you do if the CT gets pulled out? - CORRECT ANSWERS First thing to do is take a gloved hand and cover the hole BEST thing to do is to cover it with vaseline gauze If asked about bubbling---*WHEN* and *WHERE* is it bubbling? Continuous bubbling in the water seal is... - CORRECT ANSWERS BAD. If something is sealed, you should NOT have continuous bubbling. Mark Klimek Nclex Prep 2023 Questions And Correct Verified Answers Latest Updated 2024/2025 Best Exam Solution Top Ranked A+ For Success Never clamp a chest tube for longer than _______ without a doctor's order. - CORRECT ANSWERS 15 secs All congenital heart defects are either "TRouBLe" or not. What are the characteristics? - CORRECT ANSWERS T -- All CHDs that start with "T" are trouble! R + L -- Shunts blood R -> L B -- Makes them turn blue (cyanotic) Examples: Tetralogy of Fallot Truncus arteriosus Transposition of Great Vessels Tricuspid atresia Total Anomalous Pulmonary Vasculature No-trouble defects shunt blood... - CORRECT ANSWERS L -> R All CHD children will have two things, whether they are "trouble" or not: - CORRECT ANSWERS A murmur An echocardiogram The 4 Defects of Tetralogy of Fallot "VarieD PictureS Of A RancH" - CORRECT ANSWERS Ventricular Defect Pulmonary Stenosis Overriding Aorta Right Hypertrophy Droplet Precautions - CORRECT ANSWERS Mask, gloves, hand-washing Pt wears mask when leaving the room Disposable supply dedicated equipment Mark Klimek Nclex Prep 2023 Questions And Correct Verified Answers Latest Updated 2024/2025 Best Exam Solution Top Ranked A+ For Success How do you address psychotic delirium? - CORRECT ANSWERS 1. Acknowledge feeling 2. Reassure that it is temporary, it will go away, and that they're safe. How do you address a patient with a personality disorder? - CORRECT ANSWERS Use good therapeutic communication EXCEPT for abnormal (antisocial, borderline, narcissists -- treat these more like a functional psychotic and SET LIMITS). The lower the urine output, the _____________ the urine specific gravity. - CORRECT ANSWERS Higher The higher the urine output, the _____________ the urine specific gravity. - CORRECT ANSWERS Lower The opposite of diabetes insipidus is... - CORRECT ANSWERS SIADH Diabetes insipidus is... - CORRECT ANSWERS polyuria, polydipsia, leading to dehydration due to low ADH What are the 3 types of DM type 1? - CORRECT ANSWERS Insulin-dependent Juvenile onset Ketosis prone What are the 3 types of DM type 2? - CORRECT ANSWERS Non-insulin dependent Adult onset Non-ketosis prone What are the 3 P's of Diabetes? - CORRECT ANSWERS Polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia How to treat a DM type 1 client? - CORRECT ANSWERS "If you don't treat type 1's, they could DIE" D = Diet Mark Klimek Nclex Prep 2023 Questions And Correct Verified Answers Latest Updated 2024/2025 Best Exam Solution Top Ranked A+ For Success I = Insulin *priority E = Exercise How to treat a DM type 2 client? - CORRECT ANSWERS "If you don't treat type 2's, they could DOA" D = Diet *priority O = Oral hypoglycemic A = Activity The main treatments for DM type 2 clients is... - CORRECT ANSWERS Calorie restriction *priority They need 6 small feedings per day Insulin to lower blood glucose Regular insulin peaks at... - CORRECT ANSWERS 2 hours NPH insulin peaks at... - CORRECT ANSWERS 8-10 hours When do you check for hypoglycemia in a DM client? - CORRECT ANSWERS At the insulin's peak time What is the onset for rapid acting insulin? - CORRECT ANSWERS 15 minutes Lantus peaks at... - CORRECT ANSWERS No essential peak (low risk for hypoglycemia, can give at bedtime) Once an insulin vial has been punctured, it is good for... - CORRECT ANSWERS 30 days from that date In DM clients, think of exercise as... - CORRECT ANSWERS Another injection of insulin *Teach patients who are going to exercise to bring rapidly metabolizable carbohydrates. If a DM client is sick, their glucose level will... - CORRECT ANSWERS Increase Mark Klimek Nclex Prep 2023 Questions And Correct Verified Answers Latest Updated 2024/2025 Best Exam Solution Top Ranked A+ For Success *Teach them to take insulin even if they're not eating + take sips of water to prevent dehydration. What are the 3 acute complications of DM? - CORRECT ANSWERS Insulin shock/Hypoglycemia/Hypoglycemic shock Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) *only applies to DM type 1 HHNK (Dehydration) What are S/S of hypoglycemia? - CORRECT ANSWERS "DRUNK IN SHOCK" What are S/S of DKA? - CORRECT ANSWERS D - Dehydration, dry K - Ketones (in blood), Kussmaul's resps, High K+ A - Acidotic (metabolic), acetone breath (fruity), anorexia d/t nausea What is the #1 cause of DKA? - CORRECT ANSWERS Acute viral upper respiratory infection within the last 2 weeks What is the toxic level for Lithium? - CORRECT ANSWERS ≥ 2 What is the toxic level for Digoxin/Lanoxin? - CORRECT ANSWERS ≥ 2 What is the toxic level for Aminophylline/Theophylline? - CORRECT ANSWERS ≥ 20 What is the toxic level for Dilantin/Phenytoin? - CORRECT ANSWERS ≥ 20 What are the toxic & elevated levels of bilirubin in a newborn? - CORRECT ANSWERS ≥ 20 Elevated is 10-20 What is phenytoin used for? - CORRECT ANSWERS Seizures What is theophylline used for? - CORRECT ANSWERS Bronchodilator for asthma, COPD, emphysema; relaxes the airway Mark Klimek Nclex Prep 2023 Questions And Correct Verified Answers Latest Updated 2024/2025 Best Exam Solution Top Ranked A+ For Success Kayexalate and a lot of fluids (slow, permanent solution) Kayexalate = "K exits late" "Thyroidism", think __________. - CORRECT ANSWERS Metabolism Hyperthyroidism is... - CORRECT ANSWERS Hyper metabolism Grave's disease ("run yourself into the grave") What are S/S of hyperthyroidism? - CORRECT ANSWERS Weight loss High HR/BP Heat intolerance, cold tolerance Bulging eyes (exophthalmos) Treatment for hyperthyroidism? - CORRECT ANSWERS 1. Radioactive iodine (Pt needs to be in a room by themselves for 24 hours, after tx be careful with their urine). 2. PTU (Propylthiouracil = "Puts Thyroid Under", cancer drug that causes immunosuppression) 3. Thyroidectomy (total or partial) What is a patient with a total thyroidectomy at risk for? - CORRECT ANSWERS Hypocalcemia, tetany d/t hypocalcemia What is a patient with a subtotal (partial) thyroidectomy at risk for? - CORRECT ANSWERS Thyroid storm/crisis ***MEDICAL EMERGENCY*** 1. High temps 105 F or > 2. High BPs 3. Severe tachycardia (180s) 4. Psychotic delirium What is the treatment for thyroid storm? - CORRECT ANSWERS Ice pack, cooling blanket, 10L O2 mask Mark Klimek Nclex Prep 2023 Questions And Correct Verified Answers Latest Updated 2024/2025 Best Exam Solution Top Ranked A+ For Success NO MEDS After a thyroidectomy, what are the post-op risks in the first 12 hours, 12-48 hrs, and after 72 hrs? - CORRECT ANSWERS First 12 hours: Airway, Hemorrhage 12-48 hours: *T*otal = *T*etany due to hypocalcemia, Partial = Thyroid storm After 72 hours: Infection What are S/S of hypothyroidism? - CORRECT ANSWERS Obesity Flat/dull personality Cold intolerance, heat tolerance Low HR/BP Treatment for hypothyroidism? 2 things to know about these patients? - CORRECT ANSWERS Thyroid replacement (Levothyroxine/Synthroid) 1. Do NOT sedate these patients (can lead to myxedema coma) 2. NEVER hold thyroid medication without an order.