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Maternal-Child Nursing Exam 1 with Verified Answers, Exams of Nursing

Detailed information and correct answers related to a maternal-child nursing exam. It covers a wide range of topics, including pregnancy terminology, trimesters, danger signs, nutritional needs, weight gain, maternal phenylketonuria (pku), prenatal visits, and various laboratory tests. The document aims to equip nursing students with the necessary knowledge and understanding to effectively manage maternal-child health during pregnancy, delivery, and the postpartum period. The comprehensive coverage of these topics makes this document a valuable resource for nursing students preparing for exams or seeking to deepen their understanding of maternal-child nursing.

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Available from 08/04/2024

Lectjoshua 🇺🇸



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NR327,Maternal-Child Nursing Exam 1 with

verified answers

Gravidity nn- nncorrect nnanswers-number nnof nnpregnancies

Parity nn- nncorrect nnanswers-Number nnof nnpregnancies nnthat nnhave nnreached nnor nnlasted nnlonger nnthan nn 20

nnweeks nnof nngestation, nnNOT nnthe nnnumber nnof nnfetuses. nnNot nnaffected nnby nnwhether nnthe nnfetus nnis

nnstillborn nnor nnalive.

GTPAL nnacronym nn- nncorrect nnanswers-Gravidity

Term nnbirths nn(38 nn- nn 42 nnweeks nnor nnmore)

Preterm nnbirths nn(20 nn- nn 37 nn6/7 nnweeks)

Abortions/Miscarriages nn(prior nnto nnviability)

Living nnchildren

First nnTrimester nn- nncorrect nnanswers- 0 nn- nn 13 nn6/7 nnweeks

Second nnTrimester nn- nncorrect nnanswers- 14 nn0/7 nn- nn 26 nn6/7 nnweeks

Third nnTrimester nn- nncorrect nnanswers- 27 nn0/7 nn- nn 40 nn6/7 nnweeks

First nnTrimester nndanger nnsigns nn- nncorrect nnanswers-Signs/Symptoms nnof nnUTI nn- nnburning nnwith nnurination,

nncloudy nnurine, nnfever, nnetc. nncan nncause nninfection nnand nninfection nncan nncause nnpreterm nnbirth

Severe nnvomiting nn- nnDehydration nnleads nnto nncontractions nn


Cramping/Bleeding nn- nnsign nnof nnpreterm nnbirth/labor

Second/Third nnTrimester nndanger nnsigns nn- nncorrect nnanswers-Gush nnof nnfluid nnbefore nn 37 nnweeks nn- nnmeans

nnher nnwater nnbroke

Vaginal nnbleeding nn- nnmight nnbe nnresult nnof nnplacenta nnprevia nnor nnabruption nnplacenta

Cramping nnbefore nn 38 nnweeks nn- nnstarts nnat nnlower nnback nnand nnwraps nnaround nnupper nnor nnlower

nnabdomen. nnUpper nnmeans nnpractice nncontractions. nnLowe, nnfeels nnlike nnperiod nncramping

Absence nnof nnmovement nn- nnmom nnshould nnfeel nn 10 - 20 nnmovements nnin nn 1 nnto nn 2 nnhours, nnif nnmom

nndoesn't nnfeel nnthat, nnthe nnmom nnshould nncome nnin nnright nnaway

Signs/Symptoms nnof nnUTI nn- nncan nncause nnpreterm nnlabor

Signs nnof nngestational nnHTN nn- nnblurred nnvision, nnsevere nnheadache nnthat nndoesn't nngo nnaway nnwith nnTylenol,

nnedema nnof nnthe nnface, nn

Epiastric nnpain nnin nnthe nnright nnupper nnquadrant nncan nnbe nnsign nnof nnpreeclampsia

Viability nn- nncorrect nnanswers-Point nnin nntime nnwhen nnan nninfant nnhas nnthe nncapacity nnto nnsurvive nnoutside

nnthe nnuterus. nnFor nnGTPAL nnit nnis nn 20 nnweeks.

Infants nnborn nnbetween nn 22 nnto nn 25 nnweeks nnare nnconsidered nnon nnthe nnthreshold.

EDD nnor nnEDC nn- nncorrect nnanswers-estimated nndate nnof nndelivery/confinement

Nagele's nnRule nn- nncorrect nnanswers-1st nnday nnof nnlast nnperiod nn+ nn 7 nndays nn- nn 3 nnmonths nn(Adjust nnyear nnas


Confirming nnPregnancy nn- nnPresumptive nn- nncorrect nnanswers-(What nnthe nnMom nnthinks nncan nnbe nna nnsign

nnof nnpregnancy nnbut nncan nnalso nnbe nna nnsign nnof nnsomething nnelse)

No nnperiods nn- nnAmenorrhea




Breast nnChanges

Uterine nnenlargement

Confirming nnPregnancy nn- nnProbable nn- nncorrect nnanswers-(What nnthe nnDoctor nnthinks nncan nnbe nna nnsign nnof

nnpreganncy nnbut nncan nnalso nnbe nna nnsign nnof nnsomething nnelse)

Positive nnpregnancy nntest

Abdominal nnenlargement

Hegar's nnsign nn- nnsoftening nnof nnlower nnuterus

Goodells nnsign nn- nnsoftening nnof nncervical nntip

Palpable nnFetal nnOutline

Ballotment nn- nnrebound nnof nnunengaged nnfetus

Confirming nnPregnancy nn- nnPositive nn- nncorrect nnanswers-(Only nntrue nnsigns nnof nnpregnancy nnthat nncannot

nnbe nnexplained nnby nnanything nnelse)

Fetal nnHeart nnTones

Fetal nnMovement nnfelt nnby nnexaminer


Measuring nnFundal nnHeight nn- nncorrect nnanswers-Between nn 18 nnto nn 32 nnweeks

Measured nnin nnCentimeters

Measure nnfrom nnsymphysis nnpubis nnto nnthe nntop nnof nnthe nnuterus nnfundus

Purpose: nnapproximates nngestational nnage

Nutritional nnNeeds nnDuring nnPregnancy nn- nnIncrease nn- nncorrect nnanswers-FOLIC nnACID nn- nn 600 nnmcg

nn(protects nnbabies nnfrom nnneural nntube nndefects, nncan nnbe nnsupplemented nnwith nnprenatal nnvitamins)

IRON nn- nnAnemia nnis nncommon nnduring nnpregnancy

CALCIUM nn- nn 1000 nnmg/day nnfor nnbone nndevelopment nn(Teenagers nnneed nnan nnadditional nn300mg nnof


CALORIES nn- nnduring nn2nd nntrimester nnneed nnto nnincrease nnby nn 340 nncal/day; nnduring nn3rd nntrimester nnneed

nnto nnincrease nnby nn 462 nncal/day; nnduring nnbreastfeeding nnneed nnto nnincrease nnby nn 450 - 500 nncal/day

WATER nn- nnneed nn 8 - 10 nnglasses, nn 2 - 3L

Nutritional nnNeeds nnDuring nnPregnancy nn- nnDecrease nn- nncorrect nnanswers-Caffeine- nnup nnto nn 200 nnmg

more nnthan nn500mg nncan nncause nniugr, nnor nnthe nnbaby nnto nnbe nngrown nnpre-term

Smoking nn- nncan nncause nnabortion nn(delivery nnbefore nn 20 nnweeks)/iugr nnas nnwell

Drugs nn- nnshould nnnot nnbe nntaken nnunless nntalking nnto nndoctor

Fried nnFoods nn- nncan nncause nncholesthisasis, nngas, nnnausea


Lunch nnMeat-lysteria

Expected nnWeight nnGain nn- nnNormal nnBMI nn(18.5-24.9) nn- nncorrect nnanswers-11.5 nn- nn 16 nnkg

25 nn- nn 35 nnlbs

Expected nnWeight nnGain nn- nnUnderweight nnBMI nn- nncorrect nnanswers-12.5 nn- nn 18 nnkg

27.5 nn- nn 40 nnlbs

Expected nnWeight nnGain nn- nnOverweight nnBMI nn- nncorrect nnanswers- 7 nn- nn11.5 nnkg

15 nn- nn 25 nnlbs

Expected nnWeight nnGain nn- nnOvese nnBMI nn(>30) nn- nncorrect nnanswers- 7 nnkg

15 nnlbs

Maternal nnPhenylketonuria nn(PKU) nn- nncorrect nnanswers-Maternal nngenetic nndisease

High nnlevels nnof nnPKU nn- nndanger nnto nnfetus

PKU nndiet- nnat nnleast nn 3 nnmonths nnprior nnto nnpregnancy nn

Diet nnlow nnin nnPKU


Blood nnlevels nnmonitored

Prenatal nnVisit nn- nncorrect nnanswers-Vital nnSigns

Weight nn- nn1lb/week nn

Urine nnSample nn- nncheck nnfor nnprotein

  • nnProtein nnincreasing nn= nnincreased nnrisk nnfor nnpreeclampsia nnand nngestational nnHTN

Fundal nnheight

Leopold's nnManeuvers


  • nnNormal nnFetal nnActivity, nnFetal nnHeart nnTones

Labs nn- nncorrect nnanswers-CBC




Blood nnType/RH

RPR-STI nntesting


Hep nnB



Toxoplasmosis nn& nnTorch nnscreening


CBC nn- nncorrect nnanswers-Platelets nn- nnLOW, nnblood nnis nnnot nnclotting nnat nnrisk nnfor nnhemorrhage

Hgb/Hct nn- nnBaseline, nnif nnshe's nnanemic nnbefore/after nndelivering nnthe nnbaby

WBC nn- nnInfection. nnIn nnLabor nnit nnis nnnormal nnfor nnWBC nnto nnbe nnelevated nnjust nna nnlittle nnbit nnover nnnormal


Blood nnType/RH nn- nncorrect nnanswers-Need nnto nnknow nnwhat nntype nnof nnblood nnis nnneeded nnif nnpatient

nnstarts nnbleeding; nnNeed nnRH nnfactor nnfor nnCoumbs nnTest, nnif nnblood nntype nnis nncompatible nnwith nnbaby's

nnblood nntype nnor nnnot. nnNeed nnto nngive nnRhoGAM nn 72 nnhours nnafter nndelivery nnif nnmom nnand nnbaby nnhave

nndifferent nnRH nnfactors

RPR nn- nncorrect nnanswers-Testing nnfor nnsyphilis

GBS nn- nnGroup nnB nnStreptococcus nn- nncorrect nnanswers-Lives nnin nna nnlot nnof nnwomen's nnvaginas nnbut nnonce

nnit nngets nnon nnthe nnbaby nnduring nnlabor nnthen nnit nnis nnserious nnand nncan nncause nnthe nnbaby nnto nnget nnsick.

nnTest nnis nnusually nndone nnat nn 35 nnweeks nnso nnif nnshe nngoes nninto nnlabor nnearlier, nnshe nnmust nnbe nntreated nnlike

nnshe nnis nnGBS nnpositive. nnPenicillin nnis nngiven nnto nnmom nnor nnif nnshe nnis nnallergic nncephazolin

Hepatitis nnB nn- nncorrect nnanswers-We nndo nnnot nnwant nnbaby nnto nncontact nnmother's nnblood. nnTake nnbaby

nnand nnwash nnthem nnbefore nnstart nnpoking nnbabies nnand nngiving nnthem nnimmunizations. nnHepatitis nnB nnbaby

nnwill nnreceive nnHep nnB nnvaccine nnwithin nn 12 - 24hrs nnafter nnbirth nnand nnimmunoglobulins

HIV nn- nncorrect nnanswers-Mom nnis nntested nntwice, nnfirst nnprenatal nnvisit nnand nnthird nntrimester, nnif nnmom

nnrefuses, nnwe nnask nnagain nnduring nndelivery nnand nntest nnbaby nnafterwards nnbecause nnit nnis nnmandatory.

nnSame nnprecautions nnas nnHep nnB.

Rubella nn- nncorrect nnanswers-need nnto nnknow nnif nnit nnis nnnegative nnor nnpositive. nnNeed nnMMR nnvaccine, nncan

nnonly nnbe nngiven nnafter nndelivery nnof nnbaby, nncannot nnbe nngiven nnduring nnpregnancy nnbecause nnit nnis nna nnlive

nnvaccine. nnOnly nnvaccines nnthat nnare nnallowed nnare nnTdap nnand nnFlu nnvaccine

VDRL nn- nncorrect nnanswers-(venereal nndisease nnresearch nnlab)- nnsyphilis nnscreen nn(mandated nnby nnlaw)

Tell nnpregnant nnmom nnto nnALWAYS nncall nnthe nnMD nnif... nn- nncorrect nnanswers-Swelling nn- nnin nnfeet/arm nnare

nnnormal nnunless nnit nnis nn+2, nnswelling nnin nnface nnis nnnot nnnormal

Decreased nnFetal nnMovement nn- nn 10 - 20 nnmovements nnper nnhour

Pain nnon nnurination nn- nnUTI, nncan nncause nnpre-term nnlabor, nnmiscarriage

Fluid nnLeaking

Headache nnthat nndoesn't nngo nnaway

S/S nninfection

Vaginal nnBleeding nn- nnnot nnnormal nnduring nnpregnancy


Labor nnS/S nn- nnwater nnbreaking, nndecreased nnfetal nnmovement, nncontractions, nnreally nnbad nndiarrhea,

nnnausea, nnvomiting/ nnflu-like nnsymptoms.