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Maternal Newborn Proctored Exam 2024, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive study guide for a maternal newborn proctored exam scheduled for 2024. It covers a wide range of topics related to pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum care, including questions with correct answers on subjects such as fundal height measurement, causes of placental abruption, fetal heart rate monitoring, adverse effects of medications, amniocentesis complications and purposes, newborn reflexes, hiv care, gestational diabetes, postpartum hemorrhage, placenta previa, hypoglycemia in newborns, and more. The level of detail and the range of topics suggest this document could be useful for university-level nursing or midwifery students preparing for an exam on maternal and newborn health. A valuable resource for students to review key concepts, test their knowledge, and ensure they are well-prepared for the proctored exam.

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Available from 10/05/2024

rosemary-shayo 🇺🇸



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Download Maternal Newborn Proctored Exam 2024 and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! Maternal newborn proctored exam 2024 Questions with correct Answers. Guaranteed Grade A. 32 weeks gestation fundal measuring - ANS+/- 2 cm so should be 30-34 cm only or report to provider a cause of abruptio placenta - ANSrecent cocaine use a client that should be able to auscultate FHR - ANSclient that has felt quickening for first time adverse effect of combined oral contraceptives - ANSdepression adverse effect of mag sulfate - ANSfeeling of warmth throughout the body amniocentesis complications - ANSleakage of amniotic fluid / preterm labor amniocentesis purposes - ANSgenetic or congenital disorders (not just sex of baby) Babinski reflex - ANSrun your finger from heel to toe and baby's toes will fan out care for HIV client for baby - ANSbathe baby before skin to skin contact causes for increase urinary output - ANSgestational diabetes with hyperglycemia client had boggy uterus and BP of 142/92, what nursing actions? - ANSwithhold methylergnovine 0.2 mg orally (can raise BP) client on mag sulfate, what is an adverse reaction? - ANS20 ml/hour urine output (normal is 30 ml/hour) client on oxytocin and late decelerations start - ANSmove client to lateral position client s/p epidural and has hypotension - ANSturn client to her side client with polyhydramnios - ANSbaby might have GI anomalies cytomegalovirus infection can cause newborn to have what - ANShearing loss cytomegalovirus teachings - ANSdroplet, transmission through newborn saliva and urine cytotec/misoprostol uses - ANSripening/softening/opening cervix d/c breastfeeding instructions - ANSfeeds 15-20 mins per breast feeds at least every 3 hours Dinoprostone (Cervidil) - ANS-cervical ripening; produces contractions, dilation & effacement of cervix, and verify informed consent was obtained before giving during nonstress test, FHR is 130 w/o accelerations - ANSwhen to use an acoustic stim on abdomen for 3 seconds expected finding on newborn after nuchal cord - ANSpetechiae (tiny red spots) first action after delivery - ANSID band before vit K, eye ointment and weight first trimester sign/symptom to report to provider - ANSswelling of the face first trimester sono teaching - ANSwill need a full bladder for exam first trimester vomiting and nausea - ANSeat foods that are served at cool temps food to increased vitamin B12 - ANSfortified soy milk hispanic cultural practices for clients postpartum - ANSprotect feet and head from cold air how often to increase oxytocin IV during a normal labor - ANSIncrease rate every 30-60 minutes how to minimize pain during heel stick on newborns - ANSplace baby skin to skin on mother jaundice phototherapy actions before you begin - ANSclose newborns eyes under eye shields Kleihauer-Betke test - ANSused to detect fetal blood in maternal circulation (may indicate placenta abruption) low back pain during latent phase of labor - ANSapply counter pressure to lower back during contractions mag sulfate can prevent what - ANSseizures mag sulfate clients to report to provider - ANSclient that has absent deep tendon reflexes