Download Maternity Nursing: Comprehensive Exam Preparation and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! MATERNITY V1 (RELIAS LABOR AND DELIVERY RN A V1) 1. Nurse sees umbilical cord showing up from the vagina. After nurse called for help, what is the next thing the nurse should do? - Answers -/Put patient in knee/ chest position 2. Father call clinic and reports to the nurse that his wife after having the baby has unexpected change of mood and cries for everything. The nurse should advise... - Answers -Call back in two or three weeks if the symptoms don't improve 3. Woman is having a spinal headache. What the nurse should do? - Answers -Set up the table with everything ready for the anesthesiology next to the patient 4. Question about Negle's Rule. The only question about this. - Answers -Baby is having intrauterine growth restriction 5. Question about contractions too soon and the woman is 6 cm effacement. There are two answers with Pitocin, one said stop Pitocin, the other one slow Pitocin. - Answers - Stop Pitocin 6. Woman 33 weeks says she was having moderated bleeding. She stop bleeding, no pain and stomach is firm - Answers -Abrupt placenta 7. Pregnant adolescents need to be educated about - Answers -Iron deficient anemia 8. Woman delivered a big baby after a long labor..... nurse should - Answers -watch for signs of hemorrhage 9. Woman with type I diabetes.... - Answers -Insulin needs are reduced while breastfeeding 10. Baby 3 day old. Parents tell the nurse that the baby is trying to walk. - Answers - Nurse explain that this is normal, is the step reflex 11. Client delivers a LGA baby, Pitocin is infusing. Everything looks ok. - Answers -the nurse put the baby to latch 12. The newborn is irritable, tremor, excessive crying..... - Answers -baby needs a drug screening 13. Woman is having morning sickness but doesnt want any pharmacology drugs. Which plant can she have? - Answers -Ginger 14. Patient is having signs of mag toxicity (flushing, sweating, hypotension, depressed reflexes) - Answers -Stop the magnesium infusion 15. Mom just finish feeding bb and ask the nurse help to change the baby's diaper, baby vomits..... nurse first thing to do is? - Answers -A/Nurse turn the baby to the side position and suction the baby with a bulb aspirator (the blue thing) 16. Best sign that the baby is doing well in the extrauterine life... - Answers -baby crying strong and loud 17. Jehovaha witness woman having a postpartum hemorrhage. - Answers -Nurse review woman preferences about blood transfusion 18. At 36 weeks, woman with gestational diabetes, baby measure 8 pounds and they decide to do an amniocentesis. Why is this performed? - Answers -/ to check the maturity of the baby's lungs 19. Baby has a cephalhematoma what the nurse need to do? - Answers -Check for jaundice every 8 hours 20. Woman scheduled for a programmed c-section. Before the surgery she tells the nurse that she had a cup of coffee in the morning. What the nurse do? - Answers - inform it to the anesthesiologist 21. The nurse notes that the baby has a hematoma on the right side of the head. What the nurse do? - Answers -report the findings to the dr. 22. Getting ready for discharge, the nurse has to give the vaccines to the newborn. The nurse has to do first... - Answers -Get consent for hep B vaccine 23. Lady girth measurement on a prenatal visit was 27 inches and 3 weeks later is 28. - Answers -Normal finding, document it. 24. Lady had a rupture of membranes, the nurse should inform to the dr. - Answers - BHR of 100 to 110 bpm 25. Nurse made a home visit to a client that just have a baby 3 days ago. The mom is breastfeeding. The baby has white patches in his mouth. The nurse.... - Answers - discuss with the mother the need of antibiotics for the baby 26. Client just delivered a baby. The dr immediately gives the baby to the nurse. What the nurse should do first? - Answers -warm the baby under the lamp 27. Mother had a car accident, and is at the hospital. The most important finding that the nurse should report to the dr. is? - Answers -Baby is hemoglobin positive 28. The pregnant woman best time to count the baby movements is? - Answers -For one hour the baby should have 10 or 15 kicks in an hours if she does not have enough kicks she should drink orange juice and star counting again.