Download Medical Terminology Study Guide for Obstetrics and Cardiology Exam in 2024 and more Exams Medicine in PDF only on Docsity! Med Term Final Exam Study Guide 2024 amni/o - ANS>> amnion, fetal membrane chori/o - ANS>> chorion embry/o - ANS>> embryo, to be full fet/o, fet/i - ANS>> fetus, unborn child gravid/o - ANS>> pregnancy lact/o - ANS>> milk nat/o - ANS>> birth omphal/o - ANS>> umbilical cord, the navel par/o - ANS>> bear, give birth to, labor, childbirth puerper/o - ANS>> childbirth cephal/o - ANS>> head` esophag/o - ANS>> esophagus (tube leading from the throat to the stomach) pelv/o - ANS>> pelvic bone, pelvis prim/o - ANS>> first pseud/o - ANS>> false pylor/o - ANS>> pylorus terat/o - ANS>> malformations ante- - ANS>> before pre- - ANS>> before micro- - ANS>> small multi- - ANS>> many nulli- - ANS>> none post- - ANS>> after -amnios - ANS>> amnion, amniotic fluid -cyesis - ANS>> pregnancy -e - ANS>> noun suffix, no meaning -is - ANS>> noun suffix, no meaning -partum - ANS>> childbirth, labor -rrhexis - ANS>> rupture -tocia - ANS>> birth, labor -um - ANS>> noun suffix, no meaning -us - ANS>> noun suffix, no meaning abortion - ANS>> termination of pregnancy by the expulsion from the uterus of an embryo before fetal viability, usually before 20 weeks of gestation eclampsia - ANS>> severe complication and progression of preeclampsia characterized by convulsion and coma. Eclampsia is a potentially life-threatening disorder ectopic pregnancy - ANS>> pregnancy occurring outside the uterus, commonly in the uterine tubes preeclampsia - ANS>> abnormal condition encountered during pregnancy or shortly after delivery characterized by high blood pressure, edema, and proteinuria, but with no convulsions or coma. The cause is unknown; if not successfully treated the condition will progress to eclampsia. Eclampsia is the third most common cause of maternal death in the United States after hemorrhage and infection down syndrome - ANS>> congenital condition characterized by varying degrees of mental retardation and multiple defects fetal alcohol syndrome - ANS>> a condition caused by excessive alcohol consumption by the mother during pregnancy. Various birth defects may present, including central nervous system dysfunction and malformations of the skull and face breech presentation - ANS>> parturition (act of giving birth) in which the buttocks, feet, or knees emrge first cardiac arrest - ANS>> sudden cessation of cardiac output and effective circulation, which requires cardiopulmonary resuscitation congestive heart failure - ANS>> inability of the heart to pump enough blood through the body to supply the tissues and organs with nutrients and oxygen deep vein thrombosis (DVT) - ANS>> condition of thrombus in a deep vein of the body. Most often occurs in the lower extremities. A clot can break off and travel to he lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism myocardial infarction - ANS>> Death (necrosis) of a portion of the myocardium caused by lack of oxygen resulting from an interrupted blood supply emboli - ANS>> blood clot or foreign material, such as air or fat, that enters the blood stream and moves until it lodges at another point in the circulation anemia - ANS>> reduction in the amount of hemoglobin in the red blood cells. Anemia may be caused by blood lose or decrease in the production or increase in the destruction of red blood cells leukemia - ANS>> malignant disease characterized by excessive increase in abnormal white blood cells formed in the bone marrow cardiac pacemaker - ANS>> Battery-powered apparatus implanted under the skin with leads placed on the heart or in the chamber of the heart cardiac catheterization - ANS>> an examination to determine to condition of the heart and surrounding blood vessels. Acatheter is passed into the heart through blood vessel and is used to record pressures and inject a contrast medium, enabling the visualization of the coronary arteries, great vessels, and the heart chambers; used most frequently to evaluate chest pain and coronary arter y disease pulse - ANS>> The number of times per minute the heartbeat is felt on the arterial wall. The pulse rate is most commonly felt over the radial artery; however, the pulsations can be felt over a number of sites, including the femoral and carotid arteries defibrillaion - ANS>> application of an electric shock to the myocardium through the chest wall to restore normal cardiac rhythm hyperlipidemia - ANS>> excessive amount of fats (triglycerides and cholesterol) in the blood hemorrhage - ANS>> rapid loss of blood, as in bleeding BP - ANS>> blood pressure CHF - ANS>> congestive heart failure CPR - ANS>> cardiopulmonary resuscitation IV - ANS>> intravenous MI - ANS>> myocardial infarction an/o - ANS>> anus antr/o - ANS>> antrum cec/o - ANS>> cecum col/o - ANS>> colon colon/o - ANS>> colon duoden/o - ANS>> duodenum enter/o - ANS>> intestine gastr/o - ANS>> stomach ile/o - ANS>> ileum jejun/o - ANS>> jejunum or/o - ANS>> mouth stomat/o - ANS>> mouth proct/o - ANS>> rectum rect/o - ANS>> rectum sigmoid/o - ANS>> sigmoid colon abdomen/o - ANS>> abdomen appendic/o - ANS>> appendix cheil/o - ANS>> lip cholangi/o - ANS>> bile duct chol/e - ANS>> gall, bile diverticul/o - ANS>> diverticulum, or blind pouch, extending from a hollow or organ gingiv/o - ANS>> gum hepat/o - ANS>> liver herni/o - ANS>> hernia, or protrusion of an organ through a membrane or cavity wall palat/o - ANS>> palate hemi- - ANS>> half -pepsia - ANS>> digestion adhesion - ANS>> abnormal growing together of two peritoneal surfaces that normally are separated. this may occur after abdominal surgery. surgical treatment is called adhesiolysis or adhesiotomy anorexia nervosa - ANS>> An eating disorder causing people to obsess about weight and what they eat cirrhosis - ANS>> Chronic disease of the liver with gradual destruction of cells and formation of scar tissue; commonly caused by alcoholism and certain types of viral hepatitis hemorrhoid - ANS>> Swollen or distended veins in the rectal area, which may be internal or external, and can be a source of rectal bleeding and pain ileus - ANS>> Non-mechanical obstruction of the intestine, often caused by failure of peristalsis obesity - ANS>> Excess of body fat polyp - ANS>> Tumorlike growth extending outward from a mucous membrane; usually benign; common sites are in the nose, throat, and intestines ulcerative colitis - ANS>> Inflammation of the colon with the formation of ulcers that produces bloody diarrhea. A proctocolectomy with a permanent ileostomy is a standard treatment ascites - ANS>> Abnormal collection of fluid in the peritoneal cavity dysentery - ANS>> Disorder that involves inflammation of the intestine associated with diarrhea and abdominal pain oste/o - ANS>> bone scoli/o - ANS>> crooked, curved inter- - ANS>> between supra- - ANS>> above syn- - ANS>> together, joined -asthenia - ANS>> weakness -clast - ANS>> break -physis - ANS>> growth -schisis - ANS>> split, fissure fracture - ANS>> broken bone bunion - ANS>> abnormal prominence of the joint at the base of the great toe, the metatarsal-phalangeal joint gout - ANS>> disease in which an excessive amount of uric acid in the blood causes sodium urate crystals (tophi) to be deposited in the joints, producing arthritis osteoporosis - ANS>> abnormal loss of bone density that may lead to an increase in fractures of the ribs, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, hips, and wrists after slight trauma spinal stenosis - ANS>> narrowing of the spinal canal w/ compression of nerve roots prosthesis - ANS>> artificial substitute for a missing body part orthopedist - ANS>> physician who specializes in the study and treatment of diseases and abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system C1-C7 - ANS>> cervical vertebrae Fx - ANS>> fracture OA - ANS>> osteoarthritis RA - ANS>> rheumatoid arthritis cerebr/o - ANS>> cerebrum, brain encephal/o - ANS>> brain meningi/o - ANS>> meninges neur/o - ANS>> nerve ment/o - ANS>> mind psych/o - ANS>> mind -iatrist - ANS>> specialist, physician aden/o - ANS>> gland endocrin/o - ANS>> endocrine pituitar/o - ANS>> pituitary gland dips/o - ANS>> thirst natr/o - ANS>> sodium -drome - ANS>> run, running Alzheimer's disease - ANS>> characterized by early senility, confusion, loss of recognition of familiar surroundings and people, restlessness. Parkinson's disease - ANS>> chronic degenerative disease of the central nervous system. Signs and symptoms include resting tremors of the hands and feet, rigidity, expressionless face, and shuffling gait. It usually occurs after the age of 50 years. sciatica - ANS>> inflammation of the sciatic nerve shingles - ANS>> Viral disease caused by herpes that hibernates along nerve pathways causing blisters on the skin along those pathways during out breaks. stroke - ANS>> interruption of blood in the brain coma - ANS>> state of unconciousness concussion - ANS>> injury to the brain convulsion - ANS>> sudden, involuntary contraction of muscles seizure - ANS>> sudden, abnormal electrical activity in the brain syncope - ANS>> fainting or sudden loss of consciousness bipolar disorder - ANS>> major psychological disorder typified by a disturbance in mood. The disorder is manifested by manic and depressive episodes that may alternate or elements of both may occur simultaneously. diabetes insipidus - ANS>> decreased secretion of antidiuretic hormone by posterior lobe of pituitary gland diabetes mellitus - ANS>> chronic disease of carbohydrate metabolism. elevated blood sugar. causes chronic renal disease, retinopathy, neuropathy metabolism - ANS>> sum total of all the chemical processes CNS - ANS>> central nervous system LP - ANS>> lumbar puncture FBS - ANS>> fasting blood sugar